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Guest Memphis

EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

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A few months ago the guys who did the Best of the 80s scenario for 1.4 were doing one for 4.0, but I haven't heard anything about it since. Anybody know if they finished it, and if so, where to get it?


Hell, is there a good pre-1989 scenario floating around?

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Guest punkerthenthou

does any have a link that works that you can download EWR 4.0? Thank You... :angry:

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Is there anywhere where I can get a good 1996, 97, 98, or 99 scenario for 4.0?

Try EWAdditions or EWEssential forums. I found a 99 one on one of those.

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Wow! Talk about a suprise.


Bill Goldberg vs Rhyno.


Match Background: This will be a hardcore bout. This is a continuation of the Goldberg vs Rhyno feud. Rhyno has yet to get an in-ring victory in this feud.


The Match: STIFF~! chop lights up Rhyno who covers up to try and stop the agonizing PAIN! Rhyno eats a trash can, but not the contents in it, obviously. Bill Goldberg with a spinning neckbreaker on Rhyno. Bill Goldberg with a spinning neckbreaker on Rhyno. Rhyno pushes out of a Bill Goldberg hold. Frying pan shot by Rhyno. Spinebuster by Rhyno. Hooks the leg for a two count. Goldberg counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Full nelson slam on Rhyno. Covers for a quick two count. Death valley driver by Bill Goldberg! No one executes that move properly anymore. Pin, but Rhyno is out just before the three count. Bill Goldberg misses a clothesline. Trying to channel the spirit of Misawa, Rhyno ends up chanelling Lex Luger instead and nails a running forearm to the face, minus the steel plate, of course. Rhyno gets taken down out of nowhere! BAAACK Body drop by Rhyno gets a bit of a pop from the crowd. Rhyno can barely stand. Here it comes - Jackhammer. 1....2...3, it's finished. Bill Goldberg remains in the ring, celebrating the victory.


My Opinion: Absolutely mind blowing match! This is probably up there with my favorite match of all time, Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart from Wrestlemania X and is worthy of ALL its praise. *****

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Guest Deebo

I'm new to EWR so this may be a dumb question, but is there any way to make non-wrestlers(Shawn Michaels, Steve Austin) wrestlers again?

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I'm new to EWR so this may be a dumb question, but is there any way to make non-wrestlers(Shawn Michaels, Steve Austin) wrestlers again?

Yes, but only with Arsenic Editor, a special little gadget that lets you fix annoyances, such as top stars getting injuries in the middle of big feuds and wrestlers retiring.


Check the EWR message boards or www.ewessentials.com for the download.


In an unrelated note, I've resurrected ....TURNBUCKLE CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING~!


Good gooly Miss Molly, Dustymania is a runnin' wild if you weeeeeeeel.


Amen, Big Dust.



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I'm new to EWR so this may be a dumb question, but is there any way to make non-wrestlers(Shawn Michaels, Steve Austin) wrestlers again?

To make non-wrestlers, wrestlers again, you've gotta fork up a lot of dough.


If they are already making 200k, it's a waste trying to change them.

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Wow! Talk about a suprise.


Bill Goldberg vs Rhyno.


Match Background: This will be a hardcore bout. This is a continuation of the Goldberg vs Rhyno feud. Rhyno has yet to get an in-ring victory in this feud.


The Match: STIFF~! chop lights up Rhyno who covers up to try and stop the agonizing PAIN! Rhyno eats a trash can, but not the contents in it, obviously. Bill Goldberg with a spinning neckbreaker on Rhyno. Bill Goldberg with a spinning neckbreaker on Rhyno. Rhyno pushes out of a Bill Goldberg hold. Frying pan shot by Rhyno. Spinebuster by Rhyno. Hooks the leg for a two count. Goldberg counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Full nelson slam on Rhyno. Covers for a quick two count. Death valley driver by Bill Goldberg! No one executes that move properly anymore. Pin, but Rhyno is out just before the three count. Bill Goldberg misses a clothesline. Trying to channel the spirit of Misawa, Rhyno ends up chanelling Lex Luger instead and nails a running forearm to the face, minus the steel plate, of course. Rhyno gets taken down out of nowhere! BAAACK Body drop by Rhyno gets a bit of a pop from the crowd. Rhyno can barely stand. Here it comes - Jackhammer. 1....2...3, it's finished. Bill Goldberg remains in the ring, celebrating the victory.


My Opinion: Absolutely mind blowing match! This is probably up there with my favorite match of all time, Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart from Wrestlemania X and is worthy of ALL its praise. *****

Wow! Now that's an accomplishment.


Speaking of Goldberg, I'm in November 2004, and he's signed with NWATNA. Now that's somewhat interesting...

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Guest Deebo

I don't wanna look back through all the threads to check, but has anyone had a feud between Edge and Brock Lesnar yet? I put them in a feud over the WWE World Title and the first 3 matches have all been ****1/4. I was gonna have the blowoff match at the Royal Rumble but now I might drag it out all the way to Wrestlemania and have that as the main event.

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Anyone know how to get the staff's morale up? Teney is at a 70...I give him a bigger contract and it won't budge. It's easy for workers, but I don't know about staff.


I'm doing NWA TNA on medium...doing pretty well, CM Punk is my champ with 95 over as a face. I'm going to turn him heel and feud him against Cabana soon.

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Anyone know how to get the staff's morale up? Teney is at a 70...I give him a bigger contract and it won't budge. It's easy for workers, but I don't know about staff.


I'm doing NWA TNA on medium...doing pretty well, CM Punk is my champ with 95 over as a face. I'm going to turn him heel and feud him against Cabana soon.

I don't think Staff morale really affects gameplay all that much, so I wouldn't worry too much about it. I find some commentators lose morale when they are not actually doing their job, because you may have lost a TV show and currently the commentators who worked on that show are now sitting on their hands.



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Alright, well, since the new EW is going to be upon us soon, I decided to take a moment and whip up the ol' EWR4.0 to get back to the basics of good fedding.


Name: Ultimate Championship Wrestling

Cash: $5000000 (Currently $4953000 to pay for Production increases)

PI: 60

Risk: 60

Production: 50

Advertisement: 40

Merchandise: 35

Developmental Camp: ~

Training Camp: ~

Sponsors: Playboy (0%, 400k), (25%, 400k), Reebok (32%, 400k), Ubisoft (33%, 400k)




UCW Ultimate

UCW Tag Team


~ I'll only have a roster of 24 guys, so these will be the only titles for now. Suggestions for other titles will be appreciated.





Aidan Nathans - Heel - Opener - $20k

Adam Flash - Heel - Midcard - $28k

Adam Windsor - Face - Uppercard - $25k

Anarchy - Face - Midcard - $25k

Austin Lee - Heel - Opener - $20k

Chance Beckett - Face - Midcard - $20

Chicano - Face - Uppercard - $30k

Chris Stylez - Heel - Midcard - $22k

CM Punk - Heel - Uppercard - $43k

Colt Cabana - Heel - Uppercard - $25k

Danny Rose - Heel - Midcard - $31k

Derek Frazier - Face - Midcard - $22k

Donovan Morgan - Heel - Main Event - $38k

Ian Knoxx - Heel - Lowercard - $27k

Jonny C - Face - Opener - $18k

J.R. Ryder - Face - Uppercard - $32k

Leo Branford - Face (created, well-balanced youngster, signed for a year[arsenicked]) - Jobber - $5k

Low-Ki - Face - Main Event - $42k

Marcus Chavayada - Heel (created, charismatic brawler, signed for a year[arsenicked]) - Jobber - $5k

Onyx - Face - Opener - $22kk

Ricky Banderas - Heel - Uppercard - $31k

Sonjay Dutt - Face - Midcard - $18k

Sonny Siaki - Face - Main Event - $33k

The Messiah - Heel - Main Event - $39k

Tommy Diablo - Heel - Midcard - $23

Tommy Suede - Face - Uppercard - $28k


Tag Teams:

Chicano and Anarchy - Face

Irish Drinking Team (Chris Stylez and Ian Knoxx) - Heel

Pure Impact (Derek Frazier and Sonjay Dutt) - Face

Second City Saints III (Colt Cabana and CM Punk) - Heel *

The Rachies (Adam Flash and Danny Rose) - Heel


*Although they are listed as tag teams, they are more of tag team when needed. This doesn't mean they'll job as a tag team, just I wish not to make them a full out tag team, as they'd end up with the UCW Tag Team titles and I'd never get them away without pissing them off. Which I don't want to do right now.


~ My question to the lot of you, is what gimmicks should I give these guys? I mean, some are kinda obvious to me, like Diablo probably will be my psychopath, and some mainstayers (like LowKi, Messiah, and the like) will probably maintain the same gimmicks. But I'm unsure of who to give what gimmick.


Total Stars: 26 (+2 of what is required)

Wrestler Cost As A Whole (depending on if I use everyone): $670k




Alvin J. Minnick - Road Agent - 58 Overall - $10k

Andy Corne - Referee - 60 Overall - $14k

Danny McLain - Road Agent - 58 Overall - $9k

Elisar Cabrera - Production - 55 Overall - $13k

Greg Bagarozy - Road Agent - 60 Overal - $13k

Joe Aiello - PbP Commentator - 60 Overall - $21k

Nick Dumeyer - Referee - 60 Overall - $15k

R.C. - Color Commentator - 59 Overall - $12k

Sal Bowie - Medic - 59 Overall - $14k

Spike Bowie - Medic - 59 Overall - $14k

Tim Chapman - Writer - 56 Overall - $14k

Vincent Laurent - Writer - 59 Overall - $13k

Wesley Jenkins - Road Agent - 60 Overall - $10k


Staff Cost (because you use them all): $173k



~ Now then, here's the fun part. I'm having my first monthly event (Lost Cause) on February 29rd, 2004. Now then, because of the amount of costs here, I'm just having the GCW Ultimate Champion crowned at this event. It's going to be a 5 match event (so as not to make the crowd get sick of any of my wrestlers), with 4 inbetween spots of self-promotion interviews.


Here's My Current Card for February 29th, 2004:


Pre-Match Interview: Marcus Chavayada

Qualifier 1: Adam Windsor vs. Donovan Morgan* vs. Marcus Chavayada vs. Tommy Diablo

Qualifier 2: Sonny Siaki* vs. CM Punk* vs. J.R. Ryder vs. Chicano

Pre-Match Interview: Leo Branford

Qualifier 3: The Messiah* vs. Leo Branford vs. Ricky Banderas vs. Tommy Suede

Pre-Match Interview: Onyx

Qualifier 4: Low-Ki* vs. Onyx vs. Colt Cabana* vs. Austin Lee

Video: About the fatal four way.

UCW Ultimate Championship Match: Q1 Winner vs. Q2 Winner vs. Q3 Winner vs. Q4 Winner


(*Candidates are sorta inked in. Card Subject To Change As I'm Only On Day 1 and I'll most likely have NONE of my top guys in a while)


~ What do you think of my card? Now, I know it's not the greatest thing, but at least it gets me out of the gate. Oh, and more than likely the people with * will be gone before the end of the month as I'm most likely too small to keep them signed up with me. Oh well, I'll just pick up what the WWE scrubs off then.

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I decided to dust off EWR 4.0, and give it a whirl, see if it could hold my interest again. Anyways, as 3PW, here was my first card.


3PW World Title: Terry Funk over The Sandman **1/2

Big Vito over Jerry Lawler *1/2

Scoot Andrews over Low Ki ***1/2

Agent Orange (Orange Crush) over Abdullah The Butcher **

3PW Tag Title: Paul London and Spanky over Mexico's Most Wanted ***1/4

Super Dragon over EZ Money ****

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Hey~! Not bad JAxl. Not bad at all. Gotta admit, Orange Crush is goodness.


:( Aw dammit. I forgot to hire HIM~! NOOOOOO~!


...I wonder if I still can.


Edit: Dammit. He's an Uppercard. I can't sign anymore of those. I've got 7 already.

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Slight Change To Card:


Pre-Match Interview: Marcus Chavayada

Qualifier 1: Adam Windsor vs. Donovan Morgan* vs. Marcus Chavayada vs. Tommy Diablo

Qualifier 2: Sonny Siaki* vs. CM Punk* vs. J.R. Ryder vs. ???*

Pre-Match Interview: Leo Branford

Qualifier 3: The Messiah* vs. Leo Branford vs. Ricky Banderas vs. Tommy Suede

Pre-Match Interview: Onyx

Qualifier 4: Low-Ki* vs. Onyx vs. Colt Cabana* vs. ???*

Video: About the fatal four way.

UCW Ultimate Championship Match: Q1 Winner vs. Q2 Winner vs. Q3 Winner vs. Q4 Winner


*It's debatable whether these guys will be there or not by the time I get to the event. Hopefully all goes well. And there's now two surprise entrants to the Title Tourney!

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:( Aw fuck...


Well, I got a TV deal. So I figured, yippie, now I'll do some SERIOUS stuff.


Then I remembered, my company is still Regional and that I'd have to sign at least 8 more people to written contracts... Firstly, I don't know how I can manage that. Secondly, I don't know whom to choose for that.


Plus, I'll never get my main eventers onto the show as I can't sign them as they are above my overness levels.


I've always wondered this, but does the TV Offer stay with you forever if you aren't sure? Does it go away after awhile?


Cause I really don't want to lose the offer. Yet, my two best guys (who just put out an all-star saving graced performance on my last event) will be lost to me if I do so (as I can't pay $40-50k a show for them) and probably my UCW Ultimate Title will go to smash again.

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...ok. Well, I managed to get my 10 guys I needed to get signed, signed if I ever wanted to go with a TV show (Prime Time slot).


They are:

Adam Windsor (Uppercard, Face, Over: 53)

Aidan Nathans (Opener, Heel, Over: 25)

Austin Lee (Opener, Heel, Over: 27)

Chance Beckett (Midcard, Face, Over: 40)

Jonny C (Opener, Face, Over: 24)

Leo Branford (Jobber, Face, Over: 19)

Marcus Chavayada (Jobber, Heel, Over: 15)

Onyx (Opener, Face, Over: 26)

Orange Crush (Uppercard, Heel, Over: 42)

Seth Knight (Jobber, Heel, Over 9)


Problem is, only four of them are actually worthy of being on the TV shows. The other 6 don't. Now I'm not sure what to do. Should I set them up so that they build on feuds against each other (Leo and Marcus have started a feud)? Job my high quality stars that won't be staying to them? Or just let it happen as it happens?


...or should I not make a TV show and just continue on with monthly events till I build up the other 6? Or should I make a show just outright bomb for the sake of landing a graveyard slot?


Could really use some help here.

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This is off topic, but I was playing a 1994 scenario and I had just recreated the Owen Hart turn at the Rumble. I had did everything correctly as I made sure for Owen to turn after the match. As I read the Dames match overview, it said that Owen berated Bret as he got up and then he kicks his leg out of his..uh..er leg. As I saw that I jumped out of my chair and said HOLY SHIT, I have accomplished the mission of EWR.

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This is off topic, but I was playing a 1994 scenario and I had just recreated the Owen Hart turn at the Rumble. I had did everything correctly as I made sure for Owen to turn after the match. As I read the Dames match overview, it said that Owen berated Bret as he got up and then he kicks his leg out of his..uh..er leg. As I saw that I jumped out of my chair and said HOLY SHIT, I have accomplished the mission of EWR.

:huh: what mission was that?

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This is off topic, but I was playing a 1994 scenario and I had just recreated the Owen Hart turn at the Rumble.  I had did everything correctly as I made sure for Owen to turn after the match.  As I read the Dames match overview, it said that Owen berated Bret as he got up and then he kicks his leg out of his..uh..er leg.  As I saw that I jumped out of my chair and said HOLY SHIT, I have accomplished the mission of EWR.

:huh: what mission was that?

To have fun, isn't that the reason you play games?

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This is off topic, but I was playing a 1994 scenario and I had just recreated the Owen Hart turn at the Rumble.  I had did everything correctly as I made sure for Owen to turn after the match.  As I read the Dames match overview, it said that Owen berated Bret as he got up and then he kicks his leg out of his..uh..er leg.  As I saw that I jumped out of my chair and said HOLY SHIT, I have accomplished the mission of EWR.

:huh: what mission was that?

To have fun, isn't that the reason you play games?

Oh. I thought you had like some ultier mission as to get that exact thing to happen or such and such. That's all.


Think you could help me with mine? I'm stuck as I really don't know whether to accept the TV offer or let it sit there for awhile.

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You should go for it, because if you do well enough then you can change the timeslot of your show, and the TV offer sits there for a month. You have to start somewhere, right?

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You should go for it, because if you do well enough then you can change the timeslot of your show, and the TV offer sits there for a month. You have to start somewhere, right?

I'm already Prime Time for that particular deal.


I've got 11 slots to fill. However, I don't have over guys for my 10 man written roster. Only 4 of them qualify. I can't bring in my main eventers because they aren't signed to written contracts. The others are employeed to companies that are higher than I am in PI and hence I can't sign some of my better wrestlers (like Colt Cabana who had an AWESOME match against Adam Windsor and who I was DYING to put into a match with Leo Branford if I could ever get lucky).


So I'm worried that my PI and the TV show will tank if I don't have over enough wrestlers.

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The TV offer disappears after a month I believe.

:( I was afraid of that. Ugh... So I have to decide now then. Cause I can't wait till the end of the month.


And man I think everyone's got a TV deal. WWE (4), TNA, ACW, BCW, CZW, JAPW, ROH, IWA-PR (2), HWA, FLI, NWA-W, WLW, and WXW.


That's another reason why I'm kinda wanting to get a TV show. EVERYONE has a TV show. And I mean, they are just madly gaining PI, whereas, I'm just getting little bits of PI right now.

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Well whats the slot you're being offered and by who and what day of the week?

It's any day of the week. WWN. Prime Time. 1.00 max audience.


With 11 slots, it's easy to book stuff, but I'd only have 10 guys to book, and with the off chance of a guy here or there before the monthly event.


And I don't even have a clue if I can actually make someone else show up on the TV show that isn't written as I'm not sure if I can afford to or not.


My main eventers will be pissed off as well if I don't include them in every show as well, as they tend to do that.

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