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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Help me decide who will be the NEW

Who is the new worst band on the planet?  

67 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is the new worst band on the planet?

    • Uncle Kracker
    • 3 Doors Down
    • Nickelback
    • Saliva
    • Godsmack
    • Aerosmith
    • Guns N Roses

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I also honked on bobo, it sucked.

He was meaning that he voted for them; not that he purchased the fucking album.

I mis-read it, no need to go all caveman on me. Geesh.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
I also honked on bobo, it sucked.

He was meaning that he voted for them; not that he purchased the fucking album.

I mis-read it, no need to go all caveman on me. Geesh.

Get a thicker skin, sucka

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Guest Fire and Knives
Because you know, emo bands. They have a lot of horns in them.

They're Satanic.

I can't argue this point.



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And no ICP on this list. Juggalos are far worse than any fan ever devised and I'd like to stab them all in the neck. Especially since I can't ever go to a wrestling show with out one of those fucktards sitting next to me screaming out Juggaloes all the goddamn time.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

AoO, some excellent reasoning there in the opening post.


Shit, you had to make it difficult by putting both 3 Doors Down and Nickelback in there, didn't you?


I ended up voting for the latter.


I don't have a major problem with any of the other bands in the poll...

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Linkin Park is a glaring omission, I'll admit, but like all diarrhea, I think they've about run their course. I can't pick which I hate worse between them and Saliva, though. I do know however that I hate Uncle Kracker worse than both of them right now, but GNR irritates me more because everyone seems to love them 10 or 15 years after they became completely irrelevant. Axl still claims to be working on music, so I consider them an "active" band.


I laugh at Creed sometimes, honestly. Scott Stapp is really a wonder of the world in his absolute reign on cheesiness. The VIDEOS man.. Meteors crashing around him? Supremely fruity nonspecific spiritual lyrics. It's like a gag reflex from eating too many circus peanuts. They take the absolute worst attributes of Rush and Pearl Jam, and lame it up further. It can be appreciated as comedy in some ways, though.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
Because you know, emo bands. They have a lot of horns in them.

They're Satanic.

I have to mention these guys whenever I see these two lines get crossed: Mephiskapheles. It's satanic ska. Talk about a novel idea.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

ICP relies only on their cult following now. People grow out of them quickly, plus they definitely don't lurk towards boring middle of the road music that I loathe so so much. They bank on being completely vulgar and awful, and I can respect that even if their music is totally juvenile crap that drives me up the wall.

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... Guns n Roses, circa Appetite for Destruction, are the shit. They even had some good songs on Use Your Illusion... if saying the O.G. GnR is the worst band you're full of SHIT. If you mean the new lineup with Buckethead playing guitar and Axl being the only remanent from the old band, yeah, I could definitely see that.

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Man, screw you guys. Honkin' On Bobo is the best Aerosmith album since Rocks, arguably PUMP.


I'm going with Brides of Destruction. I finally heard the new song "Shut The Fuck Up" and it's the worst thing I've heard since, well, the last Crue album.

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I voted for Nickelback from this list but I think Creed is even worse.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Nickelback's really winning this in a landslide. I'm surprised.

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Guest FrigidSoul

On my way to and from therapy just now I listened to the first 3 Doors Down CD. The first CD is very enjoyable with a good mixture of mellow tracks and some hard hitting tracks. The one fast track towards the end kinda sucks but other than that its enjoyable music. I haven't listened to the second CD though so I can't judge them on that. I'd still like to hear AoO's reasoning behind 3 Doors Down annoying him though, especially if he hasn't heard the whole first CD.


ISP is indeed annoying. My cousin has one of the album cover clown heads tattooed on his arm and I just can't fathom why. Musically they absolutely suck...I wouldn't even consider them music since they just scream and yell over shit that's been synthisised to hell. However, as bussinessmen they're geniuses because they got people to actually buy that shit and their crappy non-music related merchandise.


Oh, and if you hate Uncle Kracker then you should hate Limp Bizkit even more. Fred Durst is responsable for Uncle Kracker as he went and "discovered him", signed him to whatever label he runs, and promotes him to no end.


Edit: Oh, and my thoughts on Nickelback. My former best friend's father burnt me a copy of their first CD I believe. He said "Listen to this man, its good shit". Well he was half right...it is shit.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

He was associated with Kid Rock, wasn't he?


I hate 3 Doors Down because they're the most middling of the middling bands, and the singer can't sing.

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Guest FrigidSoul
He was associated with Kid Rock, wasn't he?

Who's "he"? Uncle Kracker? Not that I know of. I mean he could have been an opening act for him but he's basically Fred Durst's lackey. Any party they go to Uncle Kracker is there to swing off of Fred's nutsack and make him out to be some musical god who is so helping of new talent. They might be new but the people he's brought aboard thus far certainly aren't talent. I'm trying to think of a good comparison as to what Uncle Kracker is to Durst but I'm having trouble. Best way to put it is he's that not so cool kid that you pitied enough to give a chance and in return he does your homework and brings you booze from your parents liquor cabinet.


I hate 3 Doors Down because they're the most middling of the middling bands, and the singer can't sing.


There's much worse out there. I hardly listen to actual radio since I have what I like in my CD collection. However the other day I was driving along with my father to run errands and there was this band on the local Boston new rock station. Unlike before when DJs would play what they liked bands now pay a small fee to have their shit put on the air. Well twice in one hour I was submitted to some band where it was really loud guitar leading into nowhere and the lead singer's voice actually cracked while he was trying to do his somber grunting lyrics. It was terrible and I can't recall their name of the top of my head. Perhaps if other native New Englanders who listen to WAAF have heard the band fitting that description they can give the name.

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He was associated with Kid Rock, wasn't he?

Who's "he"? Uncle Kracker? Not that I know of. I mean he could have been an opening act for him but he's basically Fred Durst's lackey. Any party they go to Uncle Kracker is there to swing off of Fred's nutsack and make him out to be some musical god who is so helping of new talent. They might be new but the people he's brought aboard thus far certainly aren't talent. I'm trying to think of a good comparison as to what Uncle Kracker is to Durst but I'm having trouble. Best way to put it is he's that not so cool kid that you pitied enough to give a chance and in return he does your homework and brings you booze from your parents liquor cabinet.

You're off, man. I think you're just confusing Fred Durst and Kid Rock. Kracker has always been Kid Rock's errand boy. He did some production on all the Kid Rock albums up until American Badass, and may have continued but I have no idea. You can see him in several of Kid Rock's videos before he did his little solo thing also. His albums were like, "Kid Rock presents Uncle Kracker" or something like that. He is as you described him otherwise, but wrong guy.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

See, that's what I thought. He did a lot of the DJ work for his band, too.


Frigid's thinking of Aaron Lewis from Staind, I think.


See how interchangeable these people are? This is why I can't stand this shit.

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Guest FrigidSoul

That's peculiar, because they had Uncle Karcker on Howard Stern a couple weeks back with Fred Durst. They were asking Durst who he slept with and Durst said "If you don't believe me ask Kracker, he was there", like the blithering idiot that Uncle Karcker is he sat there with the smile of a gascious baby and giggled each time.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Oh shit, and I almost forgot. Around the local bars, some people refer to 3 Doors Down with the single most annoying abbreviation I've EVER heard.


Three Double-D


Isn't that just atrocious? Say it with a midwestern accent with a beer buzz. I just find it viscerally loathesome, and I can't quite explain it further than that.

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When Sum 41 tried to rechanged the metal symbol into that gay 4-1 hand gesture..I laughed, and nearly gutted everyone I saw doing that.

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Limp Bizkit only seemed like a good idea after drinking alot of tequilla come to think of it. When stoned and tripping I liked my 70's and 80's hard rock/metal.


So remember kids; drinking large amounts of hard liquor leads to cerosis of the liver, heart disease, and horrible taste in music.

Do I know you? Because last night I was listening to the Who, Led Zepplin, Primus, Dr. Dre all the while drinking some cheap whiskey.


I be hating, New Found Glory, especially that fat bastard without the shirt playing guitar in all of the videos!

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
The lack of Slipknot destroys this list's street cred.


Are you going to argue that Slipknot ISN'T horrible?

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New Found Glory does indeed suck ass but a lot of these lame emo/pop punk type bands are just bleh, not really the worst band on earth or anything.


I too am a bit surprised at Nickelback being such a landslide winner. If anything they've gotten better since stuff like "Leader of Men."


I voted for GNR personally, mainly because I've ALWAYS thought they were shitty. Yes, even when they were popular in the late 80s...I thought they sucked dick even then. I think most of this loathing is due to Rose himself though, since I actually kinda like this new Velvet Revolver song with Weiland on vocals.

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