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rising up out of the back seat-nuh

Model United Nations

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You call those mechs?


*Sends out a wave of various Gundams to slice through Sandman's mechs like butter. Readies the ridiculously-overpowered martial artist footsoldiers for ground conflict.*

::While Gosunkugi is doing all of that jazz, has all of his womenfolk stuffed full of tentacles::

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Dominican Repubic!



Isle of beauty, isle of splendor,

Isle to all so sweet and fair,

All must surely gaze in wonder

At thy gifts so rich and rare.

Rivers, valleys, hills and mountains,

All these gifts we do extol.

Healthy land, so like all fountains,

Giving cheer that warms the soul.


Dominica, God hath blest thee

With a clime benign and bright,

Pastures green and flowers of beauty

Filling all with pure delight,

And a people strong and healthy,

Full of godly, rev'rent fear.

May we ever seek to praise Thee

For these gifts so rich and rare.


Come ye forward, sons and daughters

Of this gem beyond compare.

Strive for honour, sons and daughters,

Do the right, be firm, be fair.

Toil with hearts and hands and voices.

We must prosper! Sound the call,

In which ev'ryone rejoices,

"All for Each and Each for All."


Dominica: Home Of The Free And The Brave.

wrong flag if you want to be the Dominican Republic.

Bloody hell.




Dominican Repubic!


Quisqueyanos valientes, alcemos

Nuestro canto con viva emoción,

Y del mundo a la faz ostentemos

Nuestro invicto glorioso pendón.

¡Salve el pueblo que in trépido y fuerte,

A la guerra a morir se lanzó

Cuando en bélico reto de muerte

Sus cadenas de esclavo rompió.


Ningun pueblo ser libre merece

Si es esclavo in dolente y servil;

Si en su pecho la llama no crece

Que templó el heroismo viril.

Mas Quisqueya la indómita y brava

Siempre altiva la frente alzará:

Que si fuere mil veces esclava

Otras tantas ser libre sabrá.

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What an interesting translation:



Brave men of Quisqueya,

Let us sing with strong feeling

And let us show to the world

Our invincible, glorious banner.

Hail, O people who, strong and intrepid,

Launched into war and went to death!

Under a warlike menace of death,

You broke your chains of slavery.


No country deserves to be free

If it is an indolent and servile slave,

If the call does not grow loud within it,

Tempered by a virile heroism.

But the brave and indomitable Quisqueya

Will always hold its head high,

For if it were a thousand times enslaved,

It would a thousand times regain freedom.

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Kotz, don't even think about combing me, because I have a NEW Cheif of Security that will be Germany's undoing:



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The IRA has arrived.




Is there a purpose to this Model UN or are we just claiming for the sake of claiming?

Prepared to be supressed, bi-atch!

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(invades Angelslayer's country and sets off the first crisis for the new organization)

Now, now. Don't do that again...

It's okay, he gave me a lot of money under the table before the invasion and...


...I've said too much *retreats back to secret location to enjoy newfound wealth*

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The IRA has arrived.




Is there a purpose to this Model UN or are we just claiming for the sake of claiming?

Prepared to be supressed, bi-atch!

*Sets off for London with 100 pipe bombs and members of the O'Hannigan Street Gang and the O'Seamus Street Gang*


Yer arse is mine, boy-o.

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Guest FrigidSoul
*watches the Protestant O'Hannigans turn on the Catholic O'Sheamuses*

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Great Britain doesn't count.


I'll also take Bhutan.

Are you declaring secession?! Because if you are... shakes fist


I'll send THIS GUY after you:


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Can whoever's running Amsterdam let me know? I want to trade a few cases of Guiness for some hash.

Throw in some of whatever local pastry you have, and it's a deal.

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Because of rising sea levels, Holland requires importation of sand, land, and whatever bands you got.


I am offering hash, grass, and alabaster sash(es).


Take it or leave it, but hurry.

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