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Levels you hate in game you love

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I'd just like to say that "Ride the Lightning" can kiss my ass in Rock Band.


That reminds me. Psychobilly Freakout in GHII. Every difficulty.


Freebird, just because it's 20 minutes long...


Being the Gamerscore Whore that I am, this past July I started Free Bird 18 consecutive times on medium in an attempt to get the 1000-note streak and 400,000-point song achievements. Eighteenth attempt got me the note streak, but yielded a score of 399,512. I have not played GHII since.

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Resident Evil 4 is one of the all-time greats, but I HATE the Ashley escort missions, and just playing as Ashley in general.


I'll echo that. Those levels annoyed me in an, otherwise awesome game

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Without a doubt the "Control" level in Goldeneye. The reason it took me nearly seven years to beat that game was that I could not protect Natalya when she's typing all the codes into the computer to disable the Goldeneye. Playing that level on 00 Agent sucked because you have to strategically conserve your ammunition due to the fact that it takes more shots to wipe out the bad guys. However, I guess the level wasn't too hard once I figured out an easier route to the end of the level after I protected Natalya and found some extra body armor to heal myself.


Also, with Goldeneye the Aztec Complex was never a fun level. You have Jaws with his assault rifles and all the Moonraker's with their lasers and on Secret and 00 Agent that level can be a nightmare. While it's easy to kill Jaws if you just walk up close and blast away, there are infinite guards in the mission and when your waiting for the 30 seconds for the shuttle to launch after you program the data it seems that they all rush at you at once. I still remember nearly throwing my N64 controlled through the TV screen after I had two seconds to go and a Moonraker rolled across the floor and shot me in the chest with a laser beam and I died.


The rest of Goldeneye rocked, though. In my opinion one of the top 3 games I've ever played and still pop it in from time to time for fun.

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the mission in GTA- LCS for PS2 where you have to radio control the Forelli's car and run over the opposing mob guys, I still cant get past it, cuz I keep getting damage cuz of ramming into the building or cars

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So where all in agreement that we all hate water levels?


oh and Pit Figher for the SNES, fuck that game in the ass.


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Yeah, water levels, escort missions, and jumping on tiny platforms all seem to be things that nobody likes. Yet game developers have consistently been sticking those in games for decades now. Funny how that works.


I don't think Pit Fighter counts, I've never heard from anyone who liked that one.

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Pit Fighter was a pretty consistent quarter muncher back in the day...this was before SF2 came along and revolutioned fighting games or whatever.


That doesn't mean it wasn't a garbage game with the worst controls ever imaginable, though.

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I actually have Pit-Fighter for the SNES, I'd always get really far then there was one fight where I'd always lose, so yeah Pit-Fighter counts.

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The Chrysler Building in Parasite Eve. A cavity search was more enjoyable than it. And then when you finally got to the end and beat the final boss to get the true ending, it was a complete piece of shit that you wasted time to get! :angry:

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Holy fuck, I had blocked that one out of my memory. GodDAMN that was the most frustrating dungeon I've ever played in my life. It gives you no clue whatsoever about what you're doing or where you're going, just expects you to go deeper and deeper into the maze. A maze with no save points!!! ARRGH. I'd rather have to do a damn escort mission where I had to drag a retarded child through an underwater swimming level before ever playing another long-ass maze with no save points. And then, in one of the treasure chest rooms, I ran into some random new enemy which killed me in two hits. Despite the fact that my characters were levelled-up enough to beat the game, a goddamn Monster In A Box killed me in two hits. That's worse than FFVII's Weapons could ever hope to be. Fuck that.


Any time the difficulty suddenly ramps WAY up without warning is not fun. Like, I was just re-visiting Earthbound, and was spending plenty of time levelling up and going along just fine until out of nowhere the boss of the second dungeon was all like "You call Level 28 adequate preparation? LOL k thx bye" and stepped on me.

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The cave to Twoson, right? It had to be later, cuz level 28 doesn't sound right.


That's a result mainly of Earthbound being Dragon Quest in a contemporary skin. Large sections of the game are like that.


Dreamer's Realm in Buffy for Xbox--a game with shitty platforming + no checkpoint system, you go back to the beginning of the level + lots and lots of platforming sections = frustration.

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The cave to Twoson, right? It had to be later, cuz level 28 doesn't sound right.

I think I was exaggerating, but it was definitely over 20, maybe 25. Yeah, it doesn't sound right at all, that's why I mentioned it.


I don't remember any of Earthbound really being that hard.

Oh, for the most part it's not, like most RPGs it all depends on how much time you spend levelling up. Don't do it at all, and you get killed in every random battle; spend too much time getting experience, and you become basically invincible. I just found this one example to be kinda weird because I'd literally killed two or three hours just killing critters and levelling up, but I still got killed in battle.



Here's a fun one: damn near any badly-designed ladder or cage match in modern wrestling games. Every time you try to climb up, the computer opponent leaps up and stops you instantly; then it casually knocks you out and climbs to victory without you being able to do a damn thing about it. Seen it too many times to count, in too many different games to possibly be excusable.

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FF VII: Storming Shinra Headquarters - Either you had to take the elevator and fight wave upon wave of soldiers or run up 90 flights of stairs.


Actually, the whole opening act in Midgar could have been much shorter.


And the flight school in San Andreas was NOT that difficult once you figure out that you don't have to keep the throttle button held down and learn to use the rudders when making turns. Helicopter flight WAS a major bitch, though.

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Here's a fun one: damn near any badly-designed ladder or cage match in modern wrestling games. Every time you try to climb up, the computer opponent leaps up and stops you instantly; then it casually knocks you out and climbs to victory without you being able to do a damn thing about it. Seen it too many times to count, in too many different games to possibly be excusable.

Actually, the SDvR08 game has the easiest cage matches i've ever played.


All you have to do is build up your finisher (can be done very quickly), use it, and simply escape while they're out.


The meter to climb makes it a sinch.


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Stage 11 on Castlevania up to the boss, which is a fight with Frankenstein's monster and Igor. Actually, the tough part is Igor. You have to whip the slow, immobile Frankie while an invincible, fireball tossing, hopping little bastard darts around the screen, and that's after going through an area with fishmen hopping out of the water, an area that drops similar hopping little bastards, and then getting past Bone Dragons. I have gotten to the point where I can actually get to the boss narily unscathed. Then they still wreck my **** up.


Can't legit get past that.

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Here's one I just discovered..the purple coin star in the Toy Time Galaxy of Super Mario Galaxy.


Yes! Good god, that was frustrating.

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COD4: The flashback level where you play as Price when he was a Lt. It starts out good as you sneak through an area with your captain, sniping people out, then it all goes to shit when you have to make it to your extraction zone and the whole world is coming down on you. Respawning soldiers, dogs up the wazoo...then halfway through the captain gets hurt and you have to carry his ass the rest of the way.

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Can't say I'm a fan of the underwater level, Atlantis, in Marvel Ultimate Alliance. All the swimming around just annoyed the fuck out of m.

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COD4: The flashback level where you play as Price when he was a Lt. It starts out good as you sneak through an area with your captain, sniping people out, then it all goes to shit when you have to make it to your extraction zone and the whole world is coming down on you. Respawning soldiers, dogs up the wazoo...then halfway through the captain gets hurt and you have to carry his ass the rest of the way.


Carrying the captain's dumb shot up ass wasn't the pain on that level. Right after you snipe the target and hit the first intersection, now THAT'S the bitch. Here you are, casually walking past some buses, and all of the sudden the captain yells at you to hurry up and an entire goddamn division comes out of every crack and crevice of those commie apartment buildings. Seriously. There's two streets running parallel to each other and a connecting street that you start off in. That's four avenues, although you're only allowed to go down one (on the far side of the starting point naturally). When the troops come out, they come from all four avenues, and you're stuck with nothing more than a sniper rifle (useless because there's no way you can sight and shoot without getting dropped) and a pistol (worse than useless, because it gives you the false hope that you can do something with it). I basically hid in a corner, sniped a straggler, dropped the pistol in favor of his AK, and ran like a bat out of hell for the exit while constantly spinning and shooting anything that moved. Even then I barely made it. Between that and the broken tank mission, I nearly broke my 360 controller and my TV screen (by throwing one at the other).

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The "One Shot, One Kill" mission on COD4- I played that the other day and I feel you guys. It was insane even on Normal. Not the mission as a whole, but trying to fend off 40 billion enemies while waiting for the fucking helicopter to come and rescue you.

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Can't say I'm a fan of the underwater level, Atlantis, in Marvel Ultimate Alliance. All the swimming around just annoyed the fuck out of m.


The boss was shit too.

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Can't say I'm a fan of the underwater level, Atlantis, in Marvel Ultimate Alliance. All the swimming around just annoyed the fuck out of m.


The boss was shit too.


That it was. Guess it gives more fuel to the "Underwater levels in games suck balls" fire.

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The "One Shot, One Kill" mission on COD4- I played that the other day and I feel you guys. It was insane even on Normal. Not the mission as a whole, but trying to fend off 40 billion enemies while waiting for the fucking helicopter to come and rescue you.


It's a lot easier if you know where to set up the claymores, but yeah that whole mission is a pain in the ass. On the other hand I found it offset by the hilariously enjoyable mission where you're the spotter for the gunship. Turning on the night vision goggles, setting up the 155, firing it into a bunch of terrorists, and watching the bodies fly across the screen never gets old. It needed more vehicle targets though. The 155 was overkill unless you wanted to blow up buildings (which I did). Popping the tops of some tanks or APCs would have been great.

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