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Guest Johnny B Radd

OAO RAW Discussion for 7/23

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Is it bad that the first time I've ever marked out for Randy Orton was right then?



BTW. I'm glad Hardy had to come in and make the save. At least that made Cena seem some what vulnerable.

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Trash a hotel room=title shot.


No No it's.......make Triple H want to beat you for the belt=champ

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Orton will win the belt,then Trple H will win from him


You look like you've got the right stuff to be a great wrestling writer! Please send a resume to:


Vince McMahon

Titan Towers

Stamford, CT

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Whats gonna be funny is Orton winning the belt again at SS then Trips winning a month later AGAIN!


And they wonder why Orton smokes weed in front of people.

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That whole JR line - "can you believe this!!" after Cena beats Murdoch (like that was supposed to be such a big deal?) was the best unintentional humor in weeks on this show.


So we got Orton/Cena for sure at SummerSlam, still no Jackass angle (or even hinted about) yet, Umaga/Hardy feud continues (?), Lashley really doesnt advance anywhere post-GAB, and thats about the show? Kennedy/Hardy was a decent match, with that incredibly sickening looking botch by Jeff. I enjoyed the tag match w/ Londrick/WGTT also. Main event was just goofy shit that didnt need to be booked in the first place. Cody/Orton had a decent match, post-angle was predictable as hell but makes sense if they want to keep this Orton push strong.

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The dream match 4 years in the making.





I read somewhere where Orton hates that song and always has.


Any, that was pretty cool to see Hardy come out there and wear out umuga with stiff shots from that chair.


I'll give credit to cena/orton on one, t cena didn't duck his head or make some odd movement before the rko, looked authentic. (unlike the silly dusty crap where he stared at him for about 5 seconds before the kick) nicely done.

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I still find the concept of RVD being a legend quite a laugh.


Don't tell the old ECW marks that.......I have a friend who argues that he could have been an Austin like star if the WWE hadn't ruined him....and yes he's serious about it. It's hard not to laugh at him honestly but I try just to be nice.

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If Orton wins at Summerslam and then HHH wins at, I do not know, Survivor Series. How long until Cena wins it back? I am figuring Mania. Build up HHH v. Cena as two faces. Cena has never won the Rumble. Might as well get that out of the way.

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If Orton wins at Summerslam and then HHH wins at, I do not know, Survivor Series. How long until Cena wins it back? I am figuring Mania. Build up HHH v. Cena as two faces. Cena has never won the Rumble. Might as well get that out of the way.


The going plan is Orton holds it til Mania and drops it to HHH, with Cena always harboring close in the title hunt, so I'd expect some triple threat matches thrown in there, possibly even at Mania itself.


I have zero interest in any of the suggested scenarios by the way - Orton v. Cena, Cena v. HHH, Orton v. HHH, or triple threat with all of them. And they want this on top of the Raw brand until Mania? Ugh.

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