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Craig Th


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Did they say it was a "hero" that died? Because I expect it to be Ando just to send Hiro down that vengeful rage that we know he'll have once he becomes the "warrior".

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I think that they said it was actually a hero who dies. But, I, like niskie, don't follow what the ads say too closely. When they say a hero dies, it could mean a newly discovered hero or some minor character we don't even think of (like the little kid in India).

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"Whoring out"? So, was Buffy whoring herself out since she was THE focal point of the advertisement for that show? Or the millions of female characters that have the focal point of TV and movies for the past dozens of decades?


The show was built leading to that point, for Peter to save Claire. If Claire dies, the world ends because Sylar would have the key piece he needed.


Buffy was the focal character. The cheerleader is a minor character. They whore'd out Buffy too, literally, since she slept with every guy on the show. And yes, sex always is used to sell women on television. Television is the last place to look for a strong female character who doesn't need sex to sell their show.

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Buffy was the focal character. The cheerleader is a minor character. They whore'd out Buffy too, literally, since she slept with every guy on the show. And yes, sex always is used to sell women on television. Television is the last place to look for a strong female character who doesn't need sex to sell their show.

So, it's safe to say you don't watch the show at all, eh?

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"Whoring out"? So, was Buffy whoring herself out since she was THE focal point of the advertisement for that show? Or the millions of female characters that have the focal point of TV and movies for the past dozens of decades?


The show was built leading to that point, for Peter to save Claire. If Claire dies, the world ends because Sylar would have the key piece he needed.


Buffy was the focal character. The cheerleader is a minor character. They whore'd out Buffy too, literally, since she slept with every guy on the show. And yes, sex always is used to sell women on television. Television is the last place to look for a strong female character who doesn't need sex to sell their show.


Are you even watching this show? Aside from MAYBE Hiro, Claire is the most important character. There's countless examples of female leads in television history that aren't sold as sex.

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Agreed, however bear in mind that most important character does not necessarily mean a major character, although in this case I would say it does.


Examples of female leads blah blah blah: Although I've never watched, Joan of Arcadia and Veronica Mars come to mind. Ellen too, I suppose.

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Agreed, however bear in mind that most important character does not necessarily mean a major character, although in this case I would say it does.


Examples of female leads blah blah blah: Although I've never watched, Joan of Arcadia and Veronica Mars come to mind. Ellen too, I suppose.


The Gilmore Girls, Golden Girls, Mary Tyler Moore Show and much more.

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Claire is acting no more whorish than any 17 year old.


If fact less so. The fact that she is attractive and looks attractive in the show seems to bother you.



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Claire is acting no more whorish than any 17 year old.


If fact less so. The fact that she is attractive and looks attractive in the show seems to bother you.




How is she even acting whorish at all? She refused to have sex, she barely shows that much skin outside her cheerleader outfit and is always with Zach.

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I don't think MENSA is accusing the character of Claire of being a whore. I think he's saying that the show is pimping her out for ratings.


Regardless, he's wrong.



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Sylar must have super intelligence. He can easily understand complex systems, physiology, mechanics... I don't know if he actually eats the brains, I think he studies them and learns how to make his brain emulate the powers he sees. Not only is he fixing people, he's making himself special... selfish and "humanitarian".

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Sylar must have super intelligence. He can easily understand complex systems, physiology, mechanics... I don't know if he actually eats the brains, I think he studies them and learns how to make his brain emulate the powers he sees. Not only is he fixing people, he's making himself special... selfish and "humanitarian".

The beauty of it is you never see how he acquires the powers. Imagination does a better job than a visual reference ever could.

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Agreed. I like the idea of him figuring out the powers by looking at the brain (similar to how he figures out an fixes watches).

I get a creeped out version of House vibe thinking about it that way...

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Insane episode last night. I'm loving the last few episodes. The show is stripping away it's cheesiness, and building us some bona fide characters to watch.

Some thoughts.


-My money is on Niki/Jessica being the one to die. I think her story is the least central to the main theme of the show.


-Wondering what happens to the cops wife to have her go from thinking her husband is her hero and being so supportive to cheating on him.


-Haitian looks like draining others powers takes a lot out of him.


-I disagree with the Nathan hate. I don't think he saved himself by flying out of the car willingly. It looked like it was an involuntary reaction, maybe that was when his powers kicked in.

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I've said it before, Nathan always seems to be the most expendable...he's not interested in using his powers though he's very protective of Peter...I can see him realizing, in the end, that he must use his powers and will sacrifice himself for Peter.


I think it's Peter. I don't know how the whole "Save the Cheerleader" thing altered the timeline, but remember when Hiro teleported to Issac's apartment before the explosion and saw a newspaper that said Nathan wins the election by a landslide? I'm thinking that Peter dies and Nathan, being the selfish ass we have seen, uses it and his wife's paralysis to his advantage to gain the sympathy vote.


I don't think it's Peter. When Hiro teleported from the future to deliver a message to Peter he told him that he looks different without his scar, which implies that Peter is still around in the future.

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I've said it before, Nathan always seems to be the most expendable...he's not interested in using his powers though he's very protective of Peter...I can see him realizing, in the end, that he must use his powers and will sacrifice himself for Peter.


I think it's Peter. I don't know how the whole "Save the Cheerleader" thing altered the timeline, but remember when Hiro teleported to Issac's apartment before the explosion and saw a newspaper that said Nathan wins the election by a landslide? I'm thinking that Peter dies and Nathan, being the selfish ass we have seen, uses it and his wife's paralysis to his advantage to gain the sympathy vote.


I don't think it's Peter. When Hiro teleported from the future to deliver a message to Peter he told him that he looks different without his scar, which implies that Peter is still around in the future.


But Hiro came back to tell Peter to save the cheerleader, which may mean that in the future Hiro came from she died, so that would change things quite a bit...

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I say it's either a swerve, like someone dies but really doesn't or it's a lame death, like DL. He have Kitty Pride-like powers, so he can be considerated a "Hero" even if he's not a major character.

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I could see Eden dying or the Haitian as a possibility, but I do think that one of the main characters will go down.



Is the show coming back in January, or are they pulling a lost on us and making us wait a few months?

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I say it's either a swerve, like someone dies but really doesn't or it's a lame death, like DL. He have Kitty Pride-like powers, so he can be considerated a "Hero" even if he's not a major character.

Well, your first thought is pretty much the definition of "comic book death". And you're right - killing DL or Parkman would be lame, kind of like killing Boone, or Shannon, or anyone else who's died on Lost. Killing Ando would be a better choice.


Here's an odd thought - they've harped upon how Jack Coleman (HRG) is supposed to become a regular cast member with this coming episode - what if that's a swerve and HRG buys it?


Is the show coming back in January, or are they pulling a lost on us and making us wait a few months?

It's back in Jan. NBC just released their 2007 schedule, and nothing's changed on Mondays.

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I'd prefer it to be almost anyone but Ando. He's one of the rare non-powered characters on the show, but more importantly he's an interesting non-powered character (unlike Simone, Mohinder, etc.). Adds a different perspective to things than you get from everyone flying around reading minds and so on.

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I'd prefer it to be almost anyone but Ando. He's one of the rare non-powered characters on the show, but more importantly he's an interesting non-powered character (unlike Simone, Mohinder, etc.). Adds a different perspective to things than you get from everyone flying around reading minds and so on.

Well that's the whole point. Killing Ando would be a crippling blow emotionally, kinda like how killing Hurley in the first season of Lost would've been (sadly Hurley is nothing more than a 5 seconds per episode character at this point). He's had enough time invested in him to make it mean something to us, plus it's a way to propel the storyline forward.

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I agree that it'd be a huge blow, but I mean that it'd be a big loss more from a storytelling aspect. I think the show's writing benefits tremendously from having someone around who doesn't have any superpowers and is just along for the ride, both for a different point of view and to keep it from seeming like everybody in the world can walk through walls, etc. Superheroes aren't as interesting without their foils, sidekicks, and "regular" friends.

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FWIW, I'm pretty sure I read on IMDB that the dude who plays Ando is signed for a full 24 episodes.


Keep in mind though, that it's possible Ando can still be a character, considering Hiro can go back and forth in time. It'd still be really far-fetched for Hiro to keep seeing Ando everytime he jumps time.

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