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Favorite violent TV moments

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Rome end of season one


Pullo kills EVERYONE in the arena


Rome, episode 1 of season 2


Vorenus: "Where are my children?"


Erastes: "I took your children in payment for your many slights to me. I fucked them; then I killed them; then I threw them in the river."


Then Vorenus cuts his fucking head off and walks the streets with it

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The Beast vs the Angel characters. Gets shot a bunch of times says fuck that shit, stabs angel in the throat with a stake and throws him off a building, and beats the shit out of everyone else involved.


And Caleb breaking random young girls necks and armes and stabbing out Xanders eye with his thumb on Buffy. As a matter off fact burning a symbol into that girls neck with his ring at the start of the episode and calling it the "purifying fire" made his character all around kickass.

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Woman being ripped apart by dogs on Criminal Minds. While you don't see the attack, you know it happens and it's made worse when you realize that f'n DAWSON LEERY was the one who kidnapped her. That and seeing her bloody chunks of flesh lying all over the place.

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Jack Bauer in Season 6 of 24, ripping a guy's throat out with his teeth.



I second that. Plus, Beecher taking a shit on Schillinger's face in Season 1 of OZ after he beat him down was pretty fucking violent/gross. Actually, you could fill this thread with just about every death from every Season of OZ.

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X Files that did the twin brother story where the twin would jump out of the guys stomach this may of been the Jim Rose Sideshow episode. Tales from the Crypt with Bobcat Goldthwait in the "Ventriloquist Dummy" episode where his twin brother was the dummy and living on his arm. Heroes where Clair wakes up on the autopsy table.

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the only Oz death that made me cringe: When Robson and that other Aryan kill the young muslim kid in the mail room...they open his shirt and slice his chest with a box cutter.

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Wesley shooting his dad to protect Fred on Angel. He didn't even stop to think about it. Brutal! Wes is the greatest.

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Dewxter: (be warned, this is the climax of the first season)

Dexter cuts his brother's throat, then hangs him upside down like a pig while the blood drains into a pail. Dexter sits in the corner and cries.


The 'tire parties' in the Shield were brutal.

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Audrey's interrogation in Season 5 of 24 was pretty intense shit, 'specially after J.B ran up in there and called that shit off.


Shane threatening to rape the girlfriend of the guy who shot Vic unless she gave him up was tits.

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When Ralphie beat to death his stripper girlfriend against the guardrail outside of the Bing was pretty harsh. Also Vic shooting Terry in the first ep of the Shield only on pure wow factor.

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Vic shooting Terry in the first ep of the Shield only on pure wow factor.


That's a BIG one. People, myself included, were prepared for a pretty brutal cop show, from the previews. And the opening/previews, with s-bombs, tits and cop violence, though well-done, didn't seem like anything too special, but pretty crazy. When Vic shoots Terry, it ain't a cheap stunt, and it's really fucking vicious.


though I was aghast at the Commish, the most lovable cop, (if you haven't seen it, it really is great.) being the nastiest cop0 in the world.

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The torture of Jack Bauer in season two of 24 was pretty brutal.


In fact, that whole season has a bunch of violent torture.


Also, Morris O'Brian having a drill taken to him by Abu Fayed in season six.

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Acaveda being forced to blow some Mexican banger on Season 3 of The Shield. I still cringe at that.


I don't know which was worse that act or the entire rape fantasy/therapy session that followed

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Dewxter: (be warned, this is the climax of the first season)

Dexter cuts his brother's throat, then hangs him upside down like a pig while the blood drains into a pail. Dexter sits in the corner and cries.


The 'tire parties' in the Shield were brutal.


I concur.

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