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Guest tank_abbott

The Old School questions thread

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Guest Ransome

According to IMDB, Vince McMahon started commentating in 1971. And yet, after thirty years of practise, he hardly seems to have improved at all.


My question is, what was the reason that Vince was an on-air commentator in 94-97? Is it easier for him to relay messages to wrestlers/technicians this way? I'd have thought there would be things he had to monitor backstage instead of being featured so prominently on camera.

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Spivey was already there....


Did Sid just come out one week?

Spivey may have been there, but he wasn't getting a push.


They did an angle where Teddy Long would watch squash matches from the entrence way and the announcers would say he was "scouting for talent".


The Skyscrapers were just introduced one week and beat a squash team, there was no angle to set them up as a team.

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He was tending to his wife, who was giving birth.


Yoko and Owen would job the belts 24 hours later to the Smoking Gunns in a match that had me marking out like crazy.....


/wishes he were still a mark

She gave birth in Saginaw, Michigan? Owen was at the building and in his tights by (at least) the end of the PPV. I find it very hard to beleive that he flew his very pregnant wife in from Calgary or that she had the kid and he hopped on a flight so he could be on a PPV for 30 seconds and do a job in a match that he had been replaced in. But stranger thigns have happened.

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In Your House 3- Owen Hart didn't show up on time because he was with his wife at the hospital. She was in the process of delivering the couple's second child. [DG]




That's not the best source. Plenty of things on that site have been found to be wrong.


However, the story is true. I doubt very much that she gave birth in Saginaw. Maybe more like she was in Calgary and the birth caused Owen to stay home longer than expected.


IIRC, they asked him what happend during an episode of Action Zone in the weeks following the PPV and that was his excuse. Of course, he made it sound more heelish and talked some smack about Gorilla Monsoon giving him a raw deal.

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IIRC, the WWF and WCW tag straps changed hands a total of 8 times over the course of 2 weeks.


Owen & Yoko - Diesel & Shawn - Owen & Yoko - Gunns


Buck & Slater - Heat - American Males - Heat


I thought Diesel and HBK's 2nd tag title win wasn't recognized due to Owen showing up?




How did Piper, Lawler, Mankind, and Vader all turn face in WWF?

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How did Piper, Lawler, Mankind, and Vader all turn face in WWF?

Piper - Piper took a few months off in 86. I'm assuming it was to do that dumb Hell Comes to Frog Town movie. Adrian Adonis began doing his own interview segment - The Flower Shop - in place of Piper's Pit.


Piper comes back, a heel, and finds that his sidekick Bob Orton is now working with Adonis. Piper soon gets a beatdown from Orton, Don Muraco, and Adonis. Instant babyface (although anyone matched up against Adonis in 86 would be babyface by default).


Lawler - I don't know that he ever did a turn. The fans just grew to turn him babyface because of his oversexed self and the fact he works with JR. The Coach / Snow stuff solidified Lawler as a face.


Vader - Had a match with Bret on Friday Night's Main event after Bret beat Taker. Vader broke the Canadian flag (right then turning him face, pretty much). After the bout, the Patriot comes out to make the save against the Hart Foundation.

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Mankind - Around May/June '97 Jim Ross did a series of sit down interviews with Mankind in a studio telling a slighlty fictional story of Foley's life and career. The next time he came out to wrestle, he was getting cheered.

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Guest Frank_Nabbit

They booked him aganist a heel D- lo Brown, so that helped a little



and he gave JR a "present"


------Firm handshake for those who remember what the present was

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Re: The tag titles at IYH 3.


Martha had given birth a few days before the event. The whole deal with Bulldog wrestling the match and then Owen running in to get pinned was to allow for a fake title change, which would let Shawn and Diesel win the match but not the tag titles.


Re: Vince doing more and more commentary


Vince wanted to be the one on commentary as there were storylines he wanted to get over a certain way, and he felt he could do that best, seeing as he knew where they were meant to be heading.

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Okay, pre ECW Wrestlepalooza '98, the Dudleys hit Dreamer/Sandman with a chair and a cane respectively in an angle. Now, please tell me I'm not hallucinating and that those WERE The Bushwhackers in Dudley shirts standing next to Gertner. And what was the deal? One-shot appearance? Why were they there, what did they do, what event...that sorta stuff.

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I remember hearing about The Bushwhackers showing up in ECW but don't remember the specifics, so you might be right.

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Guest netslob
Okay, pre ECW Wrestlepalooza '98, the Dudleys hit Dreamer/Sandman with a chair and a cane respectively in an angle. Now, please tell me I'm not hallucinating and that those WERE The Bushwhackers in Dudley shirts standing next to Gertner. And what was the deal? One-shot appearance? Why were they there, what did they do, what event...that sorta stuff.

i remember that epsisode on ECW TV. yeah, it was a one-shot appearance. they were introduced as Dudley "cousins", from "Down Under Dudleyville". i think they were just there as a way to fuck with the crowd, y'know, two cartoony former WWF guys in the hardcore ECW. they were soundly booed. i don't remember them doing anything, really, they didn't wrestle, and i don't think they interfered. that's all i remember.

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Guest LooneyTune
In Your House 3- Owen Hart didn't show up on time because he was with his wife at the hospital. She was in the process of delivering the couple's second child. [DG]




That's not the best source. Plenty of things on that site have been found to be wrong.

Yeah, I was unaware about the multiple Main Event specials in 1992 that look familiarly like Primetime Wrestling episodes.

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I don't know if this has been asked in this thread yet, but how did Sid debut in WWF in '91? Did they do vignettes or did he just debut one week? What was the storyline that led to him being the ref at Summerslam?

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I can barely rememeber but I think they just brought him in and put him as babyface guest ref for the "Match Made in Hell" (Hogan/Warrior vs. Slaughter/Shiek/and Adnan) at Summerslam 91. Which was also the first show that Flair's NWA title appeared on.


After Summerslam they turned Sid heel and feuded him with Hogan, they they turfed him because of Steriods and Turner gave him like $500K a year to come and stab Arn Anderson.

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A friend and I are constantly arguing over who has the better top 5 favorite matches. This is to prove to him once and for all thats theres no compition. If you would all be so kinda who has the better picks?


My Friends:

#1 Undertaker vs. Shawn Micahels, Hell In A Cell

#2 Austin vs. Hart, WM 13

#3 Austin vs. Rock, WM 15

#4 Foley vs. Triple H, Hell In A Cell

#5 Shane vs. Vince WM X7



#1 Hogan vs. Rock WMX8

#2 Hogan vs. Savage WM5

#3 Benoit vs. Angle Rumble '03

#4 Austin vs. Rock WM X7

#5 Benoit vs. Jericho Rumble '01


So yeah who has the better taste?

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#1- Your friend. Undertaker vs. Michaels is pretty much a masterpiece.

#2- Your friend.

#3- You. However, had he said Rock/Austin from WMX7 it would be a different story.

#4- You.

#5- You, but Shane vs. Vince is almost as much fun to watch.


A winner is you. (3-2)

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I don't know if this has been asked in this thread yet, but how did Sid debut in WWF in '91? Did they do vignettes or did he just debut one week? What was the storyline that led to him being the ref at Summerslam?

I'm pretty sure Sid's in-ring WWF debut was against Ted DiBiase. He powerbombed him for the win (maybe a house show or something.) The initial plan I believe was a feud with Mr. Perfect.

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I don't know if this has been asked in this thread yet, but how did Sid debut in WWF in '91?  Did they do vignettes or did he just debut one week?  What was the storyline that led to him being the ref at Summerslam?

I'm pretty sure Sid's in-ring WWF debut was against Ted DiBiase. He powerbombed him for the win (maybe a house show or something.) The initial plan I believe was a feud with Mr. Perfect.

Wasn't his tv debut against Kato? that and the Billy Busick and Colonel Mustafa matches are the only tv matches of note that I can remember during his face run.


Edit: Speaking of Sid, does anyone else remember an angle on Superstars where Sid was scheduled to wrestle a jobber in a mask called El Diablo? Undertaker took his place(after Paul Bearer gave him a briefcase) and when Sid had the advantage Diablo ran in attacking Sid and then unmasked as Jake Roberts.

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Sid came out, unannounced, and beat Dibiase after Dibiase won a squash match at a TV taping. I believe that was his WWF debut. The following night, he did the same to Typhoon.

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Guest Frank_Nabbit
They booked him aganist a heel D- lo Brown, so that helped a little



and he gave JR a "present"


------Firm handshake for those who remember what the present was

It was a mini hand doing the mandible claw

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What exactly did Virgil win when he beat DiBiase at SummerSlam? It was very exciting and something I still mark out for, but really, it seems he won a belt that wasn't recognized. At the time I thought he won a million bucks or something (Hennan mentions taxes), but nothing seems to back this up in anything I've seen.

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I think it was more to stick it to DiBiase than winning a title. In kayfabe terms, Virgil was VERY inexperienced so to beat a guy as seasoned as DiBiase and take his most prized possession (that or Sherri) was cause for Virgil to celebrate like he just won the WWF Title.

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Yeah, I figured it was more Virgil winning some pride in the form of a swank looking title.


Kayfabe wise, was Col. Mustafa the Iron Shiek, or was it a case of someone obviously being the same guy but being treated as someone different (best example would be Demolition Crush and Crush... same name and everything, but I don't think his Demolition past was ever mentioned). I was watching SummerSlam 91 and did hear Piper talk about 1983 when Mustafa put Hogan in the Camel Clutch, but that's the only reference I can remember. Monsoon may have called him a former champion at the 92 Rumble but despite seeing that match probably more times than any other match in history, I can't recall if he did.

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Yeah, I figured it was more Virgil winning some pride in the form of a swank looking title.


Kayfabe wise, was Col. Mustafa the Iron Shiek, or was it a case of someone obviously being the same guy but being treated as someone different (best example would be Demolition Crush and Crush... same name and everything, but I don't think his Demolition past was ever mentioned). I was watching SummerSlam 91 and did hear Piper talk about 1983 when Mustafa put Hogan in the Camel Clutch, but that's the only reference I can remember. Monsoon may have called him a former champion at the 92 Rumble but despite seeing that match probably more times than any other match in history, I can't recall if he did.

I don't remember any mention of Col. Mustafa and The Iron Sheik being one in the same. Hell, with the 1992 Rumble, they talk about how there were four former WWF Champions in that match, and they name Hogan, Slaughter, Savage, and Taker...but no mention of Mustafa and his cup of coffee as champion as the Sheik.

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