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the shield > Lost


sorry ladies


But it's definatly my favorite new show since The Shield

I still need to watch that show. But I watch too much TV as it is...

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Lost was friggin badass last night. Like...really...badass. I LOVED how Jack started practically losing his mind to save Boone. He had this distant look on his face after the blood transfusion, but you could still see that he was determined to try what he could to save Boone, even though he knew it was hopeless.


The preview for the next episode fucked me up. Jack beating on Locke. Sayid with a knife to Locke's throat, then pointing a gun at him. Finally, we get the shot of Locke being shot to all hell. That...that's fucked up.

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Anyone else think Jack is turning heel soon? The whole "I am going to save you" line at the beginning reallllly made me wonder.


I think he's going to go fucking crazy and everyone's going to turn on him.


And the look on Sawyer's face with the baby? He's going to be the new good guy. Like, by Season 2. He'll be everyone's favorite character.


Sayid sucks now. This whole Shannon storyline isnt' doing anything for me. Hopefully that will change next episode.

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I think he's going to go fucking crazy and everyone's going to turn on him.

Hence, the original title of Sayid's episode ("Sides")

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The preview for the next episode fucked me up. Jack beating on Locke. Sayid with a knife to Locke's throat, then pointing a gun at him. Finally, we get the shot of Locke being shot to all hell. That...that's fucked up.

I don't think all that was in the next episode ... I got the impression it was a montage of what's upcoming the rest of the season, not one single episode.

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Guest Brian

Here's how I see this all going down.


Boone was never supposed to die. He was supposed to lose his leg(s), in return for Locke getting his (the ability to walk).


Shannon's going to shoot Locke, but not killing him. Two things come out of this.


1) Does Locke walk again? Does he deserve to? I suspect he will.


2) Shannon heads down a deep and dark path. This should be a great story as we don't see alot of it, because it is a traditionally male role. Angel fans know what I'm talking about. Her relationship with Sayid will decay, because part of what he sees in her is the innocence that he doesn't have, that he wants to be a part of.


Jack's going to be great character. The guy who wants to save everyone but can't, never realizing things are out of control.

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This is my list of the castaways.


1. Locke

2. Charlie

3. Jin

4. Claire

5. Jack

6. Hugo

7. Sun

8. Sawyer

9. Kate

10. Michael

11. Boone

12. Sayid

13. Shannon

14. Vincent

15. Walt


Yeah, the dog outranks the kid

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Just as a fun thing to pass the time...who is your favorite character on LOST?

Hurley. It's all about the fat guy from the mental institution.


After that, it's Sayid (before this whole Shannon subplot. Are they trying to turn him into a pussy?) and Locke.


Least favourite? Well, seeing as Boone's dead, it's a tie between Sticks and Tattoo...


14. Vincent

15. Walt


Yeah, the dog outranks the kid

That's pretty funny...

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Favorite: Locke, then Jin, then Kate (because she's got two things that fire me up in a girl: she's hot & a criminal.


Least favorite: Walt & Michael (OMG, racist, ban plz). I just don't dig the kid as a character, and the father because of it seems like he's incapable of understanding how to act like a better father. There were like 3 episodes in a row where Walt'd be mad at him and he'd make no effort to be like "what's up, what can I do?" and instead would just act like a bigger asshole and make Walt more mad at him. No adult - even someone with no experience raising a kid - would be that incapable of trying to mend the fence with their kid.

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April 15, 2005 -- FORGET human actors — the most popular cast member on "Lost" is Madison, the frisky yellow Labrador retriever who plays Vincent.

It's a cross-gender role for the 5-year-old bitch, who busts her tail every day on set playing a guy — just like every male dog who's played the female Lassie over the years.


"Madison is about as socialized as a dog can get," her trainer, Kim Stahl, told The Post. "She loves everybody."


Madison is also the only local talent cast as a regular on the popular ABC drama, which follows a group of plane-crash survivors on a mysterious island, which is filmed in Oahu, Hawaii.


On the show, she plays Vincent, the constant companion to young Walt (Malcolm David Kelley), who was on his way to live with his father, Michael (Harold Perrineau Jr.), when the airliner went down.


In real life, the pampered pooch isn't exactly ruffin' it like her "Lost" alter ego, since she was originally trained as a tracking dog and an obedience competitor.


In 2001, Madison was ranked eighth among the best obedience dogs in the state of Hawaii.


"Lost" is Madison's first acting gig, but she was cast in the role after spending only 10 minutes with series creator J.J. Abrams, Stahl says. The Lab works only about one day each week.


Madison is so friendly that Stahl — who also works full time as an accountant — had trouble getting her to act mean during an early episode when Vincent starts barking and snarling at something in the jungle.


"In one episode, she had to bark ferociously," says Stahl. "Lampshades kind of freak her out, so we improvised using a cardboard tube and a lampshade to get her to respond.


"We've kind of weaned her off them now."


Fan reaction to Madison's performance is mostly positive, although some viewers wonder if there's more to Vincent than meets the eye.


On several "Lost" Internet fan sites, some doggone conspiracy theorists tend to refer to the pup as "the shifty-eyed Lab."


In reality, Madison is mostly concerned with tennis balls.


"She's completely obsessed with tennis balls," says Stahl. "We use a little food sometimes, but mostly we use tennis balls for training. She loves them."

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Guest wildpegasus

Great ep. Anyone notice the #44 on the T-Shirt?





I really enjoyed this ep but at the end of it the only thing I could think of was how much I'd like to marry Sun.

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Guest The Ohtani of Time
Great ep. Anyone notice the #44 on the T-Shirt?





I really enjoyed this ep but at the end of it the only thing I could think of was how much I'd like to marry Sun.

I got dibs on Sun.

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