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Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

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ECW may be the third brand, but for a guy like Benoit it's not a demotion. He doesn't get paid less. He doesn't have to work or travel more. He doesn't get taken off tv. He doesn't lose merchandise rights. He doesn't work smaller venues.


Benoit was being asked to be the focus of the one of the company's brands. That's not a bad thing. I think being moved to ECW is probably 5,521st in the list of reasons you decide to kill your family.


Obsessed fans who break down the minutia of won-loss records or title reigns are the only ones who care about that crap.


yeah BUT


in benoit's mind it may have been the thing that pushed him over the edge


if you think you've got years left at the top, but the management wants you to accept a lower role (and ECW is a lower show than Smackdown), i'd imagine you take it pretty hard

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It's being said that because of the raids on Benoit's doctor, it's likely that they'll be naming more major wrestlers, along with their records.


I tell you, those who thought that this would be in the news for 3 or 4 days and then go away were/are kidding themselves. I knew when it was found out he did it, this would have major repercussions for the industry. Not sure what the end result is going to be but its not a 1 week story that fades away and wwe silencing their superstars or ignoring it isn't going to make it go away.

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I'm not sure many wwe wrestlers will be on there. Obviously,due to the wwe wellness policy they need steriod prescriptions from their own doctors, and they can't use internet prescriptions, and most guys go to their locals doctors...so are the guys that live in Atlanta likely to be the only ones named?

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It's being said that because of the raids on Benoit's doctor, it's likely that they'll be naming more major wrestlers, along with their records.


where did u hear this?


I'll try to find the link and post it.


Anyway, this is quite interesting:




Benoit e-mails tell of friendship, spiritual guidance



Special to the Journal-Constitution

Published on: 06/29/07


Greg Oliver is a freelancer writer from Toronto who knew and wrote about fellow Canadian Chris Benoit, the professional wrestler who allegedly killed his wife, Nancy, 7-year-old son, Daniel, and himself last weekend inside their Fayette County home. Oliver has written three books about professional wrestling, produces the "SLAM! Wrestling" Web site and has published articles in newspapers in Canada. Oliver had an occasional e-mail correspondence with Benoit, and shared some of that with The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.


I first interviewed Chris Benoit in 1997. We'd done a few other interviews here and there, and seen each other at various wrestling events. In November 2005, WWE star Eddie Guerrero died unexpectedly of natural causes related to heart disease. Guerrero was Benoit's best friend, and I sent a note to Chris offering my condolences. Here is his response:


"Hi Greg, thank you for your e-mail. I know that he has left us but I still feel like I'm going to see him on the road next week. I do not know if I will ever have as good a friend as I did in Eddie. I was able to talk to him about anything in my life, and he was always able to make sense of things or change my perspective.


"He was somewhat of a spiritual guide for me. I do not know if you read the Bible at all, or what your beliefs are, and I will respect you for whatever your beliefs are. But if you ever get the opportunity to read about Job, it reminds me so much of Eddie. He at one point after coming out of rehab had nothing but the clothes on his back. He had physically, mentally emotionally and monetarily hit rock bottom. He lost his family, his wife and children had left. But he never lost his faith and through it was able to overcome the odds.


"Instead of Eddie becoming bitter, Eddie became better. In our business it is really difficult to understand why we do what we do and why we think what we think unless you are in it, unless you have a passion for it, it is so demanding physically, mentally and emotionally in every possible way, but when you love it as did Eddie, as do myself, you have a better understanding of why we do what we do.


"I do not believe that I will ever find someone that I will bond with and be able to understand and be understood as I was with Eddie. I'm not looking forward to going back on the road, not that I ever did, I hate the road, but I looked forward to Eddie's company and camaraderie. Both of us hated the road, being away from our families, but both of us lived for that in ring bell to bell time.


"My wife Nancy bought me a diary and I have started to write letters to Eddie, it may sound crazy but that is how I'm coping. I'm sorry if some of this e-mail does not make any sense either but it helps me cope. Thank you, Greg."




But not all his emails were dreary. In a later e-mail, Benoit also talked about how life on the road was different.


"We were even warned about our conduct when we are out having a few beers. Sometimes we can get a little rowdy especially when we are overseas. Apparently someone video taped a few of the guys acting up on they're cell phone and posted it on the internet. So much for privacy."




With an offer to contact him anytime, via cell phone or e-mail, he said his goodbyes.


It was the last e-mail I got from him, but not the last I sent. On Saturday, I'd e-mailed him best wishes, as I'd heard someone in his family was ill, and that he wouldn't be appearing at the WWE Vengeance pay-per-view. I also wanted his thoughts on his old tag team partner Shayne Bower, a.k.a. Biff Wellington, who had just died at age 44, down and out in Calgary, after years of painkiller abuse.


Needless to say, I didn't hear back from Chris, and now I never will.

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Bret Hart was also on Nancy Grace again (someone else, a bit less annoying was filling in for Nancy tonight), I think it replays at 10pm Eastern. And I'll put it on Youtube at some point later.

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The steroid talk just will not go away. How long until someone from Congress wants to make a name for himself and goes after wrestling?

John McCain is licking his lips right now.

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Guest lo0p

how the hell did chyna get into playboy?

i wonder what all the guys that bought that issue and "pleasured" themselves are thinking now.

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Debra is on Hannity & Colmes saying all that she's been saying again, onlyt his time Bill DeMott is on the show as well, and holy crap is the conversation getting heated. Bill is totally calling Debra out on the entire "code of silence" deal and all of that, and she is just going off on him.




"I knew what it was like to be almost dead." - Debra


I think Bill made a lot of sense, and had a ton of great points. As for Debra, well I'll just say this. Just now, in that heated discussion, it's the first time that I really believed what she was saying, and even if not totally true, she believes it to be so.

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I'm not sure many wwe wrestlers will be on there. Obviously,due to the wwe wellness policy they need steriod prescriptions from their own doctors, and they can't use internet prescriptions, and most guys go to their locals doctors...so are the guys that live in Atlanta likely to be the only ones named?


How many doctors out there are willing to write such dubious prescriptions? If a local one won't do it, desperate wrestlers will go where they believe they need to go.

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In talking about if Chris Benoit got to the point where he couldn't differentiate between his real self and the "character", Debra goes on to say that it happens, and that Steve Austin legally changed his name to Steve Austin, and that it's crazy when people do that.


I mention this because Warrior will be on this same show on Monday. :lol:


The segment ended with Bill saying to Debra "SHAME ON YOU" for not coming out earlier if everything she's saying is true if she really thinks it could've saved the Benoit family had she done so, and she responded to Bill by saying that she wasn't able to come out emotionally. She said that Bill didn't know what he was talking about, and he's never had a "500 pound" guy on his back beating him, he responded by saying sure he has since he's been in the industry for so long, and she replied back by saying that it's different because she's a woman.


His exact quote to her was:


"If this was about saving Nancy's life, where were you five years ago?"


Chris Jericho is going to be on Greta Von Sustern, on FOX News soon.

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First off, I've always thought Bill DeMott was an asshole.


Second, Austin is still an asshole as well.


Third, I can't blame Austin for changing his name. It gives him more protection over the rights to his character.



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That sounds like good stuff, I'll definately have to catch the replay. I'm surprised they didn't spend the entire hour on the terrorist thing though. So again this story won't go away for a while. Hell it might get as bad as the holloway case where they talk about it for months.


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Kudos to Bill DeMott for basically owning her ass.


Yeah, how dare she speak out about getting her ass kicked by an abusive over sized man only to be talked down to by another guy who only wants his job back.


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Im assuming that the reason all these washed up people are making the rounds on tv shows is because the WWF has a gag on the ones currently under contract?


Yeah, it was mentioned before, from PWInsider


We heard today from a radio show host that usually gets WWE workers that the company has put a media ban on their wrestlers for the next three weeks so that they can't do interviews.

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So do they think after three weeks everyone is going to forgot about this or is three weeks about enough time to prep/threaten the workers what to say.

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Guest beau99
Kudos to Bill DeMott for basically owning her ass.


Yeah, how dare she speak out about getting her ass kicked by an abusive over sized man only to be talked down to by another guy who only wants his job back.

I'm not calling Debra a liar, I'm just saying she's a loudmouthed bitch.

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