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Guest slacklet



Someone intercepted the satellite feed. Always good times.

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Guest Trivia247

Thats actually pretty cool. He doesn't need Druids for Druids wouldn't fit. The Character is a Monkish Avenger against what he preceives as Evil. (Keep in mind I couldn't get Judgement Day so I can't see what he will be like tonight) but THat seems to be the jist of him.

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He still uses the same symbol he had when he was Seven. Interesting.

No, it's different (no VII symbol on staff, horizontal beam of cross splits off into two beams perpendicular to vertical beam of cross).


Also, see my avatar.

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So, what did everyone think of this guys first outing? I'll be damned if he's the 6'4" "monster" they're trying to make him out to be.


He reminds me a bit of Kevin Sullivan. Image wise.

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Guest Trivia247
So, what did everyone think of this guys first outing? I'll be damned if he's the 6'4" "monster" they're trying to make him out to be.


He reminds me a bit of Kevin Sullivan. Image wise.

which brings to mind the suspension of disbelief.


Kevin Sullivan was short as anything but being a an unholy leader of men who was a mind bender.... then he was a Monster..


Mordechai maybe 6'3 but they better have some sort of edge, like he converts wrestlers into his stable, or brings in others, or turns Batistia back into Levivthan or something.

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So, what did everyone think of this guys first outing? I'll be damned if he's the 6'4" "monster" they're trying to make him out to be.

I think this a big part of the problem. He's neither tall enough (Kane, Taker) or built enough (Lesnar) to really project much of a monster image. If, as reports seem to indicate, he eventually squares up to Taker, he's going to look dwarfed. They should focus on some other aspect of the character, like how EVIL!~ he is. Or something.

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Guest Deviant

I may be in the minority, but I didn't hate his match (I haven't read any reports/impressions on the show). I was overjoyed to see that he wasn't jacked up far too much like other OVW guys, it just gives off a more athletic rather than bodybuilder vibe, which I like.


His headlock into the post was simple but cool and I liked his Crucifix Bomb finisher, as it looked better than Hall's sliding landing since he got a bit of a throw with it as well.


All in all, I didn't hate him right off the bat, which is more than most OVW guys can say. However, I don't see him as a killing-the-entire-cruiserweight-division big guy, so if they try to play that, it won't work for me. That's why I hope they went with Scotty, who is small, but not a Shannon Moore-like jobber with talent.


There's a good chance I can add him to Abyss on the list of "big" guys I actually don't hate, even though 6'4" isn't that tall.

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Guest Anglesault

I can't believe the Mordecai that they are feeding Booker T to the Undertaker for is Droz's drug dealer in a bathrobe.

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Guest Choken One

He looks like Scott Steiner fucked Jeff Jarrett.


Anyways...you guys want him basically to use Raven's gimmick?

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Well, he may be a shitty worker, but I'm digging the character.

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Dude, it's Gandalf!!

Actually, it's worse. I don't mind the OVW pic posted above in this thread, but right now he looks like the lovechild of Brock Lesnar and Kevin Nash.



And all those promos made me notice his voice sounds almost identical to Lesnar's, too, making it even creepier.

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For those complaining about Mordecai not really being that big, and looking dwarfed next to the Undertaker, think of this:


Mick Foley is only about 6'2" tall, and his battles with The Undertaker in the past as Mankind were in their own way memorable. Not because of Foley's size, because of the psychological edge he had on Undertaker.


Now, I'm in no way saying that Mordecai is anywhere near the level of talent that Foley is/was, but it's just a point that Mordecai doesn't have to look like a true monster to possibly put on a believable feud with Undertaker.

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