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All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

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So, my version of the Headbangers will be different. They are going to be sick and twisted, more like the Moondogs. They are going to be much more physical as heels. Also, their ring gear/look will be modified, with them wearing utilikilts and black metal shirts, carrying Norwegian flags, and covered in corpse paint.

So you are going to ret-con them into something they never were before? I wish I would have gotten in this draft so I could have made Juventud Guerrera into an All-American, charismatic powerhouse, a la Hulk Hogan. Seriously, is this allowed?


I would allow your plans for Juvi, but Stevie's Headbangers seem like too much of a stretch.


He also told us to wait a litle while longer. Which wasn't necessary. Miracle Violence Connection will now be street-rapping genies.

See that doesn't make any sense. How is me making the Headbangers more heelish and having them come out wearing black metal gear different? I thought it would be ok since it's more of a gimmick update.


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I agree with Stevie... his vision of the Headbangers would be a natural heel turn within the context of the gimmick. They just went to militant Scandanavian Death Metal to bang their heads.

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The way I understood this draft is that you are selecting specific wrestlers from a specific era. While you might not be mentioning an exact year, you are clarifying, for example, "Crow Sting, not Surfer Sting." You couldn't say, "Sting, but I am going to have him be a tweener with no face paint and have him come out in jeans and be like Stone Cold Steve Austin." That is creating a character, not drafting one.

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That's true as well, but I can see the logical progression of the Headbangers to what Stevie said within the context of their established gimmick. He took Headbangers then found a group of people called headbangers and altered the focus within that. I get that they never did that, but I can follow the line to where he got.


I guess it doesn't bother me since it's not a complete gimmick overhaul, but a natural heel turn that would work plausably within the established gimmick.


I mean what "gimmick" does Stu Hart have? Most of the old school wrestlers, and alot of the Japanese guys (with a few notable exceptions) lack a defined gimmick anyways.

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I agree with that, Maz. But having no gimmick is the gimmick for them (now). They come from an era where it was mostly just wrestle other people and vie for titles. That is the dual complexity of drafting people from vastly different eras. You have to try to make your roster mesh. Updating and changing people just seems to go too far into fantasy booking instead of showing how you make the pieces you drafted work. I don't really have a problem with it, as I'm only an observer. I am enjoying watching everything unfold, but that just didn't make sense to me.

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I thought it would be acceptable, since the core of the gimmick would be the same. They would still be a tag team of heavy metal goofs, except instead of visibly endorsing Marilyn Manson and Korn, they would be all about Emperor and Mayhem and Scandinavian metal. And they would be a little more physical/violent since they would be booked as heels. They ended their time in the WWF as heels, so that would make sense.


And besides, saying that I couldn't book them as black metal thugs is like saying you can't create stables in this thing.


That said, I can use the Headbangers just as well if they were plucked straight out of 1997.


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Need to build up the mid-card scene and I think this is a decent guy to throw into the mix. Gives me another big man on the roster and someone who could conceivabely challenge for the top titles.



Test......this is a test.

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This next selection was difficult for me. I have opted out of the shoot-fighter that I was going for, and, instead, am going to go with the nucleus of my Women's Division. I need somebody who can bridge the gap between the American workers and the Japanese workers in said division. Ergo, I need someone who can have a good match with anybody... and I have just the worker in mind.


Ladies and gentlemen, the former AJW Champion...


Manami Toyota!




I am still not entirely sure who is going to head up the Women's Division as champion, but right now she is the front-runner.

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Mellow gave me a gift, and so I take him....






Akira Maeda



A little story...


In 1986, Akira Maeda returned to New Japan, but things didn't work out too well for him. In April, he had a match versus Andre the Giant. One side of the story is that Andre showed up drunk and in no condition to compete, which angered Maeda. Another story says that Maeda just did not want to lose to a WWF star. Regardless, the match quickly disintegrated into a shoot match, as Maeda delivered kicks to Andre's legs and used multiple single leg takedowns. Antonio Inoki came out twice trying to talk to the wrestlers, but was unsuccessful in getting the two to cooperate. Finally, the match ended with Andre the Giant laying on his back asking Maeda to pin him, when Inoki went to plan B and had other wrestlers come in the ring to start a wild melee. The match was thus considered a double DQ.



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A little outside the box with this one, a guy that is extremely charismatic but lacking in the ring. I figure this was the stage of the draft he'd start to get a few looks so i'm taking him now.




Santino Marella!


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With the next selection in the draft, I'm going to take someone who will probably still be on the board for a while, but I want to go ahead and snatch him up to work a program with Jesse Ventura. He was a MAJOR star and draw in the Memphis area, and he could have easily gone national... if he had the drive to do so. Many have said he simply didn't like the travel involved, and that is why he stayed in Memphis. Regardless of that, though, he had the distinct ability to talk a crowd into the area and generate major heat.


Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you...








My plan is to work a face Jesse vs. a heel Idol in a battle of "Who Has the Better Body" gimmick.

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We're gonna have Billy Jack Haynes feud with Butch Reed.


Makes good sense, don't it.




I can see that having so many large guys on my roster is going to hurt when I do the juniors tag. That's okay, I'll figure out a way to balance things. Like having that juniors tag open the show.

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Damn you again King! I wanted Billy Jack to feud with Don Muraco. Ah well! I wasn't going to pick him for another two or so rounds anyways.


If Cranda picks who I'm planning to pick next, I'll kill him in his sleep!

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It seems like almost all of my picks are pissing more and more people off. I know they're good, then.

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Val Venis





He's a solid worker, not too shabby on the mic and somebody who could easily move between main event and mid card with no problems.


Except for the retarded gimmick that pegged him as a midcard guy for life. When something like "I choppy choppy your pee pee" is what you're remembered for, that's not good.

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Cranda lives another day.



We often talk about wrestlers and tag teams that are ahead of their time but next choice is a team that came ten years too late. I mean that as the highest of compliments. If this team had shown up in 1982 instead of 1992, I venture that they would have been one of the most highly regarded tag teams of that era (Which is one of the finest for tag team wrestling IMHO). But in The New Generation era, they seemed like relics from a bygone era. Nevertheless, they managed to achieve a fair level of success and win much respect from the IWC. This team would be a natural fit against Strike Force. A classic old school babyfaces Vs old school heel series. They could also play well against pretty much any team I've selected.


These two are former USWA Tag Team Champions and three time SMW Tag Team Champions...


With my 16th pick in the All Time Wrestling Roster draft, I'm proud to select...



01.jpg "Gigolo" Jimmy Del Ray and Dr. Tom Prichard...The Heavenly Bodies!

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I needed another tag team, I would say off the top of my head all the teams I was really desperate for are long gone at this point. That's not to say I didn't enjoy the run these two had together. They got off to a bit of a shakey start but really found their groove as a team as time went on.


For my next selection:


The Redneck Wreckin' Crew - Cade & Murdoch.

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I thought for sure the Bodies were taken. Shame on everyone in the draft, myself included for not picking them up. They would have been my 2nd team for sure.

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I spent a good amount of time debating Bodies and FBI but I figured that it wasn't likely I would get Cornette in the manager draft and to me..HB without Cornette feels wrong.


Austin Idol was the biggest gut wrench that I eyed since the early rounds. Luckily, I have the original on my roster. Some good picks in this round overall.

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Cranda lives another day.



We often talk about wrestlers and tag teams that are ahead of their time but next choice is a team that came ten years too late. I mean that as the highest of compliments. If this team had shown up in 1982 instead of 1992, I venture that they would have been one of the most highly regarded tag teams of that era (Which is one of the finest for tag team wrestling IMHO). But in The New Generation era, they seemed like relics from a bygone era. Nevertheless, they managed to achieve a fair level of success and win much respect from the IWC. This team would be a natural fit against Strike Force. A classic old school babyfaces Vs old school heel series. They could also play well against pretty much any team I've selected.


These two are former USWA Tag Team Champions and three time SMW Tag Team Champions...


With my 16th pick in the All Time Wrestling Roster draft, I'm proud to select...



01.jpg "Gigolo" Jimmy Del Ray and Dr. Tom Prichard...The Heavenly Bodies!


I was thinking about them the other day, but couldn't pass on Akira. Plus I don't think they'd mesh well with any of the teams I have so far. Well actually they could have a nice little battle with Air Japan, but meh.

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Val Venis





He's a solid worker, not too shabby on the mic and somebody who could easily move between main event and mid card with no problems.


Except for the retarded gimmick that pegged him as a midcard guy for life. When something like "I choppy choppy your pee pee" is what you're remembered for, that's not good.



The thing is with Val is that there were times where he was really starting to get over, but every time they'd stick him back into a crappy gimmick that was re-used over and over again.



And OOG should be free to pick any time.

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- I plan on having him wrestle cruiserweights and still come out as Hassan's manager and teammate. He can talk, he can draw heat and he can work.




La Parka


- A great cruiserweight who can play either face or heel. He has a very original gimmick and a fan friendly mask which will be good for kids in the audience and merchandise sales. Plus, he's a dose of comedy and fun (while still being a legitimate wrestler) to liven up, what may otherwise be, intense cards.


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