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Do you even care anymore...

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In the past few months, I just don't care about wrestling.


I remember when I first started wrestling I couldn't miss a anything. I'd wake up early just to see Superstars and I'd beg my mom so I could stay up past my bed to watch Raw. I was the only person to rent wrestling tapes at my video store and the guy who owned it said we didn't have to pay late-fees. Two years ago, my freshman year of college, I had class that ended at 9 on Mondays. I use to run my ass off to see Raw in time.


But now, I just don't care anymore. Smackdown doesn't do ANYTHING for me, but I'll have it on while I do other stuff. I'll watch Raw, but it doesn't get my attention like it did in the past. I think the last time I REALLY was excited about wrestling was going into WMXX and before that, ummm, during the Smackdown 6 days. And I only cared about those 6 wrestlers, that is it.


I'll always watch wrestling because I have watched it for so long, even though I don't care right now. It is a part of my life and I can't see my life without it.


How many of you feel the same way? And why do you feel that way?

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honestly, I don't. I have school at night so I have to tape raw, and I refuse to use the effort with smackdown unless the spoilers are good.(LOL). I still watch when I can, and I always attend ppvs because they are free at the sportsbar here and it is the one time a month I get to hang with friends that I don't see on a daily basis, however as far as the close attention.....it is all but spent.

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Guest ian.

Yeah, I pretty much agree with you. It's a big part of me, and I can't stand the thought of actually losing it. I still care about it somewhat, but not as much as I used to. I keep up with everything, and try to watch the two main shows. It's been a big part of me, and will continue to be that way.



You cant just throw away 15 years, you know?

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Well, I pretty much gave up on SD although I'll tune in near the end if they set-up a decent main event. I really have no complaints about RAW at the moment (I'm sure the majority of the board agrees). I'm really forward to Bad Blood. WWE can kiss my ass about GAB.

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It hasn't held my interest for a LONG time. I occasionally get into indy, TNA, and WCW stuff toward the end, but my interest in that wanes quickly.


I haven't watched a full Raw/Smackdown for MONTHS. I flip around to something else because even the best Raw can't captivate me.

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Benoit as champ and having solid build-ups and matches lately has kept me watching RAW, but I don't watch Smackdown at all. I don't really dl or order videos as much as I used to, though I try and keep up on the news. But I will always watch wrestling, be it All Japan or ROH, so I don't think I can ever say that I don't care.

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I still care. Although my interest in WWE has waned lately, that's not the case when it comes to wrestling as a whole. I don't think I'll ever stop watching completely.


I still make it a point to watch Raw (which is light years ahead of SD at the moment). But for SmackDown, Heat and Velocity, I'll only watch if I come across something decent in the spoilers, where in the past I'd try and watch no matter what.

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I'm still a wrestling fan, I actually enjoy actual wrestling and not the entertainment crap that WWE puts out. When storylines overpower the actual matches it makes me lose intrest as the show goes on.

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It's drained over the years. I was a huge WWF fan from 91-96. then I got the internet in march of that year, found out about the nWo, the Bash at the beach PPV, and the entire "third man" angle.


I watched WCW and the WWF consistently from then untill 99(the Hart Foundation and the Bret/Austin feud are some of the best angles ever in my mind). I stopped watching WCW in 99.


I stopped watching WWF in late 2000. I heard about Vince buying WCW, gave the invasion a chance and saw it was going to bomb, and stopped wathcing. I picked up again after Jericho won the title, because he had been one of my favorites. I stopped after WM XVIII.


I watched sporadically after that, WMXIX, the Brock-Angle Iron Man. Nothing ever really truly captivated me to suck me back in again.


I got excited about WMXX, however. and recently I've seen the Triple Threat, Shawm/HHH from the rumble and 12/29 raw, and Benoit/Sasuke from the 94 J-cup finals, all for the first time. It's watching matches like that that reminded me of how truly awesome this sport can be, I guess, so I'm interested again(only in Raw though, I haven't watched Smackdown since the Brock-Angle Ironman) So we'll see how this time goes.


WWE is doing a good job of keeping my interest so far, so I don't know how long I'll stick around this time.

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I'm still very much into Raw. Smackdown I just can't get into at the moment.


But, I work nights so I record both shows. Fast forward is my best friend on early Friday mornings.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

I still have a big interest in WRESTLING, but I can't say that I am really big into the WWE right now. I honestly watch RAW everyweek as it's usually a night for me to hang out with some friends, but I gave up on SD and won't watch that again until I know the show has shown improvement(at least). I watch PPV's every month for the last few years, although I skipped Judgement Day(which is the first WWE PPV I've missed in about 3-4 years).

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Guest Korgath

I'm tired of RVD and the Dudleys, so when they got moved to SD! I hoped something would change. It didn't.


Still, I tried to enjoy Judgment Day. I really did. I wanted to mark out for Mordecai just like I marked out for Gangrel back in the day. I wanted to see what twist the Taker/Booker match could pull off.


Maybe I expected too much.

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I watch Raw & Smackdown every week (I've actually been taping SD lately because I've been playing basketball w/ friends on Thursdays).


I can't remember the last time I watched Heat, though. I'll watch/tape Velocity if it has some interesting matches (anything involving Knoble is a guaranteed viewing).


I never order PPV's, but I'll pick up the DVD if the show turns out to be good.


I don't order tapes of indy/puro stuff. A local station carries some indy stuff (CZW, NWA Wildside, used to carry ROH, MLW before they folded, now carry TNA's XPlosion!) at midnight a couple nights during the week, so I'll catch some of that once in a while (usually CZW). Tough to stay awake to watch them when you have to get up at 6 AM, though.


I miss WCW. Watched them up to the very end (preferring WCW to WWF).

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I don't know if care is the right word.


Since going from 'mark' to smark, my interest has gradually changed. I mean, back before getting on the internet, wrestling was pretty much my life and I'd watch pretty much anything.


Now...I'm still a fan. But I kinda like different things. Since getting the internet, or more specifically joining the SWF, I'm always looking for little things that heels do, or how different people sell moves, or great lines in promos. I mean, I still 'enjoy' wrestling. Hell, I'll still watch pretty much anything...from Heat to Indy stuff to 1980's wrestling.


It's more WHAT I care about that's changed rather than whever I care. I watch for enjoyment rather than to watch, if that makes sense.



Oh, and the most recent U.S WWF/E PPV I've never seen is Ground Zero, so I'd say I'm still pretty loyal.

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Another problem is we follow wrestling everyday. We watch it, read the news and rumors, get caught up in all of it and we discuss it daily.


Before the Internet, I watch the main shows. Sometimes the B shows and watched most of the PPV's. Thought about wrestling a little bit during the week, got excited the day of the show and liked it or not, moved on and repeated every week.


I treated it as it should be, a form of entertainment. Didn't take it so serious. Now I overload myself and get burnt out.

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Oh, and the most recent U.S WWF/E PPV I've never seen is Ground Zero, so I'd say I'm still pretty loyal.

you have to see Shawn/UT if you haven't.

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I'm at the point now where I watch it because I don't want to get away from it, but the show doesn't keep my attention at all. I used to get pissed when people talked while RAW was on, but now I'm talking. Everything I want to see gets screwed up, axed, or overdone to the point where I'm sick of it.


HHH-HBK is way past done(bad), Benoit-Kane hasn't even started(bad no matter how you look at it), Tommy Dreamer retired(bad), Hurricane & Rosie are one of the best actual teams on RAW(bad), and Randy Orton hasn't defended the IC title to a legitimate contender in God knows how long(bad). Looks like he'll get Benjamin(good), but I'm still not as into that as I should be(bad). They're trying, but it's not working.

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I really don't. I watch Raw occasionally, but that's all. No Smackdown, no nothing. I don't hate it, I've just sort of outgrown it partially.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

I'm currently enjoying Raw but given up on SD. I care about Raw but I'm fairly certain my interest will wane once HHH gets the belt back from Benoit, as that seems to usher in the show going downhill.

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I think this message board SERIOUSLY overrates the current product on Raw.


Right now, Raw is "decent to good" most of the time. Last week's show, however, the HBK/HHH War, was not a good show. I found Benoit/Eugene the only interesting part, and the rest (including the Hour 1 tag ME) to be dissapointing/dull.


Smackdown! on the other hand, is like trying to drink out of an empty juice box. Nothing there, dry, and frustrating. The Undertaker is not exciting, Booker T lacks credibility, Rob Van Dam is stale, well has been, for years, The Dudleys are the same Dudleys from 1999 when they entered the WWE, Bradshaw shouldn't be the #1 heel, and Guerrero is Guerrero, an amazing wrestler, with very little talent left to work with.


"Benoit running with the title is great"...


Take a look at this:


TWO WEEKS AGO ON RAW: Benoit wasn't on, except for a highlight video.

ONE WEEK AGO ON RAW: Benoit wasn't mentioned, except to "help" Eugene.


badblood.wwe.com: Benoit/Kane is BELOW the Michael/HHH match. Hell in the Cell *will* main event Bad Blood.


Lately, Benoit's lost steam, unfortunately, due to the focus of the show being put on Kane's impregnating of Lita and the HHH/HBK war.

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Stuff like Kane/Lita and Chris Jericho/Trish Stratus force me to change the channel on a constant basis, but I enjoy most of the matches envolving Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Chris Benoit, Edge, Randy Orton, etc. I would much rather see Nick Dinsmore wrestle most of his matches than spend half the time trying to get his gimmick more over than it already is. Even during the toughest times in '02-'03, I couldn't see myself entirely giving up WWE.

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I haven't cared in so long.....maybe if they got things tight again I coudl care, but untill then, I'll jsut downlaod random stuff that interest me, but as for watching the current product, I take a pass 9 times outta 10.

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I pretty much watch for the characters I really like and ignore the rest. I watch to see what Tajiri, Shelton Benjamin, Gail Kim, and Eugene are doing. Otherwise, I either don't watch it(Smackdown) or use it as background while I play on the computer(the rest of Raw).

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Guest TigerDriver91

I don't care too much about sports entertainment, but I love wrestling.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

I still care, but I've never been "live and breath wrestling". If it's not looking good, I'll watch old tapes. I do more buying/trading for other stuff than before, because I'd rather watch something from 1988 or 1989 than watch Smackdown.


I will follow the local indies , but I don't get excitedor anything, it's just something different.

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I barely care about WWE anymore, but I still live and breathe wrestling. Wrestling doesn't begin and end with WWE.

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Guest Cheech

I don't care about Smackdown anymore. Now I just tape it in case there's something I want to take a look at. I only watch if I have nothing else to do. And its going to stay that way until things pick up. All of the Guerrero's, Haas, and the cruiserweights keep me from ignoring the show completely.


But I'm more into Raw than I have been in a long time. I hate the Kane/Lita storyline and the women's divison, but pretty much everything else has been solid.


I stopped ordering TNA a long time ago, but I don't care about that.


I've got a good collection of ROH DVD's. They have too many shows now to buy them all, but I get what I think sounds best. The situation they have TNA pisses me off, because Styles and Daniels are two of my favorites, but there is still other things in ROH to enjoy.


And whenever I've got some time to relax I'll put in an old tape, so I haven't really lost interest.

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