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Smackdown Spoilers

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3 reports from Rajahwwf.com



WWE Smackdown! *Spoilers* (5/4/04) - Tucson, Arizona

Filed under: News- Rajah @ 5/5/2004

Report by: Shane, rajah.com reader


Smackdown begins:


Smackdown opens with no pyros ? Michael Cole stands in the ring and addressed

the crowd about an incident at an El Paso house show on Sunday involving Eddie

Guerrero?s mother.


We see the footage from El Paso, where Eddie invites his family to the ring,

including his mother. JBL comes out to the ring and decks Eddie with his WWE

title. Then he gets in Eddie?s mother?s face, and the two have some heated

words. Eventually, JBL puts his hands on her, and she collapses to the ground,

suffering a heart attack. JBL quickly gets the hell out of dodge. She?s

carted out of the ring by EMTs as her family, including Eddie, watch in horror.




Non title match: U.S. Champion John Cena vs. Doug Basham w/Danny Basham


Cena comes out to a fantastic reaction, wearing a Tom Chambers Phoenix Suns

jersey. He does another great rap on the Bashams and Rene Dupree. A good half

dozen ?Cena? chants break out. Cena eventually beats Doug with the FU,

despite Danny?s attempts at interference.


Winner: John Cena




Cruiserweight title match: Chavo Guerrero w/Chavo Guerrero Classic vs.



Yep. Chavo puts out an open challenge, declaring it ?Chavo vs. the World.?

?Chavo sucks? chants break out more than once. Jacqueline comes out. Chavo

gets back on the mic, asking Jackie if she?s serious, she doesn?t have a

chance against a man, and so forth. After about 2 mintues of this, Jackie slaps

him, and it?s on. Jackie gets a little offensive flurry going, but Chavo

dominates most of the match. At one point, the referee is destracted by Chavo

Classic (Sr.) while Chavo Jr. stands on top of Jacqueline. Jacqueline low blows

Chavo, rolls him up, gets the 1-2-3, and the crowd erupts. The Chavos can?t

believe it. It was the moment of the night.


Winner and new cruiserweight champion: Jacqueline




Booker T goes to see a psychic to find out what?s going to happen between him

and The Undertaker at Judgment Day. The psychic, a Miss Cleo clone, tells him

that a dead man has risen from the black shadows and is after him. She gives

him several random items as part of some sort of spell to keep him safe, but

tells Booker he needs one more thing: dirt from an unmarked grave.




Nunzio and Johnny Stamboli enter the ring ready for a tag team match. Kurt Angle

is wheeled out by whoever that guy is to the entrance of the ring. Crowd chants

?You suck? well after his music ends. Angle says he had hoped that the

disrespect he received last week at Oklahoma City was just an abberation, but

apparently not. He says he?s very disappointed in us. Booooooo. On to

business, Angle reminds us he promised last week that The Undertaker would

wrestle this week. He says he surveyed the locker room, and no one wanted to

face the Dead Man. He turns his attention to the gentlemen in the ring; tells

them he knows they were expecting a tag team match, but sometimes things

don?t work out as you expect. Therefore, Nunzio and Stamboli would be facing

the Undertaker tonight. And that match will begin? right? now.




The Undertaker vs. Nunzio and Johnny Stamboli


Angle wheels himself to the back, and Paul Bearer leads The Undertaker to the

ring. The crowd is, of course, going nuts. He does his usual entrance, raises

his hand to turn on the lights, Mr. Bearer takes his jacket and hat, and

we?re underway. Nunzio is thrown out of the ring early in the match; most of

it featured Taker vs. Stamboli. Taker performs his top rope move, then wins

with some random submission move on Stamboli.


Winner: The Undertaker


Post match: Nunzio reenters the ring and gets a Last Ride for his trouble. Taker

then turns to Stamboli and tombstones him. The lights go back out, Taker pays

homage to the urn, and exits. The crowd is beside itself.




Later, we find Booker T at a graveyard looking for such a grave. He finds one,

collects some dirt, and leaves. Zoom in on the tombstone, we see a gloved hand

emerge from the dirt.


Rene Dupree comes down to the ring with Fifi, who looks scared to death, to do

some guest commentary.


Torrie Wilson vs. Dawn Marie:


Pretty basic inexperienced ladies match. At one point, Torrie goes for the pin,

and Dawn Marie puts her hand firmly on Torrie?s rear end as she kicks out.

Let?s see if the camera catches that. Everyone on my side of the arena did.

Anyway, toward the end, Rene tries to distract Torrie, but Torrie kicks him

away, does a top rope move on Dawn Marie and gets the pin. Toward the end of

the match, Cena comes out and stares down Dupree.


Winner: Torrie Wilson


After the match, Dupree goes after Cena. He nails Cena with a bunch of foreign

objects, and powerbombs him through the American(!) announce table. Dupree gets

in the ring and does his little French dance to a good deal of heat. Cena gets

carried to the back.




Live from New York, Michael Cole and Tazz interview JBL. Even via satellite, he

gets a lot of heat. Bradshaw says it wasn?t his fault what happened, Eddie

Guerrero?s family had no business being in the ring, and it?s possible his

mother faked the whole thing. He says he?s in New York not because he?s

afraid of Guerrero but because he?s there on business. He?s on a show on

CNBC, the ?most respected financial channel in the world,? or something to

that effect. He leaves us with a final thought: His people came to this country

on a boat ? not an innertube.




Backstage, Paul Heyman tells Angle it would be inadvisable to allow Eddie

Guerrero to compete in a tag team match with Rob Van Dam against the Dudley

Boyz, because Eddie?s in a bad mood and would certainly cause a good deal of

physical harm to the Dudleys? and they would have to sue the company. Angle

says he made his point, and Eddie?s out of the match.


Dudley Boyz vs. Rob Van Dam and Rey Mysterio


The Dudleys come out to a mixed reaction, which turns into a lot of heat as the

match goes on. Van Dam comes out to a great pop. His partner is a returning Rey

Mysterio, who receives as loud a pop as RVD. The match lasts a good 15 minutes,

with Mysterio hitting the 619 toward the end. The match ends as RVD performs

his rolling thunder move on Bubba the same time that Mysterio hits a top-rope



Winners: Rob Van Dam and Rey Mysterio


Post-match, the Dudleys proceed to beat on their opponents. After some

?Eddie? chants, Eddie Guerrero gives the crowd what they want and runs down

to the ring. He grabs a chair and beats up everyone. Bubba, D-Von, RVD and a

couple refs get chair shots. The top part of the chair comes off in the

process. He uses the chair for a good 2-3 minutes, then gives us a half-crazed

look as the show goes off the air.


Nothing signifigant happens when the show goes off the air.


Biggest pops:


1. The Undertaker

2. John Cena

3. Eddie Guerrero

4. Rey Mysterio

5. Rob Van Dam


(All five men received exceptional pops.)


Biggest heat:


1. Kurt Angle

2. JBL

3. Chavo Guerrero

4. Rene Dupree

5. Dudley Boyz


Moment of the night: Jacqueline?s victory

Sign of the night: ?This Mexican supports JBL?


The Tucson Convention Center Arena holds not quite 10,000, and it didn?t sell

out. A good portion of the upper section of the arena on one side was blocked

off. There were probably 7,000-8,000 in attendance.







Report by: JBZA2000, rajah.com reader


Just got back from the Smackdown tapings in Tucson, AZ. good crowd and wild show!


Arena was probably just under ¾ full.


Sorry about the shortness of some of the match results, but my memory is shot


Smackdown time. Out come Cole & Tazz


The show opens up with Michael Cole in the ring. He talks about the situation with

Eddie’s mother and the video clip rolls.


Eddie is shown at the El Paso show and talks about the fact that it’s one week

before Mother’s Day and he wanted to recognize it. He brings down his 2 daughters

and his wife. They share their moments in the ring until Eddie introduces his

mother. JBL comes down the isle and gets in the ring to attack Eddie. Eddie’s mother

is still in the ring. JBL knocks Eddie down and goes over to Eddie’s mom. Just as it

looks as if he’s gonna attack her, she suffers a heart attack. EMT’s come down to

help her.


Promos are run throughout the night with Booker T and a fortune teller. It was hard

to hear what it was about exactly, but it had to do with Booker trying to find out

stuff to help him with his Undertaker problems. He is later told to find a tombstone

with no name on it. which he eventually does at a graveyard. Undertaker’s hand his

shown coming out of the grave. That’s what I remember about the graveyard scene as

there was some commotion in a section near me and all eyes were on that situation.


John Cena vs. Doug Basham

Cena come out to a huge pop and a roar of “Cena” chants. He cuts a freestyle on Doug

Basham talking about how “close” he is with his brother Danny. Insinuating incest

and crap like that. Funny stuff. Cena wins with the FU.

WINNER: John Cena


Chavo Guerrero vs. “The World”

Chavo comes out with Chavo Sr. and says that tonight. it’s Chavo Guerrero versus the

world. He issues his challenge to anyone who wants a shot at the Cruiserweight



And his opponent… Jacqueline! Yes, Jackie herself.


Chavo cannot believe it as Chavo Sr. is laughing his ass off. Chavo asks if she is

serious about this. Jackie says nothing throughout the whole promo. Chavo then says

that she should just go in the back and make him a sandwich. Good heat there. Jackie

slaps the hell outta Chavo and we’re off! Jackie gets in some good offense including

a nice headscissor takedown. Jackie catches Chavo off guard and rolls his up for the

1-2-3! New champion!!



Not sure if this is where it belongs, but Eddie is shown backstage and is

interviewed by Josh Matthews. Eddie doesn’t say a word. just acts completely pissed



FBI come to the ring.


Smackdown GM Kurt Angle comes out with his associate Luther Rains. He says

Undertaker is scheduled to be here tonight and that it is unknown who his opponent

will be. But since FBI are already there, he chooses them! It will be.


FBI vs. The Undertaker

Helluva pop for Taker. His intro beats all. especially live. He completely dominates

the match. Last Ride for Nunzio and Tombstone Piledriver for “The Bull”.

WINNER: The Undertaker


I Believe Next We Have.


Torrie Wilson vs. Dawn Marie

Rene Dupree is at ringside for this match, including Fifi. I believe this match

ended in a no-contest after Rene sets his sights on Torrie. Cena then comes out to

another huge pop. He and Dupree go at it and Rene actually beats the hell outta

Cena. EMT’s come out to help Cena but Rene gets the gurney and throws it on Cena. He

had also thrown an announcer’s chair onto Cena which HAD to hurt. At one point I

believe the announce table was broken. I didn’t see how.


Kurt Angle is shown backstage and says that Eddie will be taken out of tonight’s

main event due to him being upset. He then gets an idea for a replacement. and he

wants him now cause the match is next.


Dudley Boyz vs. RVD & ????

Dudleyz come out first, then RVD, then his partner.. Rey Mysterio!

Good pop for Rey Rey. Nice back and forth action. We see it all in this match.

5-Star, 619, etc. Mysterio & RVD eventually get the win.

WINNERS: Rey Mysterio & RVD


AFTERWARDS: Dudley Boyz beat down the two high flyers and throw in a 3D. Eddie then

comes out to a good pop and goes absolutely nuts! Charshots all around! Dudleyz hit,

RVD hit, ref hit. D-Von was a bloody mess! Bubba was also bleeding as well as Nick

Patrick! But of course this is because they went into the corners and sliced

themselves open. Weird to see that live and in person. Show ends with Eddie staring

up with a look of rage. After the show, all the injured are helped to the back.


Chimel thanks us for coming out and to watch ourselves Thursday night.







Report by: Chunk, rajah.com reader


Start Smackdown


The footage of El Paso house show is shown. Bradshaw kicks E.Guererro’s ass then goes for his mom and she falls down grabbing her chest.


John Cena def. Doug Basham. Funny ass cena promo. raps about the bashams switching positions and keeping it the family. Cena wins with the FU


Booker T Promo in a Miss Cleo shop. Couldn’t really hear it. But Miss Cleo tells him to go to a graveyard and find a nameless grave.


Next is Chavo vs. the world. The challenger is Jacqueline. He rips on her about being a female and then he tells her to make him a sandwich. Funny stuff. Anyways I couldn’t believe it but Jacqueline hits Chavo with a low blow and the rolls him up for the win and the title. I am in the front row in a red hat and my jaw just dropped. Jacqueline is the new champ.


FBI comes out next. Then out comes Mr. Angle. Angle says nobody would step up to take on the undertaker so tonight, the FBI gets to fight the taker.


Undertaker defeats FBI. Taker totally dominated. Really Johnny the bull got his ass kicked the whole match.Johnny the bull taps to a dragon sleeper Then Nunizo came in and got a last ride for the 1-2-3. Then Johnny the bull gets a Tombstone.


Eddie interview in the back. Josh Matthews ask him a question about his mom and he just stares at Matthews and doesn’t say a word.


Torrie vs. Dawn Marie ends in a no contest. Rene Dupree comes out for commentary and then Cena comes out. Dupree goes for torrie and cena hits him and then gets his ass kicked. Dupree powerbombs him through a table then throws michael Cole’s chair on cena. Then dances.


Booker T promo in a graveyard. He looks around and sees a nameless grave. Again the audio sucked but a Undertaker hand pops out of the grave and looks at Booker T


Bradshaw interview. HE is in NYC. He says in wasn’t his fault for Eddie’s mom having a Heart attack. But then says something about it wasn’t bring your family to work day. really funny. I love JBL. Anyways he goes on for a while and says Eddie’s title run is over at judgement day.


In the back paul heyman asks Kurt Angle to take Eddie out of the match. He says if the dudleys get hurt because of Eddie then he will sue the WWE. Kurt then tells Luther to go tell somebody there in the match next.


Dudley Boyz vs. RVD and Rey mysterio. good long match. RVD and mysterio win with a combined rolling thunder and a leg drop from the top rope. After the match The dudleys are kicking the crap out of RVD when Eddie comes out with a chair and levels both dudleys then hits RVD. He throws out a referee, then hits nick patrick with a chair. HE busts open Both dudleys and nick patrick. Then Eddie just stands in the ring with a chair and the show ends.


After the show…..ALOT of officials run into the ring and attend to D-von who really cut him self bad. Everywhere. HE walked by me and blood went everywhere. Then it was over.


Biggest Pops





Biggest Heat





I hope this was helpful for you. Thanks alot.


Just scary.

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How can this be the same company that produced raw. If the reports about HHH having so much power over raw are true I cannot wait until he takes over the company. Just think about it, he grew up a wrestling not sports entertainment fan. Once he retires from the ring he might just run a smarks dream promotion.

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And I thought Madusa was a stretch or Oklahoma.


I can't stop laughing at how night and day the brands are now at the moment.

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Guest Museite

You don't know how long I've been waiting for RVD & Rey to tag-team, it'll be simply awesome! Jackie as Cruiserweight Champion eh? :lol:

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Cruiserweight title match: Chavo Guerrero w/Chavo Guerrero Classic vs.



Yep. Chavo puts out an open challenge, declaring it ?Chavo vs. the World.?  ?Chavo sucks? chants break out more than once. Jacqueline comes out. Chavo gets back on the mic, asking Jackie if she?s serious, she doesn?t have a chance against a man, and so forth. After about 2 mintues of this, Jackie slaps

him, and it?s on. Jackie gets a little offensive flurry going, but Chavo dominates most of the match. At one point, the referee is destracted by Chavo Classic (Sr.) while Chavo Jr. stands on top of Jacqueline. Jacqueline low blows Chavo, rolls him up, gets the 1-2-3, and the crowd erupts. The Chavos can?t believe it. It was the moment of the night.


Winner and new cruiserweight champion: Jacqueline

Lmao. Vince had to have made Gerwitz move to Smackdown.

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Jesus, is this company retarded. Putting the Cruiser title on Jackie, who isn't even one of the over Divas is so utterly stupid, plus forgetting Rico and Haas, the tag champs who have been one of the few entertaining parts of this now god-awful show, while finding plenty of time for an Undertaker squash, a Torrie Wilson match and Booker T looking for grave dirt. I'm speeechless

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I swear, this is frickin' bizarro world now. The WWE treated Raw like the major brand before the trades, but now, it totally is. I cannot express in words how f'ed up it is that Jackie won the belt. They have frickin' London and Jimmy Yang to name two wrestlers who could have put on a classic with Guerrero. I know that Matt from TE 3 was supposed to be the surprise, but Holly gave him a concussion over the weekend, (Fire that dumb stiff non-wrestler now), but I would rather see Jeff Hardy win the belt than a frickin' woman who's prime, if she ever had one, was in 1997. I'm happy Smackdown is the taped one so I can just read these every Wed, and not think about watching the show. Smackdown is the new WCW.

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I swear, this is frickin' bizarro world now. The WWE treated Raw like the major brand before the trades, but now, it totally is.  I cannot express in words how f'ed up it is that Jackie won the belt. They have frickin' London and Jimmy Yang to name two wrestlers who could have put on a classic with Guerrero. I know that Matt from TE 3 was supposed to be the surprise, but Holly gave him a concussion over the weekend, (Fire that dumb stiff non-wrestler now), but I would rather see Jeff Hardy win the belt than a frickin' woman who's prime, if she ever had one, was in 1997. I'm happy Smackdown is the taped one so I can just read these every Wed, and not think about watching the show. Smackdown is the new WCW.


Cappotelli was supposed to get the shot? Where'd you hear that?


EDIT: Nevermind, saw the post on PWI.

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A Woman holding the Cruiserwerweight Title??!!! That is LITERALLY something Russo would do...


Is someone in the back purposely trying to sabotage this show and in the process, Eddie's reign??!

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I haven't been able to watch in the last few weeks, but I'm gonna give this a shot anyway. Just catching my monthly WWE folder post


We see the footage from El Paso, where Eddie invites his family to the ring,

including his mother. JBL comes out to the ring and decks Eddie with his WWE

title. Then he gets in Eddie?s mother?s face, and the two have some heated

words. Eventually, JBL puts his hands on her, and she collapses to the ground,

suffering a heart attack. JBL quickly gets the hell out of dodge. She?s

carted out of the ring by EMTs as her family, including Eddie, watch in horror.



This storyline pretty much comes packed with it's own heat machine given the demographics involved, so why do they need to resort to this kind of booking? The story is RIGHT THERE, why trouble yourselves with bit players?



Non title match: U.S. Champion John Cena vs. Doug Basham w/Danny Basham


Cena comes out to a fantastic reaction, wearing a Tom Chambers Phoenix Suns

jersey. He does another great rap on the Bashams and Rene Dupree. A good half

dozen ?Cena? chants break out. Cena eventually beats Doug with the FU,

despite Danny?s attempts at interference.


Cena does entertain me and he seems to be at least caught in the current of some kind of learning curve as far as wrestling goes. I still think it's a good idea to keep him with the mid level belt for a while, get him some profile feuds/matches/shows before going the full monty on putting him on top of the company. They are doing this the smart way I figure.


Yep. Chavo puts out an open challenge, declaring it ?Chavo vs. the World.?

?Chavo sucks? chants break out more than once. Jacqueline comes out. Chavo

gets back on the mic, asking Jackie if she?s serious, she doesn?t have a

chance against a man, and so forth. After about 2 mintues of this, Jackie slaps

him, and it?s on. Jackie gets a little offensive flurry going, but Chavo

dominates most of the match. At one point, the referee is destracted by Chavo

Classic (Sr.) while Chavo Jr. stands on top of Jacqueline. Jacqueline low blows

Chavo, rolls him up, gets the 1-2-3, and the crowd erupts. The Chavos can?t

believe it. It was the moment of the night.


This does nothing for any of the players. I makes Chavo the second look like trash because he got beat by a woman, and it does nothing for Jaqueline because she's not gonna realistically be given any kind of run with that belt anyway. She's gonna job it back next and dissapear again.


Why can't they use this time to introduce (or reintroduce) a wrester, or start a new fued in the CW division. I'm ending this point because I'm starting to think like some of you usual WWE trolls.


Booker T goes to see a psychic to find out what?s going to happen between him

and The Undertaker at Judgment Day. The psychic, a Miss Cleo clone, tells him

that a dead man has risen from the black shadows and is after him. She gives

him several random items as part of some sort of spell to keep him safe, but

tells Booker he needs one more thing: dirt from an unmarked grave.


Could be briefly interesting from a TV show/movie standpoint, but again...what does it do for the wrestlers?


Booker needs magic spells to ward off the dead man, and the dead man is prowling for trouble with a man that feels the need for magic spells to ward him off. The fans also enjoy it when the guys go out and tell each other they want to fight, then they fight a few times, then they have a really big fight that is longer than the others, then they don't fight anymore. Honest to god i've seen it happen.


Undertaker match


This is fine. Taker comes out, strikes fear into his opponents (and would be opponents) by whooping on a couple guys that can be considered a good match for many guys, while not being people who are really gonna be damaged by a squash because they aren't really going upward anyway. Competitive enhancement talent I guess. Good stuff.


Later, we find Booker T at a graveyard looking for such a grave. He finds one,

collects some dirt, and leaves. Zoom in on the tombstone, we see a gloved hand

emerge from the dirt.


Like I said before.


Pretty basic inexperienced ladies match. At one point, Torrie goes for the pin,

and Dawn Marie puts her hand firmly on Torrie?s rear end as she kicks out.

Let?s see if the camera catches that.


Yeah and maybe then it'll get posted 23 times on the Sledgehammer forums! I know I hope it is.


After the match, Dupree goes after Cena. He nails Cena with a bunch of foreign

objects, and powerbombs him through the American(!) announce table. Dupree gets

in the ring and does his little French dance to a good deal of heat. Cena gets

carried to the back.


Good. One upping Cena after he ran Dupree off last week. Now Cena has to bring it in a match and try to even the score. This just screams Mix Tag on next weeks show, which is fine. As long as they can have Cena get back on level footing with his #1 challenger.


Post-match, the Dudleys proceed to beat on their opponents. After some

?Eddie? chants, Eddie Guerrero gives the crowd what they want and runs down

to the ring. He grabs a chair and beats up everyone. Bubba, D-Von, RVD and a

couple refs get chair shots. The top part of the chair comes off in the

process. He uses the chair for a good 2-3 minutes, then gives us a half-crazed

look as the show goes off the air.


JBL got into Eddie's head and is fucking him up. This makes sense within the storyline and makes for a decent wrinkle in the ongoing fued. but like I said earlier, the addition of Mama's heart attack seems like an over thought method of achieving it when, given the Latino Heat character, a good old fashioned hearty beatdown and humiliation would have done the same thing, without what will surely be looked at by some as just deadweight awkward acting skits.


Tooth aches make me a smark.

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Cruiserweight title match: Chavo Guerrero w/Chavo Guerrero Classic vs.



Yep. Chavo puts out an open challenge, declaring it ?Chavo vs. the World.?

?Chavo sucks? chants break out more than once. Jacqueline comes out. Chavo

gets back on the mic, asking Jackie if she?s serious, she doesn?t have a

chance against a man, and so forth. After about 2 mintues of this, Jackie slaps

him, and it?s on. Jackie gets a little offensive flurry going, but Chavo

dominates most of the match. At one point, the referee is destracted by Chavo

Classic (Sr.) while Chavo Jr. stands on top of Jacqueline. Jacqueline low blows

Chavo, rolls him up, gets the 1-2-3, and the crowd erupts. The Chavos can?t

believe it. It was the moment of the night.


Winner and new cruiserweight champion: Jacqueline




Jesus Christ, my house show was a million times better than this.

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Guest hunger4unger

It's actually pretty good short term booking. Chavo the heel puts out a cocky open challenge and ends up getting beat by a woman - might just be great TV. Of course having Jacqueline hold the title for anymore than a week is just stupid and tarnishes the image of the title.

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Guest JacK

But . . . she wasn't booked as a threat to the women's title . . .


It's kind of funny when you think about it, everyone was going 'oh no not Jeff Hardy' . . . I wonder if he would've been better?

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At least Chavo knows how Disco Inferno felt now :P


Man, this is just like when Madusa beat Evan for the same God damn title.

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Guest Askewniverse
Man, this is just like when Madusa beat Evan for the same God damn title.

Except that most people didn't give two shits about Evan Karagias or the Cruiserweight title at that point.

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Having Jacqueline hold the belt PERIOD tarnishes the belt, or whatever prestige it has left. Putting on a Trish or a Lita who are, you know, over is one thing, but putting it on Jacqueline who hasnt been seen in forever, isnt over, and will add nothing to the product is just stupid. What good comes out of this? I dont care if she cheated or not, what does it say about Rey, Nunzio, Noble and everyone else who's jobbed to Chavo when JACQUELINE beats him. Furthermore, what does it say about the confidence the company has in some of those guys when they are getting passed up for Jacqueline? Wasnt she on Raw anyway? Unfortunaley, Ive a feeling the rematch will be at Judgment Day. Show looks like the same crap as usual, though the main event could be ok.

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Guest Deviant

Great, Raw is a good show and SD is WCW Thunder being booked by Vince Russo...


Fuck WWE. Well, fuck Smackdown at least.

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Yay! SmackDown is really Thunder with a different name!


Seriously, I would have rathered Jeff FUCKING Hardy than this load of crap. What is this bullshit? Talk about a 100% turn around, which is exactly what has happened in the past year or so. SmackDown was booked like the top show, then they were sort of even, now RAW is the top show by miles. What would possess the booking team to make the EXACT SAME MISTAKES as the WCW 2000 booking team (and we all know how successful they were)?

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Guest T0rrent

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't they do the same thing before, only with Dean Malenko? Only if memory serves me correct, Dean retained against both Jaquline and Lita? :huh:

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But . . . she wasn't booked as a threat to the women's title . . .


It's kind of funny when you think about it, everyone was going 'oh no not Jeff Hardy' . . . I wonder if he would've been better?


I'll take a match with MISS Jackie over Jeff Hardy so Jacqueline, who at one time did wrestle men all the time before hitting the WWE, isn't the worse thing that could have happened.


Stupid yes, but they could have done much much worse.

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Not gonna happen. They're going to push this shit until the end my friend. I just hope we don't have Oklahoma making a 'surprise return'.

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Guest Trivia247

biggest load of crap there is they couldn't even elevate one fuckin cruisrweight from the pool of development talents just to fight chavo?

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Guest Dynamite Kido
biggest load of crap there is they couldn't even elevate one fuckin cruisrweight from the pool of development talents just to fight chavo?

But why would they wanna do that, considering that they have the awesomeness that is Jackie?



Even I didn't think they were this fucking stupid.

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plus forgetting Rico and Haas, the tag champs who have been one of the few entertaining parts of this now god-awful show

Velocity spoilers:

Jindrak over Scotty

Orlando Jordan over Akio

Spike over Knoble (Knoble takes Rey to the limit, but can't beat uber-jobber?)

Rico/Haas over Kidman/London

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Guest Trivia247
biggest load of crap there is they couldn't even elevate one fuckin cruisrweight from the pool of development talents just to fight chavo?

But why would they wanna do that, considering that they have the awesomeness that is Jackie?



Even I didn't think they were this fucking stupid.

Johnny Ace: Yes vince im telling you, this was a big hit in WCW when they had Madusa win the title.


Vince: Whos Madusa?


JR whispers in his ear psssssst aludra blaze


Vince: WHAT? Why are you having a woman win the cruiserweight championship? Do we have any other cruiserweights? (He truly doesn't know because every wrestler under 220 pounds is rendered invisible to him)


Johnny Ace: Its like this do you know how to book Cruiserweights either of you...


(In the distance you hear the sound of crickets)


Johnny Ace: I thought not, next week Jackie will lose the title in a squash match, vs....Animal!


Vince: Animal?


Johnny Ace: Vince....who knows how to book?


Then a giant Monty Python Foot squashes the three of them.

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