Promoter 0 Report post Posted August 11, 2004 Okay, I'm ripping this off from somewhere, but I felt you guys here are well versed on the business and would come up with good stuff. Since many were describing problems that the wwe has what do you feel can be done to create GOOD change that would get people watching? I have seen some on the net give ideas like this..... -I'd like to see Bischoff come up with a 'code of conduct'. They can blatantly steal Ring Of Honours gimmick here, because WWE casual fans dont even know who TNA are, let alone ROH. It doesnt have to be full on, just a few guide rules... like: NO RUN-INS between bells. After the bell, go for it, but during the match.... no. Shake hands before and after the match? maybe. I just think it'd be interesting to see, obviously the rules would be broken from time to time, but generally... -Use the same premise as an Iron Man match with different time limits for different types of matches. Standard matches: 5-10 minutes. Title matches: 20-30. Most decisions in that time wins. When a feud has gotten too huge to be contained, break out the trusty old Iron Man. Adding a point system to matches is drastic, yeah, but we are talking about a BIG change. It harkens back to a time when matches were timed and had multiple falls, but also adds a level of drama that is lacking in the majority of matches today. Look at the positive things that would change: • Squashes are no longer a forgone conclusion. If a Goldberg type comes out and destroys a guy in 30 seconds, who's to say that the guy won't be able to even the score in a couple minutes when the hoss is blowin' up all over the place. Not to say that the squashee will actually WIN, but it adds drama. • The concept of the "cheap win" is altered. No longer will a heel (or Edge) be able to steal a win by using the ropes or pulling the tights and making a quick exit (unless the time is almost up). It'll give him a leg-up, sure, but his opponent gets an opportunity for immediate revenge. • Longer matches and a more defined "sport" feel. This is a personal preference, but pretty much every event that at least pretends to be a sport has some kind of scoring system. I'm curious to see how it would work in wrestling. • You don't have to alter other special matches. Elimination Style, Three Way Dance, Cage, Hell in a Cell, Elimination Chamber, Battle Royals... they can all stay the same. Hell, you can even throw in a "regular" match here or there to keep things interesting. Call it an "Old School" match, or "Sudden Death." I dunno, it might even elevate the status of a regular match by calling it "Sudden Death." Now, of course there would be problems with adopting the Iron Man rules set for most matches as well: • There's the possibility of the match that lasts 10 minutes with only one fall scored early in the match: "The Anticlimatch." But then, if people get accustomed to the way these matches work, that could develop into a surprise of it's own. • The guarantee of a 5 minute long John Hrrnnrr match. nothing can stop it once it starts and if it's awful, there's no turning back 'til it's done. • The time management on shows would have to be altered to accommodate specific time allotments. Which either means cutting back on the entertainment aspect of the show a bit, or reducing the number of matches so that HHH can cut a 20 minute promo on why the Diva Search is pregnant. Which do YOU think will happen? This concept would change a lot of the predictable formulas that we've gotten used to seeing in wrestling matches, without altering what makes "traditional" wrestling fun (like six-sided rings). At the same time, it wouldn't alter the "entertainment" side of things much at all. Storylines could continue as they always have. It would simply emphasize the competition aspects of the matches without straying too far away from what people are used to. --- Watching Cena/ RVD on SD last week, and then thiking of Edge/ Jericho on Raw, got me wondering... What if the WWE went with a face/ face format? This idea would involve breaking up the traditional heel/ face dichotomy of wrestling to introduce a new dynamic more akin to real sports. If each wrestler had his or her own set of fans matches would become less predicatble and arguably more exciting. It would also have the potential effect of readdressing the "sports" to "entertainment" balance. If you think back to that Cena/ RVD match Cole and Tazz had no choice but to call the match as a pure wrestling match. They had to get over each man as a wrestler rather than a chracter or as an integral part of some bizarre soap opera style story-arch. Of course there is always the worry of a dead crowd in this situation (see Tito Santana vs. Koko B. Ware circa 1991) but I think you'll find that the crowd was pumped AND markedly divided for Cena/ RVD and for Jericho/ Edge as well as, might I add, Angle/ Haas. A divided crowd, in my opinion, is the more natural state for a crowd to be in. And the situation we have now is surreal to say the least. Since Kayfabe is long dead the fans who attend wrestling matches pretty much "know" who they are supposed to be cheering and who are they are supposed to boo. But with this knowledge comes power, as soon as the crowd feel they are being fed a dud story they can refuse to participate in the right way and mess up the fed's plans. The WWE need the fans to be complicit in order to keep the product seeming fairly legitmate, right now this is frequently not the case (see Edge/ Orton where the face/ heel dichotomy got totally f**ked up by the fans). By removing this power you also remove the focus of wrestling from all this nonsense back to the actual in-ring action. I'm not saying they should try to emulate the crowd at a football grudge match, say Manchester United vs. Arsenal, but they should try to take something of that. Think of Bret Hart vs. Bulldog, think of Warrior vs. Hogan, Hogan vs. Savage, Warrior vs. Savage - these matches all show wrestling at its most exciting and entertaining, they are all magic because of the face versus face dynamic. If played right this could take wrestling into brave new realms, the WWE could achieve possibilities that have, as yet, only been glimpsed at in the sparkle of Vince's money-making eye. ---------------------------------------- So, would any of these bright ideas work? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JN News 0 Report post Posted August 11, 2004 Put HHH on Smackdown where he belongs, and try helping that brand, for once. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
humongous2002 0 Report post Posted August 11, 2004 Yeah let HHH bury all of SD that will bring the ratings. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Dazed Report post Posted August 11, 2004 Don't gay up the thread. This has some good potential. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dark Age 0 Report post Posted August 11, 2004 Yeah let HHH bury all of SD that will bring the ratings. Like who? SD has no one left to be buried. It's a dead roster. Putting Triple H on SD won't hurt it at all. but I felt you guys here are well versed on the business and would come up with good stuff. lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Loss Report post Posted August 11, 2004 Never do a ref bump ever, ever again. Never do a run-in ever, ever again. Every single match has a winner and a loser, unless it's a time-limit draw. Do a "top ten" of sorts that shows where wrestlers stand in terms of getting title shots. Instead of booking matches as the show goes, announce all the matches in advance. The heel GM/commissioner act is old. If an authority figure must be on the show, it needs to be someone unbiased. Force Lawler to play a true heel at the announcer's booth instead of trying to have it both ways. Make him hated. Jim Ross should be more objective though, and stop pandering to the babyfaces. Those are my suggestions. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Fook Report post Posted August 11, 2004 I fully support the idea of bringing back a time limit. Not that every match has to go the limit, but there are positives to having it in some matches. 1) It gives the heel another method of getting away from the face. I know I'm not the only one sick of the feet on the ropes or hooking the tights finish, so the heel escaping due to the time limit would put heat on a rematch. I just hope that if this does happen it doesn't lead to the heel trying to stall or run away from the face a la the start of the Angle/Lesnar iron man. 2) It lets the fans get behind the face, especially during the last few minutes of the match since they know he has to win soon. The sense of urgency is heightened at this point and makes for a good story. If the heel gets away, the face can always claim that the time limit saved them. Then the rematch can have a much longer limit (or no limit at all) so the heel can't escape and has to fight. I don't like the multiple falls idea at all. It generally turns each match into an iron man scenario, effectively killing the gimmick. Plus, when the fans know that a match will always go a certain length, they don't tend to get emotionally involved until the final minutes despite the pinfalls. Not every wrestler can keep the audience's attention for a full 15 minute match every week. I don't think anyone wants to see a multiple fall match between Rosey and Tomko. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
geniusMoment 0 Report post Posted August 11, 2004 I agree no GM's, let the wrestlers or promotion make the matches. Bring back the hardcore title, I think it is a nice change of pace. Quit limiting guys movesets, WWE style can be good, but I want a mix of different styles. Give wrestlers more freedom on the mic, play to their strengths. If they can pull off being a cool heel allow them to be cool. If the babyfaces cannot keep up on the mic that is their fault. Stop having babyfaces being watered down versions of their better heel characters. (See Cena, John) If someone is cheered because they are badass make them a badass. Give everyone a reason for being on the card, yes even those midcard guys. Bring in a former legend as a commentator. (I nominate piper or foley) Make Mean Gene the interviewer on one of the shows and have him interview guys in the middle of the ring like in WCW, this is little but I feel it is a nice touch. Allow wrestlers more input on how they want their character to be portrayed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Dynamite Kido Report post Posted August 11, 2004 Here's one that I'll throw out there.... MAKE SENSE That's right, just make logical storylines that are EXPLAINED and make sense. It's not that hard..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Salacious Crumb Report post Posted August 11, 2004 1. No ref bumps. 2. Minimal interference, none of this hitting a guy with a chair and then hitting him with your finisher crap. If there has to be interference it should be tripping a guy on the ropes or distracting him. 3. No more gay gimmicks, religious, foreigner or any other sterotype for gimmicks. 4. At least six matches every show. 5. No more GMs and if there has to be then a Jack Tunney type. 6. If the fans don't like something then drop it. Don't push it even more because you think it's good IE the Diva Search. 7. Different styles. WCW was at it's best when it had a cruiser, heavyweight and hardcore style matches. Stop making everyone wrestle the same match. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Dazed Report post Posted August 11, 2004 This is a slightly strange one, but give it a chance. Lose the cameramen by ringside. Sticking with fixed cameras gives off a much more professional image, and doesn't look so lousy when they are scrambling to get into a good position. Also, give every match a meaning. It doesn't have to be some convoluted storyline, "of course I'll marry Kane if he beats Matt at SummerSlam", just a top 10 contenders, or even a league table or something. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
razazteca 0 Report post Posted August 11, 2004 Do not ever put Edge in a match that is longer than 8 minutes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JN News 0 Report post Posted August 11, 2004 Make Edge a cool, cocky, ladies man heel. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
razazteca 0 Report post Posted August 11, 2004 The only Edge match that should go beyond 10 minutes should be a tag team main event Raw match. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Tjhe CyNick Report post Posted August 11, 2004 All these ideas seem to be designed to appeal to the most hardcore of wrestling fan. They need to bring in/back casual fans not ones who will be aorund forever. I think they need to go back to shorter matches. One thing that I find when I watch wrestling with my friends who only watch casually they get bored very easily during the 15+ minute matches. Back in the day it was rare to get even one of those, now we get 2 a week sometimes. I think if they had more segments and shorter matches they would get more guys involved (I think a big problem on RAW is that only 10 guys get consistant TV time) and it would have a fast paced feel. Viewers would start to feel like they cant miss anything, which is sorely lacking right now. Then, since they have so many strong workers, you save the long matches for PPV and very special occasions on TV. That way the PPVs seem more special,a nd the hardcore fans will be more likely to order them because they would be starved of great matches for free. It might also drive more people out to the arenas to see the longer matches live. But even thats not going to bring back viewers in droves, because they need a character that fans will connect with. All the greatest minds in wrestling with a gun to their heads cant be forced to create that. And until that happens business aint going anywhere. Of course at the same time with all this doom and gloom it should be mentioned that the WWE is still very profitable. Of course that could flip in a short time (see WCW) but the company is still very stable. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CanadianChick 0 Report post Posted August 11, 2004 Make Edge a cool, cocky, ladies man heel. Like Dean Malenko? I love the idea of a top ten list. It gives a logical reason for two people to feud who don't have any reason to. "Hey, why are you higher than me? I just beat you last month!" "That was a fluke!" "Oh yeah, want to prove it?" Better than feuding for no reason or really bad reasons. Keep some soap opera (things like, as much as I don't really like the feud, Eugene/Triple H) but ditch the crap that turns people off (Kane/Lita/Matt). While we all love angles to be finished, I'm sure no one would have minded if the Kane/Matt/Lita angle was given a hasty ending. Have a mixture of different matches. A little bit of long technical matches, good power-based matches, women's wrestling, high paced matches to pump the crowd, ect. Not all matches should be 10 minutes or more. Not all matches should be extremely short. Variety is the spice of life. I actually think they don't do a bad job on this as it is (well, some of the matches they don't give time to are questionable), but it could stand to improve. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
what 0 Report post Posted August 11, 2004 These ideas would never work. It's not fucking ref bumps that are hurting the WWE. Bring in a new creative team. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
El Psycho Diablo 0 Report post Posted August 11, 2004 Ugh. No fucking crash TV, please? You can cram a hundred guys into a two hour space, but that won't make people care about them. You've got to give the fans a reason to care about them in the first place. I'll agree with the "make sense" post up there, as that's the most important idea of the lot. Good, coherent storylines need to be grounded in reality, at least somewhat. This isn't a sitcom or a soap opera, where people may believe a "Winner gets to marry Lita" stip. Nobody's going to believe that. (At least, I hope not!) I'd like to see some particular gimmicks just die and go away. Particularly the "monster hoss" bit that everybody over 6'6" seems to do at one time or another. Just because a big guy squashes a little one dosen't get them over. It's not 1980 anymore. Ditto the little guy underdog, which I loathe. (Must..resist..comment..) The belts need to have some importance again. Why should only one (or two, if it's a three way feud) guy want to hold a title? Give the "number one contender" label a real sense of importance: after all, the person holding the belt gets all the respect, money, and everything else, right? Whoever holds a belt shouldn't have it easy, and should have to defend it more than once a month, convinently at the PPV. Perhaps a bracket system, or something? More later. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BHK 0 Report post Posted August 11, 2004 Just stop making pro wrestling look like a joke. Stop giving off and pandering to the image that the sport(yes vince, that's right, SPORT) is for the low brow, low IQ lot of people. Wrestling is viewed as a complete and utter joke by the general public. It gets no respect. at all. You need to work hard to undrcut that sterotype, but it should be done, because when done right it can look quite legitimate. So start making logical storylines, start giving us regular 7-10 minute matches, GOOD matches. Stop with the ridiculous characters, the stupid storylines(Russo I'm talking to you). Also, stop all gimmick matches at once. No more ladders, no more tables, no more HIAC. Just stop them. Then, down the line, once you've developed a rivalry between two guys with MEGA~! heat, use one. HIAC should only be used for two wrestlers that have been fighting for an incredibly long period, and hate each other beyond belief, and niether can get the best of the other(No, that is not Michaels/Triple H) Vince created his own monster, he, for a large part, is responsible for making things the way they are. The T&A, the ridiculous segments, the over the top antics, the 3 minute matches. I think the late WCW was on to something: Just shut up and wrestle guys, it's not hard. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
justcoz 0 Report post Posted August 11, 2004 1. I'm in agreement with bringing back the time limits for matches. I don't agree with scoring falls throughout the entire duration however. It may be a nice touch for championship matches but I don't need to see John Heidenrich and Shannon Moore battling it out for falls. Pretty much each show should hype five matches two with 10 minute time limits, two with twenty minute time limits and a championship match with a 45 or 60 minute time limit. Five matches and the remaining time can go to filler. Interviews with the participants in each match. Video packages. Some angle/storyline development. It's okay to throw in a quality produced Confidential style piece on the background of Randy Orton, a Where Are They Now with Bruno Sammartino, etc. 2. Book mostly smaller venues until the next wrestling boom necessitates playing large arenas again. Smaller crowds bring more energy which creates a better feel on television. It would also make the taping coming from a Madison Square Garden or overseas seem that much more important. 3. Darken the arena lighting, change the overall look and graphics for each show. The presentation and look of the shows have been the same since 1996, especially Raw. This includes a new brand logo. 4. Change of the announce teams. What's the first change MNF makes when their ratings sink? The shake up the announce teams. Bring back three man teams. Raw: JR, Stone Cold or Mick Foley and maybe someone for humor like Kevin Nash or Scott Hall? Smackdown could remain pretty much the same but have Cole, Tazz and Roddy Piper. 5. Drop the backstage skits where wrestlers act as if they don't know the camera is on them and give away their secrets and strategy. Even my girlfriend, who rarely watches, thinks these are just horrendously bad. It's very hard to justify why I watch this crap when Lita is telling Stacy not to tell anyone that she's pregnant on live television. 6. Rotate Raw and Smackdown going live. Smackdown will never be seen as a legitimate show by some fans and those in the company if Raw is the only live production. If this means moving Smackdown to Sunday night or Tuesday night, so be it. They need out of that Thursday thing. Particularly with The OC on FOX this fall in addition to the regular NBC/CBS competition. 7. Allow the wrestlers time to cut in ring promos prior to their matches. ECW used to do a lot of this. It's a good way to build heat for the match with the audience. Also, allow the wrestlers the opportunity to show their own character. Would Austin, The Rock or Ric Flair had taken off if they had their promos scripted to the word for them? Would Hall and Nash have got the NWO? Everyone should have freedom to take their character wherever they can. Stop limiting what wrestlers can do in the ring or with their characters. Not every match needs to be "WWE style". That can be your main event style but variety is needed. Especially with the cruisers. TNA are pushing the X Division and if anything ever gets them over that may be it. Why? Because in the WWE we have Paul London in a four minute front face chin lock by Jamie Noble because it "tells a story" (ie, makes HHH not look as slow as he is anymore). I agree that you need more substance to high spot after high spot (which TNA doesn't do enough of, IMO) but to completely have them wrestling heavyweight style is mind numbing and robbing the audience of something exciting for the sake of certain egos within the company. 8. Bring back managers. So many guys these days may have the look but they don't have the mic skills to be taken seriously as a contender. I miss the days when the Grand Wizard primed guys to take Backlund's title or Heenan was obsessed in finding someone to take out Hogan's reign. They have guys on their payroll like Teddy Long, Jonathan Coachman, Paul Heyman, Arn Anderson and even Eric Bischoff or Shane McMahon who would be great leading stables of wrestlers in managerial roles. Others like Jim Mitchell or Joel Gertner are out there as well. 9. Bring back the element of ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN. It's been missing from the product since Nitro went off the air. It's just formulatic television and it's bland. Have someone like Randy Savage show up for a one show deal - maybe to get taken out by Randy Orton. Let Roddy Piper confront Ric Flair on one episode of Raw and get punked by Evolution. People flicked the channel from Monday Night Football to Raw or Nitro because you never knew what to expect on either show. You know what to expect on Raw now. Stupid talentless Diva wannabes in embarrassing skits and a twenty minute HHH promo. Why change the channel? 10. Overhaul the creative team completely. Place Paul Heyman in charge. This guy was canned for not being a Yes man to Vince and Vince needs to realize that this is exactly what he needs. He also needs to ask himself where the wrestling business would be if Heyman's mind didn't create the ECW product, leaving the business in 1995 with no alternative to Mabel in PPV main events, Isaac Yankem, Hogan vs. Zeus in WCW, etc. Each show has their own booking/creative committee with a few screen writers, Foley, Bischoff, Cornette, maybe someone like Tommy Dreamer. For those of you who say those guys couldn't possibly work together. That's the beauty of it. Vastly different philosophies to create a more diverse and interesting product. Make a move to get Chris Kreski back, I don't know. The bottom line is someone with a wrestling background and mind needs to head it up, whether the bulk of the work is coming from screen writers or ex wrestlers. Keep Bruce Pritchard away from the creative process. Also, put Stephanie McMahon in Vince and Linda's role when it comes to addressing the media and shareholders. Have her write a book about growing up in the wrestling business, book her for Oprah, create the impression of a powerful young woman in a male dominated industry. This will be more valuable to her in running the business than determining who Edge will feud with next. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BHK 0 Report post Posted August 11, 2004 4. Change of the announce teams. What's the first change MNF makes when their ratings sink? The shake up the announce teams. Bring back three man teams. Raw: JR, Stone Cold or Mick Foley and maybe someone for humor like Kevin Nash Best.idea.ever. one RAW alone would be enough to keep me laughing for months. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Just John 0 Report post Posted August 11, 2004 5. Drop the backstage skits where wrestlers act as if they don't know the camera is on them and give away their secrets and strategy. Even my girlfriend, who rarely watches, thinks these are just horrendously bad. It's very hard to justify why I watch this crap when Lita is telling Stacy not to tell anyone that she's pregnant on live television. This is why they need something like G-TV, or the short lived F-View. That way the wrestlers don't know there's a camera on them, so they don't look stupid. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Metal Maniac 0 Report post Posted August 11, 2004 It's very hard to justify why I watch this crap when Lita is telling Stacy not to tell anyone that she's pregnant on live television. What I find odd about these types of skits (the whole not knowing there's a camera bit) is that they used to make no sense; but now, with the advent of reality television, where every other show on TV features people being filmed every moment of every day, you'd think people would be more accepting that wrestling does the exact same thing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JN News 0 Report post Posted August 11, 2004 Make Edge a cool, cocky, ladies man heel. Like Dean Malenko? No, make him dress up in black leather, and give him an entourage of Divas to flock around him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest KJ Brackish Report post Posted August 11, 2004 Make Edge a cool, cocky, ladies man heel. Like Dean Malenko? No, make him dress up in black leather, and give him an entourage of Divas to flock around him. Make Dean Melinko..... SHAWN MICHAELS?!? Huh uh..... bad idea. He'll be ruined forever and thus forever branded as gay boy till kingdom come. I'm serious............ NOOOOOOOOOOO LEATHER. Shawn should even cut down on the leather. It's just GHEY. KJ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kizzo 0 Report post Posted August 11, 2004 Change of the announce teams. What's the first change MNF makes when their ratings sink? The shake up the announce teams. Bring back three man teams. I like this idea...of course ABC actually wants to help there that's the reason they are not afraid to fire anyone if the ratings are not good.. I love the three man team idea as well.....not to many people liked the idea of McMichaels...Bischoff...and Heenan on Nitro...but I loved it... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
what 0 Report post Posted August 11, 2004 It's very hard to justify why I watch this crap when Lita is telling Stacy not to tell anyone that she's pregnant on live television. What I find odd about these types of skits (the whole not knowing there's a camera bit) is that they used to make no sense; but now, with the advent of reality television, where every other show on TV features people being filmed every moment of every day, you'd think people would be more accepting that wrestling does the exact same thing. Wrestling isn't reality TV. Having those types of skits are dumb. Especially with King and JR commentating. The creative team needs to be overhauled. That's the big change that needs to happen. Anybody could do a better job than the fucks they have in there now booking. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fökai 0 Report post Posted August 11, 2004 2. Book mostly smaller venues until the next wrestling boom necessitates playing large arenas again. Smaller crowds bring more energy which creates a better feel on television. The large arenas aren't the problem - it's the regions they book. Hopefully I don't offend anyone with these comments, but they should stay away from the dead crowds, and by that I mean most of the East Coast that hasn't been considered "WWE/WWF territory" in the past. New York, Florida, California and Texas should be their main U.S. roots, staying away from the smaller cities with a loyal fanbase, but a harder opporunity to draw casual fans in. The West Coast is an untapped market right now, as evidenced by the business they've done in Washington, their return to Oregon, and the strong shows they've put together in Utah. It would also make the taping coming from a Madison Square Garden or overseas seem that much more important The Garden is a rare commodity to book to begin with. They only book pay-per-views there once every two years, hold an annual RAW and semi-annual house show. The idea of holding a show at MSG already holds importance for the wrestlers, the front office reps and the fans. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Papacita 0 Report post Posted August 11, 2004 Sidenote: I hate board errors. Seriously. Anyway, the one thing I think needs changing that I haven't seen mentioned as of yet is that WWE needs to make better use of their overall roster. Why should guys like Val Venis and Stevie Richards be relegated to Heat every week? On the same token, what's keeping the upper-tier wrestlers from having matches (or actual angle developments) on Heat and Velocity from time-to-time. I think it's a bad idea for WWE to have set a set A-roster and a set B-roster. By keeping guys on Heat, you're not only limiting their opportunities for exposure, but you're also exhausting your match ups on the A-shows; just look at how many combos of Benoit/Evolution tag matches we've seen this year, or how many times Kane and Jericho have fought in the last few months. They use up a lot of potentially big matches on Raw and Smackdown, and as a result, it takes away from the PPVs. By giving lower level guys more time on the A-shows, you keep your bigger match ups fresh and make for easier transitions when it's time to push your up-and-comers down the line. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Metal Maniac 0 Report post Posted August 11, 2004 Wrestling isn't reality TV. Having those types of skits are dumb. Especially with King and JR commentating. I agree, they usually tend to suck....but that doesn't mean they make absolutely no sense, ya know? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites