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Guest wildpegasus
ah, tomorrow's the day 

But tommorrow never comes! You're in for a long wait. I get to watch it today. *Laughs evil laugh*




This ought to be good. Looking forward to it as I'm all caught up now.

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Fark, as if I wasn't pumped enough after that badass (albeit terrible-ending) Amazing Race last night but the preview for tonights ep sent me over the fucking edge. The look on Locke's face when he says "Apparently Claire doesn't remember Ethan" is sooooooooooooo delicious because it has "I can use this to my advantage" written all over it.

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This is what AICN says is scheduled for the flashbacks, starting tonight.


1.15 Charlie II

1.16 Sawyer II

1.17 Jin & Sun II

1.18 Hurley

1.19 Locke II

1.20 Jack III

1.21 Sayid II

1.22 Kate III

1.23 ?

1.24 ?

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HOLY FUCKING SHIT. That is why I loved my LOST. Love it like a big bag of love.


1. Jack vs Ethan: Pain in the Rain ROUND TWO baby! They are even now! One win each! Oh SHIT, time for round three...


2. NUH UH BITCH, CHARLIE DUN FUCKED HIM UP. Three shots. Ethan = dead, Charlie = PISSED OFF, me = shocked.


3. Best episode yet as far as the musical score goes. Goddamn. Perfect. Even the out of nowhere change for the copy machine scene. Beautiful.


4. The shots of Claire/Kate/Sayid/Sawyer/Locke/Jack in the rain before the fight against Ethan were intense. Ditto with the big group shot.


5. Loved the flashback stuff. Charlie is so weak. And yet strong enough to kill a man.


6. JACK KILLED A MAN...a long time ago...AND SAWYER REMEMBERS. Perfect. Sawyer remains greatest rudo ever.


7. "Dude, that was Scott." RIP. I weep for the fallen angel that was Stev-Scott. Who? Ah, whatever.


8. Locke remains the creepiest motherfucker on that island. The smiles, the smug assurance, the acceptance of what is going on...that guy is seriously fucked up.


9. Sayid is the Akira Taue of the Big Four. Misawa/Kawada/Kobashi/Taue. Jack/Locke/Sawyer/Sayid. And he knows it. Or he should.


10. The ending where Hurley had his headphones on. I was thinking "ending song montage, haven't had one of those in a while" but then the camera moved on to Jin and Sun sleeping, and then on to Sayid getting wrapped up by Shannon, and then on to Kate/Jack. I love how they haven't forgotten the little things (Hurley's CD player) even though there are huge ass things going on.


BONUS 11. Jin: "What are they talking about?" Hilarious, yet perfectly conveyed a big part of his character and segued into a great conversation with his wife. Great writing there.


On the whole, super awesome episode. I love this shit, baby.

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