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The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

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I just saw The Shield and GOD DAMN was that one hell of a fight. And I was shocked how Shane skinny ass was able to hold his own for awhile. But, I say Tevon barely won the fight but, that's just me. But, I don't think he's dead just by the way they showed it. I think Tevon will be laid up for awhile before coming back on the team.

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Thanks to the miraculous software known as Bit Torrent, I am now in the loop for season 3 and I must say that this season is damn good so far. The Decoy squad was a nice addition, in my opinion. I hope Tevon is alright because he's becoming one of my favorite characters, and you have to wonder what Vic is planning for him.

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Booyah! Booyah! Booyah!


One more day till a new episode. I could defintaly see Acevade die this time. I don't know how long they can stretch out Claudette not being Captian. But I'm starting to like David more as a charcter.

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Guest Choken One
I'm talking about before that (and that was a wicked shot). Before that iron Shane was holding his own.


Oh yeah, umm, err, I'm no longer going to watch this program due the the swearing, sex and violence...

well...He is A TRAINED POLICE OFFICER. I'm sure he knows how to fight.

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I tell you what, I've talked to a cop who was forced to do that to survive, I honestly think I'd rather take a bullet, but you never know when you're faced with that situation.


I know one thing for damn sure, when I go out into the field tomorrow (I'm a felony probation officer) Im damn sure watching my back, cause the only thing that'll ever get sucked is the barrel on my .40 Sig by someone else!

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I can't even fantasize about getting a normal "girl/guy" blowjob anymore...


I so was expecting Acavada to tell Vic and have Vic take the guys out..but looks like he's keeping quiet about the whole thing, which is pretty good writing for his character, in my opinion.

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Guest Choken One

am i the only one who felt the whole blowjob thing was a LETDOWN.



I saw it on Oz a hundred times...i wanted something MORE shocking.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

I can honestly say I've never seen a guy get mouthfucked on basic cable before.


anyway, I think this will do 2 things. The picture will come out somehow, and, after a month of outing rape victims, Dutch will figure out what happened rather quickly.


ps - I laughed at the end. Is that wrong?

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am i the only one who felt the whole blowjob thing was a LETDOWN.



I saw it on Oz a hundred times...i wanted something MORE shocking.

How shocking do you think they can get on basic cable?


I've never seen Oz. Are you saying there are scenes MORE graphic than this one? If so you just made me very glad I've never seen Oz.

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I can say, with all honesty, if I had a loaded gun pressed to my head, I would not only suck the joy rod of my assaulter, I would give him the best fucking blowjob of his life.


This episode had a sort of weird oral sex fixation - Diego was eating at the Y earlier on too.

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Guest Choken One

One scene had the "victim" do a spit shot...and countless other "sick" acts.


If they had just actually RAPED HIM...i'd been shocked.

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Not to mention Beecher taking a bite out of Robson's dick in season 2...now THAT was a little much. I knew there would be an Oz mention after this.


I hope this Acavada thing leads somewhere. I'd hate to think they did that to the character for just a one episode shocker.


I don't know how I feel about this old rapist deal. Seems like they're trying to redo Dutch's serial killer deal from season 1. It doesn't seem to work as well.


Another great ep though, and next week looks good too,

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Guest Choken One

I'm thinking it leads to something shocking...the identity that is of the rapist...


Not saying it will be someone we know but turn out to be someone major...that or that Dutch's mother becomes a victim...We never know where Shawn Ryan will take this one.

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Yeah, "Oz'" had stuff ten times more shocking than this. ..I"m recalling a guy with cum on his face after sucking off one of the Neo Nazis in the prison...I'm thinking of when one guy got anally violated with a spoon, with a grease soaked hand, etc...



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This blowjob wasn't disturbing, it just seemed out of place, with him wearing a suit and all. I don't mean that as a negative thing on the writing. That's only as big a deal as you make it. Someone who wouldn't suck a dick to save their life deserves a bullet in the head. Aceveda should have been honest though, especially because he knows the picture will turn up.

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a good episode but after the preview of it after last weeks episode hyped it up so much it wasn't quite as major as I was expecting...oh well, still great stuff :)


With Dutch doing all these rape investigations I wonder if he'll pick up on something from the way Acevada<sp?> is acting.

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I hope this Acavada thing leads somewhere. I'd hate to think they did that to the character for just a one episode shocker.

I think one way or another this is how the Strike Team will get off the hook for the money train. After strong evidence against the Strike Team is gathered to connect the money to them, Aceveda will make it disappear because of one of the following:


- Vic gets ahold of the photo of the blowjob


- Aceveda kills the guy and Vic/The Strike Team witnesses it


- Aceveda kills the guy and the Strike Team can connect him to it



On an unrelated note, is it just me or has Claudette been really unlikeable this season? Wasn't Vic right when he told her that the Strike Team is a special unit? Aren't they supposed to be an anti-gang/anti-drug unit? Vic and the rest ARE detectives. She seems to be using them as more or less glorified uniformed cops as punishment for what she couldn't nail them for last season. Isn't she just being petty and vindictive, while wasting an extremely precious resource?

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I'm talking about before that (and that was a wicked shot). Before that iron Shane was holding his own.


Oh yeah, umm, err, I'm no longer going to watch this program due the the swearing, sex and violence...

well...He is A TRAINED POLICE OFFICER. I'm sure he knows how to fight.

And so was the black guy. Big deal.


Oh, another good show, but the "shocking moment" was a bit of a letdown. Oh well, I'm still waiting for gay Julian to come back; he's on the way...

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I liked the episode. I also liked the moment with Dutch sitting their by himself in the parking lot.


However I thought it was easily a good episode, esp. how i was psised about no 24, and how 24 and Sopranos will be on at the same time. Fucking Bush.


LASTLY, I really liked the ending of the episode. "There's gotta be a way"

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HAHAH oh yeah, i almost forgot.


Vic-"No Ebonic speak shithead!"


I just loved it. Absolutly loved it.

Yeah that was funny and what even funnier was when the guy was speaking I was like "What in the fuck did he just say" before Vic yelled that out.

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Guest Cerebus

This episode was a bit slow compared to the others this season, still it was well written as usual. I like the direction they are moving Julien in and tortured Aceveda is a side of him we have never really seen before. Still hoping Tevon makes it though.

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I liked the episode. I also liked the moment with Dutch sitting their by himself in the parking lot.


However I thought it was easily a good episode, esp. how i was psised about no 24, and how 24 and Sopranos will be on at the same time. Fucking Bush.


LASTLY, I really liked the ending of the episode. "There's gotta be a way"

When are they showing 24?



I really like that Julian is stepping it up. He broke the law in helping Vic, but then later talked about how he'd pray for the guy he was helping. Shane being told he had to play the gay guy because he looked gay was hilarious.

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When are they showing 24?


Sunday at 9PM IIRC...


As for the episode, it was kind of disappointing but not horribly bad. It seems that the writers are abandoning Julian self-destructing in favor of Vic taking Julian under his wings and mentoring him which is a much better plotline. Meanwhile it was pretty obvious that the whole B-Plot involving Shane was the writers attempting to undo the bad taste of "Jerkass Shane" by having Shane involved in a plot that didn't require him being an asshole for the sake of being an asshole.


As for the money train/rape storyline, I have a theory that Vic and company are going to get caught by Acaveda trying to get the list from his safe and be forced into the mother of all blackmail schemes, as Acaveda will force Vic to hunt down and execute the two guys who raped him with no questions asked. Vic and company will do so, only to find the picture and use it against Acaveda once he gets elected at the end of the season so as to put Acaveda under his thumb once and for all...

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