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TNA Impact Spoilers

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Guest whitemilesdavis

That's nto your original argument, but that's OK. If you think thwe show is good enough to order, by all means, enjoy yourself. Earlier you said it was hypoctrical if I didn't continue to order when the show is bad. That's what I took issue with.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

Well now that i've seen your arguement my veiw has changed, because I understand where you're coming from. No big deal.


::insert gay porn joke from Swiggy here::

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What I'm saying is that while the shows aren't GREAT (like they could, and you can argue SHOULD be) the shows are decent. It's a difference of opinion. That's all. No big deal.

I don't want a decent show though.


I want a good-great show if TNA is going to get my $10.


If no one buys TNA will be forced to look at their product and change it- hopefully for the better. THAT'S why people shouldn't accept just a decent show. You're shelling out $10 a week, $40 a month, $500 something a year- you should be getting a good show every week.

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Guest whitemilesdavis
::insert gay porn joke from Swiggy here::



Eat some of this:




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Guest The Last Free Voice

you're taking things FAR too personal WMD. We used to be FRIENDS man... ::sniffle::


Okay, back to work for me...

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Jeff Jarrett b Psicosis - a squash, Psicosis didn't get too much in.


-- Could of been decent. Psicosis is awesome, and Jarrett can be good. Too bad it says it's a squash.


Monty Brown b Jimmy Rave


-- Another squash which sucks ass because Jimmy Rave rules. Monty is good, but gimme a break, its not impressive when he kills Cruiserweights everyweek on IMPACT! or XPlosion!


Mikey Batts & Jerrelle Clark b The Naturals


-- Should be awesome. I really like Batts & Clark and the Naturals are awesome, I've liked them since the beginning, I liked Stevens before TNA. Should be a very good match.


Petey Williams b Amazing Red


-- Should be a decent match, because Petey Williams is god. Amazing Red is a spot monkey therefore IMPACT! is perfect for him. Matches dont have to be techincal masterpieces, and frankly can't be with a maximum of 10 minutes. Red is entertaining whether he's Spotty or not, and Williams is just amazing.


Raven b Todd Sexton


-- Dont know who Sexton is, but watching Raven/Sabu storyline continue this is fine. A squash meaning something is different from a complete meaningless squash like the Jarrett/Psciosis and Rave/Brown. Shitty squash match that sucks, but continues the storyline.


A.J. Styles & Jeff Hardy b Abyss & Alex Shelley


-- Should be pretty good. Alex Shelley vs Styles would be a great match down the road. Abyss turn is coming more and more suspected, watch TNA swerve us and make him not turn. Still should be very good.


Williams vs. Chris Sabin

Styles vs. Kash street fight


-- As long as they continue to announce matches like that on IMPACT! Go TNA! Sabin vs Williams? Thank you god.

Firstly, I feel sorry for anyone who considers Petey Williams God.


Secondly, Sabin [yawn] vs. Petey Williams [meh wrestler with a horribly over-exposing finisher] is a great match? No way, especially in TNA, especially in a 6-sided ring, and working TNA's style. Meh to the max.

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Guest whitemilesdavis
you're taking things FAR too personal WMD. We used to be FRIENDS man... ::sniffle::


Okay, back to work for me...


Sorry. Bad day at work. I've been bitching at everybody here too. Please accept my apologies, and feel free not to eat that dog crap I showed you earlier :D

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Guest The Last Free Voice

It's all good. I do take TNA a little too personal, I guess. Now I know how all the hardcore ROH fans feel.


back to work I suppose. Writing for long periods of time is HARD. Yea, I'll stop bitching now. I did sign up for it...

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Guest TheArchiteck

This is my first time watching TNA Impact......and I want to see that Monty Brown & Ron Killings match already. The little hype video got me interested in it. Much more than the Raven/Sabu match.

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Guest MikeSC
My point is being NOTHING but negitive, like alot of people around here are being, isn't going to do any good.

Blind optimism is of precious little use as well. If something is unsatisfactory, denying it as to avoid being negative is a horrible idea.

I mean, if someone came here who had never seen TNA before, and saw all the negitiveity, they wouldn't buy the show.

Which would be better than them paying to see a shit show that its fans think was "not too bad" and NEVER even contemplating ordering a second one. If they see the fans say that even the worst show is "not too bad", how will they be able to tell if a good show is ACTUALLY good?

And we WANT people to buy the shows, because we want the company to suceed... Or maybe that's just me.

It's just you. The company doesn't put bread on my table. If a crap company goes out of business, that is their fault --- not mine.

Whatever. My point is, everyone is so damn negitive and it really bugs me because I for one want to see the company suceed, and I'm trying to help them do that.

By being blindly optimistic? Has that ever worked? Would the Titanic NOT have sunk if the captain said "Oh, it's not really sinking"?

People who 1: don't buy the shows, and 2: do nothing but complain bother me because they're NOT buying the shows, so they have no place to complain!

What about people who DO see the show and complain?

And secondly, if they're doing that, why the fuck waste your breath? Move the FUCK on to another fourm. Maybe I take TNA a little personal because I've been watching so long, but seeing people who say they don't buy the shows come here and bitch and whine and complain really pisses me off.

That, ultimately, is your problem. TNA has been a pretty consistent ball of shit for --- well, it'll be about a year in two months. Why root for a bad company to succeed?

Oh, they're having a bad run, so we should abandon them? Fuck that.

It's been fairly non-stop since October-November. At what point do you decide that this "bad run" is simply HOW THE COMPANY IS?

It's hypocritical (and I know I can't spell, not the point) to say, I care about the company, so I won't order while it's bad.

Actually, that will do more to make them improve than anything. If they keep getting money while churning out crap --- why not CONTINUE churning out crap?

It's trying to have your cake and eat it too. You either care enough about hte company to stick by it, or you just want to see good wrestilng and don't give a fuck where. I happen to care about the company. So I keep buying.

Do I care if the company dies? Honestly, at this point, no. They've done nothing to show me that they DESERVE anybody's support. This whole "If you're a fan, you buy regardless" mindset is ridiculous.


I'm an Atlanta Hawks fan. I'm supposed to, though, pay for tickets to go watch the insanely horrible team management cobbled together to "show support"?


Screw that. I don't OWE them anything.

Personally I think having AJ Styles, XXX and the X division guys in matches that should be good warrents my buy. What i'm saying is I DONT think the shows have been total shit lately. THey've been bad, but not so bad everyone should stop buying.

For $10, they had best not be bad.

No, I'm saying if you don't want to buy it, fine, but don't go off bitching about it, because if you're not putting money in, it's not your place.

Actually, if you pay IN SPITE of it all, you have no place to bitch. You're telling them that you'll support WHATEVER they throw out there. It's like being a parent who NEVER disciplines their child.

about squash matches on Impact, I can understand, but complaining about the general direction of the company when you don't order the main outlet is wrong.

The general direction CAUSED it. Guess what --- most people DON'T LIKE JARRETT. Period. So why continue to order when he's continuing to dominate? Most people think the Russo/Rhodes storyline is lame. Why order so you can see MORE of it?

I don't see how holding out money from the company is gonna make it better. THAT is my point.

I'll tell you how it makes it better:


Companies care about one thing: The bottom line.


If the losses continue to get WORSE --- Panda will either tell them to fix it immediately or will let them wither and die.


If the losses stay the same, they'll assume their current path, at the very least, pleases some people --- when it doesn't.


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Was Psychosis totally squashed or did he get some moves in?

It was a total nonstop impact squash. Few if any offense by Psicosis (who was wearing a mask) I think Psicosis did a rollover reversal from a splash by Jarret and did a spin heel kick and that was about it.

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man that sucks. They only just brought him back and he is jobbing to JJ already. Jarrett has to make the talented guys look inferior to him. Just watch the belt be around Hardys waist next month though. JJ seems to not mind Hardy beating him.

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Jarrett squashing Psicosis is nauseating, but on paper this looks like the best Impact in weeks


No, once again, this appears to suck. I'm done with this show. It's not important, it's a 3rd rate Heat.

I didn't say it looked overly great. I said it looked like the best Impact in weeks. And the last three weeks, if not more, have been nothing but four squash matches and then one main event that maybe lasts seven minutes. Two matches featuring established TNA names facing each other on the show itself is a godsend compared to that.

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Guest Donners

It's a step in the right direction, with two PPV-quality matches (on paper, at least) and big names in all the others. That's a significant improvement and a possible sign of better things to come, but some just rush for the negatives.

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Guest whitemilesdavis

I'm not rushing for negatives. Impact has gotta be an A-show. That's all TNA has. Impact is not great by anybody's standards. That sucks, and that's not being overly negative.


It was a total nonstop impact squash. Few if any offense by Psicosis (who was wearing a mask) I think Psicosis did a rollover reversal from a splash by Jarret and did a spin heel kick and that was about it.


See that's a shame too. I was watching Rey's DVD last week, and it occurred to me that Psichosis could be just as over and successful as Rey, given the same opportunities. Giving him back the mask is a step in the right direction, having him lose his first time out is not. Oh well, opportunity wasted.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

Wow, I finaly got Blistered by MikeSC, I feel like a real poster now.


Honestly, you have your opinions, I have mine. I, most likely am wrong. Oh well.

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Guest whitemilesdavis

Come on, LFV. Quit playing Flair, begging off in the corner. Stand up and be a man! Oh, you are standing? You're just that short?.....Sorry.

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With all due respect, I live on a very strict budget, and frankly, I don't have money to spend on shows that are only "decent".


If I'm going to spend something like 40 bucks a month for wrestling, it had better be GOOD wrestling. It had better be, generally, of a BETTER quality than what I can watch that week for free (ie. RAW & Smackdown).


TNA is NOT giving that to me. So they're not going to receive my patronage.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

Fuck that, I'd prefer NOT to get into a flame war. So I'll beg off in the corner all I like.


And I'm vertically challenged. Not short.

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No, you're fucking short. See that in front of your ass? It's my ass. Toss my salad, ho.


And just as Bob said: I'm not paying $10 a week to see a "decent" show. If I order (ever) again, there are certain criteria that must be met:

-One 15-minute (or right around 15-minute) match featuring X-Division workers (this includes XXX and AJ Styles)

-Jeff Jarrett without the NWA World title (meaning he is no longer champion, not just left the belt at home)

-Monte Brown not squashing workers that have done more in this business than he has

-America's Most Wanted NOT treated as the Gods of tag team wrestling when they haven't held the belts in some time now

-The Truth in either the main event or the upper-card


When all of these happen? I'll order. Although these haven't been met since last summer (and, even then, the shows started sucking).

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Guest MikeSC
It's a step in the right direction, with two PPV-quality matches (on paper, at least) and big names in all the others. That's a significant improvement and a possible sign of better things to come, but some just rush for the negatives.

So, a show with potential that sucks is better than a show with no potential that sucks?


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i thought Impact was pretty decent, with good things and bad. mind you, i was stoned, but hear me out anyway. the matches with Williams vs. Red, Batts/Clark vs. Naturals, and Hardy/Styles vs. Shelley/Abyss were good matches for Impact. they should've gotten more time (as all the matches should get), but I have no problems with how they were done. these are the kinds of matches that Impact needs. There weren't a lot of no namers on this show except for Todd Whoever.


the problems with Impact revolves mainly around TNA's inept booking strategy. its the old Southern style that dictates that the only way to get someone over is to have him squash everyone around him. Jarrett could've worked a more even match with Psicosis. Monty doesn't have to squash little guys all the time. and for God's sake Raven needs promo time, not a squash match. its lazy booking to just let one guy beat the hell out of everyone else. I'd rather see a competition rather than a slaughter. also, the bullshit with Russo/Rhodes is starting to get out of hand. they literally suck the life out of the show worse than Jarrett could.

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Guest Staravenger

Oh well, Xplosion is all squash matches so I think Impact is a step up with 2-3 big name matches a week when they do weekly PPV's.


Wednesday was the first TNA I've seen since A.J. Styles won the World Title in a Cage Match. Not because the shows are bad, but because I've gotten tired of the same matches every week (I've ordered almost every show in 2003, and most of the ones in the first quarter of 2004).


Plus I'm not a huge fan of Jeff Jarrett as World Champion all the time.

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Plus I'm not a huge fan of Jeff Jarrett as World Champion all the time.

Is anybody, really? I can understand why Jarrett is champ (he's never gonna jump) but it'd be nice to have someone else (well, not Killings) who's champ for an extended period.

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Guest Dids

I watched Impact for the first time yesterday, and despite the fact that I feel asleep at the end, I liked what I saw.


The Jarrett match was something of a squash, but it was well done, because it was all predicated on JJ's attach before the bell.


As somebody who's never seen him before, they got Montey Brown and Petey Williams over well. I thought both of their finishers were neat.

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