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Hawk 34

Raw 9.24.07

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Taking a look at the promo(?) I saw:






and a lot of stuff about CyberAstronomy.


Hopefully the "star" Chris Jericho will come back in his "Ayatollah of Rock and Rolla" character to "save us" from boring TV.


Edit: my TV format didn't seem to fit the video very well, but there may be a reference to WM99_MATCH_TRI(cutoff)

Wrestlemania 1999 maybe? What happened back then?


I noticed







I also saw the word SKITTLES a few times






















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Edit: my TV format didn't seem to fit the video very well, but there may be a reference to WM99_MATCH_TRI(cutoff)

Wrestlemania 1999 maybe? What happened back then?


Butterbean is back with a vengeance. Ryan Shamrock too.

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I sorta saw that Matrix type bit but didn't pay much attention since I was changing over to the game on ESPN. It's got to be either Cyber Sunday or a Jericho ad, I'm really hoping for the Jericho ad. HHH hasn't buried him in a few years now.


Raw tonight was puzzling as hell. Why did Coach suspend Orton for beating up Cena's dad? He kinda BOOKED him to do it. Shouldn't it be more like "Hey I love Randy for what he did last week, so he gets the night off."

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Guest Smues
Edit: my TV format didn't seem to fit the video very well, but there may be a reference to WM99_MATCH_TRI(cutoff)

Wrestlemania 1999 maybe? What happened back then?


Vince Russo booked the worst or 2nd worst Wrestlemania ever, shocking swerve heel turns every 5 minutes, shitty wrestling, and goofy finishes o-plenty. SWERVE!

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Burke/Dreamer/Thorn tops Umaga/Kennedy/Carlito as the most unappealing 3-way of the year.

So apprently you did see the Fatal Four Way that had Burke, Dreamer, Thorn, and Stevie Richards busting their asses off and had one hell of a match. So yeah, I'm looking forward to what could be another good match.


And holy shit was Raw boring tonight, yet again. Why is it the Mr. McMahon show again? I thought all that shit was going to end. Vince is involved in three programs and they just happen to be taking up pretty much all of Raw. He's feuding with both HHH and Cena and there's the whole Hornswoggle program and now we're being flooded with backstage skits and 20 minute promos yet again. There was really little actual wrestling tonight and I sware before or after every commerical break, we got a fucking backstage skit. Hell there was so much of that crap the tag title match didn't even start on tv. Raw's gotten fucking horrible, I'm really thinking about not watching it anymore if it keeps up like this.

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Burke/Dreamer/Thorn tops Umaga/Kennedy/Carlito as the most unappealing 3-way of the year.

Raw's gotten fucking horrible, I'm really thinking about not watching it anymore if it keeps up like this.


Do it. It's the best thing you will ever do in your life. Reading the results on here and watching people complain about how terrible it is = much more entertainment than actually watching the poor excuse for a wrestling show.

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Edit: my TV format didn't seem to fit the video very well, but there may be a reference to WM99_MATCH_TRI(cutoff)

Wrestlemania 1999 maybe? What happened back then?


Butterbean is back with a vengeance. Ryan Shamrock too.


Well, if it's referring to the Triple Threat match, that was Bob Holly vs Al Snow vs Billy Gunn.

So it's possible it was just hyping the return of Sparky Plugg.

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Yeah, I barely watched at all last night other than a few snippets (Brewers were on anyway), and I felt good about it. I checked this thread a few times, and didn't sound like I missed a whole lot.

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I'm going to go ahead and say that I'm impressed with how far Candice Michelle has come since her debut as far as in-ring ability. Obviously she's not up there with Mickie James and Victoria, but she's pretty damn close.

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I know this thing with with Santino insulting The Condemned is meant to be reverse psychology by WWE to try and boost sales of the DVD, but it won't work because we all know that the movie REALLY DOES suck.


Santino is funny though.


In regards to Cena, I'm thinking that this week's situation of Coach teasing the idea of Cena losing the title is a sign that WWE might finally bite the bullet by giving the belt to Orton at No Mercy. Although I must say, I'm not getting my hopes up this time.

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Orton's not getting the belt at No Mercy. If anything I think we might be in store for a lame double knockout (think Rock/Mankind) in that LMS match, then they'll do the goofy vacating the title angle. This can set up another tourney at Survivor Series, where they can fulfill the storyline you just KNOW they want to do and screw Cena on the 10th anniversary of the Montreal Screwjob.


With that said, I have no idea who would screw Cena and win that match.

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I'm going to go ahead and say that I'm impressed with how far Candice Michelle has come since her debut as far as in-ring ability. Obviously she's not up there with Mickie James and Victoria, but she's pretty damn close.


Considering she could have just remained eye candy and probably be safe in her role, I think its really great she decided to work hard and to get better and she takes it seriously. I think she deserves a lot of praise. She seems real passionate about the work and its nice to see. She also seems to genially get emotional and I really like that. She looked like she had won the Olympics when she won the title and I think thats cool.

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She looked like she was having a lot of fun out there last night and she's trying to add more and more to her ring work. Beth's a good worker, so that helps a little, but it's not like having a good match with Candice falls under the ol "wrestler x can have a good match with a broomstick" theory.

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