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Why do people commit crimes?

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I am writing a research (already wrote) on why people commit crimes. I am curious what you all think, so, if you don't mind, share your thoughts on this topic.

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Crimes of opportunity usually happen because people think they can get away with it after measuring risk versus reward.


Crimes of passion/hate crimes are pretty obvious.

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Depends on what kind of crime. Theft and fraud and such I believe is seen by some people as a viable alternative to work. You can potentially make more money in one afternoon of pocket picking, grifting, or just flat out burglary then you can in a month of actually working. Holding up a liquor store of a 7-11 is just fucking stupid, you're not going to get a dime for that, and will just land your ass in prison. If you can concoct a fool proof scheme to rob a bank or an armored car though, and you can get away with it, then you can run off with a years income easily. The allure to some is pretty enticing, especially if you don't have a family or a job or anything tying you down in your life at the moment, then what is a couple years in prison? 3 square meals and a place to sleep is more then what a lot of people have.


Another category of criminals is drug addicts. If you're a crack head or a junkie, and and you need another hit, you're likely not going to care whether or not you have to pull a knife on someone to get the money to get it.


Shoplifting is mostly just a crime committed by crazy people looking for a thrill, or kids that get pressured into it by their friends. Of course, the line between shoplifting and burglary is increasingly getting blurred now that you have groups of organized shoplifters going into stores with bags lined with tinfoil to throw off security sensors, who work together to an elaborate distraction scheme and walk out with thousands of dollars in merchandise.


Don't let the man fool ya, Crime doesn't pay if you're an idiot, but if you're clever and daring enough, it can pay pretty damn well.

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Guest "Go, Mordecai!"

spman knows crime on the streets.

What do I see just walking around the mall for 15 minutes? I see kids as young as six just loitering, attempting to come up with elaborate schemes to distract the employees at EB while they pocket Yu-Gi-Oh cards. I see girls as young as eight openly groping their boyfriends that are five, ten, or sometimes even more years older then they are. I see children, teenagers, and adults with no clue at all how to properly behave in a public situation, and not only do they not know how to behave, but they give birth to obnoxious children that grow up to be even worse then the parents. I see girls as young as 12 who are pregnant, I see 18 year old girls that already have a child and are pregnant with a second or a third, with no clue who the father of any of them might be. I see people that can't even put together a grammatically correct sentence in English OR Spanish. I see parents that need their children to speak English for them because they're not capable of doing so themself. I see teenagers that couldn't even name one fuckin song by the Beatles, but can name every track off the latest Daddy Yankee or My Chemical Romance album.


Is this truely what we have come to as a society? Will we come to a point where one day Americas urban cities have no majority race, no definitive language, and no definitive culture? Has anyone even considerd the consequences of the generations of families that are giving birth to children at 14, with people becoming Grandparents in their Early-30's? Does anyone have any sort of guess as to what led society down such a rotting cesspool where Basketball Players and Football Players make millions a year but can't read or write, or where people on Welfare can go to the meat market on the first of the month and buy Filet Mignon and Prime Rib for themselves and their seventeen children, while I can barely afford a couple hamburger patties? People worry about possibly dying in a nuclear haulocaust twenty years from now, but I worry about being stabbed to death in the parking lot of the mall tomorrow by some guy who wants to steal my wallet and the six dollars I might have in there at any given time. Why does the city continue to build beautiful section 8 housing which will be destroyed in less then a year, while I can't afford 700 dollars a month to rent a two room apartment? What happened that forced the hard working people in this country to work even harder to make ends meet, while the idiots who aren't even capable of tying their own shoe get to sit at home and watch Maury all afternoon?

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Because they're bored.

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Why should teenagers know one Beatles song?

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Why should teenagers know one Beatles song?


the other day, I saw a girl, couldn't have been older than 12 or 13, wearing a black T-shirt that said "The Beatles" in white...I guess it's possible, but COME ON

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Guest "Go, Mordecai!"

Is that when you shove a bunch of Jews in a moving van and kill them all?


I see people that can't even put together a grammatically correct sentence in English OR Spanish. I see parents that need their children to speak English for them because they're not capable of doing so themself.

Must not have had to look very far.

Edited by "Go, Mordecai!"

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The spman material will never get old. What a goon.


Was I a little over the top and misguided at the time? Probably. Yet I still fail to see why my angry tirade advocating a more civilized and responsible society is met with such disapproval.

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The spman material will never get old. What a goon.


Was I a little over the top and misguided at the time? Probably. Yet I still fail to see why my angry tirade advocating a more civilized and responsible society is met with such disapproval.


I agreed with most of what you said, and must again make my call for the US government to require a license for people to raise children.

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The spman material will never get old. What a goon.


Was I a little over the top and misguided at the time? Probably. Yet I still fail to see why my angry tirade advocating a more civilized and responsible society is met with such disapproval.




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Guest "Go, Mordecai!"
The spman material will never get old. What a goon.


Was I a little over the top and misguided at the time? Probably. Yet I still fail to see why my angry tirade advocating a more civilized and responsible society is met with such disapproval.


I agreed with most of what you said, and must again make my call for the US government to require a license for people to raise children.

Boy, you're really hitching your wagon to a star, huh. And I must again say that your call for a "fuckin' license" is fascist nonsense that would be funny if I wasn't so sure you meant it.

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Why the hell did you change your name again?


It may be moderately fascist, but so is making me pay taxes to support other people's spawn, who are only going to grow up and continue the cycle of suckling at society's teet.

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