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The WWE 2007 Hall Of Fame Thread

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Hey, let's be honest, it's the WWF Hall of Fame, not the "Successful Gaijin in Japan" Hall of Fame. He's a god there, but in the US he's basically remembered as being "the other Bulldog."


The SUPERIOR Bulldog and oft-cited inspiration for many good wrestlers like Benoit. If someone like Pete Rose goes in, DK should.


Pete Rose went in as a celebrity. It's considered a different 'wing' and to all intents and purposes isn't the actual WWE Hall Of Fame. It's totally different and people saying 'so and so should go in coz teh workrate~! and Vince's limo driver is in, so why not this guy' need to wake up to that.


Ok fine, of the wrestlers, you're telling me Dynamite Kid is less worthy than the likes of Cowboy Bob Orton and Tony Atlas? Riiiight.


See, if people want to argue wrestlers being in or out, if they could use that arguement it'd be great. I'm not arguing Dynamite neccessarily shouldn't be in. It's just, if I had a pound for every time someone used the 'Pete Rose' arguement or the 'Limo Driver' arguement, I'd be able to fly out and attend the Hall Of Fame Ceremony itself.


Dynamite is an borderline one in my eyes. Besides that, is he even on good terms with Vince?


Bulldog on the other hand would be a perfect candidate. He's legitimately a household name here in England, naturally, something which can't be said about Dynamite. If it's a Hall Of 'Fame', Bulldog surpasses Dynamite.

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Well, Bulldog was wrestling "mainstream" until 2001/2002ish. He is a major name that made a copywrite on the name "British Bulldog" behind Dynamite Kid's back. So um, he took the secess of the team and made it his name. Which pretty much screwed Dynamite Kid for the rest of his career. Davy Boy has that ONE match with Bret to his name. That was his only real singles match where he was a major draw.


Dynamite Kid stopped wrestling around 1991ish due to a major back injury and 'Roids crippling him to the point where he is paralized from the waist down by 1996ish. Dynamite and Tiger Mask I had that one match in MSG in 1982 that tore the house down in McMahon land that got him noticed.


Both should get in for either singles or tag team.


As for other Tag Teams to join the black Jacks:



IV Horsemen(Which 4 might be the question because I doubt Lex, Sid, Jarrett, Mongo, or Roma are getting a nod from them)

Road Warriors

Hart Foundation(Bret is already in)

Rock N Roll Express

Wild Samoans

The Steiners

Hollywood Blondes(even though both would get in solo)



"Dark Horse" level tag teams to join the Hall:

The Rockers

The Midnight Express


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As for other Tag Teams to join the black Jacks:



IV Horsemen(Which 4 might be the question because I doubt Lex, Sid, Jarrett, Mongo, or Roma are getting a nod from them)

Road Warriors

Hart Foundation(Bret is already in)

Rock N Roll Express

Wild Samoans

The Steiners

Hollywood Blondes(even though both would get in solo)



"Dark Horse" level tag teams to join the Hall:

The Rockers

The Midnight Express



Bulldogs: I think they should be in, but let's not rehash this debate right now.


Brainbusters: Definitely...probably as part of the Four Horsemen, though.


Four Horsemen: Flair will probably (and should) get his own induction. Maybe they could induct the Andersons and Tully at the same time as well.


Road Warriors: Probably a lock, since there's already been a Road Warriors DVD and what not.


Hart Foundation: Bret's already in...I could see them inducting Anvil, since his daughter works for the company now.


Rock & Roll Express: Great team, dunno if WWE has much interest in them, though. They don't tend to get mentioned much on WWE programming, etc.


Wild Samoans: Wouldn't be surprising if they go in this year.


Steiner Brothers: Nope, not happening anytime soon.


Hollywood Blondes: OK, this one I have a problem with. The Blondes were an awesome team, but they were really only around for less than two years. Austin will certainly get his own induction, and Pillman will probably get the same. The Blondes were probably in the top five tag teams of the '90s, but not really worthy of an induction as a tag team alone.


Freebirds: Most definite. Hayes works for the company, as does Terry Gordy's son, and they've got that WCCW DVD coming out this year.


The Rockers: Eh...Michaels will get his own induction someday, and Jannetty is probably on bad terms after his last run(s) with WWE.


Midnight Express: Won't happen as long as Cornette is working for TNA.


Demolition: They should be in. Anyone know if that lawsuit was ever resolved? Seems like Darsow is on good terms with WWE, plus I think there are Demolition action figures coming out.

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--When Jerry Lawler was given word he was going into the WWE Hall of Fame and asked who he wanted to induct him, he immediately said, "Lance Russell." Panic attacks went off from Kevin Dunn who had to talk him out of it saying, "Nobody knows who Lance Russell is."




If 'nobody knows who Lance Russell is', then why not, I don't know, EDUCATE THEM. Have Lawler do a three-minute piece talking with Russell about his career, showing clips and letting people see who Russell was and what he did, and finish off with letting people know Russell will be inducting Lawler. It'd sure get over what Lawler's done to the casual WWE audience, most of whom probably don't really know what Lawler has done to warrant being the HoF in the first place.

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That would be good for people like my wife, who's only been watching since 2002 or so...she just doesn't get Lawler, since he just seems to be this lecherous annoying TV announcer guy who once in a while gets in the ring for whatever reason.

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He has been the main announcer on their flagship programming for like 15 years now. That'd probably make him a Hall of Famer regardless of any in-ring accomplishments.

In that case, we can expect Michael Cole to get put in around 2010 for being the lead announcer on Smackdown.

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He has been the main announcer on their flagship programming for like 15 years now. That'd probably make him a Hall of Famer regardless of any in-ring accomplishments.

In that case, we can expect Michael Cole to get put in around 2010 for being the lead announcer on Smackdown.


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Probably due to the fact that a lot of unworthy wrestlers are in it.

Only unworthy in certain fans eyes.

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--When Jerry Lawler was given word he was going into the WWE Hall of Fame and asked who he wanted to induct him, he immediately said, "Lance Russell." Panic attacks went off from Kevin Dunn who had to talk him out of it saying, "Nobody knows who Lance Russell is."




If 'nobody knows who Lance Russell is', then why not, I don't know, EDUCATE THEM. Have Lawler do a three-minute piece talking with Russell about his career, showing clips and letting people see who Russell was and what he did, and finish off with letting people know Russell will be inducting Lawler. It'd sure get over what Lawler's done to the casual WWE audience, most of whom probably don't really know what Lawler has done to warrant being the HoF in the first place.


In Man on the Moon (the Andy Kaufman movie) Lance Russell had a cameo as the ring announcer and I think it was supposed to be Lance Russell that JR was playing.


as far as the HOF, is there an actual physical HOF somewhere? IF there was one like the Baseball or Football HOF that people could actually visit and all..that might make it more credible.

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How can anybody NOT hate Kevin Dunn?


The HOF isnt a moneymaker anyway. They just recently started putting them on dvd and alot of young fans would not have ever seen the older guys wrestle. But to not have a choice in who gets to induct you when so many guys arent even alive anymore, it's just pathetic. It's got to me a stupid rumor, cause Im sure Dunn has never even heard of 90% of the guys actually in the HOF, so why would he care who does the inducting? I'm sure he's never heard of Mr, Perfect's dad maybe they should bump him off the show too.


Aside from the Pete Rose thing a few years back, this gets no press or attention, it's just something Mcmahon wants to capitalize on for whatever reason, so if theyre gonna force Lawler to be in it when he doesnt even care, and he still wrestles, just because theyre short on inductees that accept this particular year, why not let him pick?

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If they wanted to be really cute, they should have Brian Christopher induct him, and have Lawler say that the reason was Too Cool was his favorite tag team of all time.

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If they wanted to be really cute, they should have Brian Christopher induct him, and have Lawler say that the reason was Too Cool was his favorite tag team of all time.

Speaking of which, what is Brian doing these days?

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IV Horsemen(Which 4 might be the question because I doubt Lex, Sid, Jarrett, Mongo, or Roma are getting a nod from them)

Flair, JJ Dillion, Tully & Arn

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If they wanted to be really cute, they should have Brian Christopher induct him, and have Lawler say that the reason was Too Cool was his favorite tag team of all time.

Speaking of which, what is Brian doing these days?

Working the indies, he'll be in Oregon at BAW on March 16th and 17th for a two day tournament.



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I had to look up Lance Russell myself. Thankfully, there's Youtube to show why Lawler would pick him.


And now some actual work of his, in a personal favorite match of mine. Sync's messed up by about 2 seconds on part 2, but well worth viewing anyway:



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Ok..seriously..how many fans of the current product have a single clue who the hell Nick Bockwinkle is? I only remember him for his stint as the WCW commissioner and that was like 1995.

How many fans of the current product knew who The Blackjacks, Tony Atlas, and Verne Gagne were?


HEck, even Sherri might make that list.

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Figured you'd be here doing this routine. Bockwinkel was a big name for the AWA which is obviously getting alot of play with Perfect and King going in and possibly P.S Hayes. As I said in the Raw thread, you can't just throw in a bunch of current names. They have the "attraction" name with Dusty Rhodes whom is still a popular name for fans. Since they don't have a mega name like Bret, Hogan or Ventura, it's better to get as many of the old timers that'll agree to do it in now before movng onto the more modern names.

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Ok..seriously..how many fans of the current product have a single clue who the hell Nick Bockwinkle is? I only remember him for his stint as the WCW commissioner and that was like 1995.


You're implying that the Hall is for current fans only. It isn't. It's majorly for older fans (and a way for Vince to keep older fans connected with his product) as well as maybe a starting point for newer fans if they want to learn some history. While there would be some fans who may not know some (or all) of the inductees, it's Vince's job as a promotor to get the maximum out of every possible demographic he can. Doing stuff like the Hall, as well as releasing tribute DVDs of older stars is one way he can keep an older fanbase.


This reminds me of so many of THAT fanbase bitching about the release of the DX 3-disc DVD. Newsflash, older fanbase: That DVD isn't directed for your demographic (although I'm sure Vince would be more than happy if you bought a copy or two). What Vince is attempting is expanding his DVD profits some more, as I'm sure the majority of the fans who buy historical sets (for lack of a better term) are older fans. Vince is simply trying to draw some coin from a) something from his current product and b) from his younger fanbase as well. Sorry for going really, really off-topic but it reminds me of newer fans getting all uppity over older stars they've never heard of, when they really have no clue that the thing they're bitching about isn't necessarily something directed to them.


The WWE fanbase is VERY diverse, more diverse than many people think.

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The ceremony already sold out and it's not being televised this year anyway (and if it was, it would probably just be Lawler/Hennig/Rhodes), so the idea of who people know, don't know, or what would 'draw' is moot.

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I had to look up Lance Russell myself. Thankfully, there's Youtube to show why Lawler would pick him.


And now some actual work of his, in a personal favorite match of mine. Sync's messed up by about 2 seconds on part 2, but well worth viewing anyway:




I love how Russell lights up a cigarette right before he wants to go on the air.

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The ceremony already sold out and it's not being televised this year anyway (and if it was, it would probably just be Lawler/Hennig/Rhodes), so the idea of who people know, don't know, or what would 'draw' is moot.

Might be on WWE.com like it was last year.

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Another inductee with ties to Bobby Heenan

Good call.


I guess that means it'll possibly be


Dustin: Dusty

Flair: Perfect

Heenan: Bockwinkel

Russell (if King gets his way): Lawyer

Ross (if he does end up getting inducted as expected)- Austin


If the Von Erichs go in who inducts them?

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Another inductee with ties to Bobby Heenan

Good call.


I guess that means it'll possibly be


Dustin: Dusty

Flair: Perfect

Heenan: Bockwinkel

Russell (if King gets his way): Lawyer

Ross (if he does end up getting inducted as expected)- Austin


If the Von Erichs go in who inducts them?

Hayes is really the only guy who comes to mind right now.

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