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The OaO Raw Thread - 9/17/2007

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"You can't wrestle"??....






Seriously, I think they're just chanting it for the sake of chanting something...those "smarks" are worse than anything.



I would have laughed legit if they randomly chanted "USA! USA!" instead. Then again, that'd be showing unwavering support of the network.

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And then you have Cody Rhodes coming out for no fucking reason at all, just to get destroyed in a few seconds without leaving an impact at all in any way.


I've almost decided that the segment was so horrible that it was awesome.

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And then you have Cody Rhodes coming out for no fucking reason at all, just to get destroyed in a few seconds without leaving an impact at all in any way.


I've almost decided that the segment was so horrible that it was awesome.


Let's be fair. They explained why he showed up earlier in the show, he still wants revenge at Orton and volunteered to replace Daddy Cena.

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And then you have Cody Rhodes coming out for no fucking reason at all, just to get destroyed in a few seconds without leaving an impact at all in any way.



He still wants revenge for Randy kicking his daddy's head in.

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And then you have Cody Rhodes coming out for no fucking reason at all, just to get destroyed in a few seconds without leaving an impact at all in any way.


I've almost decided that the segment was so horrible that it was awesome.


For god sakes, Randy killed poor Cody's father for real!

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Ah, I forgot about that.


Still, it was pretty much for no reason since I really doubt it'll lead anywhere and his attack was totally pointless in that he was still destroyed in a few seconds.

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Daddy Killer, Legend Killer, Ratings Killer, Buyrate Killer....


"Orton is on fire right now"


With such great matches during his "on-fire" main event push as...


Average Cody Rhodes semi-squash.

Awful Sgt. Slaughter Match.

Awful GAB Match.

Heatless tag w/ Carlito against Umaga.

Average tag w/ Carlito against Cenmaga.

Decent SummerSlam Main Event.

Awful Unforgiven Title Match.


Yes, Orton and his NO CHARISMA which is being booked as a "COLD, HEARTLESS STARE" and his "kicking old men in the head gimmick" are setting the stage for years to come! Not to mention his chinlocks, stomps, COLD STARES, shitty matches, skeleton bat T-Shirt, awful theme music, and EVIL STARE.


Orton's best "run" was, I'll admit, when he was having pretty decent outings most of the time in mid-2004, working with Shelton, Jericho, and Benoit nearly every week on multi-man Raw tags. Now he's just...standing there and stomping.

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Never go back to Hicksville.


Fuck You. Nashville is anything but "Hicksville".


And I thought Rhodes coming out made sense considering he sympathized with Cena because of his dad being put out by Orton. Not hard to grasp.

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