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The Undertaker tears his bicep.

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I dunno what the deal is but there are still no SD spoilers up. Don't think I've ever seen a lack of spoilers this long after the show ended.


I hit a nerve with the comment about Benoit technically never being WCW champion. If WWE recognizes it then in my opinion they are wrong, since if you recognize it then how many Dusty Finishes from the 1980s would have to be recognized post facto? Yeah, everyone knows they stripped him of the belt because he quit, but this was not the actual ruling that was presented on TV.


Oh and in regards to something said about how HHH got the world title in 2002. HHH did in fact beat UT in a #1 contender match to face Lesnar, but then Brock bolted for SD. Once that happened Bischoff declared the Unified title un-unified and HHH got the belt. Where it gets fuzzy is this debate: Is the current World Title actually the WCW title? After the Invasion was over Linda McMahon declared the WCW title to simply be the World Title and it was quickly unified with the WWF title. To me the title awarded to HHH was this same title, since Lesnar leaving for SD split the unification back to its pre Dec. 2001 state.

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to me, that big gold belt that UT, so far, wears started in 2002 with Triple H.


WCW's title lineage got wrapped in with the WWE Championship that Chris Jericho unified and that John Cena currently holds.

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Debates over lineage never end well.


I believe the World Title began in 2002, and WCW's belt is the one Cena had.


The I-C title has the lineage of the European, the original US and Hardcore titles.

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The World Heavyweight Title is still the WCW Title to me....I don't get why they go out of their way to say World Heavyweight Title and not WWE World Heavyweight Title...even Vince called it the WCW Title when Booker was champion...honestly..would it hurt to share WCW lineage to the world Title...but...would it end w/ Jericho and Start again w/ HHH or would the lineage be shared w/ the WWE Title when they were collectively know as the WWE Undisputed Championship...

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If Bob got warned for his comment, Hawk should too.

Comparing Hawks statement to Bob's is ridiculous. At least what Hawk said is logical, and a very true statement.


This makes you stupider than anything Enigma says. Eddie did not win the title post-mortem...


This might have been a dig at Rey Rey's title reign. That's the way I read it.

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I'm aware, but he was essentially saying that Bob's post about Eddie being mortal was not true, whereas Hawk's about Eddie winning the title last year was true. See my point? I know what the jokes are about, and I said "warn Hawk" in jest, but theintensifier proves his idiocy every time he posts. So I don't see why he gets the right to jump on Enigma like that.


So I don't derail it, that's the end of that topic. So Taker torn his bicep... yeah, where are the spoilers? I'd like to see if they did anything in regards to it.

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Okay then. Bob's joke was awfully tasteless and whatnot, however, Hawk's actually makes sense if you really think about it.


I prove my idiocy in every post I make? Damn, that sucks.

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--The World title situation update with Undertaker's injury is this. As things stand, Undertaker will wrestle Batista in a cage match this coming Tuesday night at the Smackdown tapings in Pittsburgh. That doesn't guarantee that Batista will end up as champion, although unless things change, Undertaker won't be champion by the end of the next tapings.

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Debates over lineage never end well.


I believe the World Title began in 2002, and WCW's belt is the one Cena had.


The I-C title has the lineage of the European, the original US and Hardcore titles.

Nope, see; by this logic the IC title, European title, original US title and Hardcore title's lineages are all within the World Heavyweight Championship. Just becauset the IC title was reintroduced doesn't give it it's old lineage by this logic; just as the WHC would start with HHH and US championship start with Eddie Gurrero.


God I hate lineage disscussions too. Some titles unifying are agreed upon, others not, yadda yadda yadd blah blah blah. We're best off accepting whatever WWE does.

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Debates over lineage never end well.


I believe the World Title began in 2002, and WCW's belt is the one Cena had.


The I-C title has the lineage of the European, the original US and Hardcore titles.

Nope, see; by this logic the IC title, European title, original US title and Hardcore title's lineages are all within the World Heavyweight Championship. Just becauset the IC title was reintroduced doesn't give it it's old lineage by this logic; just as the WHC would start with HHH and US championship start with Eddie Gurrero.


God I hate lineage disscussions too. Some titles unifying are agreed upon, others not, yadda yadda yadd blah blah blah. We're best off accepting whatever WWE does.

what i don't get is that the WWE has WCW lineage on the Crusierweight, United States and old ECW lineage on the ECW belt..


And this regarding the World Heavyweight Belt on WWE.com..


The World Heavyweight Championship that has recently been carried by such greats as Batista, Chris Benoit and Triple H got its start in WWE back in 2002. But its prestigious lineage can actually be traced back all the way to George Hackenschmidt and 1904. For years, it was known as the NWA Championship; then when WCW pulled out of the NWA in the early 1990s, Ric Flair was recognized as the first-ever WCW Champion. Since that time, top names such as Hulk Hogan, Ron Simmons and Bret Hart carried the championship prior to WCW's demise.


Eh...It's the Old WCW Belt to me

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The WWE World Heavyweight Title has the same lineage as the WCW Championship and its the same belt. The WWE United States Title has the same lineage as the WCW United States Title even though the WWE version looks completely horrible. There.

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What if they use the same story line as they did with booker & orton when booker was injured? When booker was injured he picked orton to defend his title for several weeks. I would like to see kane fighting with the title untill taker gets back.

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Thing is, the current US title is certainly not the same thing as the real US title. I'm a bit iffy on even counting the goofy 2001 US title stuff in the WWF, since Kanyon was awarded the belt for no good reason and its lineage was finished once they did the US vs. IC title match at Survivor Series 2001. The 2003 tourney that Eddie won was for a totally new belt in my opinion. As far as the IC title goes, it was killed off during the Katie Vick fiasco since that Kane vs. HHH match was IC vs. World title and the IC was unified with the World title. So the battle royale for it in 2003 was to me also for a totally new belt with no real ties to the original lineage, other than being called the IC title.


Here's one thing about the WWE and World titles. The WWE title on Raw is never referred to as being the "Unified" or "Undisputed" title anymore. That would imply that the World title on SD (originally on Raw in 2002) is the same belt as the one the Rock held in 2001 and that the unification was separated once Lesnar left Raw.


Another thing to ponder is this. Will anyone who held the ECW title in 2006-07 be considered an actual world champion when all is said and done? I personally think it'll be considered something phony along the lines of the WCW International World title in 1993-94. So really Rob Van Dam will always be considered a former WWE champion, but to me never really held the REAL ECW belt.


This is headache inducing.

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Bobby Lashley, like Rick Rude, will never be seen as a World Champion in my eyes.


Given his push, he seems likely to win one of the real belts sooner or later.


The last guy to lose a title to Vince McMahon had a hell of a run with the belt later on.

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The Undertaker will be having surgery to repair his torn biceps next week. The surgery will be performed Wednesday by Dr. James Andrews in Birmingham, AL. He will immediately be flown out after next Tuesday's Smackdown taping in Pittsburgh, where he is expected to drop the title. He is expected to be out until around Survivor Series time at the earliest.

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Based on booking and hints, it looks like Batista wins the match and the title but then Kennedy takes advantage of a weakened Batista by cashing in his MITB privilege and beating him for the title right away. If that happens, and even if it doesn't, it makes you wonder what the new JD main event will be.

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I really wish they wouldn't rush into putting the title on Kennedy. Just panic booking at its worst. While it's not an ideal situation, just have Batista snap and lay 'Taker to waste winning the title back and have the monster feud with Kane and Batista. Batista-Kennedy has already been done and it wasn't that special in the first place. The notion of Kennedy playing it smart and waiting til WM24 was a better direction to take.

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If Booker were able to make an appearance, it wouldn't surprise me to see him cost Taker the title in payback for the table tombstone a month back.

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I'm hoping that they don't have Kennedy cash in his MITB title shot as well. If they actually went through with the WM title shot, it could do wonders for the guy. A lot can change in a year, and for all we know he could become a major top face or heel by the time WM comes around, and that title shot could be the huge climax to his year long push.


Of course, even if they go through with the WM title shot, that doesn't mean that he can't technically get a few title shots between now and the WM show.

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If anyone is going to cost Undertaker the title, it should be someone who can stick around and make use of the heat it'll generate.

Which could likely end up being Mark Henry.

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Heck, the match at the SD taping might not even lead to a new champion that night. They could do a draw or someting, and then have the title held up. They're not forced to instantly put the title on anyone so quickly, and also gives them more time to totally decide where they want to go with Taker being out. After the match they could have Mark Henry run out and beat up both Taker and Batista, giving Taker an excuse to be off of TV, and Batista a ready made feud.

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If anyone is going to cost Undertaker the title, it should be someone who can stick around and make use of the heat it'll generate.


It'd be really silly to have someone already on the shelf take someone else off the shelf and wait 6-8 months before any followup. In theory, it makes sense for Booker to do that. Maybe he "hire" Henry and stick around as a manager (which I think he can pull off if he makes changes to his persona) and they could do the probably Henry-Batista deal with Booker helping provide more heat for it. I'd actually rather see Henry-Batista then Kennedy-Batista. Just turn Batista and run with the Kane program. Kane is still tremendously over and he'd do more with Batista then Henry would and it wouldn't hurt future business as it would with Kennedy. I still think moving one of the Raw heels (Orton, Umaga, Edge) over wouldn't be out of the question.

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I'd love to have Edge on SD, if only just for a feud with Kennedy. Since Edge already used a MITB shot in a sneaky way to get the title, imagine Edge as the champ on SD always being paranoid that Kennedy was going to do the exact same thing to him.


That could only happen, of course, if it isn't "official" that Kennedy has cashed in his MITB shot yet. The entire WM thing could end up being a swerve I guess.


I still want him to do it at WM, but a program like that with Edge could be fun.

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