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Craig Th


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The episode aint even over yet and this is already my favorite.


CLAUDE as Bennet's partner!

arrival of the Haitian!

Eric Roberts!

HIRO'S FATHER in charge of Bennett's company!!!

Kid HIRO playing Gameboy!


The flashbacks are awesome. Tons of big revelations.


I hear Heroes is sticking to the "Story arc per season" format, the nuke storyline is this season. Good move that will (hopefully) prevent LOST-itis where the mysteries get dragged out forever.

I think that they actually broke the season down into three "arcs" with one all-encompasing story connecting the season.


Who do you think will play Linderman?

I agree with the Malcolm McDowell sentiment. Would've loved to see Bill Duke as Linderman though.

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Up until this point we're being lead to believe that the bucks stops with HRG and Eric Roberts so the person pulling the strings on the Haitian is A) Either somebody higher up that we haven't met yet or B) Somebody outside the company who holds some influence. Nathan has the money and power to buy off people at will and The Haitian could be one of those people.


I'd need to rewatch the episode but when HRG gets upset at the Haitian for not erasing Claire's memory he (the Haitian) makes a comment about his orders coming from somebody who cares more for Claire then he does. I could be wrong but the comment seemed personal which made me think of Nathan.


How about next weeks show? Simone is......uh........not dead?


And Lushus, it doesn't matter what I can or cannot see. Tag it the next time. We all aren't experts at recognizing peoples fucking haircuts.

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I'd need to rewatch the episode but when HRG gets upset at the Haitian for not erasing Claire's memory he (the Haitian) makes a comment about his orders coming from somebody who cares more for Claire then he does. I could be wrong but the comment seemed personal which made me think of Nathan.


He says "someone in Claire's life". I think it's Nathan as well.


Just watched it again online. People earned some Emmys with this one.

Edited by KingPK

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Guest Shylock

I honestly don't think the person that the Hatian answers to is anyone involved (directly) with Linderman or the company that HRG works for. I'm inclined to think it's someone who wants the better for her and right now the leading guy in my mind is Claude, but I don't know. He's been living in isolation for a while now and doesn't really care for people in general, but he did care enough for other people with abilities to put them into hiding so that they didn't get taken in by the company.. so, never know. And when asked about who he was hiding, he did respond "What if it was Claire?" on the bridge. The Haitian came in before Claude was outted, so maybe could be the one pulling his strings. Claude may not have money, but I don't believe anyone was paying him or pulling his strings when he hid people away from the company. So it could be virtually the same thing for the Haitian, where it's more of a moral choice to help Claire than a monetary one. After that many years of eradicating people's memories, I'm sure it could kinda start getting to him just like that kinda stuff got to Claude.


Nathan could be one too, but how would that go unnoticed? He never gave any hint of knowing about Claire past her supposedly dying in a fire. It'd be kinda out of the blue even if his money and influence would fit the bill.


And for clarification: I'm not too clear on this, but aren't HRG and Eric Robert's character basically working for Linderman? I thought that's how it was set up, but maybe I'm mistaken.

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It's never been confirmed or not that HRG and Roberts are working for Linderman.

It's possible that Linderman owns Primatech, but HRG and Roberts don't know this.

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I wonder if Eric Roberts has powers that we don't know about. When HRG asked The Haitian about Claire and who knows she's special he said "For now just us. But soon that will change" it seemed to imply that Roberts would find out somehow regardless of what they did. I could just be reading too much into it.

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Jesus Christ... that could have been a season finale.




Best Drama on network TV right now.


The only thing that I have to wonder is... does Takei know? I mean there are plenty of other things, but this one jumped out for me big time.

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Does he know what? That's a vague-ass statement.


I think we're going to see Simone's father showing up in flashbacks. The fact that Sulu turned Claire over to HRG on the roof of his building coupled with Claude hanging out there all the time has to mean something.

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I think some of the shine was taken off of HRG during the flashbacks scene with Claude when he told Claude that they were responsible for looking out for The Companies interests and Claude replied "And have you ever stopped to think of what exactly those interests are?". That and the fact that Eric Roberts more or less said that when they're done studying Ted they'll kill him.


But we all know that won't happen. Methinks that Sylar will be very interested in stealing Ted's powers once he finds out about him.

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Up until this point we're being lead to believe that the bucks stops with HRG and Eric Roberts so the person pulling the strings on the Haitian is A) Either somebody higher up that we haven't met yet or B) Somebody outside the company who holds some influence. Nathan has the money and power to buy off people at will and The Haitian could be one of those people.


I'd need to rewatch the episode but when HRG gets upset at the Haitian for not erasing Claire's memory he (the Haitian) makes a comment about his orders coming from somebody who cares more for Claire then he does. I could be wrong but the comment seemed personal which made me think of Nathan.


How about next weeks show? Simone is......uh........not dead?


And Lushus, it doesn't matter what I can or cannot see. Tag it the next time. We all aren't experts at recognizing peoples fucking haircuts.



I don't think that it can be Nathan who is in charge of the Haitian. They have already met when HRG and the Haitian kidnapped him, and he flew away in what I presumed to be a panic. Although, I guess that it could have been a result of the Haitian knowing him and not stopping his powers, but that starts to get a little far fetched. He also didn't seem to know at all about Claire, or care all that much.


Also, I'm thinking that Simone is not alive, but rather that clip was from a flashback/dream type sequence with either Peter or Isaac.

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wow, I never saw that response from Curry...settle the fuck down, dude, my bad...I thought we had already mentioned at some point in this thread that Malcolm McDowell was joining the cast and we all speculated he was playing Linderman. Gee, they say we're finding out who Linderman is, the show a semi-profile shot of a gray haired dude, it doesn't take a genius to figure it out. My response was not even directed to you in the first place really. Calm the fuck down already, man.

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A "settle the fuck down" and a "calm the fuck down" in the same paragraph of Lushus' post. Nice.


It's not really that big of a spoiler anyways. Who cares who is playing Linderman. The spoiler would be what his role is in everything.

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Yeah, it was a response to me, not Curry. I missed where McDowell was announced or speculated to join the cast.


He was actually 1 of 3 people I thought of when I saw the teaser.


1) Malcom McDowell

2) Donald Sutherland

3) That dude that was behind everything in The Matrix



I was hoping for Sutherland.

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Everybody needs to calm the fuck down and settle the fuck up. Lushus seems to be under the impression that so long as you're only directing it at one person then spoiling is ok. I'll remember that for future postings.

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*calming the fuck down!*


again, Curry, I had said that I thought we speculated on that already, that's why I did not spoiler tag it...I mean, how the fuck do I even know, really? Not like I've seen episodes in advance or anything. That was my guess, is all. I know when spoiler tags are necessary. I don't have insider info on the show or anything. So for MY future posts, I'll remember to say that I'm merely speculating.

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You know what's funny? Noone's mentioned anything about the Spider-Man 3 "preview" that's supposed to debut with the show next week.


Horn Rimmed Glasses. I think it got its start over on the Television Without Pity boards, though I could be wrong.

The captioning called him H.R.G. originally, so it came from the writers.

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