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Favorite MSG Matches

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Here's mine.......



Hogan vs. Flair


Bruno vs. Kowolski


Backlund vs. Graham


Hogan vs. Sheik


Slaughter vs. Sheik





More to come.......

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Well, everyone's going to chime in with the PPV matches... my favorite from that crop:


Warrior vs. Honky

Bret vs. Perfect

Virgil vs. DiBiase

Bret vs. Owen

Razor vs. Shawn

Bret vs. Austin

Cactus vs. HHH

Benoit vs. Shawn vs. HHH




Hogan vs. Flair, 91

Hogan vs. Perfect, 90

Perfect vs. Bret, 89 (time limit draw)

Savage vs. Warrior, 91 Cage Match (Warrior actually loses)

Hogan vs. Boss Man, 89 Cage Match

Hogan vs. Savage, 89

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Dusty Rhodes vs. Superstar Billy Graham (September 26, 1977)

Bob Backlund vs. Pat Patterson (Cage Match - September 24, 1979)

Pat Patterson vs. Sgt. Slaughter (Alley Fight - May 4, 1981)

Bob Backlund vs. Jimmy Snuka (Cage Match - June 28, 1982)

Jimmy Snuka vs. Don Muraco (Cage Match - October 17, 1983)

Sgt. Slaughter vs. The Iron Sheik (Boot Camp Match - June 16, 1984)

Bret Hart vs. Mr. Perfect (Summerslam '91)

Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart (Wrestlemania X)

Razor Ramon vs. Shawn Michaels (Wrestlemania X)

Cactus Jack vs. Triple H (Falls Count Anywhere - September 22, 1997)

Triple H vs. Cactus Jack (Street Fight - Royal Rumble 2000)

Chris Benoit vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H (Wrestlemania XX)

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Bret Hart Vs. Mr. Perfect Summerslam 1991

Virgil Vs. Ted Dibiase Summerslam 1991

Bret Hart Vs. Owen Hart WrestleMania X

Razor Ramon Vs. Shawn Michaels WrestleMania X

Bret Hart Vs. Steve Survivor Series 1996

Hulk Hogan Vs. Ric Flair December 1991

Chris Benoit Vs. Triple H Vs. Shawn Michaels WrestleMania XX

Triple H Vs. The Rock Summerslam 1998

Battle Royal February (I think) 1992


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Guest Teq

Hart Foundation vs British Bulldogs - 7/85

Hart Foundation vs. British Bulldogs - 9/85 - Should have been on Brets DVD instead

Hart Foundation vs. Killer Bees - 2/86

Randy Savage vs. Tito Santana no DQ - 4/86

Hart Foundation vs. The Rougeaus - 9/86

Rick Rude vs. Ricky Steamboat - 12/87

Bret Hart vs. Bad News Brown - 4/88

The Rockers vs. The Brainbusters - 1/89 - Terrific

Bret Hart vs. Mr Perfect - 4/89

Hart Foundation vs. The Rockers - 11/89

Bret Hart vs. The Bezerker - 9/91

Bret Hart vs. Ted Dibiase - 12/91 - Criminally underrated

Bret Hart vs. The Undertaker - 1/92 - Really fun match


I miss those old MSG Network shows.

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Bret Hart vs. Ted Dibiase - 12/91 - Criminally underrated


I'm glad somebody else remembers that one.


I'm surprised the two Hogan-Flair matches are getting so much love, as they really aren't that special aside from the novelty at the time (particularly when one of them was at the same show as the Hart-DiBiase match mentioned here).

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Bret Hart vs. Ted Dibiase - 12/91 - Criminally underrated


I'm glad somebody else remembers that one.


I'm surprised the two Hogan-Flair matches are getting so much love, as they really aren't that special aside from the novelty at the time (particularly when one of them was at the same show as the Hart-DiBiase match mentioned here).



Well I'm surprised the Ted/Bret match is getting any love. As I recall, Hart doesn't play a very good foil to Ted's opening stooge act. Ted doesn't do anything interesting with Bret's control offense, but the peril that follows is pretty decent though as Bret gets to bump around a little and Sherri gets to have fun. The finishing run is just Bret leading Ted through an extended run of his spots, the momentum, intentisty, and crowd heat dying about half way through the sequence. The Plancha is cool, but the match is boring and disappointing as hell in my book.


Both Hogan/Flair matches are tons of fun with great, urgent performances from both guys, with a few clever mix ups from their formulas. Far more than novelty matches. I'm not sure how anybody can't enjoy a scared Flair struggling to survive and find an answer to a pissed off, raging Hogan but hey, to each their own. Much better than their god awful Bash 94 mess at the very least.




Oh I forgot Savage/Adonis vs. Tino/Bruno Cage from 85 or 86 I believe. Clipped but what's here is gold. Tino bleeding buckets, Adonis being a dick, with Savage bumping his ass off for Bruno.

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Guest Teq
Bret Hart vs. Ted Dibiase - 12/91 - Criminally underrated


I'm glad somebody else remembers that one.


I'm surprised the two Hogan-Flair matches are getting so much love, as they really aren't that special aside from the novelty at the time (particularly when one of them was at the same show as the Hart-DiBiase match mentioned here).



Well I'm surprised the Ted/Bret match is getting any love. As I recall, Hart doesn't play a very good foil to Ted's opening stooge act. Ted doesn't do anything interesting with Bret's control offense, but the peril that follows is pretty decent though as Bret gets to bump around a little and Sherri gets to have fun. The finishing run is just Bret leading Ted through an extended run of his spots, the momentum, intentisty, and crowd heat dying about half way through the sequence. The Plancha is cool, but the match is boring and disappointing as hell in my book.


Can't believe I missed this, my apologies for the late reply. Harts young lion style he adopted after going singles meshes really well with Teds veteran heel tactics. The first exchange is relatively slow but for a reason. Hart gets frustrated with Dibiase stalling and going to the outside to consult Sherri. Thinking he's safe, Hart comes from the blindside and starts attacking him furiously and when back in the ring hits a huge atomic drop (excellently sold by Ted) and waves him goodbye.


Hart then wears him down and the build up to Dibiase's big counters that turn the matches strides are excellent, such as the big guillotine drop on the ropes. After Brets next comeback when he smashes Ted into the turnbuckle but endes up doing a HUGE front turnbuckle and Sherri rings the bell, the pace is relentless.


I can't see much wrong with it at all besides the ending. I understand there may be a bit too much ground work and slower action for some tastes but Hart works great against Dibiase and I'd rate this match better than the one on Brets DVD to be honest.

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"Can't believe I missed this, my apologies for the late reply. Harts young lion style he adopted after going singles meshes really well with Teds veteran heel tactics. "


Hart playing a young lion? Eh....


I disagree, they came off as terrible opponents for each other. Ted needs someone that can beat the crap out of him and let him bump and stooge to be effective (see Duggan or Warrior/Hogan types), Bret plays to his style for the one sequence you described(though not very convincingly) before grounding one of the fed's best bumpers and personalities with his match. Bret needs someone that can work out of his holds and stooge to keep his holds interesting(see Henning, Owen, and even Piper), Ted just lays around until it's time to hit the ropes. They just don't compliment each other as workers here, nor do they look interested in doing so; just two workers taking turns doing their thing.


"Hart then wears him down and the build up to Dibiase's big counters that turn the matches strides are excellent, such as the big guillotine drop on the ropes. After Brets next comeback when he smashes Ted into the turnbuckle but endes up doing a HUGE front turnbuckle and Sherri rings the bell, the pace is relentless."


Like I said things are pretty decent when Bret works in a few of his bumps. Relentless pace? Eh.....not sure how to respond to that one. Oddly enough, Sherri is the MVP of the match. The most effective worker by far.


"I can't see much wrong with it at all besides the ending. "


The Huge Plancha countout!? That's about the only thing worthwhile to come from the match.


"I understand there may be a bit too much ground work and slower action for some tastes"


Change to lazy ground work and you'll have a point. Baba/Race (far slower and less capable workers) have made very slow ground sequences beyond interesting by you know....actually doing something aside from laying around until it's rope running time.

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Hogan vs. Flair, 91

Hogan vs. Perfect, 90

Perfect vs. Bret, 89 (time limit draw)

Savage vs. Warrior, 91 Cage Match (Warrior actually loses)

Hogan vs. Boss Man, 89 Cage Match

Hogan vs. Savage, 89

Good call. Haven't seen it in a while, but it was my favorite at the time I saw it.

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