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Because the man is 7 ft. tall he should get special consideration?


Ummmm yea. He's 7 ft tall!! Choken's point was that he wasn't lazy because he was willing to take unprotected chair shots, bleed and do bumps to get over.


And he's had some entertaining matches. The guy's not going to do crazy moves b/c a) He'd probably get very hurt and b) He realy doesn't need to

I'm not expecting him to do a SSP or a frankensteiner (the main reason he's not agile is not because he is a giant, is because he's an overweight slob that can't control his bad eating habits), I'm glad that the guy entertained you with his matches but to me he was just a boring wrestler. Like I said before Andre was way more entertaining without being athletic because he had this main event charisma, Show is just a stick in the mud.

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Because the man is 7 ft. tall he should get special consideration?


Ummmm yea. He's 7 ft tall!! Choken's point was that he wasn't lazy because he was willing to take unprotected chair shots, bleed and do bumps to get over.


And he's had some entertaining matches. The guy's not going to do crazy moves b/c a) He'd probably get very hurt and b) He realy doesn't need to

I'm not expecting him to do a SSP or a frankensteiner, I'm glad that the guy entertained you with his matches but to me he was just a boring wrestler. Like I said before Andre was way more entertaining without being athletic because he had this main event charisma, Show is just a stick in the mud.


Andre was way more entertaining because of the way he was booked. The guy was pretty much unstoppable and was really only "one-upped" a handful of times by other main eventers. Show's been beaten and one-upped by lots of guys, even guys under his level IMO, so his "monsterosity" is nowhere near what Andre's was. Of course it helps that Andre had that personality that he'd kick your ass if you tried to go over on him, but still... ;)

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Big Show is looked at by his fellow wrestlers as very lazy. In 1999 he got liposuction prior to coming to the WWF because he was too lazy to lose the weight the hard way. He gained all that back due to his poor diet and non-existant workout skills. Meltzer and Keller have reported for years that Show would eat fast food all day everyday, smoke 2 packs of cigs a day, and not work on his cardio at all. This has been the case since 97, before the injuries. Show has been sent down to OVW by Vince personally to lose weight, and he just came back heavier, and WWE didn't want him fatter, because they saw more value in him as a agile giant not the sloth he has become.


Exactly it was the weight gain then came the pain in his knees, back, etc if it was the other way around it be a different story. That's way I think in a year's time Show's going to end up weighting in at least 600lbs or more unless he does something.

Edited by EdwardKnoxII

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Kurt Angle's quote on the matter is the best.


I love Big Show like a brother. But his health problems are all because of him. He's extremely lazy and doesn't want to diet. He's more interested in pills and radical surgery than putting in the work to lose the weight. That's why he's put on about 80 pounds of fat in the last few years. And it's only going to get worse if he doesn't get a grip.

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Because the man is 7 ft. tall he should get special consideration? Since when taking a chairshot equals a good worker? I know the man is a giant but so is a guy like the Undertaker (5'11") and he really busts his ass when he wants to, Show was lazy in the ring with guys that could make anyone look good and never did anything in or outside the ring to entertain me. Andre was 10 times better than Show because he was an entertaining wrestler without being a great worker.

See, you just made the point. Show couldn't do very much, but considering his situation he did pretty good with what he was given.


Undertaker can do way more, and often his matches are as flat-out boring as Show's because he simply DOESN'T do any more because he's "not feeling it" or whatever.

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Guest scottb75

I could see Hogan vs Show working at WM if done right. They could build Hogan up as the washed up old guy who cannot not physically beat a guy Big Show's size anymore (complete underdog if you will). While at the same time they build up Big Show as the unstoppable monster who wants to destroy Hogan. They could build on Hogan's reputation as being a "giant killer" back in the day showing clips of him against Bundy, Studd, and Andre and then remind people it is 20 years later, Hogan has bad knees, bad back, and isn't that strong any more which is why he's only wrestled smaller guys like Orton and HBK recently. Thats one of the reasons Hogan vs Andre at WM III worked so well they made a lot fans believe that Hogan could not beat Andre because of his shear size.

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They could build Hogan up as the washed up old guy who cannot not physically beat a guy Big Show's size anymore (complete underdog if you will). While at the same time they build up Big Show as the unstoppable monster who wants to destroy Hogan. They could build on Hogan's reputation as being a "giant killer" back in the day showing clips of him against Bundy, Studd, and Andre and then remind people it is 20 years later, Hogan has bad knees, bad back, and isn't that strong any more which is why he's only wrestled smaller guys like Orton and HBK recently. Thats one of the reasons Hogan vs Andre at WM III worked so well they made a lot fans believe that Hogan could not beat Andre because of his shear size.

Hogan's ego would never let him be portrayed in such a manner. Besides, it's never a good idea to point out the legit weaknesses of a babyface, especially a nostalgia act like Hogan where people are going to want the reality to match up to the fantasy.


Not only that, if they run this match, they're going to want Hogan to slam Show, and I don't see Hogan physically capable of it, no matter how much weight Show loses.

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HTQ, if Hulk could lift the 700-pound Andre over his head in front of 94,000 people, I don't see why he'd have a problem giving the 500-pound Big Show a simple slam.

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Let the guy have a break. sure hes overweight and a bit lazy, but the guy when promoted correctly, can be an effective monster heel. (see his transformation upon switching to sd in late 02) and his ecw run has been handled pretty well IMO. he was very good with placed with guys like sabu and rvd who can bounce off him. plus he had surprisingly good matches with Brock and Angle (though then again look at who he was working with). hes very funny when he neeeds to be and his conan appearances are always great. (hey there you go he can be conans new sidekick, or at leats dress up as the horny manatee)


anyhow enjoy your break Mr Wight, just try not to gain 50 pounds whislt sittting around.



and oh how we are waiting for hogan vs show (hey good angle here, Show is 1-0 against Hogan in wwe- he pinned Hogan ERRRRR Mr America in Hogans last wwe appearnce before wm 21)

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You know what would be really great? If WWE would create a new "legendary moment" like Hogan's slam on Andre, using guys that are actually current and relevant today!

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You know what would be really great? If WWE would create a new "legendary moment" like Hogan's slam on Andre, using guys that are actually current and relevant today!



Lashley's bodyslamming of Big Show on ecw programming this week was pretty damn impressive. Of course Cena FU's Big Show with relative ease sort of diminishes the feat, eventhough the Bodyslam is actually much harder to execute.


Big Show is 10x times the wrestler Andre was. I think many remember the old timers much too fondly. I'd love to see two wrestlers 100% mimic an old timey "classic" and then watch it get ripped apart by the IWC and the fans in attendence.

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The whole Hogan/Andre thing is overblown anyway. All the "passing of the torch" nonsense, etc. It was a big match for its time, but it doesn't need to be rehashed today.

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Big Show is 10x times the wrestler Andre was. I think many remember the old timers much too fondly.
Have you seen Andre the Giants work pre-WWF such as his time in Canada or Japan in the 1970's?

. I'd love to see two wrestlers 100% mimic an old timey "classic" and then watch it get ripped apart by the IWC and the fans in attendence.

Just don't do it in the bingo hall where people expect extreme violence.

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Guest Overworked
You know what would be really great? If WWE would create a new "legendary moment" like Hogan's slam on Andre, using guys that are actually current and relevant today!



Lashley's bodyslamming of Big Show on ecw programming this week was pretty damn impressive. Of course Cena FU's Big Show with relative ease sort of diminishes the feat, eventhough the Bodyslam is actually much harder to execute.


Big Show is 10x times the wrestler Andre was. I think many remember the old timers much too fondly. I'd love to see two wrestlers 100% mimic an old timey "classic" and then watch it get ripped apart by the IWC and the fans in attendence.



Andre was booked to only a few dates at a time, allowing him to retain that "Giant Mystique". That was the correct thing for Andre, for both a wrestling business and a personal health standpoint. Big Show however worked more or less pretty solid from weekly shows to ppvs.


And as for impressive, I think nothing impressed me more in terms of Lifting TBS into any hold than when Mr Perfect Put Show in the Perfect Plex on Raw when he was back for that month and a half or so before the plane ride from Hell.

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How is a scoop slam on the Big Show more impressive than a FU? Do you think it's harder to do a scoop slam than a FU? Try it on one of your "overweight" friends, and tell me which is harder to accomplish. The person taking the scoop slam does most of the work, pushing off pretty much. I don't see them doing that for an FU.


Regarding Big Show as being lazy, I am sure he is. It's often difficult for a man of his size to do successful cardiovascular exercises, one because of his enormus size, and two because it requires a far greater amount of stamina/endurance than the normal human being. Cut the man some slack, he's entertaining, and pulls out great matches considering his health issues. And saying Andre was better than the Big Show in the ring is ridiculous. I never saw Andre take a belly-belly suplex, or a powerbomb, Angle Slam, FU. No, he was just scoop slammed a few times by Hogan and the Ultimate Warrior. Andre to me at least, was just a spectacle, because of his size. He had no mobility in the ring post mid 80's. The Big Show has damn good reflexes/mobility.

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What is their big fucking hype behind Hogan vs Show? It's not like we've never seen that match before in the past.

Vince wants to recreate Hogan vs. Andre for the 20th anniversary of WM III.


I still don't know why the had Austin basically squash him on the Raw before WrestleMania 15. It really hurt his career in the WWF/E.
Vince couldn't let a WCW made star look better than his homegrown names. It's why Vince never makes the Invasion angle work, even when it's so easy to do.



Yeah, and the similarities of Andre being in bad shape prior to WM 3 with Vince supposedly begging him to come back is eerily similar. Not saying they are trying to copy that aspect for WM 23, but who knows. Maybe it will work, but they better focus on people who have not seen Hogan/Show anytime in the last ten years. The Big Show/Hogan Andre stuff flopped in wcw for a reason. Russo even use to make fun of it as being a carbon copy of the 80's. I guess the 20th anniversary would make it easier to sell as not being a carbon copy, but as some kind of celebration of the big Hogan/Andre match. Personally, I think they should do Edge v. Hogan in Hogan's last match for a bunch of storyline reasons I won't bother do since it won't happen anyways.

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I liked when they first brought Paul Wight into WWF, and actually booked him correctly. He actually was booked and wrestled like a Giant. No one could irish whip him, punches had no effect on him, etc. Eventually he just became another heavyweight though, and that was the worst thing that could happen to him.

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