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I'm gonna go out on a limb and say the season's gonna end with a holy shit peice of information that just opens the door for 249723927 more questions.


Either way they better deliver on the whole "we'll know what caused the plane to crash by the end of season 2" promise.

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I think it's pretty obvoius what the cliffhanger is going to be.


000 05.

000 04.

000 03.

000 02.

000 01.

000 00.


Numbers turn showing pictures. They all match up the same design.



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I think it's pretty obvoius what the cliffhanger is going to be.


000 05.

000 04.

000 03.

000 02.

000 01.

000 00.


Numbers turn showing pictures. They all match up the same design.





I've been saying that for months, only I still think they'll add a giant-ass version of the Security System noise along with it

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Wait a second, where did that promise come from?


I think one of the producers said that during some interview.


The crash of the plane is explained before the season ends. Source: Statements at TCA

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Alright, it's crunch time. 5 new episodes left. And about 500 questions that still need to be answered. Don't fuck this up, Lost.


"Two For The Road"


Jack and Kate bring an exhausted Michael back to the camp, and with him, news about "The Others." Meanwhile, Ana Lucia attempts to get the prisoner to confess, and Hurley plans a surprise date for Libby.


credit: ABC.com


I'm putting this in spoiler tags because the interesting circumstances surrounding it. Whenever a Lost star appears on a talk show (Regis and Kelly in this case) it's on the day that their episode airs. It's been the case all year but for the first time we'll be seeing somebody from Lost on the show the day AFTER their episode airs. In this case, Michelle Rodriguez will be on R&K tommorow morning. Can anybody else guess why that might be?

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Some notes from TV Guide:


-Ana-Lucia & Sawyer get it

on, bow-chikka-wow (that means SEX). Didn't say if that was pre-crash or post-crash, though.

-the dude who plays Michael said fans might have unkind things to say to him based on what happens w/ his character

-Kate finds herself drifting back to Sawyer

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Guest Vitamin X
Some notes from TV Guide:


-the dude who plays Michael said fans might have unkind things to say to him based on what happens w/ his character

This is interesting. His character's in need of a shakeup, curious to see what they'll do.

-Kate finds herself drifting back to Sawyer

So, does Kate's world now revolve around how she feels for either Sawyer or Jack and nothing else? It seems like that's all they ever focus on her now.

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Some notes from TV Guide:


-the dude who plays Michael said fans might have unkind things to say to him based on what happens w/ his character


I'm guessing that he is hinting towards the fact that Michael turned, as we all expect.

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Spoiler regarding the preview for next week...


I thought Michael killed himself but he is in next week's preview. I guess he just shot himself in the arm to make it look like Henry killed Ana and Libby

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Even though I read the spoilers here and knew what was coming, I still did not see it from a mile away. I really, really thought Michael was gonna kill Henry.


I also hope Mr. Ecko doesn't die next week like what they showed in the preview.

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Spoiler regarding the preview for next week...


I thought Michael killed himself but he is in next week's preview. I guess he just shot himself in the arm to make it look like Henry killed Ana and Libby




Him standing there with his arm in a sling didn't give that away?

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Spoiler regarding the preview for next week...


I thought Michael killed himself but he is in next week's preview. I guess he just shot himself in the arm to make it look like Henry killed Ana and Libby




Him standing there with his arm in a sling didn't give that away?


Yeah, sorry, I'm an idiot.

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Guest Vitamin X

Ana Lucia was starting to grow on me too, ever since she dropped the whole tough chick act. The Libby death combined with Ana Lucia was just so incredibly contrived though.


Deus Ex LOST!

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Everybody else see the Hanso Foundation commercial in the last ten minutes? Anybody call the number to see what it's about?


I'm too lazy to look it all up and type it out, but google the "Lost experience".


What was the number anyways? I missed the entire commericial.

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Guest Vitamin X

The number is 1-800-hansorg. I just went back and looked at it on my DVR.

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Wow, wtf. So much for any of Libby's plotline. I'm really starting to have a big problem with this show's attitude towards desirous women--kill em right off, fellas! I did not know this was coming. Stupid flashback, though.


All that said, I'm guessing that Michael isn't evil, or offically an Other. They probably threatened Walt's life, and told him to let Henry go free and be their man on the inside of sorts, do what Ethan wasn't able to do for them. If he has flipped, I'll be kind of surprised.

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