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RVD released early?

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at least in TNA, RVD has a chance to chase an actual World Title rather than a mid-card belt pretending to be a World Title.

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RVD is teaming with Punk to take on Burke and Con Von tomorrow on ECW so he's still here for the time being.

That actually might be a pretty good match. I mean yeah, odds are RVD will take the fall but the match itself might be pretty good. Which is the important thing.

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Please let this lead to friction between Punk and RVD that culminates at ONS with RVD vs. Punk, Extreme Rules. Thing is there is almost zero time to build such a match.

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ECW main event

Rob Van Dam & C.M. Punk vs. Marcus Cor Von & Elijah Burke. So much for the story Van Dam was getting off early. The actual story is he MAY be taken off One Night Stand, which was to be his final show.

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Well, if that's true then I'm even gladder that I'm not going to bother with ONS. I still don't get it, shouldn't they at least attempt to use RVD to try and get someone over?

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If you are WWE I think you just leave him off of the show. Yeah, a Punk - RVD match could be good. But, do you really want the fans crapping all over CM Punk and going crazy for RVD as he is on his way out?

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If you are WWE I think you just leave him off of the show. Yeah, a Punk - RVD match could be good. But, do you really want the fans crapping all over CM Punk and going crazy for RVD as he is on his way out?


I don't think the fans would crap all over CM Punk if they do some type of post-match "respect" moment.

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I think the crowd would be more split 50/50 for RVD and Punk. I would assume one of the two turns on the other tomorrow night, I'd guess RVD on Punk since Punk joining back up with the New Breed makes zero sense. Maybe have Van Dam turn on him but not join the NB of course.

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I think the crowd would be more split 50/50 for RVD and Punk. I would assume one of the two turns on the other tomorrow night, I'd guess RVD on Punk since Punk joining back up with the New Breed makes zero sense. Maybe have Van Dam turn on him but not join the NB of course.


The vast majority of people would know it's RVD's last show, so there's no way it could be anything but face RVD vs. a heel. RVD would be getting the Trish Stratus treatment from the fans, without the hometown part. Trish was moving into TV, she could go out on a high. If RVD is going to another wrestling promotion wherever it is, I doubt they'll want him going out on that kind of a high.

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Why do people still take the torch seriously as a credible source?

The Torch is right often enough that people still take a chance with them.


Speculation over Van Dam leaving is only going to keep going, so this thread may as well stay open until he really is released at which point it'll probably get the OAO tag added.

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The funny thing is that I agree with most of the booking for RVD over the past few weeks. I'm glad they aren't just jobbing him left and right, because really what good does that do for anyone? Guys don't get over since it's obvious RVD is being jobbed out, so it's not like the win is impressive. At least by doing DQs they can save the jobbing of RVD for his last week.

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Why do people still take the torch seriously as a credible source?

The same reason why people take everything they read over the internet reguarding pro wrestling seriously. In which case, they really shouldn't and people should really believe it when they see it.

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This isn't a shock since I don't think he ever allowed WWE to trademark it for their exlusive use. I remember an interview a while back where RVD said he allowed WWE to use his name and market it, etc. but that he retained the actual rights to his name in case he ever left.


If WWE really did own his name then he'd have no choice but to sign a new deal, since I can't imagine him being worth anything to TNA as Rob Zsatkowski or whatever.

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Nah I wouldn't just no show the PPV. Van Dam I don't think would care about losing to Snitsky, but there are some lines I would draw in the sand if I'm him. I wouldn't go out there and get squashed or buried, wouldn't let Snitsky kick out of my finisher at 1 and no sell everything. Wouldn't do some goofy stretcher job. I'd just go out, have a back and forth match, maybe go for a 5 Star and miss it, then Snitsky hits a finisher and that'd be it.


Hell, people usually cite Jake vs. UT at WM 8 as an ultra example of burying a guy before releasing him (or contract was up). Even there Roberts got in 2 DDTs and UT didn't really no sell them, it's just that Jake never bothered to cover. And it took a Tombstone on the floor for UT to win.


There are ways to do this without making RVD look awful.

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Did Meltzer attribute the RVD rumor, which was going around, as starting with the Torch?


Speaking of RVD talk, from the Observer:


The original plan was RVD vs. Orton at ONS with Orton 'killing a legend with RVD'. It was going to be Van Dam's last show, but that might have been changed after Vince threw a fit over believing the plan had become too well known. Van Dam may finish up before ONS, but there has also been talk of "surprising the smart fans" by having Van Dam stay on an extra week or two and winning at ONS where people would expect him to lose and he'd wind up doing his final job shortly after instead.

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Okay, after hearing that original idea by all means bring on Snitsky! What's with Orton getting the wins over guys who are about to be released? He beat Angle at Vengeance last year right before Angle was released.


If I'm RVD I'd much rather job to Snitsky, who is at least being pushed hard at the moment. Jobbing to Orton is like jobbing to a guy who has been buried, dug up, and buried again.

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there has also been talk of "surprising the smart fans" by having Van Dam stay on an extra week or two and winning at ONS where people would expect him to lose and he'd wind up doing his final job shortly after instead.


If that happens, it'd benefit RVD more than WWE. The last thing the WWE fans would really remember is RVD winning in his final significant match (as it'd be on PPV), at ONS, and before that, winning at Mania. Nobody is going to remember a job he does at an ECW television show.

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I'd leave now or no show, rather than lose to freakin Snitsky on a ppv.

ummm...why? Why in the hell would RVD do that? That would make RVD look so horrible in promoter's and booker's eyes it wouldn't even be funny. I'm going to explain this one more time.


Professional Wrestling is a work. No one in there right mind is going to go "oh hey! Rob Van Dam can work for us now, let's book him! Wait a minute....he lost to Snitsky? Oh..oh...oh we can't book him now, he lost to Snitsky, he's a dead fish now, he's useless..I mean who loses to Snitsky?"


Winning or Loosing in Pro Wrestling does not matter. I don't know how many times I can stress this, you know what matters the most in Pro wrestling? Just having a good match with someone, being able to tell a story and grabbing the fans intrest in you, that's what matters in Pro Wrestling.

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I think everyone here has a point to be honest. In fact Scroby and Mysterious both mention the way I feel about it. Yes, pro wrestling is a work and RVD likely could give a shit less that he's jobbing to Snitsky. I doubt it'd really hurt his overall standing.


With that said, yes it does churn my stomach that of all people it's Gene Snitsky that Van Dam jobs to on his way out. I grasp the rationale of having RVD job to someone, but let's face some facts here. Snitsky isn't going to do shit with this win. At best he'll get some lame title shot at Lashley (once Lashley regains) and be fed to Lashley the way these monster jobber heels are to Cena on Raw. What does it say when the best thing I can muster up about the RVD/Snitsky match is that at least Van Dam won't be jobbing to Orton as originally planned? What they have set up is something that literally does not matter: It won't bury Van Dam, and nobody buys Snitsky beating RVD so it won't get him over either. Hell, last year when RVD came back for the Rumble his first singles match was against Snitsky on Raw and it was perhaps the only time I've ever heard a crowd chant "Boring" during an RVD match.


Is it so hard to do SOMETHING constructive here? As in RVD vs. CM Punk at ONS, give it 15-20 minutes and make it Extreme Rules. Van Dam jobs and then puts over Punk as the future of ECW, then takes a bow and goes out with some dignity.

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