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WWE General Discussion - March 2008

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Got my Wrestlemania ticket. I can't wait for the show. Plus it's only 8 miles from my house.


When is Wrestlemania going to take place outside of North America? I would assume it will happen sooner than later.


Never. In the Internet age, they are not going to let results of their biggest show of the year hit the 'net before the show airs.

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They might pull it off in England if they were willing to let Wrestlemania air in the afternoon again. New Wembley Stadium would be an attractive site. Otherwise, it will never happen.

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What about Mexico City? The pollution is horrible, but if you're almost certain to have a sellout and it's located in the CST. So no worries about an odd start time.



I'd rather see the WWE hold one of their other Big Four ppv's at Xcel Center.

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What about Mexico City? The pollution is horrible, but if you're almost certain to have a sellout and it's located in the CST. So no worries about an odd start time.



I'd rather see the WWE hold one of their other Big Four ppv's at Xcel Center.


Mexico City is still in North America



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And by the way...this is taken from my first post ever...


"John Cena is the best thing going for the WWE right now. Some of you need to get off of this workrate and mat skills shit and focus on what matters, ratings and crowd attendance. When Ken Doane and Gunner Scott (no one really gives a shit about these two) sell out arenas, then I'll change my mind."


Now what the fuck took people so long to realize this?

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What about Mexico City? The pollution is horrible, but if you're almost certain to have a sellout and it's located in the CST. So no worries about an odd start time.



I'd rather see the WWE hold one of their other Big Four ppv's at Xcel Center.


I might get blasted for this, but London would probably be considered to host a Wrestlemania before Mexico City.

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Oh boy I bet WrestleMania Weekend in Mexico City would be a hoot! And that would mean Mil Mascaras getting inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame!



*starts a WrestleMania in Mexico City petition*

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Oh boy I bet WrestleMania Weekend in Mexico City would be a hoot! And that would mean Mil Mascaras getting inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame!



And El Santo! Surely Vince wouldn't let a technicality like Santo never wrestling for WWE get in his way...

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What about Mexico City? The pollution is horrible, but if you're almost certain to have a sellout and it's located in the CST. So no worries about an odd start time.



I'd rather see the WWE hold one of their other Big Four ppv's at Xcel Center.


Mexico City is still in North America



Of course. When you're talking about North America and wrestling, I just assume US and Candada. Mexico is dismissed since it would never happen.



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Oh boy I bet WrestleMania Weekend in Mexico City would be a hoot! And that would mean Mil Mascaras getting inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame!



And El Santo! Surely Vince wouldn't let a technicality like Santo never wrestling for WWE get in his way...


Are you sure Santo never wrestled Sammartino or Backlund or anyone like that? I would have no way of knowing.

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I don't think so. Besides, Verne Gagne never wrestled for the W/WWF/E, so it doesn't really matter. Gory Guerrero would make more sense, though.

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Oh boy I bet WrestleMania Weekend in Mexico City would be a hoot! And that would mean Mil Mascaras getting inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame!



And El Santo! Surely Vince wouldn't let a technicality like Santo never wrestling for WWE get in his way...


Are you sure Santo never wrestled Sammartino or Backlund or anyone like that? I would have no way of knowing.


Backlund 110% no. Santo was in his late 50's by the time Backlund was even a blip on the wrasslin radar. Bruno stayed primarily in the Pittsburgh, east coast, toronto areas, and probably was never even on the same card as Santo. Bruno did some shots in San Fran (He won a Battle royal in 72ish for sure)


But I don't think Santo worked L.A. or up the West Coast. Actually I'd like to know if he even worked for any of the 3 Texas territiories. OFF TO KAYFABE MEMORIES I GO!!!



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The guy is just becoming an actor and doesn't want to get type cast as an action star.



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Oh boy I bet WrestleMania Weekend in Mexico City would be a hoot! And that would mean Mil Mascaras getting inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame!



*starts a WrestleMania in Mexico City petition*


Aside from Texas and possibly Mexico...are there any other places where a HOF ceremony could be based around guys from there?




Canada might be fine in a few years one Edge, Jericho and such are done. They could also do Owen, Trish Stratus.

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I don't think so. Besides, Verne Gagne never wrestled for the W/WWF/E, so it doesn't really matter. Gory Guerrero would make more sense, though.

WWWF @ New York City, NY - Madison Square Garden - November 27, 1972

El Olympico defeated Joe Turco

Tony Garea defeated Chuck O'Conner

Black Gordman defeated Sonny King

WWWF World Champion Pedro Morales defeated Ray Stevens at 11:58 when referee Danny Bartfield stopped the bout, ruling the challenger could not continue

Eddie Graham defeated Blackjack Slade

Victor Rivera fought the Spoiler to a 20-minute draw

Verne Gagne defeated Buddy Wolfe

WWWF Tag Team Champions Prof. Toru Tanaka & Mr. Fuji fought Gorilla Monsoon & Chief Jay Strongbow to a 20-minute draw


WWWF @ New York City, NY - Madison Square Garden - February 26, 1973

Susan Green & Lily Thomas defeated Peggy Patterson & Paula Kaye at 18:12

Tony Garea defeated Mike Conrad at 15:05

Mike Graham defeated Joe Turco at 5:42

Terry Funk defeated Chuck Richards at 10:55

Victor Rivera defeated Dory Funk Sr. at 11:45

Mil Mascaras defeated Buddy Wolfe at 9:46

AWA World Champion Verne Gagne defeated Eddie Graham (sub. for Ray Stevens) at 14:35

WWWF World Champion Pedro Morales defeated King Curtis at 5:37


WWWF @ New York City, NY - Madison Square Garden - November 12, 1973

Jose Gonzalez defeated El Olympico at 15:22

Dick Slater defeated Mike Pappas at 6:20

Iron Mike McCord fought Manuel Soto to a 20-minute draw

Dean Ho defeated Pancho Valdez

Don Leo Jonathan defeated Tony Garea at 18:45

Verne Gagne defeated Mr. Fuji at 12:16

Chief Jay Strongbow & Andre the Giant defeated Blackjack Lanza & Stan Stasiak in a Best 2 out of 3 falls match, 2-0

WWWF World Champion Pedro Morales defeated Larry Hennig at 12:45 when the match was stopped due to blood


WWWF @ New York City, NY - Madison Square Garden - August 9, 1975

Baron Mikel Scicluna defeated Manuel Soto

Chief Jay Strongbow fought Waldo Von Erich to a draw

Spiros Arion defeated Dean Ho

Victor Rivera defeated Butcher Vachon

Bugsy McGraw defeated Tony Garea

WWWF Tag Team Champions Pat Barrett & Dominic DeNucci defeated the Blackjacks

Andre the Giant & Verne Gagne defeated Johnny & Jimmy Valiant in a Best 2 out of 3 falls match, 2-0

WWWF World Champion Bruno Sammartino defeated George Steele


WWWF @ New York City, NY - Madison Square Garden - August 29, 1977

Televised on the MSG Network and HBO - featured Vince McMahon on commentary:

Lenny Hurst defeated Rocky Tomayo

Johnny Rivera defeated Joe Turco at 10:51

SD Jones defeated Jack Evans at 8:19

Peter Miavia defeated Stan Stasiak at 7:35 via count-out after Miavia avoided the Heart Punch on the floor and Stasiak accidentally hit the ringpost; prior to the bout, Vince McMahon interviewed Miavia on the ring apron

Tony Garea & Larry Zbyzsko defeated George Steele & Baron Mikel Scicluna in a Best 2 out of 3 falls match, 2-0; fall #1: Steele & Scicluna were disqualified after Steele shoved the referee; fall #2: Garea pinned Scicluna with a sunset flip off the top

WWWF World Champion Superstar Billy Graham defeated Ivan Putski via count-out at 18:01 after the challenger was backdropped to the floor; prior to the bout, McMahon interviewed the champion inside the ring; the Grand Wizard escorted the champion to the ring before the match (20 Years Too Soon: The Superstar Billy Graham Story)

Bruno Sammartino (w/ Arnold Skaaland) pinned Ken Patera in a Texas Death Match at 12:13 by kicking off the corner, as Patera had a full nelson applied, and falling backwards onto his opponent; prior to the bout, Capt. Lou Albano escorted Patera to the ring (Bruno Sammartino: Wrestling's Living Legend)

Verne Gagne pinned Nikolai Volkoff at 7:10 with a roll up as Volkoff attempted an over-the-knee backbreaker

Chief Jay Strongbow fought Mr. Fuji to a curfew draw at around the 6-minute mark; prior to the bout, Freddie Blassie & Prof. Toru Tanaka escorted Fuji to the ring, with Tanaka on crutches and announced as being unable to compete


WWF @ New York City, NY - Madison Square Garden - April 30, 1979

Televised on the MSG Network

Cowboy Lang & Tiny Thumb defeated Little Tokyo & Butch Cassidy

Johnny Rodz defeated Frank Williams at 9:42

Ivan Putski fought Greg Valentine to a 20-minute draw

Alan Coage defeated Jose Estrada at 4:19

Roddy Piper defeated Steve King at 9:37

Andre the Giant, WWWF North American Champion Ted Dibiase, & Dominic DeNucci defeated Johnny, Jimmy, & Jerry Valiant in a Best 2 out of 3 falls match at 8:32

Verne Gagne defeated Mr. X (Jack Evans) at 12:05

NWA World Champion Harley Race defeated Steve Travis at 5:14

WWF World Champion Bob Backlund defeated Bulldog Brower at 11:08

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Oh boy I bet WrestleMania Weekend in Mexico City would be a hoot! And that would mean Mil Mascaras getting inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame!



*starts a WrestleMania in Mexico City petition*


Aside from Texas and possibly Mexico...are there any other places where a HOF ceremony could be based around guys from there?


Southern California. When WWE runs WM in Los Angeles again, Mysterio will probably go in that year, so they could add a big name luchador like Mascaras.

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Yeah I was about to say about Gagne...I saw a match on 24/7 a while back from MSG where he faced Nicolai Volkoff. It was when he didn't have the AWA title though, so it was sometime in the late 70s.

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Don't know if this means anything but on the wwe.com title histories section, they added the cruiserweight title to the defunct group, joining the legendary European title and the prestigious Hardcore title.


Upon closer inspection, it's also gone as a displayed title. I guess it is official, WWE Cruiserweight title is GONE!

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And by the way...this is taken from my first post ever...


"John Cena is the best thing going for the WWE right now. Some of you need to get off of this workrate and mat skills shit and focus on what matters, ratings and crowd attendance. When Ken Doane and Gunner Scott (no one really gives a shit about these two) sell out arenas, then I'll change my mind."


Now what the fuck took people so long to realize this?


You're a genius.



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Got my Wrestlemania ticket. I can't wait for the show. Plus it's only 8 miles from my house.


When is Wrestlemania going to take place outside of North America? I would assume it will happen sooner than later.


Never. In the Internet age, they are not going to let results of their biggest show of the year hit the 'net before the show airs.


You realise that we don't get a repeat show? We do get the show live. And so would the States if it was performed in the UK.

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I think what they mean, Luke is that you would have the problem of when to air the show if it were live. If you have it at the customary time here, it would be in the middle of the night over there. It's a double-edged sword. You wouldn't be able to draw a good live crowd, or you wouldn't be able to draw as many buys. If they had it at a normal time over there, it would invariably need to be tape-delayed for optimum buys over here, and the results would be posted as soon as the live show was finished.



However, they could put Wrestlemania on a bit earlier over here. If they had it in London at 8PM, it would be 4PM EST. I guess they could get buy with that.



Edit---No, I was off an hour. London is 5 hours difference.

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I can't recall, how did they handle Summerslam 92? This obviously wasn't an issue back then. I remember it being on in the evening because I fell asleep before the Bret/Bulldog match.


Yes, I missed it live, had to watch it on tape the next day...fucking pathetic!

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Guest Bigelow34
I can't recall, how did they handle Summerslam 92? This obviously wasn't an issue back then. I remember it being on in the evening because I fell asleep before the Bret/Bulldog match.


Yes, I missed it live, had to watch it on tape the next day...fucking pathetic!


Summerslam was taped 2 days prior to air. I believe it was taped on a Saturday in London and aired Monday night in the States.

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Ah I gotcha...of course that was before the intrawebs really blew up with spoilers gallore.


I can imagine the bitching going on for that event... hell, it's one of my top 5 favorite shows, but I'm pretty sure I would find something to bitch about it.

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