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Craig Th

WWE General Discussion - November 2007

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Does anyone know of any bars/restaurants that show WWE PPV's on a regular basis because I want to watch Survivor Series just not dish out the money for it.


There's usually a few decent streams although the bigger the show, the more the demand, thus the less the working streams. Many bars don't "advertise" that they'll show wrestling anymore but generally BW3 will be showing it. I have driven past BW3's during UFC nights and the place would be crammed full but sunday nights has significantly smaller crowds. It really depends on demand.

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I used to go to a sports bar to watch all the ppv's. It really got annoying when people that we casually knew would come in and see us watching wrestling and make fun of us for it. It was even worse when you knew the waitresses and they were fairly attractive and they would call you on it. If you come in during UFC they will make more of an effort to be nicer to you. Sad but true.

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On the flip side, back in 2002 a small group of us watched PPVs at a local place where a lot of people tended to show up for PPVs. One of the hotter waitresses was actually a wrestling fan, mentioning dressing up as Trish at a Halloween party.

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Found this video of Spirit Squad Mikey's current OVW gimmick.


You can barely tell it is the same guy. One good thing about the Spirit Squad gimmick. I do not know if Mr. Mondo has the voice to pull off such a 'bad-ass' type of gimmick but we shall see. It amused me that the video was just him corking off all of his moves on some ham-n-eggers in an empty arena.


I think you can make a strong argument that OVW is better than TNA.

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WWE.com made the following remark regarding his drop from the list: Carlito ?" "Off the P25. Not so cool, huh, Carlito? The Caribbean Bad Apple reaps the reward of being lazy to the core lately."

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OVW has some pretty good promo/vids. I remember one for Boris Alexiev (Santino Marella) that was pretty bad ass as well. WWE hardly ever does debut vignettes anymore. I think it was a great way to establish new talent - Edge's was badass back in the day. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9Jn5CiUrlE


IIRC Edge was supposed to get the Val Venis Pron Star gimmick as he worked as Sexton Hardcastle on the indies coming up however he either turned it down or lucked out that it was given to Sean Morley.


I think Mike Mondo needs to go the Crash Holly little big man route. Crash and Hardcore were great together with Crash being the super heavyweight, and th two always fighting with each other. RIP Mike Lockwood. That "Professional" gimmick sorta reeks midcard jobber - you win some, you lose some. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

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WWE can't debut bad ass gimmicks because you can't push rookies quickly anymore- While Santino is working out pretty well now, the initial Italian underdog fan gimmick was sad as hell. I was looking at some old wwe debuts and nothing they do anymore can pop a crowd like Jericho, Tazz and The Radical debuts. Now if they ended up signing away a TNA talent, they'd completely repackage them and pretend they never existed. ROH wrestlers need to go though developmental. Can you see Taz in OVW back in the day? CM Punk had a pretty good debut in ECW, but that's because Paul E. knew enough to debut him in his old ROH stomping grounds. Imagine if Punk was debuted in Colorado. Remember Foley/Dreamer/Funk trying to sell their ECW feud in Cali - Imagine if they did that in old ECW territory.

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Glad to see they chopped off NYR. That show was always horrible. Also, glad MSG will host another Rumble. The last one was probably the best show top to bottom.

Agreed. Most MSG PPVs are fantastic. Summerslam '91, Wrestlemania X, Wrestlemania XX, Summerslam '98, etc.

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Wow. Watching Santino's old gimmick makes me a little sad; it looks entertaining, and the guy actually looks like he'd have decent matches if they let him do some of those moves.

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Is the cruiserweight title ever going to be ressurected?


Don't remind them. WWE has forgotten about this "title".


I think someone will find it in the garbage can and wear the belt.


I say merge that belt with the Women's title or something. Seriously.

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Santino looked pretty badass in that clip. Had that Taz vibe going for him.

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I was just goin through a bunch of videos on youtube and started watching a bunch of highlights of The Rock. Do you guys think there is any chance in hell that he would ever come back to run like a six month program if the E was willing to throw a big chunk of change at him. I don't really know but I'd love to see it.

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I was just goin through a bunch of videos on youtube and started watching a bunch of highlights of The Rock. Do you guys think there is any chance in hell that he would ever come back to run like a six month program if the E was willing to throw a big chunk of change at him. I don't really know but I'd love to see it.


Seeing that whatever movie Hollywood wants him to do will pay a much larger chunk of change than the WWE would then I'd say no. I think the only way The Rock would leave Hollywood to go back to wrestling is if everyone stops caring about him after several flops and he starts lining up the bottom shelves of video stores with direct to DVD movies like Sagal, Van Dam & Snipes are doing these days.

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There's no chance in hell. He probably never has to work ever again, and he's dropping "The Rock" part of his name from his movie credits now. Jim Ross has also said (repeatedly) that he is done with wrestling. I wish people would let it go...it's time to move on from the Attitude Era anyway, and bringing back Rock and/or Austin every few months isn't going to accomplish that.

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It is thought that Carlito has asked for his release and will be finishing up with WWE in the next few weeks.



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Guest Vincent Vega

lately ive lost interest in wrestling and have barely been keeping up. i will check out raw tonight as aparently jericho is coming back. smart decision to have him return on raw. and im starting to warm up to the john morrison character. its different then anything they've done lately and he seems to be getting more and more comfertable with the gimmick. is cm punk getting promo time yet? they rushed it imo, but down the line a punk/morrison feud could be pretty good. straight edge vs party animal.

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The plan for Santino was for him to be a modern day Taz/UFC style worker. Heyman was going to build him into a character for Punk to feud with in ECW before he quit/got sent home.


Cody Rhodes has essentially gotten Santino's underdog/plucky babyface gimmick.


Between the obvious choice of going there simply for work, Carlito has worked with Dutch Mantell in Puerto Rico numerous times, plus with TNA in Florida it'd be incredibly easy for him to work both there and home again. I'd say he heads there as soon as he's able. For some reason I can see a Kazarian/Carlito feud in the mid/upper midcard.

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OVW has some pretty good promo/vids. I remember one for Boris Alexiev (Santino Marella) that was pretty bad ass as well. WWE hardly ever does debut vignettes anymore. I think it was a great way to establish new talent - Edge's was badass back in the day. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9Jn5CiUrlE


Cryme Tyme and the Highlanders say hello.

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There are rumours going around that Lashley is trying to get Kristal's job back. He's been unsucessful so far, but thinks when he get back he'll have more pull in the company.


While he's at it, make a push for a New Nation or just the return of stable warz period. Seriously, when was the last time, TWO simultaneous stables on the same show feuded? I know JBL's cabinet and Evolution were both around the same time, but on separate shows.

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