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WWE meets TNA

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I watch Cold Pizza on ESPN2 every day and they always have Wrestling related interviews with WWE wrestlers. This morning they had John Cena on and they were asking him everything from The Marine to The Undertaker and even where he came up with "You can't see me."


Jay Crawford who was doing the interview brought up the fact that Cena once said he wanted to be a bullpen catcher for the Red Sox and then said that they had a real catcher there. They showed AJ Pierzinski (sp?) in TNA and Cena said he saw that. Cena then made fun of AJ for using a homeplate to beat up Diamonds in the Rough. He said he could get him some new weapons. Jay then brought out AJ who had the X Title that he was given. They talked about the belts and put them side by side to compare them.


Cena did the classy thing and didn't bash TNA eventhough he had the chance to do so on many levels. I wonder what Vince thought of that little segment.

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There really is no point in bashing TNA at this time...to bash them is to accept the fact that they feel threatened by them and I doubt Vince is at that point yet.

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Yeah I recapped the segment in the ESPN sucks thread. I don't think Cena's the type to bash other organizations. I'm interested to see the reaction to the movie by non-wrestling fans and how it does at the box office.

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Putting the belts together side by side would probably be considered "bashing" by the non-fan. The x-division title is pretty bare whereas Cena's spinner is all blinged out. Besides the AJ Pierzynski TNA segment was pretty damn silly to boot. WWE did try to get AJ in to work an angle at WM last year, but he didn't ant to do it because he knew they were only interested because of his TNA bit.

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It is entirely possible Cena likes TNA and thats why he didn't bash it. A few guys have talked about TNA and didn't bash it into the ground.


This isn't WCW vs WWF or Red Sox vs Yankees, the wrestlers have no reason to hate TNA.

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It would appear Cena just took the high road with AJ here because there wasn't any point in making an issue. Cena's putting himself out there as a humble, man of the people type figure (which is his own personality, anyways) and by being respectful towards AJ represented that.

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Yeah, really a non-issue. Besides Cena has friends in TNA(Joe and Daniels from his UPW days, as well as former wwe guys), and Cena and the rest of the workers realize that having another company independant of VKM and the wwe successful is a very good thing. Cena did throw some barbs, but they were good natured.

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It is entirely possible Cena likes TNA and thats why he didn't bash it. A few guys have talked about TNA and didn't bash it into the ground.


A couple of years back when I was still going to Hunter College in Manhattan Shane Helms came by for the SmackDown your Vote campaign. When I met him I said how it was a shame that he couldn't do the Vertibracker anymore and how it was a badass move. He asked if I watched TNA and I said "Yes." He then said "The Canadian Destroyer is the best finisher in the game right now." And that was when Petey was just starting to be used.


I know he also has a few friends in the TNA, Daniels being one of his biggest.

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It seems Daniels is friends with all the young wrestlers out there, which makes sense considering Punk once said that Daniels was the father figure for alot of young talents and he taught more people about the business then probably anyone else was ever willing to.

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In addition to Cold Pizza, Cena's on BET's 106th & Park right now. I'm sure he's got at least a couple more shows to promote his movie.

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I think Cena is probably too classy to bash another promotion. I've heard he's a really nice guy out of character. He probably doesn't care about any sort of drama like this.

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Guest Princess Leena

Cena on BET. Heh.


There's no reason for him to bash TNA. Everyone knows WWE is the major league of wrestling.

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yea you can tell cena was trying not to mention TNA (hell the host probably doesnt have a clue that TNA is a diffreent promotion than wwe) he just kind of said it was funny to see home plate used and that AJ pulled a "TO

" by autographing the plate after using it.


cena was ok on conan but not as funny as his last appearance in which conan called sabu a genie.

conans reaction to the clip of cena fu-ing viscera was pretty funny though "who is that guy?"

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I haven't had a chance to hear the replay yet, but Howard Stern's website has a short synopsis of Cena's appearance this morning. He mentioned that he won't leave WWE like the Rock did if his movie is successful. He also revealed that he has sex with fat women, including a recent encounter with a 280-pound fan, and implied that Chris Kanyon was fired not because he was gay, but because he wasn't entertaining. Nothing else really of note.

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He also revealed that he has sex with fat women, including a recent encounter with a 280-pound fan


Cena must have been a Bertha Faye fan then.


Also, I wish Russo was still booking WWE. John Cena as the Fat Chick Thrilla? Book it!

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He also revealed that he has sex with fat women, including a recent encounter with a 280-pound fan,



So...the girl gets on top of Cena and.... You Can't See Him?

He fears nothing and regrets less!


280 pounds though, god damn that can't be true. Cena himself is only like 240.

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