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Guest tank_abbott

The Old School questions thread

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I've never heard an explanation.  There were a handful of other PPVs that were never commercially released - Spring Stampede 98 and Souled Out 97 among them.

And everything after BatB 2000.

Actually I've seen commercial masters of BATB, New Blood Rising, Fall Brawl, and I believe even Halloween Havoc 2000 on eBay.

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Here's a question I have that's old school:


When the scheduled rematch in January between Bob Backlund and The Iron Sheik for the WWF title was made, and Hogan replaced Backlund in the match due to injury and went on to win the title, was Backlund's injury legit, or was it just a story made to give a reason for Hogan in the match insted?

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According to my info (which is spread pretty thin from Jan 84), Backlund was out for about 2 weeks just prior to the MSG card. If there was an injury, I bet it was kayfabed. The only reason Sheik got the title in the first place was so Hogan could win the title the following month.

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Guest wayzing
Was the money that Andre The Giant threw into the crowd at the first WrestleMania real?


Just wondering...

They were real, which is probably why Bobby Heenan snatched the bag back so soon.

Edited by wayzing

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Why did Bret Hart drop the IC title to The Mountie? He dropped the title and took a bunch of time off. Which of course lead to Mountie hot shotting the title to Piper which lead to Bret/Piper WM8.


Was Bret injuried?

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Guest drdrainoscott

He had a high fever the night that he dropped the title, and he needed some time off so they hotshotted the belt to the Mountie. I believe that the plan the entire time was for the Mania match to be Hart/Piper anyway.


I have a question though. How were these guy's debuts explained in the WWF, meaning were they giving video buildup or did they just show up or what?:


The Steiners

Kona Crush (Did they mention he was the same Crush as before?)

Legion of Doom (1st time)

The Powers of Pain

The Brainbusters


And also, how did they explain Bret Hart moving on to singles after the Foundation dropped the titles at Mania?

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Guest Boo_Bradley

Crush did vignette's (sp?) from beaches with pineapples, talking about crushing pineapples just like the rulebreakers skulls

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What was the outcome of the lawsuit filed by the EMT that Scott Steiner attacked (thinking he was a plant)?

I thought it was still pending, as I can't find a result anywhere.

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How did Randy Savage debut in WCW in 1994? I was curious about this the other day, but Google didn't have any specifics. Like, did he just show up on Saturday Night one week? Or run in? Did they hype his debut much?

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Guest Boo_Bradley

1> Did Roma appear in WCW before being made a Horseman?


2> Did Lawler ever fued with Duke The Dumpster Drose? (I'm thinking yes, but can't confirm it)

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How did Randy Savage debut in WCW in 1994? I was curious about this the other day, but Google didn't have any specifics. Like, did he just show up on Saturday Night one week? Or run in? Did they hype his debut much?

He ran in at Starcade 94 and teased attacking Hogan, before shaking Hogan's hand.

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How did Randy Savage debut in WCW in 1994? I was curious about this the other day, but Google didn't have any specifics. Like, did he just show up on Saturday Night one week? Or run in? Did they hype his debut much?

He ran in at Starcade 94 and teased attacking Hogan, before shaking Hogan's hand.

They did hype his debut for Starrcade. Is he for or against Hogan was the question of the day for Savage. He even cut a few short promos regarding it. I still remember one:


"Hulk Hogan, forgive and forget. Forget? NEVER! Forgive? Ahhh, I wish I knew myself!


Kind of a weird quote because if you truly forgive someone, you forget the action.

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Guest drdrainoscott

I seem to remember this happening on an edition of WCW Saturday Night. It looked as if he was gonna join up with the Three Faces of Fear, or whatever their names were, but then sided with Hogan.

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He had a high fever the night that he dropped the title, and he needed some time off so they hotshotted the belt to the Mountie.  I believe that the plan the entire time was for the Mania match to be Hart/Piper anyway.


I have a question though.  How were these guy's debuts explained in the WWF, meaning were they giving video buildup or did they just show up or what?:


The Steiners

Kona Crush (Did they mention he was the same Crush as before?)

Legion of Doom (1st time)

The Powers of Pain

The Brainbusters


And also, how did they explain Bret Hart moving on to singles after the Foundation dropped the titles at Mania?

The only reason Bret dropped the belt was because his contract was about up and Vince didn't want to risk Bret showing up on WCW TV with the IC title much like Flair had done months earlier, coming in with the WCW World Title around his waist on WWF TV. The fever was kayfabed.


Steiners received no video buildup, just a promo that they would debut the following week and they were verbally built up by the commentators.


Kona Crush was around for several months before he admitted he was from Hawaii. He didn't do so until the 9/14/92 episode of Prime Time.


Bret was no stranger to working singles matches and had done so off and on for several years prior to 91 ... so no explanation was needed. Neidhart went into semi-retirement and did commentary on Wrestling Challenge while Bret went on as a singles.

Edited by cawthon777

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How did Ken Shamrock get the title shot at the DX PPV?

He unoficially made both Bret and HBK tap out in singles matches shortly before the Survivor Series. Then the day after the PPV, HBK involved himself in a match Shamrock had with Triple H.

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How did Randy Savage debut in WCW in 1994? I was curious about this the other day, but Google didn't have any specifics. Like, did he just show up on Saturday Night one week? Or run in? Did they hype his debut much?

Savage appeared on WCW Saturday Night a few weeks before Starrcade 94 (taped in early December).


I remember watching it and being pretty shocked ... also my interest in the PPV increased somewhat since Savage said he would be in Nashville and would either shake Hogan's hand or slap him in the face.


I don't recall if he had any on-screen dealings with Sullivan, the Butcher, and Avalanche at that particular SN. He certainly didn't appear with Hogan until the PPV. He started working house shows right after Starrcade against the Faces of Fear.


The match with Arn Anderson was after Arn won the TV title (mid to late January 95). Savage pinned Anderson right after the 15-minute mark - thus no title change (the title was only on the line for the first 15 minutes). The match with Austin was in May 95 and was a quarter final match in the US title tourney ... also, I believe it was Austin's last TV match in WCW.

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Crush did vignette's (sp?) from beaches with pineapples, talking about crushing pineapples just like the rulebreakers skulls

I'm thinking those were the promos for Doink just prior to WrestleMania IX.

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1> Did Roma appear in WCW before being made a Horseman?


2> Did Lawler ever fued with Duke The Dumpster Drose? (I'm thinking yes, but can't confirm it)

1. Don't believe so


2. Yes ... it was stupid and forgettable. Basically consisted of Lawler hitting Drose over the head with his trash can one week ... then a few weeks later, Drose did the same and was fined for his actions.

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Guest drdrainoscott

What was up with the pushes of Val Venis and Al Snow at the end of 1999 to the Upper Midcard? I was excited about this back then, but then they were quickly dropped for no apparent reason. I'm assuming this was due to the exit of Russo, but was there anymore to this?

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He had a high fever the night that he dropped the title, and he needed some time off so they hotshotted the belt to the Mountie.  I believe that the plan the entire time was for the Mania match to be Hart/Piper anyway.


I have a question though.  How were these guy's debuts explained in the WWF, meaning were they giving video buildup or did they just show up or what?:


The Steiners

Kona Crush (Did they mention he was the same Crush as before?)

Legion of Doom (1st time)

The Powers of Pain

The Brainbusters


And also, how did they explain Bret Hart moving on to singles after the Foundation dropped the titles at Mania?

The only reason Bret dropped the belt was because his contract was about up and Vince didn't want to risk Bret showing up on WCW TV with the IC title much like Flair had done months earlier, coming in with the WCW World Title around his waist on WWF TV. The fever was kayfabed.


Steiners received no video buildup, just a promo that they would debut the following week and they were verbally built up by the commentators.


Kona Crush was around for several months before he admitted he was from Hawaii. He didn't do so until the 9/14/92 episode of Prime Time.


Bret was no stranger to working singles matches and had done so off and on for several years prior to 91 ... so no explanation was needed. Neidhart went into semi-retirement and did commentary on Wrestling Challenge while Bret went on as a singles.

There was absolutely no hype for LOD the first time around. Vince merely said they'd wrestle next week and Jesse Ventura said "And wait until you see Hawk and Animal in action".

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In list form!:


1) I vaguely remember the Undertaker delivering a tombstone to HHH on an escalator sometime in 1997? Can anyone explain what happened?


2) How big a deal was the steroid scandel of 1994? I thought it was huge nationally, but then remember all the celeberties who appeared in 94. Wouldn't they have wanted to stay out of the WWF?


3) Was there ever a time when Sting was rumored to go to the WWE (pre-2000)?


4) When did Dusty switch out of the Poka-dots?


5) This one can only be answered if you own a copy of Supertape 3. During the Shane Douglas part or during the "wrestling moves" montage/clips there is a shot of Shane Douglas doing a Big Splash or Crossbody on someone who looks like Goldust.

I know, I know but I rented the tape many years ago and the thought of a man looking like Goldust wrestling in 1991 has haunted me ever since. If anyone has the tape, please check who it is.

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Guest Frank_Nabbit

A lot of 97's are good for Austin/Bret/Taker/Micheals circle of hate, but the quality wrestling is sorely lacking.


Example: The night of the famoust Bret/Austin Street Fight/Ambulance angle the undercard had Jesse James vs Rockabilly and Tiger Ali Singh vs Sal Sincere

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1) I vaguely remember the Undertaker delivering a tombstone to HHH on an escalator sometime in 1997? Can anyone explain what happened?


5) This one can only be answered if you own a copy of Supertape 3. During the Shane Douglas part or during the "wrestling moves" montage/clips there is a shot of Shane Douglas doing a Big Splash or Crossbody on someone who looks like Goldust.

I know, I know but I rented the tape many years ago and the thought of a man looking like Goldust wrestling in 1991 has haunted me ever since. If anyone has the tape, please check who it is.

Here are the matches in question...


WWF @ New York City, NY - Penn Station - February 8, 1997

Shotgun Saturday Night:

WWF IC Champion Hunter Hearst Helmsley defeated the Undertaker via disqualification


SuperTape 3 (1/24/91) #087

Shane Douglas pinned the Black Demon with a flying crossbody (11/19/90; Rochester, NY)

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Yeah...that Shotgun Saturday Night match was crazy shit...and one of only two things that show will be known for (other than Terri/Marlena flashing her chest)


HHH getting tombstoned and riding the escalator down to the first floor...

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