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Guest Anglesault

Bob Holly

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I think I would stay with the cage match. Bob Holly shouldn't be on a friggen PPV let alone in a HIAC title match on PPV.


Plus, "Last Man Standing" matches usually run more then 20+ minutes and I don't think Holly could last that long. We talking about guy who for ten years has been in 5 minute jobber matches and maybe 10 minute hardcore matches from 4 years ago.


All in all, this should be a simple one on one title match on Smackdown!

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Eh...the Rumble is the real attraction, so I don't see a little side feud with Holly doing any real harm.

Has anything Bob Holly has ever been near ever done any good?


And look at it this way: What worthy person is being fucked out of a title shot pay check for BOB HOLLY?

Papacita is 100% right. The Rumble is the attraction and that's what will draw the buy rates.


Holly doesn't deserve the title shot, I agree with you, but in terms of a pay check...two questions.


1. Is there such a thing as a "main event" pay check? Meaning just becuase Bob Holly is working a semi-main event, he's going to get a bigger bonus than someone who's on the card already? Personally, the guy deserves a bigger pay check as a small compensation for being out of the business for a year, asshole or not.


2. It's the Rumble...everyone's getting a bonus check.



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Really, I could give a rats ass how much they get paid. I wanna see good matches on PPV and Brock Vs Holly isn't going to do it for me. Even if Brock totally destroys Spark Plug, which would be nice, that shouldn't be on PPV.


All thought, Brock Vs Holly actually sounds better then Triple H/Kane.

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As AS mentioned, Brock hasn't had a PPV win for who months. He needs to go over on PPV for some credibility, and Vince just wants to feed him someone who won't be damaged by losing to Brock.


Which is why Benoit isn't getting the match, because he's set to beat Brock. That's why Eddie and Cena aren't getting the match, because Vince needs to keep them strong for what they have coming up. Looking down the list, out of the rest of the roster left, Holly had an easily buildable storyline with Brock...plus Vince expected return pops for Holly, so he's going with that.


And to those of you saying he's just a midcarder...remember, in the storyline...Holly is capable of anything.



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Guest unleashedfury

This is a GREAT chance to rebuild Brock as a badass heel going into Wrestlemania.If they are smart they would make this 2/3 falls match with Brock squashing him 2-0 with F5 and then The Brock lock.Lords knows that Brock needs to get rid of this "protected pussy" image as soon as possible.This is not right for Brock.They should use this match to make Brock like a main event killer heel.It would be really cool If Brock cut a promo before the match to ensure heel heat throughout the match with Brock trying to Break Holly's neck and then "ending his career" after the match so we don't have to watch Holly EVER.Brock would look awsome if he smeared Holly's blood on his chest.

But hey this is WWE writing team, they are not THAT smart.

Edited by unleashedfury

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I still say they're not quite crazy enough to put Holly in a PPV main event. So I'll point out again that the first SD! taping of the year is in Alabama. One final week of buildup, a title match, maybe a gimmick rematch a week or two after that, then perhaps Rey can win a #1 contender's match for his rematch at the Rumble.

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Guest Anglesault
His "Big Shot" phase was good as well.

No it wasn't.



Did someone just SUGGEST Holly be in a HIAC match???


And they were quite satisfied wit a ** outing.

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Bob Holly is getting a PPV match because he's been "loyal" to Vince. You know, he didn't sign that HUGE money contract that WCW offered him when they were big (wink, wink).


If Barry Horowitz was still around, he'd have the title shot.

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Guest Anglesault
Bob Holly is getting a PPV match because he's been "loyal" to Vince. You know, he didn't sign that HUGE money contract that WCW offered him when they were big (wink, wink).

Yeah, you're right.


Before HHH used his uhm, connections to have Bisch say that HHH would have saved WCW, the plan was for it to be Holly.

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Seriously? That's beyond even WWE levels of ridiculous.


Apparently Royal Rumble isn't being broadcast at all in the UK - so I hope it's the main event. And takes up the whole 3 hours.


But seriously, unleashedfury is quite correct - at least Bob Holly has a badass, semi-hoss (demi-hoss? Whatever.) image, so it will look good for Brock when he convincingly beats him/drops him on his sandbagging head again.

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Guest unleashedfury

posted by RavishingRickRudo

All I'm saying is that the WWE finally brings a young superstar with tons of potential up to the main event scene and people are crying because it's not Mitsubishi Honda in there. Dark Side? This is reality, brutha.


Just so you know Bob Holly is 40. I don't know about you but this is definitely NOT a young superstar.Holly is an average wrestler at best with absolutely no charisma.Throughout all the repeated pushes he recieved and all the gimmick changes he had for +10 years he always failed.He just doesn't have it.So it's time they make him useful for once in his illustrious career.Let's just hope for Holly's own good, that he doesn't do anything stupid and try to show Brock up again.Bad things happen when a monster snaps.

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I see that the word "sarcasm" isn't in your personal dictionary, champ.


I think Holly is a decent wrestler and semi-over but what does him being a piece of shit have anything to do with this feud? If Austin came back and went into a main event level feud with HHH not a single person on this board would say "Fuck Austin, he hit Debra and he doesn't deserve this". The fact that he's an asshole in real life has no bearing on his push. He stiffed some schmuck on Tough Enough. So what? The kid obviously didn't feel like he had to come up through wrestling the right way and chose the wrong path and this is what laid there for him.

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Guest unleashedfury
I think Holly is a decent wrestler and semi-over but what does him being a piece of shit have anything to do with this feud? If Austin came back and went into a main event level feud with HHH not a single person on this board would say "Fuck Austin, he hit Debra and he doesn't deserve this". The fact that he's an asshole in real life has no bearing on his push. He stiffed some schmuck on Tough Enough. So what? The kid obviously didn't feel like he had to come up through wrestling the right way and chose the wrong path and this is what laid there for him.


That is unfair comparison. Austin is a great wrestler, he always make his opponents look good.Hardcore Holly always tried to make those he thinks " green rookies who didn't pay their dues" look like shit on TV and doesn't cooperate with them at all.With Brock, Holly sandbagged the wrong person. He was trying to show Brock up, and paid the price.

Edited by unleashedfury

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I think Holly is a decent wrestler and semi-over but what does him being a piece of shit have anything to do with this feud? If Austin came back and went into a main event level feud with HHH not a single person on this board would say "Fuck Austin, he hit Debra and he doesn't deserve this". The fact that he's an asshole in real life has no bearing on his push. He stiffed some schmuck on Tough Enough. So what? The kid obviously didn't feel like he had to come up through wrestling the right way and chose the wrong path and this is what laid there for him.


That is unfair comparison. Austin is a great wrestler, he always make his opponents look good.Hardcore Holly always tried to make those he thinks " green rookies who didn't pay their dues" look like shit on TV and doesn't cooperate with them at all.With Brock, Holly sandbagged the wrong person. He was trying to show Brock up, and paid the price.

I really don't give much credence to 'paying your dues' by struggling for years through the indies. The fact is, if 99% of the wrestlers today were given the opportunity from TE when they were just getting started in the business they'd take it. The indies are full of people that will never make the big time, and it's not based on lack of talent, but simply being at the right place at the right time.

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I have no problem with Bob Holly getting a title shot.  Its not like anyone even remotely thinks that Holly is going to actually win the title..which would be worth complaining about.

So what?


People still have to pay to see Bob Holly fight for the title.

There's quite a few of us here who are attending the Rumble (me, included).


Think about how *we* feel. I'm paying $60+ per ticket for ME's of Brock/Holly and HHH/Kane.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

So Holly working "Stiff" (like he's known to do, but not that bad) with Brock means Brock can break his neck.


Well, I guess Brock cna say he was defending himself from stiff slaps so he had to nearly paralyze the man.




And does anyone remember Holly's last major injury? He had a short program with Angle over breaking his arm, and Angle was a main eventer, but Lucky enough Angle was busy feuding with HHH and winning the World Title.

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Ok, I hate this match being on PPV and taking the place of Benoit vs. Brock... Now, with that said... If Brock and Holly beat the shit out of each other - stiff each other to hell - then the match should be good... because it's very rare that you ever get that in the WWE.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
Ok, I hate this match being on PPV and taking the place of Benoit vs. Brock... Now, with that said... If Brock and Holly beat the shit out of each other - stiff each other to hell - then the match should be good... because it's very rare that you ever get that in the WWE.

Maybe they WILL fight on Smackdown, but if it is RRumble, then a stiff brawl is the best bet with 2 sub-par workers.



It worked for Saturn/Mike Barton in TNA a while back. Pretty good match considering Saturn sucks now and Barton hasn't been on American T.V in a long as time, and he sucked back then.

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It worked with Kane vs. Big Show as well... well, for one match, which was 3 minutes long... they just stiffed each other with clotheslines and it was good. If Holly and Brock go at it "2/3 legit" ( Lance Storm ), there can be some entertainment value - if anything, for those who hate either man, to see them get the piss knocked out of them.

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So Holly working "Stiff" (like he's known to do, but not that bad) with Brock means Brock can break his neck.


Well, I guess Brock cna say he was defending himself from stiff slaps so he had to nearly paralyze the man.

I don't think it was Holly's stiffness that caused the problem, but the fact that he sandbagged on Brock's powerbomb. Now Brock is hugely strong, but even he can't lift a man properly with no help, so Holly's sandbagging backfired because Brock couldn't hold him and dropped him prematurely on his neck (see: Kevin Nash/The Giant, WCW, although that was due to Paul Wight being so damn huge rather than not trying to help).


I doubt that Brock would deliberately try to severely hurt a man in the ring, no matter how badly provoked - if nothing else because he hadn't been with the company long. Someone who's been in the main event for several years might have reason to believe that if they "accidently" hurt this midcard guy who's been pissing them off they might get away with it, but WWE hadn't invested enough in Brck at that time for him to have that security, even if he was that big an asshole.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Oh, then Holly not doing his half of the powerbomb spot kinda shows Brock didn't do it to hurt him, he just couldnt get him up because Holly was dead-weighting him, so he just kinda dropped him the best he could. And while i'm on the powerbomb...


How DARE Brock use it! Thats Undertakers move!

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Guest unleashedfury

This is a GREAT chance to rebuild Brock as a badass heel going into Wrestlemania.If they are smart they would make this 2/3 falls match with Brock squashing him 2-0 with F5 and then The Brock lock.Lords knows that Brock needs to get rid of this "protected pussy" image as soon as possible.This is not right for Brock.They should use this match to make Brock like a main event killer heel.It would be really cool If Brock cut a promo before the match to ensure heel heat throughout the match with Brock trying to Break Holly's neck and then "ending his career" after the match so we don't have to watch Holly EVER.Brock would look awsome if he smeared Holly's blood on his chest.

But hey this is WWE writing team, they are not THAT smart



It is also a GREAT chance to kill any credibility left for Brock by having to feud with a jobber like Holly.It's WWE we are talking about.

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All this match needs to be is about 10 minutes long. Make it a Hardcore match, Holly comes running in with all sorts of weapons, hits Brock in the head with them for 3 minutes, back-and-forth stiffness for another few minutes, then Brock takes over and the last few minutes is him murdering Holly dead.


Bam. Brock is more over as a killing machine, Holly is nowhere near the main event. Everybody happy? No?


Of course not, you're all fucking smarks. Cynical bastards.


*Is a cynical bastard*

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Guest Anglesault

Yeah, the unstoppable menace going back and forth-after being dominated-by Bob Holly.


That'll work.

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The ONLY way WWE can really save themselves here is by making this a 1 minute squash.


Or cancel this match before its too late.

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