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EVIL~! alkeiper

The "Vent about not having Program X on 24/7" Thread

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Guest flairfan
Contact the BBB anyway. That's very poor treatment, though it sounds like you're exaggerating / generalizing their response (I hope you are, anyway).


Well, the didnt tell my to F Off, Basically they told me they couldnt fix the problem. No explaination as to why..


I finally typed up a 2 page complaint and sent it to the director of Operations at Comcast. I also contacted WWE 24/7 On Demand Programming Dept. and ask them to contact Comcast to see if they could get the content loaded. I also sent the complaint to the BBB.


Guess what happened this morning? I got my updates. Its a real shame that I basically have to contact the world to get the programming I am due.


Comcast's customer service is VERY POOR in this area. Nobody there knows what you are talking about or what to do. Heck, this last Support guy told me to send in my 2 cable boxes for replacement and that when I get new ones the problem will be fixed...LOL what a joke...


Here is the Complaint letter I wrote to their director of Opts and my local Comcast office:




First off, this is not a support question. This is a

customer Complaint!


I have continued to be frustrated by your POOR

customer service in regards to my WWE 24/7 service.

Six times in past 3 months the content that was due to

be posted was not posted on time. During that time, it

took MANY emails and frustration to get the content I

was due loaded.


This week however, the content for 10/10/2007 was NOT

LOADED at all. I emailed support the day it happened

10/10/07 and sent at least 9 other emails to try and

get the problem fixed.(I never did get my content,

which shows COMCAST POOR customer service. I was also

told in each email reply that it would be addressed,

but the proof is in the pudding, I never saw it fixed

on my On-Demand Screen!)


If you can not offer the service the way it was meant

to be offered to the customer, then don’t offer the

service at all. In case you didnt know, the way the

service should be offered it to provide the customer

with ALL the WWE 24/7 programming on time each and

every week!!


I emailed WWE directly and spoke directly to the

Director of Operations. Mr Jim Brown. Here is his

reponse about the issue I am having and continue to



Dear Mr. Kile ~

I will contact Comcast and let them know that there is

another refresh issue this week.


Please understand that WWE has absolutely no control

over what content reaches your system on a weekly



WWE sends the programming to Comcast and Comcast

distributes it to their many systems.


The appearance of content on your On Demand menu

should be automatic, but sometimes there are glitches

with this rather new technology and the individual

systems need to be alerted to manually push the

content onto the user interface.


The customer service representatives you spoke with at

Comcast seem to be mis-informed about the nature of

this kind of problem, and I will reach out to Comcast

corporate to see if they can create some

awareness/education regarding these issues. If you

encounter this same issue again, I suggest you get the

name of the CSR you are dealing with and pass it on.


Thanks very much for your patience.


Hopefully Comcast will make it a point to pay specific

attention to the WWE refresh on your system from now



Very truly yours,

Jim Brown


However, COMCAST has not paid more attention. If

anything, its less attention. The only reason I even

have COMCAST cable is because of the WWE 24/7 service.

It is the PRIMARY channel I watch. I watch every

program on it every week. Therefore if the content is

not loaded, I do not feel like I should be paying for

cable. I do want a full refund of this months bill due

to the fact that I did not get the content I am paying



Since this problem has occurred 6 times in 3 months,

its likely that you don’t want to fix it or you don’t

care if it works or not.


I have filed a complaint about this to the TN Better

Business Bureau. I am sure they will be very

interested about how you offer a service and then do

not provide it to the customer. Also, the fact that

you have refused to fix this issue is another poor

customer service issue they will be interested in.


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Guest flairfan

Just thought you guys might want to know the outcome of my BBB claim against COMCAST!


I received a response from the BBB saying that COMCAST had responded to my claim. I logged into the BBB site and went to my claim.


COMCAST ADMITTED to the problem!!!!!! WHOAAA NEWS THERE!!! Eveytime I called their support, they denied the problem was theirs.


Anyways, the said the problem had been fixed and that they where refunding me 1 months cable bill..!! (Around $96.00!).


So, I agreed that the claim could now be closed, BUT I would be back if the my content was not posted on time each and EVERY week for WWE 24/7!!!




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ok its been five days since the new update took effect and still no Survior Series 1990 Part 2, and thanks to cabbageboy I am also missing World Class, anyway I called Insight a couple days after I did not see any Survivor Series 1990 Part 2 and they said "WWE has not sent it to them" ok I could buy that but me and cabbageboy both have Insight even though we live in different states and he has all his stuff, if they try to feed me a hunk of crap when I call I'll threaten the BBB on them

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No updates today which is weird because it always had the full update (well....full as I can have...) at midnight sharp. What I have looks like this :



PPV : Survivor Series '90 I-II

Legends : Piper + 3 matches

Shorties : All of them



I know should have had MNW but what else I'm missing ?

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No updates today which is weird because it always had the full update (well....full as I can have...) at midnight sharp. What I have looks like this :



PPV : Survivor Series '90 I-II

Legends : Piper + 3 matches

Shorties : All of them



I know should have had MNW but what else I'm missing ?


a MSG show from 1990, TNT show, The Most Powerful Families, Viva Las Divas

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Huh, I got all my stuff on Cogeco 10 Pounds. Then again, I was out of town and just checked late last night, so your problem may have solved itself already.


On that note, with the exception of the Families special, all of my updates for this week are uniformly listed as "18 minutes". That means a lot of the program randomly stopping and me having to accept that my "rental expired" and then hitting play so it starts where it left off. This happened once before when a 3 hour MNW was listed as "7 minutes".

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Huh, I got all my stuff on Cogeco 10 Pounds. Then again, I was out of town and just checked late last night, so your problem may have solved itself already.


On that note, with the exception of the Families special, all of my updates for this week are uniformly listed as "18 minutes". That means a lot of the program randomly stopping and me having to accept that my "rental expired" and then hitting play so it starts where it left off. This happened once before when a 3 hour MNW was listed as "7 minutes".



I've sent a complaint to Cogeco, they haven't sent me a reply yet. So far, only the Famous Families program was added since Wednesday. The only weird thing that happened recently was during the last update, where all the shows were before named "XXX MM/DD/YY" they were now "XXX MM-DD-YY"....not that changing "/" for "-" matters anyway.

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Well I hope your issues are resolved. Did you let WWE.com know too?


I also noticed that the updates went back to hyphens (that's what they used to be when I subscribed last year). A bit odd but shouldn't matter technically.

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Got everything but Primetime last night, and before midnight too. I anticipated a problem with Primetime since they have TNT listed as being on the channel for 2 weeks (and of course it's still there right now). When I saw ECW listed as 90 minutes, I thought maybe they messed up and the ECW show was really PTW (this is what happened the last time I was missing it), but no, it's really ECW.

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Got everything this week....I think. I've got two 90 min. ECW shows, the other one is in the legends section. Didn't see if it truly was an ECW show however. Still don't have the MNW which seriously blows since it's my main reason for getting the channel in the first place. I hope I didn't missed anything important.


I've sent another complaint to Cogeco since I didn't received any reply to my first one. Guaranteed reply within two opening days my ass.

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Anyone else not get the Monday Night War this week, supposed to be from 4/28/97?


I have Comcast and am in South Jersey. I haven't had any problems in a long time, but I still have yet to get it. And I really, really want to watch it.

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There has been problems with my whole On Demand in general the last few days. Comcast has no idea what the error message I get means. I can no tget anything on demand. I play each event and it looks like it is about to start but the screen stays black and nothing happens. Its BS. I do not need this now with new matches everyday.

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There has been problems with my whole On Demand in general the last few days. Comcast has no idea what the error message I get means. I can no tget anything on demand. I play each event and it looks like it is about to start but the screen stays black and nothing happens. Its BS. I do not need this now with new matches everyday.

Have you tried rebooting your box? I get errors from time to time. Hold down the power button until it boots, and wait a few seconds. See if it works then.

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There has been problems with my whole On Demand in general the last few days. Comcast has no idea what the error message I get means. I can no tget anything on demand. I play each event and it looks like it is about to start but the screen stays black and nothing happens. Its BS. I do not need this now with new matches everyday.

Have you tried rebooting your box? I get errors from time to time. Hold down the power button until it boots, and wait a few seconds. See if it works then.


Believe me, I've tried that a countless number of times. A technician came over and changed boxes and the problem still persisted so its not the box. It could be one of the wires which we did not check. Another technician is coming tomorrow. This needs to get fixed ASAP

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Not that I'm dying to re-watch it or anything (though I didn't see all of it last year), but there seems to be some issue with me getting the 2006 Troops show. This is the letter I sent to WWE.com.


Hello. Just passing on that I have been quite happy with the timeliness and correctness of Cogeco's WWE 24/7 content delivery over the past month or two. The problems that were popping up overly frequently over the summer have seemingly disappeared, which is good. I am still not sure why Cogeco in Canada is unable to show Pick Your Big One winners or the Legends Roundtable and if anyone can provide answers on that, that would be great. I have already heard there are rights issues with showing recent PPV events like Unforgiven 2007 but nothing about the others.


On that note, I did not get the 2006 Tribute to the Troops show. It was my understanding (through another cable providers website and talking to people on the net that confirmed they received it) that the show would be available on the 9th, but I have not received it yet. There is a free preview for it in the free section which makes me think there is not some rights issue preventing Cogeco from having this but who knows.





Zio tells me they actually sent him a personalized response about his MNW issue so if that's happening, I figured this would be a good chance to ask what the issue with PYBOs in Canada is.

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I called, and they said they were doing maintenance. This doesn't surprise me, since this happens sometimes with my other OnDemand channels.

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well with Insight switching to Comcast, I antcipated the new stuff not being added I'll give them a call Thursday if the stuff isnt updated tonight, but its getting borderline ridiculous that it seems every other month something is goofing up with 24/7

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As I briefly mentioned in the main discussion thread, Cogeco here didn't get ANY Shorties (and only half of the free stuff, but who cares). They've been pretty good lately so hopefully this is corrected.

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come to find out callin the cable company, since they are changing their servers for On Demand stuff the content hasnt been updated and stuff in the free section vanished, the lady told me to call back if its not resolved by the weekend


Update: I called the cable company back, now I had someone tell me its on WWE's end and not them if I dont see it updated by the weekend, I'm gonna need the site for the BBB because I'll be registering a complaint although I dont know on who

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Zero updates here this week. That hasn't happened in ages, but it's worth noting that I now get a "Welcome to On Demand" loading message instead of "PLEASE WAIT" or whatever it used to say, so maybe their making changes / upgrades.


Edit: Yeah... now I have price tags on OnDemand shows. Of course the channels I subscribe to (and apparently ones I don't, like the Anime channel) list things as being free so that's fine, but it's opening the possibility of screw-ups in the future. I never knew what anyone was talking about before when saying things like "HHH's debut is listed as costing $8.99".

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Zero updates here this week. That hasn't happened in ages, but it's worth noting that I now get a "Welcome to On Demand" loading message instead of "PLEASE WAIT" or whatever it used to say, so maybe their making changes / upgrades.


Edit: Yeah... now I have price tags on OnDemand shows. Of course the channels I subscribe to (and apparently ones I don't, like the Anime channel) list things as being free so that's fine, but it's opening the possibility of screw-ups in the future. I never knew what anyone was talking about before when saying things like "HHH's debut is listed as costing $8.99".


yea I got that problem, according to my cable company at least here they are gonna start charging per show because WWE doesnt send them enough Content, so I dropped the subscription, at least I have my DVD collection to keep me happy

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yea I got that problem, according to my cable company at least here they are gonna start charging per show because WWE doesnt send them enough Content, so I dropped the subscription, at least I have my DVD collection to keep me happy



Wait, how in the world is that legal? Wouldn't that be the equivalent of scalping? The cable company buys up the content, and then resells it to the public. Only this time, you have to pay a cover charge to see what all is being scalped! I really don't think WWE would look favorably upon a cable company making pure profit off their copyrighted material via the added charge.


And why would the amount of content influence the decision, anyway? The cable company gets the same cut of the subscription charge regardless of how much content is provided.


The HHH shortie did end up being charged (it was actually $3.99; the display on my TV screen is kinda of funky), but the person with whom I spoke dropped the charge since I'm surbscribed to 24/7. Last I checked, the shortie now reads "free with subscription," but it also looks like it will expire later than the others, since I guess it was (re)loaded at a later point with the correction.

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For what it's worth, this OnDemand "upgrade" only seems to effect one of my cable boxes (not sure if it's an older or newer model - it's the most recent one I got as a spare, but it's HUGE compared to the smaller one I got in 2006, which I thought was the new, smaller stnadard). My original cable box has the same menus.

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Didn't received anything on time Wednesday but some shows appeared today. It always seems to happen at least one week a month. I didn't got the NWA show, just part 1&2 of the Ladder match.



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