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Speaking of humiliating J.R., is Linda still a heel for firing J.R?


Kane burned JR and he's a face, HHH broke JR's arm and he's a face, so Linda is in the clear now.


Speaking of HHH, I got a chuckle out of his short cameo and the "Hi, Steph" liner.

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Burke is the best backup idea I've heard so far.


Ya know, he's been gone long enough, but what about Cor Von? "Up"=the POUNCE! They can just say since he discovered he was Vince's son, he went away.

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Speaking of humiliating J.R., is Linda still a heel for firing J.R?


JR didnt have an ill word to say about her.


I'm thinking this is all a swerve by Vince and Kennedy against the family and Kennedy is in fact the kid, but Vince knew this ahead of time, even before the "papers".......not sure why but I think its something they are setting up themselves and did "months ago" in storyline lingo.


Either that or its HHH. Elijiah Burke is a good one too, as is possibly any potential main event level Canucks (meaning basically Edge or possibly a returning Chris Jericho).

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I still think its Kennedy as well. They are probably going to do the swerve and have Kennedy and the "real" son fight it out on a pay-per-view.

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It totally sucks that there was no heat whatsoever for Kennedy's appearance and subsquent announcement. The only thing that remotely popped the crowd was him adding "McMahon" to the end of his name. Every other time he's been alluded to as the son, the crowd has popped huge. HHH saying hi to Steph got a bigger pop.

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I'm glad it isn't Kennedy. A GOOD mystery angle does not have such obvious, horrible clues, WWE writers be damned.


MVP, Batista or HBK. Those are my picks.

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My guess is Rey Mysterio as well. Remember his original entrance music lyrics? "Look who's BOUNCIN' OUT THE SKY, R-E-Y Mysterio! Here We Go!"


Things are looking up = Look who's BOUNCIN' OUT THE SKY!


Seriously though, I'll go with a different choice. I say WWE has secretly resigned The Big Show, and he will be revealed as Vince's son. Thusly, the man who we thought was Big Show's father, who "died" during the "Original Bastard Angle of 1999" during his feud with the Big Boss Man, was actually his stepfather!

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Don't forget that it has to be someone currently on the roster, so Sabu, Big Show, Jericho, Cabana and Sid wouldn't work. Rey wouldn't make sense since we met his family on his DVD. I just hope it's not Snitsky, but I can see them panicing and making a horrible choice like that.

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Was it ever acknowledged on TV that Big Show was finished with WWE, or did he just lose to Lashley twice and never show back up? If so, theres an easy way around the "someone currently on the roster" thing.

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I was looking at the rosters for each of the shows and there really isn't anyone else besides Kennedy that would work without this angle ending up really horrible.

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Was it ever acknowledged on TV that Big Show was finished with WWE, or did he just lose to Lashley twice and never show back up? If so, theres an easy way around the "someone currently on the roster" thing.


On the ECW show, they showed the Big Show crying after the Elimination Chamber match. That was Show's last appearance.

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Don't forget that it has to be someone currently on the roster, so Sabu, Big Show, Jericho, Cabana and Sid wouldn't work. Rey wouldn't make sense since we met his family on his DVD. I just hope it's not Snitsky, but I can see them panicing and making a horrible choice like that.

Remember this is WWE so don't let the FACTS get in the way.

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Was it ever acknowledged on TV that Big Show was finished with WWE, or did he just lose to Lashley twice and never show back up? If so, theres an easy way around the "someone currently on the roster" thing.


They mentioned that TBS retired, which could easily be covered that he is still under contract but last I heard, TBS had no desire to wrestle for WWE again for awhile.

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Snitsky's his last name. They didn't spend all this time building him as a monster to turn him into Gene McMahon.


I'd say HBK, just so everyone can go nuts (read: JR) when Vince finds out he's directly related to all of DX.

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I'll go with it all being a trick by his family, so I'll pick Austin since they know that would mess with him the most. Plus that whole "things are looking up" reminds me of the "business is about to pick up" from JR.


Then Austin can lose a match to KENNEDY after a nice build-up, giving him some momentum into whatever main event scene they plan for him. That's all I can think of since USA network was pushing for a return of Stone Cold last time I remember when discussing the horribly timed three hour RAW idea.



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Guest krippler27

Why do I have this gut feeling that the person who is going to be the son is JBL? He is the odd man out as he is a WWE Superstar but he has not been wrestling. There was mention that he is ready to start wrestling again, could this be it? I think Kennedy was "the guy" but JBL is a better back up as the after 10+ years Vince can have that corporate champion that he wanted Austin to be? And it will be his "Son'?

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I was thinking HBK.


You know, they could've held it off and gone with Kennedy anyway. It doesn't seem like Orton is getting suspended for too long either, so they could've done the same with Kennedy. It would have been nice to see Kennedy interact with his new family. I thought it was pretty funny when he called Stephanie sis.

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I was thinking HBK.


You know, they could've held it off and gone with Kennedy anyway. It doesn't seem like Orton is getting suspended for too long either, so they could've done the same with Kennedy. It would have been nice to see Kennedy interact with his new family. I thought it was pretty funny when he called Stephanie sis.


They could have stuck with Kennedy, just have Linda "fire" Kennedy for causing turmoil, thus allowing Vince to spend a month begging to get his "son" hired back. Then McMahon finds a loophole just as Kennedy's suspension ends and they go right back to it.

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