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HHH tore his quad tonight

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Triple H injured


Written: January 7, 2007


Triple H suffered an injury during his match against Rated-RKO at New Year's Revolution. The preliminary diagnosis is a possible quadriceps tear. Triple H will be flown to Birmingham, Ala. in the morning to be evaluated by Dr. James Andrews.


WWE.com will have more on Triple H's injury Monday afternoon.

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HTQ should change his name to HTQ2.


For a couple of old guys trying to relive the glory days of ten years ago, it's nicely ironic that this is the way reality bit them back in the ass.


I can't seem to get to the site, must be traffic. Exactly how many smarks are actually checking WWE.com to see if this is legit?

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Well, you know what to expect by this time next year.
















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Oh, lord. Looks like Cena/Orton for WM now. OUCH.


Might want to push Cena/Batista as the main event now because Cena/Orton sure as hell won't work. Stick Orton/HBK for the title, push Edge over to SD to work Undertaker and you might salvage WM.

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HTQ should change his name to HTQ2.


For a couple of old guys trying to relive the glory days of ten years ago, it's nicely ironic that this is the way reality bit them back in the ass.


I can't seem to get to the site, must be traffic. Exactly how many smarks are actually checking WWE.com to see if this is legit?


Technically at the time of the first quad tear HHH was still a fairly decent wrestler, coming off a pretty good match with Taker at X-7, and the tag match with Benoit and Jericho, even without the injury, was a damn good match. Sure they made the Hardyz look like little bitches, but I would have rather seen The Canadians beat the Power Trip than the Hardyz anyway.

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and because of this.....we'll have another draft. Hey it could happen.

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I believe HBK has health issues that he needs to look after. Best case senario would have Edge and Orton take out HBK and then have Edge/Orton vs Cena be the program heading to WM23, possibly with a Triple Threat for the title with Edge and Orton turning on each other, with the question being the legitimacy of their split leading up to the show.

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Damn, that sucks for him. Hopefully he's able to return from this painful injury. It shows how tough this man is however, that's something to respect and admire.

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Really, the only option right now is to extend Shawn/Orton and take the title off Cena and put it on Orton. Send Edge over to win the World Title and do a program with Taker and do the mega main event with Cena/Batista since thats the ONLY money match left right now.


It'd make Raw's title match the #3 main event with Lashley/Khali @ #4 but Taker/Edge would be huge along with Cena/Batista.


Shawn is hurt but he can probably extend himself for another three months. I just don't think a three way or four way involving Cena is right for WM. Cena/Batista already have slightly built up and Edge/Taker writes itself.


Some might want to push for Shawn/Cena but I don't know if Vince likes that idea enough for his top star. Cena/Batista was already in talks awhile back and it has that Warrior/Hogan feel to it. They'd get more out of that then Shawn/Cena.


Save Cena/Shawn for an actual program after WM.

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Really, the only option right now is to extend Shawn/Orton and take the title off Cena and put it on Orton. Send Edge over to win the World Title and do a program with Taker and do the mega main event with Cena/Batista since thats the ONLY money match left right now.


It'd make Raw's title match the #3 main event with Lashley/Khali @ #4 but Taker/Edge would be huge along with Cena/Batista.


Shawn is hurt but he can probably extend himself for another three months. I just don't think a three way or four way involving Cena is right for WM. Cena/Batista already have slightly built up and Edge/Taker writes itself.

I think it likely they'll build to Shawn and a partner versus Rated RKO at WM, possibly building it around blaming Edge and Orton for injuring Hunter. Cena vs. Umaga isn't over yet; they saved the Cena FU'ing Umaga spot for a reason, and if Hunter is out beyond WM XXIII then I could see them have Umaga beat Cena for the WWE Title at the Rumble and then rematch them at Mania with Cena struggling to FU Umaga before finally hitting the move to get the big pop to end the night.

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Oh, Flair/HBK Vs R-RKO and Cena Vs Umaga? That sure sounds like a WM quality pair there.

Flair needs revenge too, and it would make a great finish for Shawn to superkick Orton while Flair submits Edge with the figure four.

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I dunno why everyone craps on DX. Sure, it's a rehash of something they've done before, but it's over with the fans and that's all that matters. Unless they were screwing around with the sound again, it seemed to me like HHH and HBK were getting the biggest reactions, and tons of fans were wearing DX merchandise and carrying DX signs and making the X with the green glow-sticks (hell, even the referee got into the act on that one... okay, I'm bad); combine that with the good feud they had going with RRKO, and WWE has a major problem on its hands.


I can see them running with Cena/Umaga for the title (NOT in the main event, though...), but Flair would not work out well as Shawn's partner. They need to have RRKO beat the shit out of someone else, and insert that guy in the spot. Who that would be, exactly? Well, I'm not being paid to figure that out, now am I?

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