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All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

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I can't believe i've come around again so fast. Should be a while until my next pick though.


Now, I mentioned I picked three at the start, Bret, Kurt Angle, and one other person.


Luckily, nobody has taken my third man, so i'm lucky enough to have two of my three top three picks.


There are a few different era's, but i'm going to go for 2002-2005.


Somebody who can work with the uppercard, and the main event, and also the tag ranks.

One of my personal favourites.



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It's okay, I knew he had to go sometime. I was just crossing my fingers that he might make it untouched all the way back to my second pick. Wasn't banking on it though. I congratulate you, Guerrero is about as fine a second pick as can be made, in my eyes anyway.

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I was half tempted to try and take Guerrero and Angle as a tag-team and reference their tag title wins.


But I knew someone wouldn't be happy, heh. It's irrelivent really. 30 picks away, I wonder who i'll be left with.


I'm sure i'll pick someone half-decent. I wonder if my signature can survive 30 picks.

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With my next pick, I choose Chris Jericho.




Where Cactus Jack is the kick ass, super tough guy that people respect, Jericho is the insufferable smart ass.

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I was half tempted to try and take Guerrero and Angle as a tag-team and reference their tag title wins.


Yeah that wouldn't have flown. The WWE jacked over the tag division so bad with a ton of mismash pairings of great wrestlers, the tag rule's problems should be cleared up pretty soon since most of the Main Eventers tossed together to give them something to do have been selected or will be pretty soon.

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Is anybody else kind of surprised that The Warrior hasn't been taken yet? I know he's not really popular amongst the IWC but I really thought he'd go late in the first round or early in the second round for some reason. I'm also a bit surprised Randy Orton hasn't been taken yet as I'd have him around that range at well. There are some other people I'm surprised haven't been drafted but I'm not going to mention them since I want to draft them myself.

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Is anybody else kind of surprised that The Warrior hasn't been taken yet? I know he's not really popular amongst the IWC but I really thought he'd go late in the first round or early in the second round for some reason. I'm also a bit surprised Randy Orton hasn't been taken yet as I'd have him around that range at well. There are some other people I'm surprised haven't been drafted but I'm not going to mention them since I want to draft them myself.


I was thinking the same thing about Warrior and Orton today, but I have a couple of people ranked in front of them so I'm going to keep quiet about that...

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I was half tempted to try and take Guerrero and Angle as a tag-team and reference their tag title wins.


Yeah that wouldn't have flown. The WWE jacked over the tag division so bad with a ton of mismash pairings of great wrestlers, the tag rule's problems should be cleared up pretty soon since most of the Main Eventers tossed together to give them something to do have been selected or will be pretty soon.




Lets not mention anybody period till they get picked.



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Mellow, since you created this, I think people should PM you with any questions they might be curious about.


For example, I was tempted to PM you with the Eddie/Kurt tag team question.

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There is one guy in particular that hasn't been selected yet that stuns me. A guy that could easily carry a promotion on his back for years. I passed on him because he didn't fit the overall balance I'm seeking. It should be noted that with the exception of Andre and to an extent, Terry Funk, none of the "old timers" have gone as well.

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Mellow, since you created this, I think people should PM you with any questions they might be curious about.


For example, I was tempted to PM you with the Eddie/Kurt tag team question.


Unless somebody is uncomfortable asking a question in the open thread (or has to name a specific wrestler/team, which we are trying to avoid), I would be fine if you just posted your inquiries here.


Also, rule #2 states that pairings (i.e. The Rock and The Undertaker) are prohibited.

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Yeah, but I was thinking more along the lines of not revealing any names (as Angle OR Eddie hadnt been taken yet).


And i'm mistaken anyway, I was thinking Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit, not Angle and Guerrero.

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Another question was brought to my attention by Hawk34. He asked if it was okay to use a gimmick that was portrayed by several wrestlers, even if one of them was already drafted. I say that as long as you list who is portraying the character, then that is okay. For instance, if somebody already drafted the Dwayne Gill incarnation of The Executioner, then you could still use the Barry Hardy version of the Executioner, so long as you can clarify that another performer is under the hood.

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Weird.. If I hadn't asked so many questions already, I was actually going to ask that with The Patriot.


But hopefully nobody drafts any sort of Patriot.


I say Ask away. This style of draft is much more complicated then assembling any sports team or choosing your favorite albums, and we are still figuring it out.


Anyway, I just wanted to use two performers that nobody is interested in acquiring any time soon for my example.

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I was torn between a couple of people that fit in better with my first pick...but that would have pulled me too far in one direction that I probably couldn't have come back from. I flat out know there is one guy who I should take here that I'm not just because I feel like I have to pick the guy I am.


If that makes sense.




So...he can only play face... But I pick Ricky Steamboat anyway.

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I vaguely recall 'Taker squashing Steamboat while Steamboat was on his way out of the WWF during his stupid Dragon run.

Vince wanted Steamboat to do televised squash jobs to IRS and Undertaker. He refused, though was willing to do jobs at house shows to anyone. That wasn't good enough for Vince, and Steamboat was fired.



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Would a televised squash to Taker have been that bad?


But IRS?


In a squash over Steamboat?

Steamboat felt he'd made too much of a reputation to do squash jobs on TV.


Anyway, it's time to make my second pick. This wrestler will face Brock Lesnar in the top feud in my promotion. I want someone who can have really strong, hard hitting matches with Lesnar, who can get Lesnar over and show his stuff as well. The headline feud of my promotion will see Brock Lesnar face this man...



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Well, that's an interesting choice so early on, leaves an extra top pick available, yet takes away someone i'd have personally chosen as my number three or four guy.


There's so many big names left though, and that's just todays scene.


This'll play out interesting.

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He could be your number 3 or 4 guy but for HTQ it's probably best he took him now cause you'll get the first shot at the 3rd round pick.

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