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SWF Storm Card - February 20th!

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The Smart Marks Wrestling Federation Presents...


(5pm PCT, 7pm EST; check local listings)


The SWF® starts its engine and ROARS out of the gate in Indiana, setting the pace for a tultimous night of action! There are a lot of questions circling around everyone after Smarkdown... mainly, what was UP with that main event? Not that you could shut them up, but the Unnamed will definitely have something to say about luring Dace into one of the most dangerous matches ever booked in SWF® history... and then promptly leaving him laying with a team beat down! But the world champion isn't going to get away THAT easily, as he's got a rough main event to look forward to. ALSO: Sacred remains one of the busiest men in the SWF®, defending his title yet again... and the ominous question mark man returns yet again! All this and more on SWF® STORM™!




Dace Night, Ann "Ichiban" Onita and Charlie "Grappler" Matthews vs Todd Royal, Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix and Va'aiga

Yeah, Va’aiga isn’t going to get off that easily. The SWF world champion pulled the wool over Dace’s eyes for their last match… but he’s not going to have that kind of luck this time. Mainly because he’s going to be staring into the eyes of two of his other fiercest competitors… Ann Onita, with her victory over the Maori a few shows ago, and Charlie Matthews, whom Va’aiga is on a crash-course to face at From the Fire! At the very least, he’ll have the assistance of tag title #1 contenders Landon Maddix and Todd Royal… but that’s it.

Rules: …because all other Trinity and Unnamed members are BARRED from so much as appearing at the entrance. Standard tag match rules otherwise apply. Remember the tag ropes!

Word Limit: 6000

Send To: realitycheck



John Duran© vs Aecas

Aecas earned a shot at John Duran on Lockdown, and now gets a chance to cash in on it. Both men spent Smarkdown at home, preparing for this match… Aecas re-learning the ins and outs of Duran’s strategy, and Duran taking a few icewater baths to remove the sting of getting his ass handed to him by Dace Night. He probably has a few more of those to look forward to after this…

Rules: What?

Word Limit: 5000

Send To: chirs3



Mike Van Siclen vs ???

MVS has been on a hell of a cold streak lately, and, well, ??? men rarely lend the opportunity to improve on that. But who knows? Mike might get lucky, and have it end up being Hamsauce or something… (yeah, right)

Rules: Standard singles match. ??? man should definitely know who he is, and should direct Mike to his stats.

Word Limit: 5000

Send To: realitycheck




Sacred© vs "Coyote" Coy West vs Janus

Sacred has been one of the busiest men in the SWF recently, with this being his fourth title defense in his last four matches! But he’s won them all up til now, and frankly, that’s a trend that will take considerable effort to buck. However… Mr. Blackwell faces arguably his best competition yet, here, with both the wily Coyote and the returning-after-brief-layaway behemoth Janus. But what might be most interesting about this match is not Sacred’s title, but rather, the shot at even more prestigious gold made available after the first fall. After this match, there may be more than one man moving up in the world…

Rules: After the first fall is decided, the match proceeds to the second fall after a 10 second pause. Standard rules apply to both falls.

Word Limit: 5500

Send To: Thoth



Johnny Dangerous vs Alan Clark

Alan Clark has a lot on the ball right now. Harassing former world champion the Hville Thugg, getting in Landon Maddix’s face about his Benedict Arnold ways, finding unexpected success in the WF… it’s a pretty full schedule. Johnny Dangerous, on the other hand, does… not. The Barracuda has been idle for a big part of the last month. He will face the House of Todd with partner Wildchild sometime in the future, but for now, he’s up against Clark. And really, that might be beneficial, as Alan’s mind is no doubt spread around his various other issues… after all, he may very well be writing cheques with his mouth his ass can’t cash.

Rules: Standard singles match

Word Limit: 4500

Send To: Grand Slam



Aidan Redmond vs Toxxic

Speaking of people having surprising success in the SWF, Toxxic, who was the first new recruit since the SWF and SJL merged, is coming off a fairly impressive triple-threat victory. Tonight he goes up against another new recruit, Aidan Redmond, finally having a match after his post-Clusterfuck vignette.

Rules: Standard singles match.

Word Limit: 4500

Send To: Thoth



Jake Helmsely vs Insane Luchadore

Special Guest Commentator: "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins

Jake… IL… aah, how about a little bit of history? The Insane Luchadore has floundered slightly since finally reaching the SWF, and Jake is coming off a tag team loss with Spike Jenkins the last show. Both look to see victory here. Interestingly, Spike has asked for a commentary slot for the opening match… although how he could add more colour than Bobby and his rainbow flag, I’ll never know. But hey!

Rules: Standard singles match.

Word Limit: 4500

Send To: Suicide King


(Send all things to Thoth. And may god help us all.)

Edited by Thoth

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(Send all things to Thoth. And may god help us all.)

You goddamn right. I'm fixing to have a lot of fun with the next card. It's the only one I get to book for months.


I may never book a WF card again. Therefore... EHEHEHEHEH FUN FUN

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(Send all things to Thoth. And may god help us all.)

You goddamn right. I'm fixing to have a lot of fun with the next card. It's the only one I get to book for months.


I may never book a WF card again. Therefore... EHEHEHEHEH FUN FUN

There better be some sort of Warcraft 3 match. ;)


And I finally get your avatar.

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Oh, hey, by the way...


From the Fire is only two more shows away (I don't believe it either), so everyone may want to start thinking about what they're going to be up to at the PPV.



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Guest Goodear

So should I consider this my US Title shot that I won the last show or should I be building to the PPV shot since thats what the stips for the last match said?

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Guest Goodear

Hell I'll do whatever the bosses do want, but the match will be constructed differently depending on the card for F-t-F as far as how I put the thing together.

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Hey some of us have to write a match against an opponent with no stats.

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Oh, hey, by the way...


From the Fire is only two more shows away (I don't believe it either), so everyone may want to start thinking about what they're going to be up to at the PPV.



I take it the Tag Title match is at From The Fire...

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Guest Suicide King

You know, some markers might complain about marking opening matches. Not me. After a year of marking main event matches, I am loving this opening card match stuff. The people writing them are far less grumpy. ;)

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Uhm... hell. Ejiro, sorry, that was my pulling my classic trick of not reading the card in full.


Anyway. Win lose or draw, you'll probably end up in the US title match at FtF anyway (well, unless you win the ICTV contendership), although me putting you in this match was because I thought it was a standard contendership.


So technically, uh, I guess you could consider it as both...



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Uhm... hell. Ejiro, sorry, that was my pulling my classic trick of not reading the card in full.

Clearly not just you, since everyone's hyping how MVS lost to Tom at the show before CF.


He won that match. I carried his sorry, broomstick-like ass, but he won it.


Insert obligatory winking smiley here: ;)

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Guest Goodear
Ejiro, Muzz, I made some stat changes. Nothing too big, just the intro and a rare move or two.


*beats head on desk* Must write...

Toooo late... and considering I spend way too much time writing entrances because I suck at doing them, you better get used to the idea :) Anyway, I just finished the first fall and it was glorious.


But bad news... I wrote another song.




It's worse than the Ejiro one.





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Oh, as no one has, I call the opening promo.


Thank you.

*turns heel and GOOOOOOORES Dace away from the opening promo, then pops a pill and claims a relapse* Mine! Mine and Duran's! Muwahahaa!

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Yeah, I believe the Unnamed actually already have the opening promo written, but Duran has neglected to point this out.


EDIT: Oh, it's Duran and Janus? Close enough.



Edited by realitycheck

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Dangerous and Clark: No extensions from me tonight. I have some things to do and will be unable to get back to my computer until about 10 or 11 tomorrow morning. Let me know if this is a problem...

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I have 0 words and will probably go to sleep again.


I didn't want to no show this time too, but... sigh.

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Dangerous and Clark: No extensions from me tonight. I have some things to do and will be unable to get back to my computer until about 10 or 11 tomorrow morning. Let me know if this is a problem...

I will go on record and say I have not asked for an extension in ages anyway. If I want to have a match in, it has to be in by 2:30 p.m. central time as I work nights.


Anyway, coming at you now, Mark.

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Yeah, I'm the member of our team who's always asking for extensions and things, mostly due to my not really being able to write between Monday and Friday; incidentally, if anyone was wondering why the HOLT hadn't been posted yet, that's why.


We might get Aloha Friday, though, so I'll try to throw something together this afternoon... just in time for the next show. :wacko:

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If you're speaking about that request you made, go ahead and send it to me so I can look at it. If it's something else, I don't know what the hell you're talking about; the last PM I have from you is eleven days old.

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Guest Goodear

I liked the match I put together in case anyone cares, I'm a little worried about the second fall since it takes one guy out of the majority of it since he did the job in the first one. And I wasn't sure if the finish was as dramatic as I hoped it would be... we shall seeeeee.

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