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Real World Awards

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So as much as it pains me to say it, I have been a Real World viewer since the first season. Out of the nineteen seasons wrapped so far, only a couple here and there are hazy in my memory.


Anyways, they had some "awards show" tonight for it and I must say it is really kind of a shame to see the de-evolution of the show over the years. For about the last twelve or so seasons it has followed the basic format of "attractive wannabe actors are picked to live in the house, have free access to alcohol; watch them hookup & fight"


Sadly this is probably what the entire series is going to be remembered for which is kind of unfortunate because seeing the highlights from the first three or so seasons rekindled my memory about how much more serious the show used to be. It actually was kind of relevent for it's time. I think the last remaining debate is which season officially turned the series into a circus, most are split between Hawaii & Vegas.


Although some of the older seasons were nominated for awards, they were shutout from winning which means it was basically rigged to cater to the younger viewers who were probably babies when the first few seasons aired.


I mean really how can "Puck" not have won hands down for "Hardest Roommate to live with" ?


Anyways, this all sounds pretty petty probably, because afterall I am all BUTT-hurt over the fucking "Real World" but whatever......I had a point that I lost.....

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The first three or four seasons were good, revolutionary even.


But then things spun off, and it went to shit. I deleted the smartass shit that was here, b/c I liked the show as well.





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It wasn't until after Back to New York when things started to REALLY go south.


I only saw the last 5 minutes...how does Austin win best cast? San Diego was way better. Brad, Randy and Jaques were the funniest combination of guys they've ever had on that show.

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It wasn't until after Back to New York when things started to REALLY go south.


I only saw the last 5 minutes...how does Austin win best cast? San Diego was way better. Brad, Randy and Jaques were the funniest combination of guys they've ever had on that show.

I agree. Especially when, with the exception of Nehamiah occasionally, I hated the Austin cast. I think most of the votes just came because Melinda was hot.


San Diego, in the age of "Shitty, attractive people living in a house" was definitely one of, if not the best season. They even kept showing the whole night, the whole "Free Brad" episode, as Robin calls from prison, and Jacques being like WTF? Which, in retrospect was funny as hell.

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Yeah and how in the blue hell did Danny/Melinda win best "romance" Danny was and still comes off like a douchebag most of the time and Melinda is just, well she is hot, but she never developed much more then that on the show. I didn't even think they had the best "romance" of their own cast. (Wes & Johanna).


Out of the nominees I would have given it to Colhutta and Kellyanne.

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my favorite moment, however, goes to CT punking Adam out like a little bitch in Paris.








*big shove*


I'm sorry, but I might have gotten kicked off the show had CT done that to me. He pulled that shit again on Adam at the latest Gauntlet. Personally, I think he's all talk. I dunno, maybe he's not, but if it were ME, I'd be willing to find out. At least shove him back, Adam!

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my favorite moment, however, goes to CT punking Adam out like a little bitch in Paris.








*big shove*


I'm sorry, but I might have gotten kicked off the show had CT done that to me. He pulled that shit again on Adam at the latest Gauntlet. Personally, I think he's all talk. I dunno, maybe he's not, but if it were ME, I'd be willing to find out. At least shove him back, Adam!

I would have definitely gotten kicked off too. I don't think it's a case of him being all talk, seeing as he did hit some guy in the face that night IIRC, but moreso, even if he were to hit me, I don't think it'd do much and I would proceed to whup his ass. And it's pretty messed that he still treats him like a bitch haha. Although, in the case of the Gauntlet, I probably wouldn't do anything either, because getting kicked off on that is losing out on a chance at 30-50,000 dollars. (Not that I'd want to leave Paris, but I would have.) but in that case, if he were to pour beer on me, I'd do the same.


But Adam came off looking quite bitchlike. Especially since he started arguing back like two minutes after having the beer poured on him.

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I watched the first four seasons and it was good. Lately it's just "hey, let's get kids together that will fuck on TV." MTV is the bottom rung of television.

Yet, it's still so damn fun to watch.


Oh, and I love the fact that Stephen (from Seattle) is a complete fag. Which of course, we've always known, but the clip of him slapping Irene from calling him gay will always be a classic.


And so is Karamo evidently. (I don't believe he 'acted' it on his season, don't remember.) Real World turns eccentric black men completely gay evidently. And by eccentric, I mean was probably gay before the show, but tried to play it off for whatever reason.

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Irene from Seattle is Burnim & Murray public enemy #1 last time I checked. She left the show because of the way producers tried to manipulate people and situations, and then the editors cut and pasted clips to make it look like she was leaving because of "lyme disease"


I think another reason the show changed is because it seems like the first four or so seasons featured a bunch of people that had somewhat of a life outside of reality-TV, they were either attending school, in a career, and were still doing that stuff while taping. It was a more accurate potrayal of people actually living their lives, but they just happened to be sharing a house with six strangers. Everyone had other things going on. Now the show is basically casted by wannabe actors/actresses that probably got laughed out of the audition room for actual tv shows and someone pointed them in the direction of the MTV-Reality Show casting room. It's like they are all thinking that "Real World" will launch a career in the industry.

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I didn't watch Sidney at all...at all.


Didn't they have a recent one in Denver? Had the gay guy get in to it with the black guy the first night? I caught very little of it, and that's only because I know Tyrie. (Well, through mutual friends, anyway)


I think there was one in Key West, didn't catch that one either. I passed on Philly, watched Austin and then pretty much called it quits.

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Not really.


Jamie Chung from San Diego is on a soap.


Chris from Chicago was also on a soap.


Kevin Powell from New York is running for congress.


Mallory from Paris is a model.


Ace from Paris was successful before the show. He owns like 3 bars.


Tek from Hawaii has his own clothing company.


But if you meant JUST sticking to the show itself, I don't think too many have.


EDIT: Didn't Eric Neiss host a MTV show for awhile?

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Oh and Austin winning best show is bullshit. San Diego was the best by far. Every episode was good and never had those "lame duck" ones. PLUS they gave us Cameron and her vibrator talk. Nothing beats that.

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Yes, I enjoyed it as well. Though I don't remember too much of it, I think I caught in on Comcast On Demand awhile back. I didn't start watching it until Hawaii.


I remember turning to Road Rules when I was younger (I think it was RR1). I remember some girl crying and fighting with a guy and thought it was stupid, so I changed the channel. Kind of wish I watched it because the only season I've watched in full is Extreme.


And you can't find ANY of them on Torrents. I had a hard time finding the challenges, but I did end up DLing all of them except for Battle of the Sexes 2, which doesn't seem to have any seeders. Battle of the Seasons took about a month to DL because no one would seed it. Then one day, someone did and it finished. It was stuck at 88% for the longest time.

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Is Miz the only person from this mess of a show to have any success in life beyond clinging to this thing?


Judd Winick is a successful comic writer. Now, whether he's good or not, you can perhaps debate that. But definitely successful. Apparently he created an animated series also, which I wasn't aware about until I Wiki'd his name.

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Well that is the entire thing. The casts of the first four or so seasons weren't doing the Real World to launch an "acting career" They were people who had plenty going on outside of the show thus it made for a very different dynamic in the house.

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Judd married the good looking Asian chick from his season too, IIRC.


Road Rules aka Where the fat person gets sent.


I have a big problem with Road Rules and how its devolved over the years at a much more alarming rate than Real World has. The first season and maybe one or two after (I recall one season they had to do something in Calgary for the WWF) were the best of them all. Now, its stupid missions with people getting "voted off" and replaced or just ousted while they all try to get some grand prize. Seriously, Los would've never lasted on the newer RR seasons.


Real World, I can't stand anymore. Mainly.. well, there's no heavy-set or overweight person on that show. It is the Real World, yes? The US is by far the fattest nation in the world, so how come there aren't any on the show? The one's that do try to get on, like I mentioned above, get sent off to Road Rules. Yes, let's send the the fat person onto a show where they have to do physical activity and failure to do so will result in them being voted off, so we can get another RW reject (this one thin and "pretty") onto the show in their place. Right.


Sorry..just got into a rant on that.

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What season? I've tuned in to maybe an episode or two from most of the more recent seasons. Austin jumped the shark the first night with homeboy gettin rocked.

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That was Denver, 3 seasons ago I believe.


Yeah, what I thought was most amusing about the situation with Danny getting beat up was that everyone hated on Nehemiah for leaving the scene and everyone basically tried to say he started some shit and then bailed out, leaving Danny on his own to get knocked out. That obviously wasn't the case, because he left way before the shit hit the fan....do I have my seasons confused here? It feels like I do.


I also loved how Nehemiah always put that annoying Army chick in her place everytime she tried to overplay her "I was an Army medic" schtick.

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Road Rules aka Where the fat person gets sent.


I have a big problem with Road Rules and how its devolved over the years at a much more alarming rate than Real World has. The first season and maybe one or two after (I recall one season they had to do something in Calgary for the WWF) were the best of them all. Now, its stupid missions with people getting "voted off" and replaced or just ousted while they all try to get some grand prize. Seriously, Los would've never lasted on the newer RR seasons.

Which is probably why they stopped doing Road Rules. It was canceled for a while, and pretty much has been for a few years, with the exception of that one season which was "Interactive" which was like a year a two ago.


And we all know that was just because they needed new cast members for the challenges.

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