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The Passion of the Christ

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Anyone else interested in seeing what all the fuss is about?


Not really. I've heard about it every freakin Christmas for the past 21 years of my life in one of the most boring places you can go to (church), so forgive me if I can't get excited about this :)

wouldn't it be more of an Easter thing?

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wouldn't it be more of an Easter thing?


Yes, it would be _more_ of an easter thing, but it's still a Christmas thing. Still doesn't take away that I relate the story of Jesus with mind-numbing boredom. I swear, if I saw that movie I'd feel a natural inclination to look up at the ceiling and count the lights. And that's fucking hard in a theatre.

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just to see if it projects an accurate portrayal of the events.


Is that even possible? Or do you mean "true to scripture", or "true to the kings james version"? Considering many historians believe that Jesus was put up on a stake rather than a cross, I can't see that this film would be an accurate portrayal.


RRR: Not looking to start a religious debate, just finding it rather silly to look for an "accurate portrayal". It's a film, not a documentary. There is creative and artistic license inherited in the storytelling process.

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I have a feeling this movie may end up challenging Titanic for most watched movie of all time if the pre-screening sales are any indication.

Gone With The Wind is the most watched movie of all time. Titanic is the highest earning, but that's due to inflation.


As for this movie, I'm going to wait and hear reviews. I am agnostic, so I'm going to be pretty open-minded to it and the story of Christ. However, if reviews are saying that it is overly preachy then I may stay away.


But undoubtedly, I am interested.

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Guest OctoberBlood

I rarely goto theaters anymore. I'm a pirate. Arr.


I'll download it just like I've downloaded all the other new releases. :P

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just to see if it projects an accurate portrayal of the events.


Is that even possible?  Or do you mean "true to scripture", or "true to the kings james version"?  Considering many historians believe that Jesus was put up on a stake rather than a cross, I can't see that this film would be an accurate portrayal.


RRR: Not looking to start a religious debate, just finding it rather silly to look for an "accurate portrayal".  It's a film, not a documentary.  There is creative and artistic license inherited in the storytelling process.

When a person from the Christian faith says an "accurate portrayal" we mean "true to scripture" as you put it. It's part of that whole infallibility of the Word that says so.


It's kind of like the movie Dogma where Rufus points out that God doesn't like the term "Christian Mythology". To we who are faithful, it happened. Period.


As you said, this isn't really the place for a religious debate, but I thought I'd put my 2 cents in about that.


(Edited for bad punctuation...)

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I'm interested just cause the hype machine and contorversy has gotten to me. I'm not too interested in the story itself but I wanna see what Gibson does with the material and just how graphic the violence is.

It's funny you should have that photo of Randy Savage in your sig, because that's kinda how bloody Jesus looks in the stills from the film I've seen.

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I just hate it that they gave away the ending already! :angry:

Psst...in "Titanic", the boat sinks

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I am definately going to see it as it looks very good and , from the interviews ive seen, is very true to scripture. Jesus looks NASTY by the end of that film. And, according to Mel Gibson, that isn't even nearly as bad as Jesus really looked. He supposedly couldn't be recognized as human by the end of the countless beating, lashing, and crucifixion. And ill be interested in what Gibson does for the massive earthquake that supposedly happened when Jesus died and the Resurrection.

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When a person from the Christian faith says an "accurate portrayal" we mean "true to scripture" as you put it. It's part of that whole infallibility of the Word that says so.


Who can that God isn't involved in "The Passion of the Christ"?

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Guest Choken One

Is it odd that Kevin Smith and Mel Gibson of all people likely created the two best Religious based Movies in the last two-three decades?

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I had an interesting conversation about this movie with my parents.

My Mom:"So is this a Mel Gibson film?"

My Dad:"Yes."

My Mom:"Did he write it?"

My Dad:"No I think it was written by The Apostles (Starts Laughing)!!!"


Your family sucks.

You just passed the line!!! Can someone get banned for saying something like that about someone else's family like that? That just fucking pisses me off rip me all you want but when you start saying shit about my family well FUCK YOU because that is just fucking rediculous you asshole!!!


Just for the record -- is this "joking around" or "serious"?


Anyway, I won't be seeing this but I hope it makes Mel lots of money because I'm sick of the whiners coming out of the woodwork saying how offended they are...

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Guest El Satanico

Not interested in the slightest.


A con man named Haysoos pisses off the wrong jews and he gets whacked old school style. Woopity dooo

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Guest El Satanico
I think we understand you hate Jesus, Satanico.

Well I can't hate an expert con man like Haysoos. It involves too much talent to hate them.

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I can't go. People take this shit too damn seriously. I won't be able to control my laughter as Jesus gets put on the cross. And I won't be able to stop myself from chanting "You f*cked up" when he's carrying it.


Absolute respect for the man called Sus, but I'd imagine he gets tired of all the crying about it. I mean, talk about embarassing for him.


He's just up there, trying to play some cards and score some women in heaven with his "ever made it with the son of God?" line. And suddenly, this movie comes out and he's got all the women saying "I'm sorry, we can just hug" line and they keep letting him win dinky pots at poker with Buddha saying, "Dude, why didn't you tell us?"


I mean, talk about ruining his week. Jesus just probably wants to scream "MOVE THE F**K ON!" so he can chill.

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Quick Question


Who gets more Tail?


J.C or Buddha?


J.C man. He can pull that, "Oh don't worry, I can just forgive you for it and they'll be no sin. No one will ever know all the naughty things you did."


Buddha also has his weight to deal with while Jesus has that six pack abs.


Buddha gets his fair share but Jesus gets himself all the bitches.

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Guest Choken One

My theory was that Buddha would get the action first

as the fact was, He was SO much more charismatic then Jesus was...and Jesus had that awkward gangly beard thing that wasn't working for him

Also, Factor in that since he was the SON OF GOD, He'd likely have insecurity issues and would be extremly picky about girls


While Buddha would just about fuck anyone since he's so fat and all

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Movie seems like it could be decent, but I am just not really interested in the subject matter. Needless to say I am sure I will eventually end up seeing it, probably a rental.

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Guest El Satanico

Buddha has that cool and intelligent vibe to him, so he'd draw in the intelligent college aged and older chicks. Also, Buddha is more open minded so older girls would find that attractive.


JC has semi good looks and power over the impressionable, so he would draw in dumb and/or insecure HS and older girls.

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Not my type of movie. My 8th grade religon teacher freaked me out enough about the crucifixion without a 40 minute(from what I've heard) scene seeing nails driven into a man's hands and feet. Yuck. I'd rather watch Life Of Brian again. Heck, I'd rather watch Legend Of Lemnear than that.

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Guest El Satanico

40 minutes to drive the nails in?


wtf...that's just overkill and reeks of digging for emotion.

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