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DrVenkman PhD

WWE General Discussion - February 2009

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It seems like the WWE is always in a rut after Wrestlemania....just replaying the same feuds that were going into Wrestlemania. I always felt like Wrestlemania main events quickly being repeated at Backlash and Judgement Day kind of cheapened the importance of Wrestlemania. Hopefully the quick draft after Wrestlemania will break this up a bit.


....Oh, and I'm not sure it's been mentioned before. Judging by WWE.com's calendar- One Night Stand is now called "Extreme Rules".

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Wow i wonder what would have been had that plan went through.


I imagine that the situation would be like when they brought ECW back. It would have retained the format for about a week and a half before they'd panic and run special appearances by main eventers of the era like The Rock and Austin.

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Something I just noticed tonight.


WWE currently has 17 women on the roster trained to compete regularly (so that excludes Stephanie, Linda, Vickie Guerrero, Lillian Garcia and...Teddy Long's GM assistant girl for now). That's almost as big as the entire ECW roster.


I have to wonder...if WWE managed to get the time, could they feasibly make an all Divas show?


I appreciate a good women's match, but I don't think I'd watch an all-diva's show. Teddy Long's GM assistant girl aka Tiffany is trained to wrestle.

Ah, OK about Tiffany. Didn't know she was trained yet.


Me...I wouldn't mind an all women's show. ...hell, I used to watch WOW back in the day, and these girls are better trained than the WOW girls were (for the most part)

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Wow i wonder what would have been had that plan went through.


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Me...I wouldn't mind an all women's show. ...hell, I used to watch WOW back in the day, and these girls are better trained than the WOW girls were (for the most part)

Yeah, but that was in your pre-pubescent days when you hoped to catch a glimpse of Mt. Fiji's side boob. :blink:

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Me...I wouldn't mind an all women's show. ...hell, I used to watch WOW back in the day, and these girls are better trained than the WOW girls were (for the most part)

Yeah, but that was in your pre-pubescent days when you hoped to catch a glimpse of Mt. Fiji's side boob. :blink:

First of all, I'm 26. So when WOW (not GLOW) was on the air, I was in my teens.


Second of all...you're sick, you know that.


Third of all...I thought Terri Gold was cute. And in a psycho-bitch sorta way, so was Riot.

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You never saw WOW? It was a bad lesbian porn...that had no porn but had Bobby Heenan.

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Should I go and confess my sins for liking the commentary of Matt Striker and Todd Grisham? I mean, they're not amazing, but you can feel the potential they have to be the mainstay announcers for Raw in the near future. They're willing to work the style WWE wants to push (story telling and putting characters over) and 'mostly' manage to do it without it sounding too forced (Michael Cole).


Besides, Matt Striker has that natural ability on the mic to sound good/funny/spontaneous.

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Well, yeah... but shh. I was taking into account potential teams (Cole & Tazz, JR & Cole, etc). I know people loved JBL & Cole, but I thought JBL's commentary started to become a bit repetitive after a while.

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Well, yeah... but shh. I was taking into account potential teams (Cole & Tazz, JR & Cole, etc). I know people loved JBL & Cole, but I thought JBL's commentary started to become a bit repetitive after a while.


"The Undertaker wears scars like badges!"


"He smells like smoke because he's been through fire!"

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