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South Park: Season 11

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If Kyle's Mom was at the drunken barn dance, with Mrs. Cartman is a hermaphrodite, it's certainly not completely impossible.........


What an ironic turn of events, indeed.

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The Imagination song has me rollin last night after work




Kyle yells, are you taking us somewhere or not?


the judge describing the order to suck cartmans balls was hilarious

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This is a victory for the justice system.

And my balls.


Were they referencing anything with Stan during the terrorist attack?


EDIT: Private Ryan, I'm an idiot.

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Ah man this is already one of my favorite fucking episodes in the series. The Saving Private Ryan scene with Ronald McDonald, Terrorist cutting off the care bear's head, Charlie Brown getting blown up. I mean this episode was really fucked up. but man I loved it. and cartman was just gold in this episode like always.


I can't wait till next week damn it!

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Along with a billion 70s/80s villains, I expect one of the "imaginary characters" to be Hitler.


He was the first person that came to mind for me.

While I could see that, I have a feeling they're gonna use this as a reason to bring Saddam back

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"We could have a CGI building thats all like BLAAARRRGGGHHHHH! Then have some motorbikes on fire going over a helicopter thats all CLARRRRRGAAGGAHHH!"


Fucking gold.

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While I could see that, I have a feeling they're gonna use this as a reason to bring Saddam back


I was just thinking that before I read what you typed.

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I've actually felt that South Park has gotten better as its gone on.


Yeah, that's about how all my friends feel about it.


I can't wait until Wednesday.


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I too think it has gotten better as time has gone on. I think Nostalgia makes people think the show was better but it hasn't really aged that well. I think it hit its stride after the movie...somewhere around season 5.

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Because of my work schedule, I hadn't been following South Park that much...


Did they ever follow up on Chef Vader, or just never reference it again?

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Now C'mon ya'll we can do better then that. That's not evil enough.


Jesus on the imaginary council.


Cartman's balls turning to dust in his dream.


Butters begging not to be the one and "Now I got snarf, and popeye and Luke Skywalker all pissed off at me," and "Can you just stop talking for 5 minutes Snarf."


Jason having a gay voice.


Man-bear-pig going on a killing spree.


This was seriously like the greatest thing ever. I marked out when the woodland creatures showed up and they didn't disappoint.

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"But we hafta have AIDS before we pee in her eye socket!"


Even better than last weeks.

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Here's what I have:



Fred Krueger

Dart Maul

The Joker (Heath Ledger Version)

Image: Photo2.jpg






Terminator Exoskeloton

Cylon (Battlestar Gallatica)

That gold guy from Kingdom of Heaven


Red-headed guy from Street Fighter

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