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Guest Eddie

worst angles ever

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Guest wrestlingbs

I know this is not WWE, but TNA's Piper shoot angle was god-awful.


DX "gang-raping" Steph.


Everything they did with Mark Henry to this day.

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Guest Phoenix


In general.  From the Lightning to the Vickening to the trash going on right now. 

I agree, he is one of the worst angles in wrestling history. The only thing he can do is toss jobbers out of the rumble, and sometimes he fucks that up. It is a step up from the psycho dentist angle though. He is just a walking pile of bad angles in my opinion. He needs a new career.


Plus he was the fake Diesel. Which is my personal favorite worst angle in wrestling.

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The Al Wilson angle was pretty bad. It wasn't just boring, it made you embarrassed to watch wrestling. I'd say the worst is still the Invasion though. By the end, that was just sucking all the enjoyment out of Raw and Smackdown. I remember just being utterly fucking jubilant when it was finally over.

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Guest Phoenix

I agree about Al Wilson, it was just terrible. It only made it worse that just two weeks before it started he was on Confidential with his wife. So the angle made no sense anyway. When the writers brought up that story line they should have been fired on the spot.

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Please, let us not forget HLA. It served no purpose, except to have 3 Minute Warning do a beatdown.

I actually wrote a paper on the HLA segment for my english class, and received a good grade. Thank God for liberal arts schools.

Come to think of it, having Trish bark like a dog was pretty bad, also.

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... IN terms of heat-killing, the INvasion Angle is the worst EVER. Not one, not two, not three, hell, not even 10 careers killed, but ALmost an ENTIRE FUCKING ROSTER'S WORTH OF TALENT lost any heat they had! Excluding the uber-charismatic, like Booker T.

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The most pointless angle I've ever seen was the Undertaker/Austin/Sara car accident angle from May 2001. I think it began on the Raw before Judgment Day, where Taker gets a phone call that Sara's been in a car accident and leaves to be with her. It turns out that it was just some kinda prank phone call just to get under Taker's skin, so they devote that week's Smackdown to finding out who made the call. Taker thinks it was Austin, but he denies it at the beginning of the show...and I *think* he said it was HHH's idea (it's been a while since I've actually watched this bullshit, so some of this might be wrong), and they go the entire show passing blame from person to person until the end, where Austin comes up on screen and said he was behind the phone call all along. Just a waste of 2 hours and did absolutely nothing to put heat on the PPV match.


Other angles that pissed me off/annoyed me in some way:


The "Who ran over Stone Cold?" angle sucked from beginning to end...everything involving the McMahon-Helmsley "Fact-gime"...Katie Vick, obviously...The Edge/Booker SHAMPOO feud...the HHH/Steph/Jericho angle involving Lucy (although they could've saved it if Jericho had put the Walls on the damn dog after it got run over...that woulda been classic ;))...the "Who threw Shawn through the windshield" angle leading up to Summerslam last year...they already had a good enough reason to fight without going through that bullshit, and you had to love HBK's miraculous healing before SummerSlam...Tazz Vs Jerry Lawler...not necessarily a bad angle, but I hated it because it killed all of Tazz's heat.


Probably more.

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Guest JumpinJackFlash

You talk about the Martel vs. Roberts buildup, how about the Roberts vs. Sting buildup? Come on! Who shoots freakin' laser beams out of their eyes?


The Shockmaster? Anyone? I'm so glad I found out about this guy. In fact you can't go a week without mentioning the Shockmaster.


I need to download that Sting and Robocop shindig on Kazaa.


Steiner vs. Chucky...hahaha! The funniest part is when Chucky says,"if you want to see a real man, go see my new movie, Bride of Chucky, opening on October 26."The arena was filled with boos after that cheap plug. And when Steiner challenged Chucky? Hahaha!


That Higher Power thing I didn't like, when the Mcmahons kept "FOOLING US".


"Welcome to Oz! Don't be afraid! Welcome to Oz!" At first I thought he looked like Santa Claus. Hahaha!


Golberg in the WWE. I got real mad when Goldberg didn't screw up in his promo last night....but the room he exited from was questionable. :lol:


Fingerpoke of Doom...in Shivanoe's words, is "what Professional wrestling is all about." Its about Hogan and Nash refusing to leave, and staying at the top, while booking themselves to be the best...when they're not.


Austin and HHH siding forces, when HHH claimed to be the mastermind behind running him over. I don't get it.


Did The Rock throw Austin over the bridge, or Chucky?


I'm glad I didn't watch Katie Vick or Al Wilson, because I wasn't watching wrestling at the time. I just started watching wrestling in January.


While Vince says Youuuuuu'rrrrreeeee Fiiiiirrrrrrrreeeeedddddd! I say Puuuuuuuuurrrrrreee Gaarrrrrrrrrrrbaagggggeeeeeee! Thank you for this time we've had. Remember, you're special!

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Another one...The Rock/Hogan alliance from last year...you know...where Rock respects Hulk because he's still a Hulkamaniac even though Hogan tried to kill him less than a month earlier. Had they just ignored the ambulance incident, it would've been ALMOST believable, but the next week, during a match between Rock and Nash, Michael Cole says "Rock hasn't forgotten how the Outsiders tried to kill him a month ago".


Just stupid.

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Chyna vs. Right to Censor. Would have been harmless, but then came RR2001, aka the "tribute" to Over the Edge '99. And you wonder why I doubt anyone in the company really cared about that.


Chyna's relative squashing of Ivory at WMX7, and subsequent suffocation of the women's title (complete with the "lesbian spank inferno" feud with Lita), didn't lighten things up.

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Guest JMA

I really disliked the whole Evil Boss Man angle. Remember when he threw "powder" in Road Dogg's eyes (it was made to look like cocaine). Lets also not forget the "coffin surfin'" incident. And the most horrible of all was when they had him "kill" Pepper, cut him up, and feed him to Snow. Talk about ruining a wrestler's legacy...

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Remember when he threw "powder" in Road Dogg's eyes (it was made to look like cocaine).

What was so bad about that? I always thought that spot was pretty funny.

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Guest JericholicEdgeHead

Almost everything involving Kane, current angle included.


Almost everything involving Big Bossman from 1998-2001.


99% of anthing involving a McMahon in a major storyline.


Lance Storm boring gimmick.


The overacting of Paul Bearer.


Just about any angle involving Pat Patterson and Brisco.


Chyna involved with the I-C Title.


Al Wilson


Right to Censor


Chris Jericho as Stephanie's pooper scooper


The current push of Coach


Issac Yankem


Beaver Cleavage


Droz pushing Hawk off the titantron


Chyna and Mark Henry affair


Perry Saturn and the mop


Pretty much 90% of what Vince Russo and Brian Gerwitz ( at different times) brought to the shows.

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Nothing really major, but its irritatating to me how they had HBK with "the boyhood dream" tag shortly before WM XII. I don't recall anything of the like being mentioned when he was going against Diesel the previous year.

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How about drunken Hawk?


Finger poke of doom


Hogan/Taker 02 feud


Al Wilson, his death, and the subsequent funeral




Chyna vs Chris Jericho (featuring Jericho doing a clean job and having to share the IC strap with that wench)


Chris Jericho's 02 title run (1 clean victory and a bigger bitch to Steph than Lucy herself)


Outsiders run the Steiner Bros off the road and film it


Drunken Scott Hall (Remember, when he had to stop mid match to take a sip of beer, throw up, or both)

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Guest NCJ
Nothing really major, but its irritatating to me how they had HBK with "the boyhood dream" tag shortly before WM XII. I don't recall anything of the like being mentioned when he was going against Diesel the previous year.


Well he wasn't a face then :D


Papa Shango putting a vodoo curse on the Ultimate Warrior


Mr. America


Mark Henry and Mae Young giving birth to a hand and killing any heat D-Lo had prior to his fued with Henry :firing: :firing: :firing:


HHH and "It was me Austin"


Booker and Edge over shampoo


Whiteboy Challenge


HHH and Booker T: People like you don't deserve the title bullshit.


The first year of the Dungeon of Doom.


Bossman and Pepper


Katie Vick


Kiss my ass club

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Guest deadbeater

They could have built build the Molly/Trish rivalry on any logical reason:


Molly's country, Trish is city;


Molly's imposing modesty, while Trish wants to show what she's got;


Molly's angry that all Trish has to do is take off her clothes and shake her booty, and she gets cheered by the degenerate audience, whereas Molly has to get props by earning them.


But what they choose to jumpstart it? A non-existant 'fat ass'. As a result, Molly got what no heel should never, eeeeever get: sympathy heat. It really never goes away.

Edited by deadbeater

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Papa Shango putting a vodoo curse on the Ultimate Warrior


I remember the Warrior threw up on the medical guy in the back though. :lol:

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I can't believe only one person has mentioned the Sting/Vader feud in 1993.







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Getting the horrendous Nash / HHH 3 month long feud all because Trips decided to kick Nash in the balls one night.

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