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Guest Princess Leena

American Idol

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Guest Princess Leena
It sucked that the one rocker, who went around and learned the ABBA song, didn't get in. Sure he might not have had range, but neither did the rocker last year. He showed dedication and diligence towards the career. More than others.

He purposely used that raspy voice to hide the fact he can't sing and/or copy his shitty hero. He should have been laughed off after 5 seconds and not put on TV.

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I personally find the early episodes hilarious, and will stop watching when they get to the later, "serious" rounds.


I loved how the ugly gothish looking "super fan" started off horribly doing "Under Pressure" and then claimed to have a degree in vocal performance or some such non-sense.


The "rocker" guy was amusing as well. I give him credit for learning an Abba song on the fly, but he shot himself in the foot by attempting three different songs in the same exact tone and voice. No one wants to hear that fake gravely voice garbage.


The juggling kid had to be the best, though. His juggling wasn't that spectacular, and then he claimed he could dance and did a pathetic jig, reminiscent of Ashlee Simpson on Saturday Night Live. "You belong on America's Got _Some_ Talent." BWAHAHAHA!

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I didn't think that they showed enough people getting through last night. At the end they just did a quick fly-by of like 10 people. I'd rather at least see a little of the "good" singers.

I think that they don't want to pre-bias you towards any of the "Semi-Finalists" yet.


I'd agree with you if the Crack Baby wasn't a lock to make it to the Semis. She's 16, the only minority that had a positive feature yesterday, has a story and a strong voice. It's kind of hard to forget that someone was addicted to crack, and definitely a "producers choice" to air her story and do the driveby on 11 or 12 of the 16 other people who made it through. In addition to her, I remember the cute brunette, and 2 armed services people got through. The rest got no TV time at all except the split second waving of the yellow paper, and that's my biggest gripe with the early episodes. Either don't tell anyone's story or give everyone who made it through a little bit of face time in a 2 HOUR show.

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Guest Princess Leena

I didn't think Crack Baby was that good, she was off-key numerous times. But, she does have the big voice and the "potential" is there, I guess. I hope she doesn't last too long...

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The way they deal with contestants is also annoying. Spend an hour and 58 minutes on all the bad and horrid singers (did we really need to see that horrid girl and her "impersonation" of the Cowardly Lion THREE TIMES??) but only do 30 seconds on those that actually got through. It's just stupid. They're only encouraging the people who watch for the bad singers.


Because they realize that they'll get ratings for people watching for the trainwrecks early on. Those people will stop watching once it gets "serious" to be replaced by teenage girls and other people obsessed with the show. There's certainly a market for watching people make complete fools of themselves on national TV, why do you think youtube is so popular?


If anything, they're smart for the way they cut the first few episodes. They give you a few gems with a bunch of crap. Then as the non-fans of the show stop watching, they're replaced. They have good ratings, I'm sure, from the first few episodes every year. It works.

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I didn't think Crack Baby was that good, she was off-key numerous times. But, she does have the big voice and the "potential" is there, I guess. I hope she doesn't last too long...


I agree, it's basically the same thing they did with that obnoxious Paris Bennett (sp?) and her famous relative last year. She got the early push, but the people hated her after awhile. I'm guessing the result will be similar this season.

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Guest Princess Leena

Paris was a better singer, though.


The bad ones are only funny when it's someone who's awful and truly thinks they can sing. For example, the kid who was juggling and that creepy older lady who was a big fan... they knew they sucked, and it was obviously phony when they made a big deal out of losing. Don't show them.


The fake raspy "rocker" kid, and that pretty black lady that got sent there by her boss... then you humiliate them and ruin their life.

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Guest Princess Leena

A half hour of nothing but LOLZ ugly people who can't sing! And looks like we'll get more.

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I hate these early episodes. I really start enjoying this once the competition starts.


I know... I am backwards from most.

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Guest Princess Leena

I'm the same as you. I used to like the early episodes before, but now the comedy is lame.

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They couldn't just slap together these "funny" auditions as a DVD extra or something instead of stretching it across for 4 episodes? Everything is just too forced or the ones that are really sad don't have the same effect after six seasons of seeing the breakdowns.

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This is easily the worst start ever to an AI season. 4 hours of shit, 31 contestants through to Hollywood and we've seen about 9 of them audition. Today's cast of characters included an Arab girl with big boobs, her gay brother, the Latino Constantine and a WNBA player. You can't make this stuff up.

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The problem is, they don't show us the good ones except for a couple just to balance the suck. We know they have good singers but it's easier to market the crappy stuff for two weeks and then start building the good people up.

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Guest Princess Leena

Indian. The girl was meh, but her gay brother sounded pretty good in the 15 seconds we got to hear.

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Great stuff tonight, especially the bushbaby and his pal and Big Red at the end. It's entertaining and fascinating in a car-wreck way—where the fucking hell do they get these people? I might have to stop watching if it gets as flat-out disturbing as American Inventor (Bullet Ball, anyone?), but so far this season has provided as hilarious a cultural microcosm as ever.


Also, I'm glad someone finally sang a Misfits song, though he probably had the Metallica cover in mind.

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Gah, I don't get it. Sure American Idol likes to show the really bad people in the initial audition stage but usually they only sprinkle in the few really terrible/wierd ones or save them for a 'worst auditions' special. However, this time they've decided to make it a full on freak show so far. It's funny seeing these people, but not constantly one after another.

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The thing is, if they didn't air the shitty people, then I am sure half of them wouldn't even show up. It almost seems like you have a better chance to get on TV for being one of the WORST, rather then merely being good enough to get to Hollywood.....like they will show 10 bad people in a row, and then right before a commercial they will say..."after today a total of 15 people were chosen for hollywood" and just kind of show them with the yellow paper....


Of course, like Charles Barkley said, the entire show from beginning to end is basically one big giant episode of bad american karaoke.

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Of course, like Charles Barkley said, the entire show from beginning to end is basically one big giant episode of bad american karaoke.

You know, that's what the show needs - Barkley or Brett Hull or some other person who doesn't have that filter censoring their thoughts as a guest judge. We know Simon says what he says in order to get a reaction. A guy like Barkley, I think, really doesn't care.


On a bit of a tangent, there was an interview with Randy Jackson where he called Idol the "real" reality television. Which as we all know, is bullshit (what with reality competitions having only a tenuous connection to reality and all). To me, the process of selecting an American Idol is like All-Star game voting on crack. People vote in droves for their favourites, often irrespective of how well they've performed. And they do it again. And again. And again.


And yet, I still watch. Although not until they actually start doing some bad American karaoke.

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Of course, like Charles Barkley said, the entire show from beginning to end is basically one big giant episode of bad american karaoke.

You know, that's what the show needs - Barkley or Brett Hull or some other person who doesn't have that filter censoring their thoughts as a guest judge. We know Simon says what he says in order to get a reaction. A guy like Barkley, I think, really doesn't care.


On a bit of a tangent, there was an interview with Randy Jackson where he called Idol the "real" reality television. Which as we all know, is bullshit (what with reality competitions having only a tenuous connection to reality and all). To me, the process of selecting an American Idol is like All-Star game voting on crack. People vote in droves for their favourites, often irrespective of how well they've performed. And they do it again. And again. And again.


And yet, I still watch. Although not until they actually start doing some bad American karaoke.


If American Idol was "real" reality tv, they would delve into the contracts they make people sign. And Charles Barkley hates American Idol, I don't think he would ever participate in the show. Hell I barely watch it, but I live in a household that enjoys the first couple of shows. My girlfriend told me "the first round may be full of comedy, but Round 2 is where the real joke begins" because she feels it is a joke that karaoke participants are rewarded with record contracts.

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People vote in droves for their favourites, often irrespective of how well they've performed. And they do it again. And again. And again.


I agree...take last season for example, the final 3. I really pulled for Elliot Yamin to get the big upset. He improved the most out of everyone. McPhee was pleasing on the eyes but she didn't blow me away. Taylor was really sleepwalking through the last few weeks. Everyone knew he had it in the bag. Elliot put on some DAMN good performances, but his goofy looks held him back the most. I think people were voting for McPhee and Taylor just because, while Elliot, who really was better than them, IMO, got the shaft.

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Guest Princess Leena

After you hear someone sing over 10 times, there's not much they can do to change public opinion. That's why the show gets boring to me.


In the end, performance is what matters. Looks and popularity with kids/pervs only lasts so long. The winners prove that.

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If American Idol was "real" reality tv, they would delve into the contracts they make people sign. And Charles Barkley hates American Idol, I don't think he would ever participate in the show. Hell I barely watch it, but I live in a household that enjoys the first couple of shows. My girlfriend told me "the first round may be full of comedy, but Round 2 is where the real joke begins" because she feels it is a joke that karaoke participants are rewarded with record contracts.

Well, I think you know what I mean about Barkley on Idol. And if you think about it, the pop music industry as a whole is a joke anyway, so the Idol winner getting a recording contract isn't that far fetched.


I agree...take last season for example, the final 3. I really pulled for Elliot Yamin to get the big upset. He improved the most out of everyone. McPhee was pleasing on the eyes but she didn't blow me away. Taylor was really sleepwalking through the last few weeks. Everyone knew he had it in the bag. Elliot put on some DAMN good performances, but his goofy looks held him back the most. I think people were voting for McPhee and Taylor just because, while Elliot, who really was better than them, IMO, got the shaft.

Last season was built around Taylor having every opportunity to win the title. If I had taped every episode and looked back at Simon's early comments WRT Taylor I'd probably see that almost every one was crafted so as to help Taylor gain votes to propel him to the Top 12. His inherent quirkiness did the rest.

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Anyone else mildly disturbed that two people with obvious mental problems were allowed to perform (the guy with the bug eyes and his large friend with the squeaky voice)? At least the judges were relatively nice to them (well, aside from Simon's comments about the one guy looking like a forest creature).


I did enjoy how long they let the one guy do "Unchained Melody" because it's Simon's favorite song, supposedly.

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Just now getting around to watching episode 2. The one Asian woman with a cold wasn't too bad; I actually thought the judges were a little too harsh. Sure she wasn't good enough for AI, but I don't think she was tone deaf.


Eighteen minutes in, and there's a lot of scary people. Like the novella gal with too bright of lipstick... ew. She looks so bored and deadpan, it's scary. The mom reminds of me MAD TV, actually; Stuart's mom. Freaky.


The bro and sis duo were cute in that Disney-tween kind of way. I can actually see them on one of those types of movies. The bro was definetly cute in that shy, shining-star way.


As for the tall woman... she was okay, but I think they put her through just for the amusement factor. She definetly won't be winning.

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