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I didn't read it since I don't like major spoilers. Is there a good reason you believe it to be false? I am tempted to read it, but I would hate it if it turned out to be true.

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I just wish Lost would quit leaving me in the dark. It's starting to kill my interest in the show when each episode explains nothing.

Now Invasion...I'm getting into that hardcore.


But I noticed the main characters in Invasion(russell) and Lost(Jack) are both basically the same character. Tough bad-ass type characters that don't take shit and demand to know the truth about everything are always angry about something.

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I like the slow burn that Lost does, as it keeps me in suspense and wanting to see the next episode. While not necessarily talking about you, Dormroom, I cannot stand when people say that nothing happens on Lost, or that nothing at all has happened during season 2.

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I like the slow burn that Lost does, as it keeps me in suspense and wanting to see the next episode. While not necessarily talking about you, Dormroom, I cannot stand when people say that nothing happens on Lost, or that nothing at all has happened during season 2.

I could not agree more, Dandy. It bugs me to no end when people criticize the STORY by saying that the TIME is moving too slow. To me, the huge amount of character development that has happened just a few days after the hatch was opened is just brilliant.


Dandy, I sense that you and I have a very similar appreciation for the show. I agree with what you post almost 100% of the time.

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Claire's physic in on it all? The Hatch/Button is a joke and they are being observed the whole time, AND the Pearl being observed as well on camera? Michael talking to "Walt" on the computer was actually whoever was in the Pearl? Where do the notebook goes? Such a good show.

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I could not agree more, Dandy. It bugs me to no end when people criticize the STORY by saying that the TIME is moving too slow. To me, the huge amount of character development that has happened just a few days after the hatch was opened is just brilliant.


Dandy, I sense that you and I have a very similar appreciation for the show. I agree with what you post almost 100% of the time.



Thanks. I love shows/movies/books that have a mystery to them. It appeals to my nature to try to figure everything out. Glad to hear someone agrees with a few things I say.

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The dream that Locke had of Eko falling was great. Especially with the symbolism of him waking up before he hit the ground.


I agree that next week looks great, and should answer more questions for those impatient people. I wonder if Michael has a plan, or if it was merely a show of faith to whomever has Walt.


And who was that bearded guy sleeping next to Eko, I haven't seen him for awhile. :D

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Guest ken adams

Would anyone be surprised if the ultimate leader of the Others, Dharma, or whatever, the one the bearded man reports to, turns out to be Henry Gale?


Unless, of course, he gets arrested for DUI, or films a pilot for another show, and gets killed off next week.

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Yes. The same exact guy.


A suitable episode. You kind of knew stuff like the button or the hatches being a part of some sociological or psychological experiment was coming, you just didn't know when exactly it would be revealed. This is season finale material here. Now we just need the follow-up, like its effects on Locke. It's been a slow season, but now we're getting somewhere.

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I've heard this before (The Henry Gale leader theory), it would be interesting, but I just don't think he'd put himself in that much danger. Granted with constant surveilance, I'm sure help could have been on the way, but I still think it would be too risky.


I'm sure we'll see more of Libby in flashbacks on the last two episodes, to tie up what she was in the hospital.

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The last two episodes are a Michael and a


, though. How exactly can they tie Libby in to that?


This was a great, great episode, by the way and opened up a whole new slew of questions.


PS: I'm w/ Eko. Something important is probably going on under the guise of a psych experiment.

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this episode just convinced me the writers are just making shit up as they go along. the whole hatch numbers thing exists soley to eat up a year of airtime and milk high ratings. and hey look, it's almost the end of the season, and we're getting back to the point where "there's something else possibly supernatural going on", except now we think it's UNDER the psychology expirement. the whole thing is TIME-WASTING filler. Why do you think there's no real hint of Dharma or computers or any of that shit in season 1? All the "revelations" of this season are all DHARMA revelations.

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I absolutely loved the usage of the autopsy tape ... so creepy to hear the girl screaming as she was being cut open. And the doctor giving the tape to Eko & saying "I never want to listen to that tape again" ... just awesome.


And I'm another person that scratches my head when people say that the season is moving too slowly or that they're not answering enough questions. This isn't Scooby Doo, where they have to answer all the questions by the end of the hour. It's a serial show that's built to give some answers but to follow each answer with more questions. Getting all the answers right away would be like reading the last chapter in a 'who-done-it?' book and skipping all the fun parts.

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Guest SavageRulz

I've suspected that this whole thing was an experiment from about day two.


All they had to do was mention BF Skinner when they first found the video tape and I pretty much knew.

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this episode just convinced me the writers are just making shit up as they go along. the whole hatch numbers thing exists soley to eat up a year of airtime and milk high ratings. and hey look, it's almost the end of the season, and we're getting back to the point where "there's something else possibly supernatural going on", except now we think it's UNDER the psychology expirement. the whole thing is TIME-WASTING filler. Why do you think there's no real hint of Dharma or computers or any of that shit in season 1? All the "revelations" of this season are all DHARMA revelations.


If it bugs you that much, then go watch Desperate Housewives or something.

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this episode just convinced me the writers are just making shit up as they go along. the whole hatch numbers thing exists soley to eat up a year of airtime and milk high ratings. and hey look, it's almost the end of the season, and we're getting back to the point where "there's something else possibly supernatural going on", except now we think it's UNDER the psychology expirement. the whole thing is TIME-WASTING filler. Why do you think there's no real hint of Dharma or computers or any of that shit in season 1? All the "revelations" of this season are all DHARMA revelations.


If it bugs you that much, then go watch Desperate Housewives or something.


That show, at least the first season was worse with not answering questions, just adding them and waiting for the season finale to answer everything. I catch it whenever Family Guy is a repeat, but still can't get into it.


Another great episode.

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I love how people are so quick to jump on the "It's all a psych experiment" bandwagon. Yes, I'm aware of what Dr. Wickman/Candle said but haven't people stopped and considered that the true psych experiment is going on in The Pearl?

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The Hanso Foundation commercial was sponsored by Sprite. Is it the soft drink company or is it...


S: wan

P: earl

R: ?

I: ?

T: ?

E: ?

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Yeah but we don't know the official name, do we?


The video posted w/ the chick a while back was obviously a fake and we've only seen two "Orientation" videos.


Just a thought.

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