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UFC 87 - Seek and Destroy

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I can't believe I forgot it was on. I'm stoopid. Anyone know offhand when there will be a replay? The discussion got me hyped to see Brock again.


Edit: Never mind, found it on my channel guide. Gotta think about if it's worth the cost when I can probably torrent it in the next day or 2.

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Man I just hope to see Brock Vs. Randy, before Randy gets too old...


By the way keep a look out for Jon Jones who defeated Andre Gusmao... He's only 21 and has been only fighting for about 6 months, he has loads of potential and will be a force at 205 in the future.

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Whenever Brock mounted Heath, Heath did the smart thing and turned onto his stomach - Brock wasn't going for a RNC and you can't strike the back of the head.


Still going to hate on GSP, and think every contender in WW division can "beat his ass in the 1st round"? Your hate sure looked foolish last night...

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I was able to grab this very small picture of Jon Fitch from a Kenny Florian press conference video. It's a bad picture I know but it's the best I could find.





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Whenever Brock mounted Heath, Heath did the smart thing and turned onto his stomach - Brock wasn't going for a RNC and you can't strike the back of the head.


Still going to hate on GSP, and think every contender in WW division can "beat his ass in the 1st round"? Your hate sure looked foolish last night...



Yeah, he looked good last night. I still think if he went up against a good striker, he would get laid out.


And Penn is going to murder him.

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Whenever Brock mounted Heath, Heath did the smart thing and turned onto his stomach - Brock wasn't going for a RNC and you can't strike the back of the head.


Still going to hate on GSP, and think every contender in WW division can "beat his ass in the 1st round"? Your hate sure looked foolish last night...



Yeah, he looked good last night. I still think if he went up against a good striker, he would get laid out.


And Penn is going to murder him.


I don't think Penn will "murder" him, I think he will win, but it will be a close fight.

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Brock would do well to have Vladdy teach him how to properly fuck someone up on the ground with little concept of BJJ positioning.


That being said, I'm reserving all of the "Lesnar is a future champion" hype until he beats a HW who doesn't blow.

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Why did BJ sound like someone had kneed him in the groin? His voice sounded even higher than usual.


What are you talking about? Whenever BJ is excited he always sounds like that.

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Well Heath is solidly in the middle as a HW; not quite good enough to be considered a top HW, but too experienced and tough to be considered a bad one. Brock still needs some work, but he definitely impressed me more than he did against Mir (obviously). As for future HW champ, I don't think so, at least not as long as Nogueira is still there.


GSP probably should have finished Fitch within regulation, but Jon is tough as nails so that can hardly be considered a knock.


Wouldn't fighting Kongo next be a step down for Lesnar? Or does him being a very beatable fighter for Brock have something to do with it?

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Wouldn't fighting Kongo next be a step down for Lesnar? Or does him being a very beatable fighter for Brock have something to do with it?


But the problem is, who do they give to Lesnar? The HW division is pretty much shitty, and they don't want to give Brock, Cain Velasquez or Shane Carwin so early, when those could be big money fights in the future... Atleast Cheick is a named opponet.

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I know fuck all about MMA and will happily admit it. I'll also admit that my main reason for watching was Lesnar (although I have watched other UFC shows without him when I can find them). So my comments will likely be worthless, but still.


GSP was good, and in control, but I am STUNNED at how tough Jon Fitch is. No matter how much of a pasting he took he was still in there fighting; there were flurries of blows that would have forced a ref stop in pretty much every other fight I've seen, but Fitch was still in there. And then he'd fight out of a mount or something a couple of seconds later, squeeze back up to his feet and start throwing punches again. My wife noted that, I think it was after the third round, although Fitch was totally busted up it was GSP who was breathing heavier and looked more tired.


Brock scares me. That first charge was surprising, and I'm not sure if Heath recovered from the shock. When Brock tagged him and sent him tumbling head-over-heels we cheered, and good god the speed he came in at straight after. I did think that about halfway through the second round he'd lost most of his wind, but Heath was pretty much dead at that point so it didn't matter. I think the most surprising thing was I'm sure I saw a look of real fear on Herring's face about a minute in, when he realised that the guy he'd been making light of just hit him INCREDIBLY hard, and was now not going to let him up, ever. There was definitely an idea of "what the fuck have I got myself into here?" I've no doubt that Lesnar still has weaknesses that will be exposed, and his lack of a killer instinct on the mat might hurt him (are his arms actually able to get under someone's chin for a choke?), but he did what he had to do, and did it well. And it looks like if he CAN hit you, you ARE going down.

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With 2 fights left what do you think the prospects are of Brock Jumping ship if he doesn't receive a title-fight in his last contracted match?


Brock would be a shoe-in for EliteXC as a contender against Kimbo( the real belt is an afterthought) or he could be a headliner with Affliction.


Pardon the off-topic post but Lupe Fiasco's sig is freaking me out! :ph34r:

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With 2 fights left what do you think the prospects are of Brock Jumping ship if he doesn't receive a title-fight in his last contracted match?


Brock would be a shoe-in for EliteXC as a contender against Kimbo( the real belt is an afterthought) or he could be a headliner with Affliction.


Pardon the off-topic post but Lupe Fiasco's sig is freaking me out! :ph34r:


Also Brock would murder Kimbo at this point. Like to death.

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Well Heath is solidly in the middle as a HW; not quite good enough to be considered a top HW, but too experienced and tough to be considered a bad one.


Herring's OK (relative to his shitty division), but he's still not a good fighter and certainly not any sort of litmus test of a fighter's potential. JOB taking a single round from a shit-scared Arlovski spoke more highly of his skill than grapple-fucking Herring for 15 minutes, IMO.


As is, being unable to put away Herring doesn't tell us anything because being tough is about Herring's only strength; dropping Herring doesn't tell us anything because Enson Inoue did the same; and outwrestling Herring didn't mean anything because Herring has long been a laughable wrestler. Beating a HW with more viable offensive threats would've impressed me more.

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Oh, I agree wholeheartedly. I just didn't want to be the first guy to admit that they weren't really, truly impressed by Lesnar's domination of Herring. It surprised me, yes, because I thought Herring would at least put up more of a fight or try to utilize some type of submission game (please, withhold your laughter), but Lesnar's victory really didn't tell me anything other than that he's strong and has good takedowns and he can beat somebody who can be sloppy and inconsistent.

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Oh, I agree wholeheartedly. I just didn't want to be the first guy to admit that they weren't really, truly impressed by Lesnar's domination of Herring. It surprised me, yes, because I thought Herring would at least put up more of a fight or try to utilize some type of submission game (please, withhold your laughter), but Lesnar's victory really didn't tell me anything other than that he's strong and has good takedowns and he can beat somebody who can be sloppy and inconsistent.


While Lesnar did "dominate" Herring, it was the worst domination of someone I've ever seen. Aside from the one punch right off the bat, and a few takedowns all he did was lie on top of Herring. This was by far the worst fight of the night, and Lesnar did exactly what a lot of people here shit on Tim Sylvia for doing. All in all, it's a W for Lesnar, but his post fight celebration was completely laughable, and I was pro-Lesnar before this fight, but I hope the next person they put him in the ring with KO's him in less the a minute, and then dances around his fallen body.

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Lesnar did more than punch him once and lay on him. Go ask Herring's face if it only got punched once. It looked like 5 day old ground beef after the 3rd round.


He continued to punch the head and face as well as knee the fuck out of the body while dominating him on the ground. Sure, he should have ended it early with a RNC, but it was his 3rd fight, facing a guy that had over 40. I'll cut him slack for sticking with what he was comfortable with.

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