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WWE General Discussion for July 2007

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No, a Tiger Driver '91 is where you spike a guy on his head.



Wikipedia, for instance, states that "A Sitout Double Underhook Powerbomb is known as a Tiger Driver, or LESS COMMONLY as a Tiger Bomb." But I've never seen a wrestler refer to it as a "Tiger Bomb". Then again, not many guys use that particular powerbomb much anymore.

Weird. Maybe it's just me, but when I think driver, I think spiking a guy's head, not putting a guy on their back.


Tiger Bomb is basically an ECW/Joey Styles invention and nothing more. Maybe Cole/Tazz/Matthews have used it since in reference to Noble when he was using the move, but that's it.

I actually hear Indy wrestlers use that referance all the time. I guess you could look at it either way, but like I said, when I hear the word "driver" when it comes to wrestling, I think a wrestler is getting a head spikeing move.

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yeah, reminds me of how here, years ago, we all discussed how John Cena could be brought in as a gay character without having to even talk about it or make him a flamboyant person. While most gay people are NOT flamboyant and can only talk about how gay they are, the fact is that most people don't see it that way, and regardless of the trends and moves society has made so far, people will still take any 'gay' character presented to them and boo the shit out of them.


If this happens with WGTT, consider their careers in the shitter forever, and it won't be because they're gay or not... but because the people aren't ready to be okay with that and move the fuck on. Bad move writers, bad!!!!!!!

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The latest issue of WWE Magazine features Triple H on the cover.

Inside the magazine is an interview with him to hype his forthcoming

return to the ring. Here is what Triple H had to say regarding young

stars in the locker room who are waiting to be made into main event

stars like him. At the end of his response, he seems to be talking

about Carlito when he talks about wrestlers who don't capitalize on

working with someone like Ric Flair:



Question: Explain a workplace-related issue that causes you trouble:



Triple H: I see a million guys who think, "I'm the best of the new

guys." Well, that's not saying much. Do you want to be the best of the

new guys, or do you want to be the best guy here? They sit back and

they're just waiting for somebody to make them a star. Nobody makes

you a star, you make yourself a star. When the fans are going crazy

for you whether positively or negatively then you have something to

promote. No one made Triple H. I did. The problem is lack of patience.

Early on in my career, I was very impatient and wanted more to be more

than I was ready to be. But as time went on, I was glad I didn't get

it so early, because I wasn't ready. Now guys come in the door and

half of them don't have a clue. I see guys on TV, against the likes of

Ric Flair, and they simply can't capitalize on that. If you can't

capitalize on working with one of the biggest stars ever in the

history of this business, you're not doing something right. You need

to evaluate what you're doing and stop blaming everyone else.





Triple H made himself.......that made me laugh really hard. I'm sure programming him with every good person they had and having him dominate them had nothing to do with. Giving him Stephanie and jamming him down everyones throats till they accepted him..at the beginning of that push no one liked it or bought it.......Yea Triple H made Triple H right...keep tellin yourself that.

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By the way. That WWE game does have the high scores posted. Link's here: http://wwegame.kp9.net/game_personalize.asp


For the hell of it:














My highest is about 400...

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- 1wrestling.com is reporting that WWE developmental talent Teddy Hart is receiving major heat in OVW after only being there a week. Hart's problems started when he took a phone call in the middle of a production meeting during his first day in OVW. Trainers asked him to end the call, and reports say Hart said it was important and kept on talking. Hart also has been using injury excuses to get out of training sessions and doesn't help his fellow workers in cleaning up the building and doing other things that are expected of the talent. On the other hand, Harry Smith and Nattie Neidhart are receiving praise since debuting in OVW.

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- 1wrestling.com is reporting that WWE developmental talent Teddy Hart is receiving major heat in OVW after only being there a week. Hart's problems started when he took a phone call in the middle of a production meeting during his first day in OVW. Trainers asked him to end the call, and reports say Hart said it was important and kept on talking. Hart also has been using injury excuses to get out of training sessions and doesn't help his fellow workers in cleaning up the building and doing other things that are expected of the talent. On the other hand, Harry Smith and Nattie Neidhart are receiving praise since debuting in OVW.


Well that took less time than I was expecting.

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Elijah Burke in his blog reflects on Dusty Rhodes and takes a shot at Mero...I found it kinda funny personally.


“I’m back and better than ever.” - Eric Bischoff Theme Music 2003


Once again, YOUR Host of Hosts is here to be an inspiration to those without hope. No longer must you suffer. No longer must you linger without knowing, because YOUR Guiding Light shall guide you to a place and time where Dreams live on.


The place and time was July 22, 2007 at the HP Pavilion in San Jose, Calif. The dream was, well the Dream; the “American Dream” that is. Anybody who considers themselves to be a true fan of the sport had to feel like they were 6-years-old again when WWE Hall of Famer Dusty Rhodes appeared at The Great American Bash sporting his cowboy hat, same trusty black shirt from years past and the knee pads over his jeans. Man, I for one know that I was just in awe.


Regardless of what you thought of the match itself (being that the rules to the Bull Rope Match had changed), to see such an icon at this stage in his career being able to compete on his brainchild (The Great American Bash) was just like Christmas for me. It was one of the best gifts that I could ask for. But more importantly, it wasn’t the match that sent shivers up and down my spine, it was Dusty’s promo.


When I was 3-years-old and growing, Dusty to me was a Southern Baptist Preacher. Dusty had a way of making me (among millions of others) feel important. He made me feel like he was fighting the “good” fight for me. Dusty had, and still has obviously, the gift of rapping, if you will. There’s no one, and I absolutely mean no one, that did or can do it better. When this man speaks, you listen. You’re drawn to see where he’s going with his message.


I gotta tell ya, when Dusty cut that promo, I felt like I was watching Florida Championship Wrestling with my pops all over again. What more could I expect. It was the Dweem baby! Dusty will make your back crack, your liver quiver, if you ain’t down with this mess then hell, you at the wrong address. It was truly an “Experience” for YOUR Paragon of Virtue who witnessed it live. So why did I reflect on Eric Bischoff’s theme music? It’s simple; the “American Dream” Dusty Rhodes was truly back and better than ever! Well, almost I guess. It ended as soon as it began, or so it seems.


Oh well, if we can actually find some jeans that fit, we could always dress up Balls Mahoney in a cowboy hat and jeans and send him to the ring. Nah, that wouldn’t work. That’ll be like putting make-up on a 240-pound man, dress him up like Little Richard with confetti launchers and having him hit his opponents with something called the “Tutti-Frutti!... Just Gawd Awful!


Thanks Dusty!


P.S. WTH? Have anyone seen or heard from my personal enforcer?


(Insert Normal)


Questions, Comments and/or concerns? Reach out to your Paragon of Virtue at [email protected].


YOUR Host of Hosts




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Credit Mike Johnson of PWInsider.com:


The WWE website has an article up about Edge's pectoral tear surgery under famed surgeon Dr. James Andrews, which took place over the weekend.


Andrews noted that the tear was much more than originally believed, with the surgical team discovering that the tendon had completely torn from the bone once they opened him up. Andrews commented that the injury could have been a career-threatening situation if it wasn't correctly repaired.


Given the wording of the article, it appears that Edge's return would most likely be towards the end of 2007, although that would all depend on a number of factors including healing, physical therapy and training time needed to return to the ring. Andrews would only comment that the return time was "to be determined", noting that it could take 3-4 months once they are a month out of surgery. Five months (including the four weeks of surgerical recovery) would be late December.



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World Wrestling Entertainment has come to terms on the release of Rene Dupree. WWE wishes Rene all the best in his future endeavors.


This sucks to hear. He was the first wrestler I ever met in person and he was a cool guy! I enjoyed his tenure as part of La Resistance and well as his feud with John Cena over the United States title, that was fun. Its a damn shame.



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Whoever said life for a pro wrestler was easy?


While’s WWE RAW brand are running two house shows this weekend in the U.S, the Smackdown and ECW rosters are several thousand miles away with a crazy and demanding schedule ahead of them over the weekend.


Tonight, after flying several thousand miles to Thailand from the States this week, Smackdown and ECW are in Bangkok before clocking up another thousand or so miles to head to Singapore overnight for a show on Saturday. After Saturday night’s show, the crew then board another plane and head to Perth in Australia for the third house show in as many nights, clocking up another couple of thousand miles in the process.


On Monday, the crew will head back to the States for Tuesday night’s Smackdown and ECW taping in Phoenix, AZ. That’s a brutal schedule for those guys.




That's a lot of miles to rack up in five days.

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Domestically, yes, it is.



Well, yes I know that. I just wanted to point out that WWE still has a ridiculously hard travel schedule that causes excessive strain on their workers. I was amused how many people cited the easier schedule compared to the eighties during the Benoit debates.

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Bob Ryder is reporting that Rene Dupree was fired due to failing the much maligned WWE wellness policy. Dupree had recently completed a 60-day drug rehab treatment. Ryder is also reporting that Dupree abused somas during his time with Ohio Valley Wrestling.


Credit: Gerweck


"See, we take our drug policy very serious!"

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Elijah Burke in his blog reflects on Dusty Rhodes and takes a shot at Mero...I found it kinda funny personally.


“I’m back and better than ever.” - Eric Bischoff Theme Music 2003


Once again, YOUR Host of Hosts is here to be an inspiration to those without hope. No longer must you suffer. No longer must you linger without knowing, because YOUR Guiding Light shall guide you to a place and time where Dreams live on.


The place and time was July 22, 2007 at the HP Pavilion in San Jose, Calif. The dream was, well the Dream; the “American Dream” that is. Anybody who considers themselves to be a true fan of the sport had to feel like they were 6-years-old again when WWE Hall of Famer Dusty Rhodes appeared at The Great American Bash sporting his cowboy hat, same trusty black shirt from years past and the knee pads over his jeans. Man, I for one know that I was just in awe.


Regardless of what you thought of the match itself (being that the rules to the Bull Rope Match had changed), to see such an icon at this stage in his career being able to compete on his brainchild (The Great American Bash) was just like Christmas for me. It was one of the best gifts that I could ask for. But more importantly, it wasn’t the match that sent shivers up and down my spine, it was Dusty’s promo.


When I was 3-years-old and growing, Dusty to me was a Southern Baptist Preacher. Dusty had a way of making me (among millions of others) feel important. He made me feel like he was fighting the “good” fight for me. Dusty had, and still has obviously, the gift of rapping, if you will. There’s no one, and I absolutely mean no one, that did or can do it better. When this man speaks, you listen. You’re drawn to see where he’s going with his message.


I gotta tell ya, when Dusty cut that promo, I felt like I was watching Florida Championship Wrestling with my pops all over again. What more could I expect. It was the Dweem baby! Dusty will make your back crack, your liver quiver, if you ain’t down with this mess then hell, you at the wrong address. It was truly an “Experience” for YOUR Paragon of Virtue who witnessed it live. So why did I reflect on Eric Bischoff’s theme music? It’s simple; the “American Dream” Dusty Rhodes was truly back and better than ever! Well, almost I guess. It ended as soon as it began, or so it seems.


Oh well, if we can actually find some jeans that fit, we could always dress up Balls Mahoney in a cowboy hat and jeans and send him to the ring. Nah, that wouldn’t work. That’ll be like putting make-up on a 240-pound man, dress him up like Little Richard with confetti launchers and having him hit his opponents with something called the “Tutti-Frutti!... Just Gawd Awful!


Thanks Dusty!


P.S. WTH? Have anyone seen or heard from my personal enforcer?


(Insert Normal)


Questions, Comments and/or concerns? Reach out to your Paragon of Virtue at [email protected].


YOUR Host of Hosts


So when did Burke start ripping off Jericho's old gimmick?

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I thought it was more funny that Burke was mentioning Cor Von as his personal bodyguard at the end, insinuating he hasn't seen him in a while, either. It's gotta be Cor Von he was hinting at, no?

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There are tentative plans to retire the WWE Cruiserweight title (hence Hornswoggle winning it, burying the title) and setting up a more serious, pushed TNA-like 'X-Division' and new title belt, with the division having a new name other than 'cruiserweights' and 'light heavyweights'.


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It should be fine until some random Indy worker gets hurt, then it'll die a slow slow death. Though I do like the fact they're getting rid of the Cruiserweight name, I've always hated that name.

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Is this perhaps the first act of Noble as a backstage producer? I am interested in this idea, but I have to wonder if it means WWE will just let these guys go all out and fly around and excite people. Cause let's face it, the WWE cruiser style has always blown big time....it's just smaller guys doing a typical mat based match. Unless cruisers (or whatever they are now) are going to bust out insane highspots then nobody will care.

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Bob Ryder is reporting that Rene Dupree was fired due to failing the much maligned WWE wellness policy. Dupree had recently completed a 60-day drug rehab treatment. Ryder is also reporting that Dupree abused somas during his time with Ohio Valley Wrestling.


Credit: Gerweck


"See, we take our drug policy very serious!"


Dupree has to be a complete moron, that's the 3rd one he's failed.

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With Dupree gone, who will have random crotch related incidents happen in their matches?


Also, I really loved Dupree's promo he cut in ECW when he was wearing a towel, then looked at his crotch, and had a very impressed smile on his face. I had a good laugh at that.

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