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TSM TV Badass Tournament nominations thread

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Well we've done this for Ms Smart Marks and Posters, so how about favorite TV badasses, who'd kick who's ass. 2-3 nomiation per poster please, we'll hopefully get 64 and dispute those who don't belong. If that's too many then maybe 32. I'll start with


Omar Little - The Wire

Malcolm Rynolds - Firefly

Lucius Vorenus - Rome

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Marlo Stansfield - The Wire

Antwan Mitchell - The Shield

Vic Mackie - The Sheild

Jack Bauer - 24

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Seriously? Said over Vern, Pancamo, Moralas, or El Cid???


He was smarter. I don't have to nominate the rest of the cast, others can include Schilinger or Keller and the rest.


It'll just be a Wire Vs 24 Vs Sorpanos Vs OZ Vs Prison Break Vs Deadwood Six Way tournament anyways.

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Then OZ will be done, cause I gotta go with:


Schilinger- Oz



That dude was too awesomely messed up to leave out.

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Jethro Gibbs (Mark Harmon) - NCIS

Illyria - Angel (Come on...she killed Wesley, Angel and Spike in one scene!)

Buffy Summers - Buffy (Well... did have a show named after her and died...twice :P)

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Seriously? Said over Vern, Pancamo, Moralas, or El Cid???


Don't forget Ryan O'Reily. He was one bad mother. You didn't want to get on his bad side. He never did the work himself, he always got some other shmo to do it for him.

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