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WWE announces 2007 DVDs

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Hennig had a nice run against Hogan but there were a lot of politics involved because of his size. I'm not sure that the program drew all that well either. At the time, a lot of the dirtsheets were speculating that Hennig would win the belt at SNME after the Rumble and then drop it to the Ultimate Warrior at WM VI. Think about how different history would be if that happened.

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i think the belt that hennig smashed eventually became the hardcore belt. right?


That's the rumor. I'm not sure it was ever confirmed as truth.


Ditto. If I still have a photo of the title Hennig smashed, I should really compare it to a pic of the Hardcore title someday...

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Different belts entirely. The WWE belt Hennig smashed had the plates completely stripped from the leather and was thrown out. WWE had their staff custom-make the Hardcore belt.

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Different belts entirely. The WWE belt Hennig smashed had the plates completely stripped from the leather and was thrown out. WWE had their staff custom-make the Hardcore belt.


The Hardcore belt was basically a trashed-up version of the winged-eagle WWF Championship belt they used until after WrestleMania XIV.

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At the time, a lot of the dirtsheets were speculating that Hennig would win the belt at SNME after the Rumble and then drop it to the Ultimate Warrior at WM VI. Think about how different history would be if that happened.


Warrior still would have gone crazy.


Hogan would still claim Warrior couldn't handle it so Vince had to go back to him.


Instead of saying "Hennig should have been given a title run" we would be saying "Hennig should have been given a real title run."

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Hennig had a nice run against Hogan but there were a lot of politics involved because of his size. I'm not sure that the program drew all that well either. At the time, a lot of the dirtsheets were speculating that Hennig would win the belt at SNME after the Rumble and then drop it to the Ultimate Warrior at WM VI. Think about how different history would be if that happened.



According to Meltzer, the Perfect/Hogan Program was Hogan's lowest drawing program in his initial run in the WWF.

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The only other Wrestlemania's that can make serious money would be WM X and WM XII.


WM VI, WM XIV, and WM X-7 could all do really well. WM I, V and VIII probably could as well.

WM X and WM XII would have the whole country of Canada buying it.


Why would all of Canada buy XII? Can I assume you meant XIII? Which is a surprisingly bad show ten years later, save Bret-Austin (and the Chicago Streetfight was tolerable). My God, ten years later.


I could realistically see III, VI, X, XII, XIV and X-7 being money makers.

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Bret Hart fans would buy anything with him in it!

Yeah, you;re right.


Hey, maybe you did mean 12. After all, we did get to see thirty-or-so seconds of Shawn locked in the sharpshooter.

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The Hogan/Perfect feud had some great promos and angles. Hogan/Perfect was also a rumour for WM 6 to replace the other rumour of Hogan/Zeus happening. Vince quickly gave up on Zeus after that double pair ppv or some crappy ppv name where Hogan/Beefcake faced Macho/Zeus in a cage followed by the No Holds Barred Movie(this is so underground I wonder if it even happened sometimes the way it got swept under the rug:huh: The politics with Perfect's size came in play for his Mania main event push on both ends either against Warrior or Hogan.

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Bret Hart fans would buy anything with him in it!

Yeah, you;re right.


Hey, maybe you did mean 12. After all, we did get to see thirty-or-so seconds of Shawn locked in the sharpshooter.

Forget about Survivor Series 97 this is the beginning of the screw job call it the prologue if you will.

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The Hogan/Perfect feud had some great promos and angles. Hogan/Perfect was also a rumour for WM 6 to replace the other rumour of Hogan/Zeus happening. Vince quickly gave up on Zeus after that double pair ppv or some crappy ppv name where Hogan/Beefcake faced Macho/Zeus in a cage followed by the No Holds Barred Movie(this is so underground I wonder if it even happened sometimes the way it got swept under the rug:huh: The politics with Perfect's size came in play for his Mania main event push on both ends either against Warrior or Hogan.


The WWE tends to get criticized a lot these days for changing their minds a million times leading up to an event, but things really weren't much different back then. I just always assumed that the plan was Warrior/Hogan at Mania, but looking over the dirtsheets from that period, at different times in the months leading up to the show they considered Hogan/Zeus, Hogan/Perfect, Warrior/Perfect, Hogan Savage II, Hogan/Beefcake (heel), Warrior/Savage and Warrior (heel)/Hogan.

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Bret Hart fans would buy anything with him in it!

Yeah, you;re right.


Hey, maybe you did mean 12. After all, we did get to see thirty-or-so seconds of Shawn locked in the sharpshooter.

Forget about Survivor Series 97 this is the beginning of the screw job call it the prologue if you will.


In Bret's mind for sure. That interview he did on RAW from Germnay I think Bret said he always felt betrayed by the company when he lost that belt. The signs were there no doubt. Does anyone remember the stipulation by Piper for the ironman match? The wwe has done revisionist history with the stipulation as I've seen the Piper/Bret/HBK in-ring interview promoing the match and Piper said THERE MUST BE A WINNER. NO COUNTOUTS. NO DQ'S. ETC. THERE MUST BE A WINNER. I wonder why this is never brought up because Bret's biggest complaint was that there shouldn't have been overtime to decide a winner. Am I remembering wrong(I actually have the original tape of that raw and then saw the dvd version of the interview on HBK's dvd and it was slightly edited). Mark or smark something is strange with Bret's comments and then the wwe actually ignoring what President Piper set forth for the match which would make Bret look even more like a crybaby.


However, I'm not sure if I'm looking at this wrong because I never saw this brought up anywhere and there are some serious student of the game on the net who would pick up on this. HBK actually tried to give Bret props for being a good champion the night after the match, but Bret still kept ragging on HBK representing the wwf as champion. I really think this match started the whole beef with these guys and Bret started it somehow. Bret even said Vince set him up in Calgary papers a few weeks later by having HBK rest at home until the Rumble in '97, while he fought day and night from Africa to England and against giants like UT and Diesel. That he went into Mania looking like a beatdown champion against the "new generation" leader HBK.


Seriously, this whole story leading up to the Montreal screwjob does not all belong to the creative team at the time. You couldn't write some of this stuff. Bret knocking HBK by saying Austin was the best in the world upon his comeback. Bret quitting the night after The Rumble. Bret shoving down Vince and saying he screwed him after losing the wwf title match in a cage against Sid and on and on. There was real good reason for Vince to think something big might have happened that night in Montreal. Just too much backstage heat had boiled up and it all started from that ironman match.

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The Hogan/Perfect feud had some great promos and angles. Hogan/Perfect was also a rumour for WM 6 to replace the other rumour of Hogan/Zeus happening. Vince quickly gave up on Zeus after that double pair ppv or some crappy ppv name where Hogan/Beefcake faced Macho/Zeus in a cage followed by the No Holds Barred Movie(this is so underground I wonder if it even happened sometimes the way it got swept under the rug:huh: The politics with Perfect's size came in play for his Mania main event push on both ends either against Warrior or Hogan.


The WWE tends to get criticized a lot these days for changing their minds a million times leading up to an event, but things really weren't much different back then. I just always assumed that the plan was Warrior/Hogan at Mania, but looking over the dirtsheets from that period, at different times in the months leading up to the show they considered Hogan/Zeus, Hogan/Perfect, Warrior/Perfect, Hogan Savage II, Hogan/Beefcake (heel), Warrior/Savage and Warrior (heel)/Hogan.


In retrospect they should have saved Hogan/Warrior for WM VII in Los Angeles. That was the only match that had any chance of attracting 100,000 fans. They should have just kept building to it. Savage/Warrior would have done good as the main event of Mania VI where Warrior gets the belt. Savage could have simply got the belt in Detroit on Main Event in February by accident by Buster Douglas and would save Hogan face because you know that it had to be that way for him to agree to job. Warrior vs. Savage at Mania VI would have worked. Savage was still massively over at the time.


Now to really screw with changing minds a million times. Suppose the wwe went with Dibiase winning the title at WM IV instead of Savage and did the year build of Hogan/Dibiase? That was another reason they had booked Trump Plaza to play of Million Dollar Man. Hogan/Savage would be pushed back to WM VI and then Hogan/Warrior at VII. There a few things if done differently that might have prolonged wrestling's heat with the masses in my opinion, but they burned everything until they had to bring in Flair and Sid in 1991(even then if they used an NWA invasion angle it would have been great). Suppose Hogan/Flair happened at WM VIII instead? I'm saying this because you brought up a very good point. Did the wwf's always changing mind cause it to go downhill post Mania VI more than the Warrior reign causing it? I think it was the bad booking post SummerSlam '89 that caused the downfall.

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Now to really screw with changing minds a million times. Suppose the wwe went with Dibiase winning the title at WM IV instead of Savage and did the year build of Hogan/Dibiase? That was another reason they had booked Trump Plaza to play of Million Dollar Man. Hogan/Savage would be pushed back to WM VI and then Hogan/Warrior at VII. There a few things if done differently that might have prolonged wrestling's heat with the masses in my opinion, but they burned everything until they had to bring in Flair and Sid in 1991(even then if they used an NWA invasion angle it would have been great). Suppose Hogan/Flair happened at WM VIII instead? I'm saying this because you brought up a very good point. Did the wwf's always changing mind cause it to go downhill post Mania VI more than the Warrior reign causing it? I think it was the bad booking post SummerSlam '89 that caused the downfall.


Even if Dibiase got the belt at WM IV, they probably would have done the switch to Savage shortly thereafter, or at least by Summerslam. The WWF had never promoted a long-term heel champion at that point (well with the exception of Superstar but he was over like a face anyways). I guess in hindsight, running Warrior-Perfect or Warrior-Savage at Mania VI and saving the Warrior-Hogan match for Manian VII makes a lot of sense. On one hand, it gives you a chance to see how Warrior does in the main event role before burning the big Hogan rub, but then again it would just be a repeat of the whole Savage '88 angle. Warrior might have had even less success if he was viewed as a placeholder champ.

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WM VII was always going to be Hogan/Warrior II, but when they felt Warrior was flopping they went to Hogan/Slaughter.


--Here are the matches in the upcoming WWE DVD release of "Ric Flair and the Four Horsemen," which includes interviews with Flair, Tully Blanchard, J.J. Dillon, Jim Ross, Dean Malenko, Barry Windham and Dusty Rhodes:

Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard & Ric Flair vs. Pez Whatley & Italian Stallion & Rocky King 6/22/85

Ric Flair vs. Ricky Morton cage match from Charlotte on 7/5/86. As I recall, this was an awesome match

Dusty Rhodes vs. Tully Blanchard First Blood match Starrcade 86. I was at that show and this was not an awesome match

Four Horseman vs. Dusty Rhodes & Steve Williams & Lex Luger & Nikita Koloff & Paul Ellering 7/16/88 in a War Games match

Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard vs. Sting & Nikita Koloff 7/16/88

Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard vs. Barry Windham & Lex Luger 3/27/88 Clash of Champions

Arn Anderson vs. Ric Flair 9/17/95 Fall Brawl

Yeah, I know, it could have taken any fan from that era five minutes to come up with a far better match listing.

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Last night they announced Mr. Perfect is going into this years HOF and they showed clips of guys discussing his career which must have been taped for the DVD. Hopefully the DVD will be released soon.

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Last night they announced Mr. Perfect is going into this years HOF and they showed clips of guys discussing his career which must have been taped for the DVD. Hopefully the DVD will be released soon.

It'll probably be released around HoF time to ensure maximum sales.

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That listing really sucks, and aside from the jobber six-man tag I have them all.


Wait I thought the 88 War Games was never released. Is it good?

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Hopefully there's a bonus disc with more matches or something. I'm not complaining, but it seems like they're barely scraping the surface with that one.


Also, are they solely dedicating it to the '85-'95 period? It would be nice if they at least give a nod to the later Horsemen versions and have a Pillman/Benoit tag match or something. Maybe show the Mongo turn on Kevin Greene as well.

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Save the post-1995 Horsemen for Benoit Volume 2. It shocks me that there are no Midnight Express or Rock & Roll or any other traditional tag teams on this collection but then again they might be saving them for the Ultimate Jim Crockett Promotions collection.

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Maybe they could do a "Best of 1980s Tag Teams" DVD or something. MX, R&R Express, Road Warriors, Demolition, Hart Foundation, Rockers, some of the Horsemen stuff, etc.

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Guest scatterheart

On a side note i suggest everyone living within europe to checkout Silvervision.co.uk. They have their exclusive Tagged Classics. Each dvd has two ppvs 4 the price of 1 (and they do em for every ppv even all the in your houses!) Buying the wrestlemania and royal rumble ones will probley work out cheaper than the boxed sets. best of all their totaly uncut meaning we get Jesse Ventura, no dubbed music and no blurring of attitude logo. Yeah! 1st post.

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Pardon the ignorance if this has already been posted, but WWE is to release WrestleMania III: Collectors Edition (or something called close to that) on 3/6. Apparently there will be special features tagged to the event, although I havent found, nor heard, what those special features would be. Could be a fun pickup that I most certainly will look into. Does anyone have any info on this?

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The Hogan/Perfect feud had some great promos and angles. Hogan/Perfect was also a rumour for WM 6 to replace the other rumour of Hogan/Zeus happening. Vince quickly gave up on Zeus after that double pair ppv or some crappy ppv name where Hogan/Beefcake faced Macho/Zeus in a cage followed by the No Holds Barred Movie(this is so underground I wonder if it even happened sometimes the way it got swept under the rug:huh: The politics with Perfect's size came in play for his Mania main event push on both ends either against Warrior or Hogan.


The WWE tends to get criticized a lot these days for changing their minds a million times leading up to an event, but things really weren't much different back then. I just always assumed that the plan was Warrior/Hogan at Mania, but looking over the dirtsheets from that period, at different times in the months leading up to the show they considered Hogan/Zeus, Hogan/Perfect, Warrior/Perfect, Hogan Savage II, Hogan/Beefcake (heel), Warrior/Savage and Warrior (heel)/Hogan.



I think a Beefcake turn would have been huge at the time, tired of being in Hogan's shadow, etc, and have him take off what hair Hogan had, maybe take off his moustache too, lol. I've watched some old tapes lately and couldn't believe some of the pops Beefcake would get and they didn't sound piped in either.

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I'm hoping that Championship Edition of WM III will include the Coliseum Home Video exclusives.

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