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Guest Gym Class Fallout

NFL Week 5 Fails to Rebuild New Orleans

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I like Tony Romo a lot. Not many quarterbacks would have a sense of humor about how shitty they just played.

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This has been a rule for years and because a couple coaches have executed it, people want it abolished? The kicker shouldn't be bothered by it.

I wanna see where the kicker misses the FG as the coach calls the timeout and then the kicker comes back out and kicks it to win it..


that would probably end it..most of the time as far as I can remember the kicker makes it the first time and misses the 2nd, cept for tonight.



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Did anyone see Mike Irvin go absolutely batshit crazy in the owner's box at the end there? I need to see that vid or gif soon.

Ha, saw that as well, thought it was funny ass hell.

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Goddamnit. Buffalo fucking had so many goddamn opportunities to put that fucking game away. It should have been a fucking blowout by halftime. If the goddamn offense could put up more than THREE fucking points.






Fuck it. Let's just go 1-15 and get the #1 pick.

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Goddamnit. Buffalo fucking had so many goddamn opportunities to put that fucking game away. It should have been a fucking blowout by halftime. If the goddamn offense could put up more than THREE fucking points.






Fuck it. Let's just go 1-15 and get the #1 pick.


1-15 might only get you the 3rd or 4th pick the way St. Louis, Miami, New Orleans, Atlanta, New York Jets and Minnesota are playing.

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Except the batter calls timeout before the pitch and gets it, and the oblivious pitcher starts his windup anyway. It is the exact same thing.


Are some people in possession of eyes? A coach is completely within the rules to call a timeout AT ANY TIME before a play of any sort begins. Why the fuck should there be an exception when a team's about to kick a field goal. And if they enacted such a rule to disallow timeouts before kicks, they should do the same for the offense, and not allow them to take a timeout either. oh wait. That makes no sense. Just like what most of you are bitching about.

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Except the batter calls timeout before the pitch and gets it, and the oblivious pitcher starts his windup anyway. It is the exact same thing.


Are some people in possession of eyes? A coach is completely within the rules to call a timeout AT ANY TIME before a play of any sort begins. Why the fuck should there be an exception when a team's about to kick a field goal. And if they enacted such a rule to disallow timeouts before kicks, they should do the same for the offense, and not allow them to take a timeout either. oh wait. That makes no sense. Just like what most of you are bitching about.

Theres icing the kicker and then theres what happened tonight. Its awfully difficult to kick a 53 yard FG once..let alone twice, (although dont tell Kris Brown that). On normal plays, the refs usually stop the play if a time out is called before anything actually happens more than the QB drops back to pass. By the time the refs get around to whistling the play dead on a FG attempt, the kicks already in the air.

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It is not relevant. The defense can call a timeout at any time before the ball is snapped. PERIOD.


An official can't just ignore the fact that a timeout was called before the ball left the ground to be snapped. A rule to stop that would never pass. EVER. It doesn't matter that an official doesn't have the reflexes of Superman, so that they can whistle a play dead instantly. They're human, you know.


I'm done fighting the winning fight. An invalid's mind cannot be changed. So I'm just going to ignore you.

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Yeah I don't think anyone is saying a team shouldn't be able to ice the kicker. But it's getting really, really annoying seeing this same bullshit every week. I'm glad that Auburn and now Dallas have both managed to win with the 2nd FG attempt anyway. Cause pretty soon everyone is going to do this same crap and several games are going to end up decided on this trash. They need to put a time limit on it when it comes to FGs, that the coach can't call it once both teams are lined up.


This game tonight reminded me so much of the Bears vs. Cardinals last year. At least in the game the Bears made several great defensive plays to get back in it. The Cowboys tonight won almost in spite of themselves, right down to Owens not getting the 2 pt. conversion, dropping the one pass with 13 seconds left, etc.


The Patriots should just assrape them next week though.

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Teams have done the icing thing (timeout right before kick) ever since I've been watching football. At every level. I have no problem with it, it's a risk you take. And it's well within the rules. Besides, if you actually HAVE timeouts to use at that stage, you're doing something wrong to begin with.


A large majority of the people who complain are the ones whose teams use this tactic and fail. They only bitch because their team tried it, and it didn't work. Not because they think it's not fair, or anything.

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Make the players on the field call the timeout to an official on the field. Problem solved. Or have the coach throw a red timeout flag onto the field.


The problem is not that timeout is called. The problem is timeout is called in such a way that it is impossible for the players (the only people who actually matter) to know about it.


If a coach calls timeout and none of the players know about it and the play continues exactly as normal then calling it a "timeout" doesn't even make sense -- nobody actually took time out.


Edit: The main reason I'm against it is that as a fan it's really stupid to think an exciting play happened and then for some donk to say "Psych!!! That play didn't actually happen because the coach whispered in the refs ear .5 seconds before the ball was snapped!" It sucks for the fans.

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Oh, I've seen icing the kicker for years in games. But it seems like it would be a feasible sort of icing where the kicker was on the field and maybe they just call the TO as guys were lining up, but the ball wasn't really being snapped or anything. And really given such split second timing I wonder if these time outs have all been called before the ball is even snapped. It seems like the whistle is never loud enough to hear, especially over the crazed fans.

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When a team can't hear a whistle and they keep playing, that does not mean the play counts. The rule is going nowhere, and it shouldn't.


If a coach calls timeout and none of the players know about it and the play continues exactly as normal then calling it a "timeout" doesn't even make sense -- nobody actually took time out.

Yeah, somebody did call timeout. You know, the guy that got the players ready to play. He also called the timeout. Since the NFL began allowing coaches to signal for timeouts in 2004, I believe this is part of the process. Do you disagree. Only a blind person would say that nobody took a timeout. Which makes me wonder how you're able to read my posts.


And really given such split second timing I wonder if these time outs have all been called before the ball is even snapped.

The coach pulls the ref over and sticks his hand right in front of the ref's face. I think the ref can tell if the ball is snapped, they don't have to look over at the coach. And the timeouts are not called as near to the snap as most would believe. The crowd noise covers up the sound of the whistle. You can't hear it on TV, but go to a game. You can hear the sound of the whistle.


I'm usually not dickish on here, but is yes yes, and is no no?

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I cannot fucking believe we pulled off this miracle. Unfucking believeable.



Also, what happens is, is that the coach tells the ref that he's going to call a timeout right before the snap to give the refs a heads up so they know to call it instead of the coach having to get the refs attention. Same thing the QB does when he's running down the clock at the end of a game. They tell the ref to call a timeout with x amount of seconds left.

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What do the words "time out" actually mean? That was my point. Calling it a "timeout" is kind of silly since nobody actually took time off from the play.


If you can call a timeout without having it affect the timing of the play in any way maybe the name should be changed to "secret play-invalidating signal to be revealed later" or "time continuation as if normal."


Is it really hard to understand that when a "timeout" occurs the play is supposed to stop? Very difficult concept I suppose.


I'm sure though that having the coach make a signal that the players can see and react to would somehow ruin the game of football and make it totally not worth watching anymore. God forbid that players know what is going on in the game they are playing and the fans know what is going on in the game they are watching, that would be just terrible. Next I'll be saying that the camera should focus on the play and not on the blimp above the stadium. Crazy!


Also, what happens is, is that the coach tells the ref that he's going to call a timeout right before the snap to give the refs a heads up so they know to call it instead of the coach having to get the refs attention.


In that case the ref should consider letting the players and fans know instead of keeping it to himself. Novel thought.

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